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Advice On Protecting My Genetics


Genetic Resource Management
Any legit breeders can protect their varieties through a breeder's rights Plant Patent or a PVP Plant Variety Patent.

There a very few clones patented under a Plant patent, one being Sam Skunkman's Skunk #1 clone 'Medsins'.

The fact that you call the line a "strain" suggests to me that your 'variety' does not in fact qualify for a patent.... despite what you see on pot boards, there is NO SUCH THING AS A STRAIN in the plant world.

A PVP will be granted if your variety is stable and reproduceible when propagated via sexual means, unique and describable in it's defining characters, and is differentiated from other varieties in the characters that define the variety.... there are a few other criteria but these ones are essentially enough to exclude 99.99% of what is available in seed form from gaining a PVP.

The nonsense posted above about inserting a DNA tag is not to be taken seriously..... patents for DNA sequences can only be acheived through a UTILITY patent, and random DNA sequences simply do not apply.



stone fool
Keep your magic to yourself, if it imparted enlightenment, you would be less concerned with "ownership", than with the magic your beans would bring to the world. Mostly making a profit from something, requires continual work, once you have your something. If you can make your profit doing good for others, it will fit better, and taste sweeter, good luck.


Any legit breeders can protect their varieties through a breeder's rights Plant Patent or a PVP Plant Variety Patent.

There a very few clones patented under a Plant patent, one being Sam Skunkman's Skunk #1 clone 'Medsins'.

The fact that you call the line a "strain" suggests to me that your 'variety' does not in fact qualify for a patent.... despite what you see on pot boards, there is NO SUCH THING AS A STRAIN in the plant world.

A PVP will be granted if your variety is stable and reproduceible when propagated via sexual means, unique and describable in it's defining characters, and is differentiated from other varieties in the characters that define the variety.... there are a few other criteria but these ones are essentially enough to exclude 99.99% of what is available in seed form from gaining a PVP.

The nonsense posted above about inserting a DNA tag is not to be taken seriously..... patents for DNA sequences can only be acheived through a UTILITY patent, and random DNA sequences simply do not apply.


Chimera would be the one to listen to on this subject.

p.s. To the original poster keyplay: I think this idea of protecting "your" strain is fucking hilarious and douche baggy all at the same time. If you don't get why people would laugh at you, you aren't the brightest.


They aren't "your" genetics, they belong to the Earth, you are just borrowing them. Karma is a bitch that bites twice as hard, sharing is caring. :)

Classic Seeds

all this sounds pretty rediculious to me people have been "borrowing "other peoples work from the begining of the farming age long before there ever was any laws about patents for plants and such .its pretty crazy when you look at it who owns nature no one really we are just a part of it ,but now greedy corporations are trying to lock up the seeds .

if your tired of people ripping you off quit selling seeds .its the nature of the lazy to take the works of the hard working breeders and make a bunch of seeds from the seeds they bought .who really looses in the end the consumers who get unkown genetics along with some pretty descriptions and bs pictures while yuppie butheads laugh all the way to the bank.

you want to protect what you breed with ,do not tell people what you breed with .its not hard to keep a secret if you can keep your mouth shut .as far as patenting strains i do not see how you can do that who gets indica who gets sativa .its not about patents its about exsperience with them that get results .screw big pharm,screw monsano i will be making seeds for people till i die and could care less about anyones patenting a wild plants gene pool i do my own thing and if i use someone else strain i give them credit for its use .

the bottom line is money for most breeders that why they do it not for love of growing or mankind .if you think anything is new after all these eons of breeding and the last fifty years of mixing them in every concievable fashion i have not seen it .if anything its going down hill from all the over kill and mixing of mixes that are mixes of mixes .why do you think clones are so popular at least the person knows the final result before they even begin.people in most cases are to lazy to breed from scratch to keep mixes invigorated and seed stocks are suffering for it .

its sad to me after all this time wall street types looking to cash in on some legal mumbo jumbo .protect your landraces and you will allways have good seeds .the worlds true sourse of seeds the old strains are being wiped out by greedy companys right now every where .they get the landrace strains and leave the making for ruining the old strains by passing out new seeds to the natives ,knowing it will pollute the gene pool.its no accident this is happening to the good breeding stocks of old .

its a way of keeping your market dominance by having the only good breeding stock to play with and screw everyone else who would like to join the party ,too late for most unless you started collecting landrace at least 20 years ago in most areas it is just not there anymore look at mexico ,south america ,africa ,a lot of asia and the near east its mostley been mixed now with outside strains brought in by cartels and seed companys looking to make a buck aloha


poppin' outta control
They aren't "your" genetics, they belong to the Earth, you are just borrowing them. Karma is a bitch that bites twice as hard, sharing is caring. :)

I agree.. you got your genetics from someone else.. Plant patents are a bad thing! there is a plant that is very cheap to grow that grows naturally that prevents malaria, but pharm companies patented the plant so it cant be used/ researched on so people have to buy high priced western meds.. Thats a fact..

