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Human Feces?

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headband 707

Plant whisperer
What a load of superstitious nonsense spouted from users 707 and Montana.

Obviously care needs to be taken, obviously thought has to be applied.

We pour our shit into our drinking water - we - the western nations - are filthy dirty fuckers. Composting is far more natural than high e-coli counts in rivers streams beaches estuaries lagoons oceans etc. Toxic algae blooms from pollutant enriched waters, can't eat the seafood seasons...

Westerners should grow up, get their head out of their ass, and start looking at solutions to the shithouse mess they created. This thread is moving in the right direction.

Ignorance is default.

Yeah real "SUPERSTITIOUS" nonsence LOL LOL>> Your really telling this guy to use human shit LOL ..Now I know your a tool...
Bra you use it in your grow and perhaps you could even cook it for the extra little stank LOL ..
Again let me say "NO ,NO, NO"!!!!! this tool is wrong..


Human feces can contain disease organisms that will make people very sick. Composting human feces safely requires that the compost pile reach high (thermophilic) temperatures over a period of time. It isn't necessarily that difficult to reach these temperatures in a home compost pile, but the potential health costs of improper composting are high. Composting of human feces should not be attempted, except by experienced 'hot pile' composters who are well informed of the temperatures and times required to kill pathogens, and who are willing to take 100% responsibility for the process and product. If you would like to learn more about composting humanure, I recommend The Humanure Handbook, listed in the resources section of the Rot Web.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
lets not let shit hit the fan here.....

to keep the thread on track, what about humanure biochar? diseases or pathogens will surely be eliminated.


Active member
Wasn't it shut down because people were like, "EWW! GROSS! LOL!"?

And from my perspective, that thread could have imparted some valuable information. I know a couple of non-cannabis farmers that have composted farm animals as large as like horses.

A pile of cowshit will decompose a cow in one season,last year the barn cleaner died in the spring so we just piled,bull calf died of hardware poisoning and got pushed onto pile,by October that calf was down to a couple clean bones!!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
lets not let shit hit the fan here.....

to keep the thread on track, what about humanure biochar? diseases or pathogens will surely be eliminated.

Yeah I have seen that and I'm not sure if they recommend you plant your garden and EAT the veg after you leave your shit in the ground.. I'm assuming they are just saying you can put your waste in the ground and the ground will deal with it. Lets face it they do this around the world but that doesn't make it safe or sanitary. As far as ground water there is many ,many toxins in ground water but our feces isn't one of them. That is taken through other pipes and blown out to sea or treated in a treatment plant.Check it out for yourself don't take my word for anything .. LOL..

I have already seen the sewage pipes out at sea and the fish it the shit and we eat the fish lol.. yummy.... lol
peace out Headband707:dance013:



wrong, that would be me saying not to grow under a ladder or when it's 13 o clock because a witch might heebey geebeey your grow and oogey boogey your plants to death.

Human feces in your indoor garden is straight up a @#$%$ retarded idea......this is not by "belief" or opinion, this is common sense....especially considering there are soo many good methods in the world today for feeding plants, I mean take a look around at all the methods for growing on this site alone........organic or chemy bla bla bla tried and true tested methods for feeding plants in whatever way you want with great results not involving human poop.

you wanna be a trailblazer or pioneer on human poop cannabis you go right ahead........don't come crying to me when your room and plants get all messed up with cracked out diseases.


People have alot of misconceptions brought by the internet. For instance everyone wants to be organic because its soo natural. Look at what is actually organic to see what you are putting in your garden. Cow poop, horse poop, bat poop, chicken and poultry poop are all gross but considered organic. Chemical this and that is super dirty because of the word chemical right? Chemical is not natural but processed mechanically so organic is soo much better?

Please keep posting supporters and haters as long as we have some data and not just fluff.

Vegetarians... you are invited over my house for food and to use the garden as your restroom.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
Yeah I have seen that and I'm not sure if they recommend you plant your garden and EAT the veg after you leave your shit in the ground.

i would feel perfectly safe adding humanure biochar to the soil for food crops, its just carbon after all. any living things would be killed in the pyrolysis process 100%.


