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The Universe - History Channel

Is it too dificult to say in a way that could be understood by the average person? Because I havnt heard your opinion bout what the series was about. Somehow, just sayin that somthin aint rite falls short of givin an opinion. Whats your opinion bout the mater at hand IBJamming? Whats your take on what the series is about? If youd tell me, youd have givin me your opinion.


Active member
Is it too dificult to say in a way that could be understood by the average person? Because I havnt heard your opinion bout what the series was about. Somehow, just sayin that somthin aint rite falls short of givin an opinion. Whats your opinion bout the mater at hand IBJamming? Whats your take on what the series is about? If youd tell me, youd have givin me your opinion.

It's "about" the universe. But it's all guesses. All we "know" about it is right here in our solar system. Beyond that...we guess. Granted, most of the guesses are pretty good. But some are really nothing more than a wild ass (they'll call it "educated") guess. You or I could guess something just as plausible.

My problem with it is less the content of it and more with the "attitude" of it. Instead of being up front and telling you it's ALL guesses...nobody has been there...these are "artist renditions" (they USED to do that...what happened? Maybe it was when whole shows became artist renditions?) not real. I've actually talked to people about the show and they actually believed it was all FACT...when it couldn't be farther from the truth...it's THEORY. Next year a new episode could very well say something completely different because some "new discovery" has changed things. The LHC could change a whole lot of the "latest" scientific theories in an instant. What if MORE than the Higgs Boson pops out?! It'll ALL have to be rewritten.

My "problem" is: Inaccuracy and wild ass guesses being passed as if it was a known verified fact.

Like most "fantasy" experiences (movies, Disneyland)...when you know how things work...you just can't get too excited when you see the impossible portrayed as reality.

We get a lot of that...


Active member
Is it too dificult to say in a way that could be understood by the average person? Because I havnt heard your opinion bout what the series was about. Somehow, just sayin that somthin aint rite falls short of givin an opinion. Whats your opinion bout the mater at hand IBJamming? Whats your take on what the series is about? If youd tell me, youd have givin me your opinion.

I'm glad somebody pointed that out ... ranting against something that's never identified is pretty unimpressive as puffery goes.


Wow...some people are buzz kills...just let people enjoy what they want to, who cares if you personally believe it or not...

Sorry I didnt want to be a buzzkill, I <3 buzz, I like to keep him around all day.

If people can say they like something on a forum why cant I say I dont like it, I am not trying to be negative, just bringing the way I think into things, I assure you if there was a negative tendency that you saw, it was on your side not mine.

I dont think anyone should care if I like it or not, I share and people take or they dont, never trying to shove my view down peoples throats, sorry I killed you buzz, heres a fat snap!:bongsmi::tiphat:


Pretty sure she was referring to ibjamming.

Like EVERYTHING on TV, there are people with money who can influence what is available to view. They make the show in such a manner so they can attract more viewers with their spectacular "theories" and "artist renditions." Pretty sure the show doesn't say "This is real science fact." Just take everything you see on TV with a heap of salt..

It's a wonderful show meant to make people think about things (other than themselves, their next grocery list, or car payment.) It gives a sense of humbleness when watching, to me at least. But, people interpret what they see way differently than the next person.. What can ya do..

Anyway.. Jamming. Do you wake up every morning telling yourself "I am going to change the world today by condescending to the general public of an online cannabis community forum, in hopes of changing the world to my liking, and to what I think should be the way the world works?"

You seem to have a lot of anger and hatred built up inside.. Just sayin man... Obviously you ignore when people point your issues out (from your 1000's of posts), because you sound like a delusional loner who has nothing better to do with himself...

Just trying to tell ya how it looks from an outside perspective.. No hate intended


Season 3....parallel universes....such a great thing to be stoned and explore your mind, universe, multiverse


Feeling good is good enough.
Whatever...I guess it's a side effect of getting "medicated" before I come on-line. But I didn't appreciate the tone at all. So, if you haven't got any opinion yourself...move along son...

Moving along Daddy-O...



space gardener
ibjamming, just remember the same scientists "guessing" about these planets landed a rover on Mars. It took alot of lucky guesses to get that one done. Lots of these guesses are made using scientific fact.. :chin:


Active member
My problem with it is less the content of it and more with the "attitude" of it. Instead of being up front and telling you it's ALL guesses...nobody has been there...these are "artist renditions" (they USED to do that...what happened? Maybe it was when whole shows became artist renditions?) not real.


Do you think anyone on this planet--besides geeks--really gives a shit (or would even notice) that the interesting science show they're watching isn't 100% factually accurate?

90% wouldn't know the difference!

