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Active member
I certainly didn't do such a thing.

Stopped it months ago when you killed my forum. :)

Anti, the religion forum is secretly meeting in the "munchie mansion" thread !! this pic was deleted in the house cleaning but i restored it to its former glory !!



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
It is interesting to me that most of the people who rant about Christmas being depressing and a faith-based boondoggle for the masses have a difficult time seeing why they are depressed during this time. Suppose there might be a correlation here? Also, who cares when Jesus was actually born? Most of the holidays on the calendar have been moved around for the benefit of 3-day weekends, and if there is one thing this pitiful planet could use at this point, it is more good will toward men! Merry Christmas, everyone!


Active member
? how -ell can anyone hate the christmas ?
About gift and so on-it,s up to YOUR self-how much you wanna spend..
It,s not about gift,but be toghether with familys or friends and have a great day together..
It,s so easy to hate-and about jesus-you can still have a great date-without thinking on him-if you want..still a another reason to beeing toghether with fam or friends.If you want..about light,s-how many have theres PC,es and lots more running for nothing sometimes..or the television or ?
Jesus lives-Im here....loOk at all those brightshinning lights and see the children who,s just happy for the Snow and so on....can,t see-how you or some-can hate the christmas...
Dislike it myself-in someway-but because i dont have kids-without beeing a gay..just smoked to much Ganja and forget how i should do-to get those Ugly kids.but difficult to beeing without..and the smells of people who,s baking all sorts of cakes and so on..
it,s Enjoying-hyggeligt...Bud you can love it or hate it,S-true-but what can you use hate to ? only for hating..

Just my view on that..and if there is some goodlooking woman out there-there wanna have kids-plealse PM me-i have now learn how to do-true..Im Ugly But kindly-dont hitting and so on...
Good Christmas or HATE iT..

It,s Easy to hate-can be difficult to be happy-true-but why choice the "easy" way always ? you learn more to fight with your self-than just do-than you used to do-true..
or see the Movie-the Big blue..it,s an pretty movie..
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ICMag Donor
Christmas is about the kids, family and friends. If you believe in the religious part of it, more power to you. I don't see it as a bad thing. It's someone's own business.

If you don't believe in it, more power to you. It's someones own business.

I think people like to bitch about someone elses business. Go buy some needy person a present and make them smile for a bit. That's what Christmas is about.....

Panama Red

Active member
Ease up brown-eye, oops, I mean OjoRojo.

I'm a recovering catholic so I have every right to dis this psycho-pseudo-religion.

Turn the other cheek as your savior would tell you, or spread them, whatever you prefer. (wink, wink).

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I heard the grinch theme song on the radio today and all I could think of was all the bitter Christmas grinches and ebineezer scrooges in this thread!!!!

"Mr. Grinch"

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
You really are a heel.
You're as cuddly as a cactus,
You're as charming as an eel.
Mr. Grinch.

You're a bad banana
With a greasy black peel.

You're a monster, Mr. Grinch.
Your heart's an empty hole.
Your brain is full of spiders,
You've got garlic in your soul.
Mr. Grinch.

I wouldn't touch you, with a
thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch.
You have termites in your smile.
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile.
Mr. Grinch.

Given the choice between the two of you
I'd take the seasick crockodile.

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
You're a nasty, wasty skunk.
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
Your soul is full of gunk.
Mr. Grinch.

The three words that best describe you, are as follows, and I quote:

Stink, stank, stunk.

You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch.
You're the king of sinful sots.
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched
With moldy purple spots,
Mr. Grinch.

Your soul is an apalling dump heap overflowing
with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable
rubbish imaginable,
Mangled up in tangled up knots.

You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch.
With a nauseaus super-naus.
You're a crooked jerky jockey
And you drive a crooked hoss.
Mr. Grinch.

You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich
With arsenic sauce!
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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Ok i read some of the BULLSHIT!! hold on let me take my boots off first.. Now! for those that are non religious why the fuck do you care when jesus was born? If your a jesus hater it shouldnt even mater right? .. And for the people that say all xmas is is about spending and filling the stores pockets how the fuck are you typing the bullshit your typing? :chin: i know you didnt go into your growroom and find a fucking computer next to those lights that you bought with money that went to a store.. People act like christmas is a ploy to get your money well money is spent whether its xmas or not no? or yea? I wont get into religion cos im not educated in that part so i wont spew bullshit.. if you dont want to spend on people just say.. xmas really shows where peoples hearts are and its usually on about themselves.. I also read where people say we instead of spending on gifts help humanity.. REALLY?? what are you really doing to help humanity? are you working in a homeless shelter? are you going to all traffic lights and giving the panhandlers money? are you picking up homeless people and taking them to your home and letting them bathe and feeding them? Are you donating money to homeless shelters? i could go on? and of course im sure someone will say they are doing all that.. Then i will say you my friend are JESUS!!! LMFAO!!! get over it its just a fucking holiday that has religioun envolvled.. Its like the old saying you dont like what is on the tv turn it off or change the channel... ohh a tv you paid for to a store... lmfao!! also this is my rant so no need to sit and hit me up with your neg reps and that shit.. i didnt hit you up.. peace n pufs and MERRY FUCKING CHRISTmas... LOL~~~@@@

btw i like christmas its about my son.. we dont sit around and sing cumbaya...



