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And Its A Wonderful Life!!Happy Holdidays BHT,you hit it on the head!!Fuck these ebineezers,its Happy Time!!!!:thank you:

Lets not forget about Charlie and the chocolate factory...
oompa lumpa doopedy do, trim those buds or I will beat you
oompa lumpa doopedy dee bubble that trim and make fine hash for me :)

Yep I wish I had lil orange slaves to do the work for me just like Wonka.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Christmas is what YOU make of it. This year, I had a baby boy....so for me, it's not a decoration or money spending game anymore. I have a family and we'll be here with our son and a couple of meaningful gifts. That's all we need. Poopy is agnostic, I'm gnostic...there will be no religious crap involved....just us.


Christmas is about family, about spending time with the people that you love, and it's about appreciation of each other. It's not about gifts or Hallmark moments and you don't have to be religious to celebrate love.


Cautiously Optimistic
This holiday wasn't created to "compete" with the pagan winter solstice. It was created for the pagans who they were converting to Christianity/Catholicism. Celebrating birthdays, in general, is a pagan tradition. It's so embedded in our watered-down culture that we don't even realize it.

Panama Red

Active member
I've got some bad news.......




Overkill is under-rated.
Contrary to popular belief, Christ wasn't born on December 25.

Christmas was a way for Christians to take over a pagan holiday (Winter Solstice) and in the last century, became about giving gifts more than anything.

Bah, humbug!


Feeling good is good enough.
Contrary to popular belief, Christ wasn't born on December 25.

Christmas was a way for Christians to take over a pagan holiday (Winter Solstice) and in the last century, became about giving gifts more than anything.

Bah, humbug!

Yes indeed!

During the Roman Empire the date was known as:

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

(the birthday of the unconquered sun)

This particular date and time of year has always been celebrated by humans from many different civilizations and religions.

Besides, all the festivities make harsh winters less brutal.

So if you can, try to enjoy it along loved ones for whatever reason.

Selfless love is the very best gift we can provide!


Chat Mod
My father had his doctorate in theology as well as being a Lutheran pastor for 35 years, and I was told the year after I learned there was no santa claus, the man known as Jesus of Nazareth more than likely was born sometime in August as the historical record of that particular census took place in what would now be August. Also as has been pointed out to me by some of my Jewish friends who have actually lived in that region, no way in hell would shepherds be out tending their flocks in the hills as it would have been entirely too cold for them. Yes it was moved to compete with the Pagan celebrations of solstice which was the death of the old year and birth of the new. Martin Luther originated the X-mas tree, trees are also symbolic in Paganism, so yet another link. In modern times x-mas has become a consumeristic orgy of materialism, its the fucking bellweather for the economy afterall. Its a major excuse for cities to waste inordinate amounts of money hanging special lights or putting up ginormous trees when they could be spending that money on the less fortunate, or even on funding the schools. I laugh as I drive through the subdivisions and see the people who insist on going whole hog with their xmas decore filliing their yards with all kinds of lighted displays, they have to be pulling more juice than my grow room in some cases. Honestly to me xmas is a lonely and depressing time as my family has dwindled away, but it also means 6 days til the Furthur shows in San Francisco! To me xmas cheer is bullshit, we should be good to our family and friends and all humanity every other day of the year as well. but hey thats just me. In closing I would like to say all that Ebeneezer Scrooge really needed was good sleep therapist and a large jar if bubba kush.

peace -fb

p.s. to the guy without the sense if humor about the Jesus is coming open up, maybe if youre extra good Santa Claus will bring you a sense of humor this year. IT WAS JUST A JOKE! as to the original poster of the pic, thanks for a great laugh.


Cautiously Optimistic
The Christmas holiday was not meant to "compete" but rather to "replace." It was a tool used to make Catholicism/Christianity more "palatable" to the pagans they were attempting to convert.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
What is your point or malfunction ?

Because only a cocksucker would find that amusing...

I thought it was funny, too. I've never sucked a cock.

The fact that you are not Christian doesn't give you any right to disrespect other member's faith.

Everybody has the right to disrespect everybody's faith. If your faith can't take a few jokes, it's probably not worth your time.

If jesus exists, I bet he has a sense of humor.




Sorcerer's Apprentice
No one should have to be disrespected, for any reason.

We weren't talking about a person being disrespected. We're talking about a person's FAITH being disrespected.

Someone posting a joke in a forum is not disrespect. People have the CHOICE to read what is posted. They also have the CHOICE to get offended instead of shrugging it off. Generally, getting offended is the FAULT of the person getting offended.

If nobody walks up and slaps the joint out of your mouth, grin, bear it, live and let live.


Feeling good is good enough.
I do have a sense of humor but try to retain good taste.

Shock value does not equal comic success.

But hey, birds of the same feather laugh at some "jokes" together... that I completely understand.

All this makes me want to watch:

Bad Santa
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~Resident Puck Bunny~
I stand by my words. Disrespect the religion all you like but please do not disrespect me for simply believing in something others may not.

I'd also stop the religion talk, heads up ;)

Whodair....get a sense of humour and drop it. Yes, I love hockey. Yes, I have a crush on a few players. big frickin deal. Ya know how other girls like men in uniforms. firefighters etc? I like hockey jerseys. So what? Get over it lmao. It's a joke..


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I stand by my words. Disrespect the religion all you like but please do not disrespect me for simply believing in something others may not.

I certainly didn't do such a thing.

I merely pointed out that I found the "Jesus is coming" mildly amusing. (And that I don't suck cocks.)

I'd also stop the religion talk, heads up ;)

Stopped it months ago when you killed my forum. :)


Active member
I stand by my words. Disrespect the religion all you like but please do not disrespect me for simply believing in something others may not.

I'd also stop the religion talk, heads up ;)

Whodair....get a sense of humour and drop it. Yes, I love hockey. Yes, I have a crush on a few players. big frickin deal. Ya know how other girls like men in uniforms. firefighters etc? I like hockey jerseys. So what? Get over it lmao. It's a joke..

i like pics of girls in shorts and bikinis, but someone deleted my albums ... im over it !!


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Thought it was Gypsy's forums...and I don't have the ability to add or delete forums. ;)

Are you really over it cause this is the 2nd thread you've come at me in threads about a silly joking title...just want to make sure you understand I'm not trying to insult anything. It's in fun. I also love to clean and keep house. Does that offend you or am I allowed to be a bit old fashioned too? ;)


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I would never wear a blue jersey. Ever. ;) (inside joke....the Maple Leafs are my teams rivals ;) )
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