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Advice On Protecting My Genetics


LMAO @ "Location: oaksterdam" At least you've got a sense of humor about the whole episode :yes:

Keep a handle on your parent stock, and follow Mr. Blue's advice if it's a question of making sure you're the one making money off your next creation. Blow it up for a while, cash in, then release the thing to the hungry masses when you've had you fill.

Tom Hill

Active member
Just knock the shit out of us with something spectacular. You do that, and your job is secure.


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ICMag Donor
Mr. Blue( i didn't mean to forget you bro ) hehehe sorry- and Mr.Tom Hill Thanks. I know you guys have been doin this for awhile now with lots of experiences. I am listening to all voices who talk with sincerity and appreciate the talk here. The

People want to grow and smoke the best... and I do aim to get my things out there with seeds and clones for other growers.... I actually like people liking something I am doing here...hell i certainly dont get paid decent money like I used to

....but I see a definite challenge coming from big business in the near future. They are armed and they will be dangerous- They know all the tricks too.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
The only reason to patent your creation would be protection against other commercial enterprises doing the same thing.

In the end, patenting plants is a bit iffy legally, most patented plants (see monsanto) have immunities, for example roundup resistance, or the ability to grow in high aluminum content soils, and are often sterile (by choice mind you). These immunities or changes are usually due to genetic modification, and monsanto is patenting the genetic changes it made, not the plant itself (IANAL, so I may be a bit off here).

People can get trademarks for plant varieties, and also what Chimera mentioned, but they're usually true breeding plants, with very consistent offspring. Think big beef tomatoes, or some of the many readily identifiable varieties of plants or trees (or even roses, etc)..

Personally, I'd skip that crap, invest your time in breeding better plants, the patent game is for corporations and lawyers.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Just knock the shit out of us with something spectacular. You do that, and your job is secure.

certainly a great cross is going to prove herself in the growing community very fast & appreciated . If one is that set-up & has the passion to do some breeding & smartly working with some good genetics they will just have to stand the challenge by coming up with not one, but a series of unique winners which is not all that easy to do & takes yrs to do .

Just what i was going to say ...only as good as your last movie & current one , come up with several things good & peeps will honor u with their patronage soon enough for good selection & breeding . Everyone should try it & not easy to do ...then get your gear out there for people to try & again a whole lot of work taking yrs of perseverance & recognition .

Protecting ur work , hell any clothing designer who watches his last model walk off the runway is going to see his designs being copied over in Hong Kong 8hrs later across the world ..jewelry too. Just come up with something really good & keep doing it , thats the way to go .


I share all my genetics cause cannaculture should not be a money making venture suited best for drug dealers and organized crime now im not saying breeders shouldn't be recongnized and payed for the time and efforts i just think its the wrong kind of buisness to try to hoard your findings were would we be if franklin hoarded electricity

Trinity Gold


You keep getting fucked over for the strains you make because of the people you associate with..Did you forget that idiot FattyHaze you gave your shit to?

Here is how you do it bro, STOP GIVING YOUR SHIT OUT!
Just knock the shit out of us with something spectacular. You do that, and your job is secure.
exactly. Make sure you have the best quality and you will be fine. Resukts speak for themselves. Ifyour offering a good product at a fair price people will come to you for your gear. Don't bullshit people, tell it like it is because so many seed brands are full of shit and the descriptions are hyped up and not at all accurate or have any stability. If your prices are fair I think people will get your gear through you but if your prices are too high compared to the amount of work you actually do, people might find alternative means of aquiring your work. When it comes to clones, it makes it very hard to stop someone from selling them afterall they did the work growing it nd cloning it I wouldn't ever give my clones out if I wanted to protect my work, let them grow it from seed and find "their own" phenos if they are gonna resell your gear anyways and than they could never duplicate your work entirely. Also, always think ahead if they are knocking off your gear jokes on them if you can come out with the next big thing while they are still on the old shit.

I got some of your seeds I am very eager to try out. If I like what I get you can expect another customer nd tht's what it boils down to, quality.


Active member
glad to see my gear getting propped up!
I see that bro,you do all the work someone changes a name claims its theres and now wants to put a patent on it damn couldn't think up a story like this one. PWF just keep on keepin on your plants will keep talkin for themselves even tho they might change the name on them,lol...ndn


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ICMag Donor
PWF ! The only thing you and I have in common is that Chem 91... I don't doubt you are working with some fire LOL you seem to be lost hahahaha...maybe take a break and do a little "reading".