Active member
I'm a recovering catholic so I have every right to dis this psycho-pseudo-religion.

You or your,s connecting Christmas to an religion-your choice-but going to hate those for what ? and calling it psyco-pseduo and so on-just for have a good day or more together with kind people ?
What about canna evt and those religion ? goes it hands in hands..things dosent means to has an connection to an religion for doing something-also an name like-traditions has an space here in year 2011 there many of us-dosent follow any religion in the dayli life..

More important to beeing with fam and friends-but yes-it,s an tread for hating true.
and talking "down" just shake my head--and happy-im not an part of those religion in any way..because im borned in an Christian religion-it dosen,t meaning-i has to follow those and no ones,says bad of me of that reason-it,s about what are in you as an person-not what you belive on..why we have big prob in the world..
we are also in year 2011 ? just shaked..

but dont thinking bad about of you at that reason-more "your,s" can thinking bad of us-at so litttle reason..but fair enough..And have a good day to.
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Ok i read some of the BULLSHIT!! hold on let me take my boots off first.. Now! for those that are non religious why the fuck do you care when jesus was born? If your a jesus hater it shouldnt even mater right? .. And for the people that say all xmas is is about spending and filling the stores pockets how the fuck are you typing the bullshit your typing? :chin: i know you didnt go into your growroom and find a fucking computer next to those lights that you bought with money that went to a store.. People act like christmas is a ploy to get your money well money is spent whether its xmas or not no? or yea? I wont get into religion cos im not educated in that part so i wont spew bullshit.. if you dont want to spend on people just say.. xmas really shows where peoples hearts are and its usually on about themselves.. I also read where people say we instead of spending on gifts help humanity.. REALLY?? what are you really doing to help humanity? are you working in a homeless shelter? are you going to all traffic lights and giving the panhandlers money? are you picking up homeless people and taking them to your home and letting them bathe and feeding them? Are you donating money to homeless shelters? i could go on? and of course im sure someone will say they are doing all that.. Then i will say you my friend are JESUS!!! LMFAO!!! get over it its just a fucking holiday that has religioun envolvled.. Its like the old saying you dont like what is on the tv turn it off or change the channel... ohh a tv you paid for to a store... lmfao!! also this is my rant so no need to sit and hit me up with your neg reps and that shit.. i didnt hit you up.. peace n pufs and MERRY FUCKING CHRISTmas... LOL~~~@@@

btw i like christmas its about my son.. we dont sit around and sing cumbaya...



I love christmas and I don't even believe in god. Sure there are people out there who can't afford gifts but that's everyday and all the more reason to not take what you have for granted. Buying a gift or lighting your house with lights isnt the cause for people starving and if everybody stopped doing it it wouldn't change anything so just enjoy the season, or don't IDC. :party:

Panama Red

Active member
I ran it through Google translate.

It's Scandinavian for "Panama Red's an asshole"

My ol' lady can convey that with a look, doesn't need a keyboard or anything.......


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Christmas kinda bums me out. Reminds me how different I am from the rest of my family by forcing us to awkwardly spend time together. Conservative Christian Republicans. We don't see eye to eye.

I love the beautiful things about christmas from when I was a kid. I don't know that I will perpetuate the santa lie if I ever have any children of my own.

Pissed me off to find out Santa was my mom having to work harder to get me the impossible presents I asked for (because I knew my mom couldn't afford them) from Magic Fantasy Man.

Merry Christmas anyway.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Winter Solstice is today, the shortest day in the northern hemispheres...a turning point that lasts only a moment in time , now begins the first day of winter .

Marks the beginning of the return of the Sun , the days getting longer & nights getting shorter ...the symbolic victory of the returning light over darkness.

Lotta cold empty space out there , might as well light one up
& try to make it a warmer space ....

Solstice peeps , think of something to do with "light" , warmth
& the promise of spring ....eat a fig !

Earthrise @ Xmas


* I too would love to believe that if Jesus lived & died on the cross ,
he surely at least once got --->laid !!

god bless us everyone & u too Charles Dickens!


i only like christmas if we get a day off , this year we dont

so fuck baby jesus

What do you mean you dont get a day off?
You can tell your boss I said they are a miserable sod.

Hate Christmas but love the free time spent with my loved ones, getting drunk and having a good time, log fires and the secret knock on the pub door on Christmas day.


Feeling good is good enough.
Ease up brown-eye, oops, I mean OjoRojo.

I'm a recovering catholic so I have every right to dis this psycho-pseudo-religion.

Turn the other cheek as your savior would tell you, or spread them, whatever you prefer. (wink, wink).

So, that's the malfunction... thanks for making things clear.

Wish you the best with your recovery; you've got a long way to go.

About my cheeks...

Well, pucker up boy :moon: !

That's what I prefer.
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