Active member
Good compost is good compost!!Dont forget the prettiest flowers grow by the out house for a reason!!Composted humanure smells and looks just like the best black dirt ya can dig ya hands in!!Anyone who dont get it is straight up ignorant:tiphat:

Guest 168361

i thought that human and carnivorous fecal matter isn't as good as vegetarian shit because of the digestive enzymes in carnivorous creatures stomachs...


Active member


you guys are silly, it doesn't make me ignorant because I disagree, it doesn't mean "i don't get it" because I disagree, I get it, and I understand the biology behind it, just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean it's a good idea.

you can also compost and grow plants with dead bodies, but it doesn't make it a good idea.

shit makes wonderful fertilizer, but your missing the point of me disagreeing, this is not 1910, humans ingest some of the worst possible chemicals and metals ever synthesized by humans in this modern age.


Active member
Human feces in your indoor garden is straight up a @#$%$ retarded idea......this is not by "belief" or opinion, this is common sense....especially considering there are soo many good methods in the world today for feeding plants, I mean take a look around at all the methods for growing on this site alone........organic or chemy bla bla bla tried and true tested methods for feeding plants in whatever way you want with great results not involving human poop.

THIS makes you ignorant!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I will not use Human Shit to grow my bud. Its a personal choice. I thought all manure that is used in cultivation is from animals that are not carnivorous. I dont mind Bugs that are eaten by the bat's,chickens or cows. Like I said it's a personal choice and I dont think my buds would be better by using human crap as a nutrient. Those that want to use it more power to ya but please let other users know what you used to grow it with. I want the knowledge and make my choice whether I smoke bud grown in human crap.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
It's not grown in human crap, just like bud isn't "grown" in any other crap. It's grown in compost, and when it's compost, it's no longer what it was before, just like crap really isn't that close to what it was before you put it into your digestive system.


New member
absolutely disgusting, humanure is an idea from India, where most people are vegetarians, manure for plants does NOT come from carnivores.....poop from plant eating farm animals is the bomb anyway, this is almost as dumb as "vegan" plant food.......who comes up with these retarded ideas? farm animal poop IS vegan because they don't eat meat.....

Feeding yourself and your plants based on political ideologies of this "modern" society is a really bad idea....... :pirate::snap out of it:

Any compost from manure used for plant life should always be from NON meat eating sources.
I've been in the landscaping business for 30+ years and this is considered common knowledge in the field.


Active member
Any compost from manure used for plant life should always be from NON meat eating sources.
I've been in the landscaping business for 30+ years and this is considered common knowledge in the field.
Bullshit!!For so many so called experts the ignorance is amazing.COMPOST IS COMPOST....period.Im starting to think only a couple people on this board even kno what compost is and I dont have the drive to even try and help ya's!!My family farm has been makin milk for over 150 yrs now,what would we know about shit!!

mad librettist

Active member
Bullshit!!For so many so called experts the ignorance is amazing.COMPOST IS COMPOST....period.Im starting to think only a couple people on this board even kno what compost is and I dont have the drive to even try and help ya's!!My family farm has been makin milk for over 150 yrs now,what would we know about shit!!

Rojo, that's a bit ignorant.

Heard of prions? Is your family quietly burying mad cows like other farmers are? Guess which organisms in a compost pile break down prions?

The answer is none of them do. Even herbivores get sick from prions if they are forced to graze the same place repeatedly. They take a very long time to break down. Meat eaters have even more prions in their poop.

There is a natural aversion to human poop in your DNA, stick with that. Use humanure in places where you can bury it deep, or on tall plants that won't get splashed by rain bouncing off the ground. Give the area a couple decades before growing low-lying food in it (a fruit tree would be fine).

Growing in containers with humanure carries risks because of the close contact, but I will agree that weed grown indoors in responsibly humanure fed soil is probably safe to smoke. However I would worry about eating anything grown that way. I would also avoid humanure outdoors unless well buried to avoid splashing rain. Since I don't like to dig though...

Bottom line - you can keep your poo out of the waste stream, and that is great, but if your primary purpose is efficiently feeding your plants, there are better inputs out there, easier and safer to handle.

There is no sophie's choice to be made here. You can keep poo out of the waste stream without putting it in your containers.
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