The 91 is an excellent parent and will provide patients with excellent medicine with just about anything that hits it. I hit mine with a Afghan Haze and a Mango Haze. Loompa's work is in a Chem 91 x Old Time Moonshine and is stellar. Seems like all the hard work was already done using such a champion.
Hey ndnguy ! I was thinking of dropping some of your beans, LOL.. just received a care pack with some.


So there will be medical strains utilizing "the Cut" out there soon. BTW, that Grape Stomper BX and other fine medical seeds using the mother, "Grape Stomper" has gone public and probably at Harborside in packs of 10. I am still working with many variations and probably will for the next 15 years

how much do thy sell your seeds for at harbor side? i didnt see them last time i was there i might have to go back to check it out just to say i was there if your seeds end up costing hundreds for the ten pack later

i just picked up some clones from harborside my santa cruz kush had some white powdery mold but the durban 12 and the purple ak-47 look good


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ICMag Donor
I will be making sure they are stocked and I have new gear coming in soon as well. Keeping prices real, too.


seems if you want to share your genetics you will, if thats your personality.

If you want to keep it secure I think the best way is to keep it to yourself or in a special circle.

I agree with Tomhill the most. Make something really good and it will speak for itself, anybody can talk and talk but to have a nice amount of great genetics you know are THE TOP NOTCH in your opinion, well that speaks for itself

Plus there are so many really nice variety out there if someone is hoarding something you want, there should be something similiar or just as good around somewhere for you to find and call your own!

i feel like thats the real goal is to find somehitng really unique that fits the growers wants and needs, and stick with that, market it as your stuff, and if it is a hit, people will always want some.

imagine if certain strains were kept more close knit, the demand for those would be way higher. Like for instance if some cat walks in and throws down some stuff called i dont know "purple lambsbread" and its the best stuff people have seen in a minute, they are gonna want him to come back, now if he/she is a good marketer, they will not flood the market with tons of "Purple lambsbread " but will instead let it create a buzz around town and that way demand goes up and you just run your cycles with buyers waiting b/c they know its what the poeple want. Then a couple runs in, you put her away for a while and break out some other magnificent one of a kind thing you found and run her the same way, then when you bust out the purple lamsbread again in a year or so, people will be like, "ooooh i havent see this in a year, im so glad its back", instead of what we hear now adays with lots of stuff- "ooohhh i havent seen a good batch of this in weeks" lol

just my 2 cents on a wake and bake trainwrecked morning


special circles are for alcoholics and college frat girls people who research the benefits of plant genetics generally do it to beter these plants for the entire human race why should pot be different and seriously people are always gonna try to steal peoples work look at anjrn and shantibaba/neville stealing work is nothing new and if a huge company like greenhouse seeds can do it anyone can

Ive grown your Grape Stomper for a couple cycles now and my hats off to you bro.Its an incredicble strain that I feel is definetly the most resinous plant in my garden right now.I realy like the growth structure and the realy nice smell.Thank you for this medicine man its going to be with me forever.I know this isnt realy the place but I would love to get some tips on her if you felt up to it.I do her all organic in soiless mix with fantastic results.Smells like friuty insence when burnt and when I let her go 9 weeks she is realy,realy strong.Well thanks again Keyplay.


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ICMag Donor
Ive grown your Grape Stomper for a couple cycles now and my hats off to you bro.Its an incredicble strain that I feel is definetly the most resinous plant in my garden right now.I realy like the growth structure and the realy nice smell.Thank you for this medicine man its going to be with me forever.I know this isnt realy the place but I would love to get some tips on her if you felt up to it.I do her all organic in soiless mix with fantastic results.Smells like friuty insence when burnt and when I let her go 9 weeks she is realy,realy strong.Well thanks again Keyplay.

Thanks for the compliment. Its real nice to hear something positive today-Happy New Year!

Okay buddy, here is your grow tip of the year. 2 plants in one 5 or 7 gallon bucket You heard correctly. These plants will compliment each other and you with 150 gram plus per bucket in the same light space. veg until they are 30" tall and let em loose

Also, super crop. this plant can be bent big time and there will be more bigger thicker knobs and flowers. Put cages around them because when the buds get heavy at week 8. those stems are going to fall. Foliar up to week 5 with light bloom, molaasses, guanos, or whatever.. just light....watch her close...she can take a lot of nutes if you apply them right...she likes to breathe once in a while too and your flower mass will be huge if you get oxygen to the roots....good luck