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Please help Mini split will not blow cool air



your compressor will not start at all if your pressures are not equalized or less than 50 psi difference.

since u have no guages we can try a few things...

hmmmm how many amps is the compressor pulling?? clip on an amp meter to one of the compressor wires as it tries to start. you should have 3 wires,,,common, start and run. try either common or start.

can u pull the capacitor out and test how may nF its testing?? make sure to blow power to the unit before pulling the cap. some units will have 2 capacitors, one for the fan and one for the compressor. we want to test the compressor one.

normally if your compressor is siezed the compressor will try to start drawing more amps until the breaker pops. u may have a broken winding internally, or something is preventing it from starting.

Unless there is a physical block i the line, ie. carbon buildup, sludge blocking the nozzle you will not equalize and ur compressor cannot turn over.

it sounds like either your capacitor is bad, or you have fried your compressor. ductless splts or mini splits are very picky!!! much more so than a normal air to air split. so many trades people are complete tools, so maybe your guy is just a goof...any tech will test and run a unit after installing it to check pressures and superheat and supercool to see if your unit is properly charged and working... did your HVAC guy braze while running nitrogren through your lineset to prevent carbon buildup?

either which way u still should be covered under warranty.


I will have a set of gauges in the morning, I bet its that it is overcharged. The line set "paper" that is for my unit and says its factory charged with r22 and should be sufficient for 25ft. I have 12ft at the most.Rain the guy may be a goof but its somewhat my falt as well that I did not want him snooping around inside where my gear/boxes/clones and so on was. So all in all.Per my paper,,, the single brass valve should be 70-75 PSIG on the gauge??? and if so I can go on to the next step to find the problem.. I will run get a amp meter. I could use one in the tool box anyway.Not sure on trusting myself on pulling the compacitor out.This thing has worried the fuck out of me since before my post. I may just call another guy over after I move everything out of the room.The more I think about it,Their is going to me more shit in their later (March/April) then now.


If you lived in MI I would come over and help.... Red rain is on the right track but you need some tools and a extractor if you have to much PSI.... Remember R-22 is the bee's knees but its so bad for the ozone.... Oh dont do it if you dont have any idea , please be very safe!!!

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
red reign nailed it.

i was gonna say clogged lineset or shot Cap.

without that cap, the compressor won't be able to fire because of the inrush of current when the comp tried to fire


EVl/Red I just had the Mrs kick the indoor unit temp down 2degrees less then the room and I was outside. The fan kicked on outside and I can here click then a hum for about 3 seconds like its trying to do something and then kinda lets go if you will, then tries it again over and over..

I do this stuff for a living. if your in my neck of the woods then pm me and i can come look at it. I look at grow room heat and air systems all the time, I also install them. Your privacy is absolutely guaranteed.Two things though;

1. If it's 28 degrees out the thing will never cool unless you put a control on it to cycle the condenser fan off and on.

2. If you hear humming from the outside unit then the system is cycling on the compressors internal cutoff. This is usually caused (in no particular order) by low/no refrigerant, faulty capacitor, loose wiring, faulty compressor (shorted to ground). My guess from what you said is no refrigerant or a bad cap.


Thanks everyone.I will post back what I find out..Med-Jack one state south bro.I got beer a playoff team and great resturants in town.(wink)


Got a cool HVAC guy and he has come to find the compressor is bad.He hooked up his gagues and tried to bypass and do a "Hard Start" and it never kicked on and blew the 20amp breaker.Thats pretty shity, It was broken when shipped I guess because it has never kicked on.Now I need to find a compressor or a new unit if too much or gonna be close to a wash.If anybody could help me find one at a good price my "GE"outdoor unit M# = AS0CD12AA0G1 the compressor M# = QK182CN22B. Also GE Part number AP2054170 - Compressor

Thanks for all your help.


lol wow that guy sounds like a tool...you should never by pass all the safties and try a hard start...they are not allowing the compressor to start for a reason....

he could of simply measured the resistance/ohms ( i forget which one and dont have my multimeter with me) across R-C, C-S, and R-S to see whats up with the compressor. there could be a restriction in the lines that is not allowing the refrigerant to equalize and tripping the breaker...but either or it sounds like u need a new unit

contact the manufacturer and get a new unit, it should be under warranty

these mini splits are picky as hell,

,,,get an acidity check done of your refrigeant and ensure the tech flushes the lines of the old oil....install line drier.....u can check acidity with a cheap test kit that u blow a lil liquid refrigerant over, if the capsul turn s red, u need a neutralizer to stabliize the PH of the old oil, or flush that shit and go to town......make sure he purges nitrogen when brazing!!!!


He may be a tool Red,A friend of a family member type shit, Has his own bussiness for 20 years and seems like he knows whats going on with it,more then me for sure. I will relay the info you gave, that this is what I want done when he comes back.

Thanks for helping bud


sorry i didnt mean to offend...i can be quite harsh!! even on myself!!!

but manually pressing in a contactor should be the very last thing u ever do....

get a new unit from the manufacturer....esp since u had a pro install it....



Na man,I did not get offended. I really do appreciate and respect your input.I will ring up GE on Monday and see what they say but the unit sit in my garage for a couple years covered up so I am not sure how the warranty works on that.

Thanks again

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