All plant patents are about is power and money, its not about you wanting to "protect "your" genetics" thats f*ckin bull shit. If you want to hoard your strain (that is what your wanting to do, lets be clear) then dont give the strain out and dont grow stressed hermied weed that has beans in it..


Active member
ICMag Donor
Classic Seeds, Hap, Chimera, and a couple other "thinking" individuals,

I say thanks for your well thought information and ideas. Some know me or think they do and I have shown generosity to seasoned growers as well as new Californians in the East Bay med scene for a few years now.

My question and purpose of the discussion really was not based on my genetics. However I am working with something I promised not to share and it was conditional...Classic Seeds...I like your courtesy , ethics, and business savvy. I appreciate your thoughts and hope to talk to you again.

Continuing, I am learning about all this and getting my bearings so when I talk with Mr. Igaveuararecut , we might have more ideas and facts for the direction we take "the cut".
I have used the plant as a pollen recipient and beans are out being tested. So there will be medical strains utilizing "the Cut" out there soon. BTW, that Grape Stomper BX and other fine medical seeds using the mother, "Grape Stomper" has gone public and probably at Harborside in packs of 10. I am still working with many variations and probably will for the next 15 years


sorry keyplay, but its open game out here in oaksterdam. i think hoarding is BS...the only thing you should be able to patent is your company brand thats about it.

if you want to hoard your strain dont sell clones or seeds simple. and if people wanna backcross your shit what are you gonna do? pull some RIAA shit and file lawsuits??

sorry but i think patenting A PLANT is BS thats like saying red lettuce is patented only a certain farm can grow red lettuce instead of green lettuce....

who said keyplay HAS to give out genetics? if he want a certain strain to be his alone...he must have created it from seed. so he has to NEVER sell clones or seeds...very simply. no ones putting a gun to his head and making him give out clones. if i created a new strain from seed that was freakin awesome and i wanted to hoard it...DONT GIVE OUT CUTS only sell finished product!!

I agree w/ you on the patenting a plant is bs, no one has the right to patent life and tell others they can't grow it or use it to cure cancer... that's monsanto...


Well-known member
well, it will be hard to "patent" it. what you can do is "patent" a strainname (like sensi seeds did with: jack herrer and other names) BUT, in the end it won't stop people from selling your work under slightly different name (like jock horror)...

on the other hand, i feel no one should ever hold a patent on an organism!!!

i mean, you are trying to prevent people from using "your" work to make money, BUT you are actually doing the same (no disrespect meant). since i don't believe you started out with your own genetics (basicly you are using genetics which already have been worked, and so are doing what you want to prevent your "competitors" from doing with your "version" of already worked genetics). and yes, even seeds from bricks scored anywhere, have been worked ;)

i hope this helps,


all this sounds pretty rediculious to me people have been "borrowing "other peoples work from the begining of the farming age long before there ever was any laws about patents for plants and such .its pretty crazy when you look at it who owns nature no one really we are just a part of it ,but now greedy corporations are trying to lock up the seeds .

if your tired of people ripping you off quit selling seeds .its the nature of the lazy to take the works of the hard working breeders and make a bunch of seeds from the seeds they bought .who really looses in the end the consumers who get unkown genetics along with some pretty descriptions and bs pictures while yuppie butheads laugh all the way to the bank.

you want to protect what you breed with ,do not tell people what you breed with .its not hard to keep a secret if you can keep your mouth shut .as far as patenting strains i do not see how you can do that who gets indica who gets sativa .its not about patents its about exsperience with them that get results .screw big pharm,screw monsano i will be making seeds for people till i die and could care less about anyones patenting a wild plants gene pool i do my own thing and if i use someone else strain i give them credit for its use .

the bottom line is money for most breeders that why they do it not for love of growing or mankind .if you think anything is new after all these eons of breeding and the last fifty years of mixing them in every concievable fashion i have not seen it .if anything its going down hill from all the over kill and mixing of mixes that are mixes of mixes .why do you think clones are so popular at least the person knows the final result before they even begin.people in most cases are to lazy to breed from scratch to keep mixes invigorated and seed stocks are suffering for it .

its sad to me after all this time wall street types looking to cash in on some legal mumbo jumbo .protect your landraces and you will allways have good seeds .the worlds true sourse of seeds the old strains are being wiped out by greedy companys right now every where .they get the landrace strains and leave the making for ruining the old strains by passing out new seeds to the natives ,knowing it will pollute the gene pool.its no accident this is happening to the good breeding stocks of old .

its a way of keeping your market dominance by having the only good breeding stock to play with and screw everyone else who would like to join the party ,too late for most unless you started collecting landrace at least 20 years ago in most areas it is just not there anymore look at mexico ,south america ,africa ,a lot of asia and the near east its mostley been mixed now with outside strains brought in by cartels and seed companys looking to make a buck aloha

I agree. Classic Seeds knows what I'm talking about. The idea is to share your experiences and help our planet. Fuck Monsanto. I worked for a large seed company in the 80's and they were bought out by Sandoze right after the chemical spill in the Rhine river. Karma is and always will be. Share your work and you might save someone. Peace


Active member
I hear you can still by marihuana tax stamps Start documenting that way.
HOARDERS SUCK PERIOD sooner or later someone gets a cut or a seed and your just known as an asshole ,no name ,no fame ,and sooner or later no one gives a fuck,The guy from cali seed or somthing was an asshole to ,claiming rez stole his shit ,whether or not rez did dont matter who's on top?it,cant be that good if your asking how to protect it ,the ? should be Who wants to test it ?thats how you do it .Thers many copies but the peeps who know whats up buy the real deal versus a knockoff.IMO


Classic Seeds, Hap, Chimera, and a couple other "thinking" individuals,

I say thanks for your well thought information and ideas. Some know me or think they do and I have shown generosity to seasoned growers as well as new Californians in the East Bay med scene for a few years now.

My question and purpose of the discussion really was not based on my genetics. However I am working with something I promised not to share and it was conditional...Classic Seeds...I like your courtesy , ethics, and business savvy. I appreciate your thoughts and hope to talk to you again.

Continuing, I am learning about all this and getting my bearings so when I talk with Mr. Igaveuararecut , we might have more ideas and facts for the direction we take "the cut".
I have used the plant as a pollen recipient and beans are out being tested. So there will be medical strains utilizing "the Cut" out there soon. BTW, that Grape Stomper BX and other fine medical seeds using the mother, "Grape Stomper" has gone public and probably at Harborside in packs of 10. I am still working with many variations and probably will for the next 15 years

Thank you for making this thread. I know i kind of just blurted out my immediate thoughts on the subject, and i hope it helped you or at least one person who reads it. This thread in general has made me think more deeply about the subjects of breeding and genetics. I appreciate it.


all this sounds pretty rediculious to me people have been "borrowing "other peoples work from the begining of the farming age long before there ever was any laws about patents for plants and such .its pretty crazy when you look at it who owns nature no one really we are just a part of it ,but now greedy corporations are trying to lock up the seeds .

if your tired of people ripping you off quit selling seeds .its the nature of the lazy to take the works of the hard working breeders and make a bunch of seeds from the seeds they bought .who really looses in the end the consumers who get unkown genetics along with some pretty descriptions and bs pictures while yuppie butheads laugh all the way to the bank.

you want to protect what you breed with ,do not tell people what you breed with .its not hard to keep a secret if you can keep your mouth shut .as far as patenting strains i do not see how you can do that who gets indica who gets sativa .its not about patents its about exsperience with them that get results .screw big pharm,screw monsano i will be making seeds for people till i die and could care less about anyones patenting a wild plants gene pool i do my own thing and if i use someone else strain i give them credit for its use .

the bottom line is money for most breeders that why they do it not for love of growing or mankind .if you think anything is new after all these eons of breeding and the last fifty years of mixing them in every concievable fashion i have not seen it .if anything its going down hill from all the over kill and mixing of mixes that are mixes of mixes .why do you think clones are so popular at least the person knows the final result before they even begin.people in most cases are to lazy to breed from scratch to keep mixes invigorated and seed stocks are suffering for it .

its sad to me after all this time wall street types looking to cash in on some legal mumbo jumbo .protect your landraces and you will allways have good seeds .the worlds true sourse of seeds the old strains are being wiped out by greedy companys right now every where .they get the landrace strains and leave the making for ruining the old strains by passing out new seeds to the natives ,knowing it will pollute the gene pool.its no accident this is happening to the good breeding stocks of old .

its a way of keeping your market dominance by having the only good breeding stock to play with and screw everyone else who would like to join the party ,too late for most unless you started collecting landrace at least 20 years ago in most areas it is just not there anymore look at mexico ,south america ,africa ,a lot of asia and the near east its mostley been mixed now with outside strains brought in by cartels and seed companys looking to make a buck aloha

yup, I agree 100%


Mr. Blue made some great points.

I wonder if you could mail yourself a tissue sample from your plant or a bunch of the seeds in a nitrogen sealed packet and certified/notarized envelope and one day in the future if it becomes possible to patent a strain, if you would be able to use that in your filing.

While mailing the tissue would in fact be an illegal act, I appreciate the idea behind it, kind of like musicians do with songs that "automatically copyright" through that process... although lawsuits with big publishers tend not to favor little guys.

How about simply doing a DNA extraction, and doing the same thing? Extraction kits are available, relatively inexpensive, and extracted DNA, if kept in a dry, dark place, isn't likely to degrade or crosslink in your lifetime.

But really, for the ideas behind it, you need to talk to a lawyer. Yes, it may break your heart, but reality isn't always nice.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Just send me copies of all your best cuts and if something happens to you, you can always have them safe and available when you need to get it goin again!!! Easy!!


If breeders had patented all their work the cannabis scene would be in disgustingly sad shape. You're purposely killing creativity... Can you imagine what would have happened if people weren't allowed to use strains like Northern Lights and ChemDawg for personal work. We wouldn't have the amazing strains we do now.

Personally I think it's pretty shitty. It's exactly what this scene doesn't need.

Just my .02

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