What matters, from a practical standpoint, is that people are interested and entertained by the show. That's the purpose: entertainment. The payoff for geeks is that, due to shows like this which keep the general public "in the loop" on what science is up to, public interest and funding remains available for actual scientists to do actual science.

I don't give a flying fuck if Joe the Plumber, who isn't going to remember 98% of the details in a week anyhow, is told some scientific theories that stretch credibility a little bit. Who cares? What difference does it make, other than to annoy pedantic geeks who already know the facts/have already read the book/seen the movie 6 times? Relax. Let your imagination soar. Let Joe's imagination soar. He may not have a clue about calculus or astrophysics, but he has a place within society. He fixes pipes so that others can run laboraties. He deserves to enjoy the fruits of scientists' labors, and to participate in the adventure of scientific discovery as far as his interests and abilities take him. It doesn't necessarily have to be to the "pro" level.


Active member
Have none of you heard of the scientific method?

If you have a better way to understand the universe, I'd love to hear it.

Religion teaches in absolutes, you have to get away from that mentality. We don't have all the answers, how could we possibly? The universe is huge, complex, and we only evolved to survive on a single speck of dust.

Science demands that we consider the crazy, but never cling to anything as an absolute. Besides math, 1+2 still equals potato!


Active member
Pretty sure she was referring to ibjamming.

Like EVERYTHING on TV, there are people with money who can influence what is available to view. They make the show in such a manner so they can attract more viewers with their spectacular "theories" and "artist renditions." Pretty sure the show doesn't say "This is real science fact." Just take everything you see on TV with a heap of salt..

It's a wonderful show meant to make people think about things (other than themselves, their next grocery list, or car payment.) It gives a sense of humbleness when watching, to me at least. But, people interpret what they see way differently than the next person.. What can ya do..

Anyway.. Jamming. Do you wake up every morning telling yourself "I am going to change the world today by condescending to the general public of an online cannabis community forum, in hopes of changing the world to my liking, and to what I think should be the way the world works?"

You seem to have a lot of anger and hatred built up inside.. Just sayin man... Obviously you ignore when people point your issues out (from your 1000's of posts), because you sound like a delusional loner who has nothing better to do with himself...

Just trying to tell ya how it looks from an outside perspective.. No hate intended

No hate taken...

"Like EVERYTHING on TV, there are people with money who DO influence what is available to view." I fixed it for you.

but it DOES imply it is fact.

No...actually I spend an hour trying to help people grow better and when I see bullshit...I say something...unlike the majority that feel it's OK for people to believe whatever they're comfortable believing.

Tell me...what do YOU think of people who go through life believing bullshit and don't even CARE about the truth?

You can think whatever you like about me...trouble is it's always one sided. I'd get banned for making some of the PERSONAL remarks said here...but then I'm "difficult" because I don't play that politically correct game. I REALLY don't care if you like me or not. I'm not here to be liked...I'm here to tell you what I think. If you don't like what I write...don't look. It's EASY!

you go on believing what THEY tell you to believe. you keep living your life as a mushroom...in the dark and fed shit. you're obviously going to be happier in fantasy land. I'll continue to do my OWN thinking and we'll see who's better off in the end. (I'm retired at 42 and own outright EVERYTHING, I have no bills and I grow/smoke all day...tell me about your life...and who is "smarter"...the proof is in the pudding)

you don't KNOW me...you know my few rants on a few subjects I have feelings about. So what? You don't have strong feelings about anything? Something you think is wrong? you don't SAY anything about it? Then you're part of the problem..you're one of the many mushrooms.

what kills me is you guys all know SOME of the lies "they" make up...Cannabis for example...yet you SWALLOW their other lies like it's the truth. This show is just another case of bullshit...guesses...being passed off as FACT...it's NOT fact.

ibjamming, just remember the same scientists "guessing" about these planets landed a rover on Mars. It took alot of lucky guesses to get that one done. Lots of these guesses are made using scientific fact.. :chin:

Read...please! I already said...we have a WORKING knowledge of a lot of things. We can USE gravity, we can USE electricity, we can USE light...but we DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. We can't "make" light...but we know how to get some by exciting an atom. We can't MAKE gravity...but we can use it to send a spacecraft to Mars. We can't MAKE electricity...but we can "generate" it by moving wires in a magnetic field. It's like your computer...you can use it...but you don't know HOW it does what it does. We "use" lots of stuff...but we don't know HOW it does what it does. Get it now?

I use my imagination to try and understand the universe, because it's the only thing I have comparable to it's vastness!

Good for you...it seems your imagination is vaster than many here.

It must really suck or be really easy to be cattle or sheep...just following everyone else...doing what they do, thinking how they do...I feel sorry for "them".


Do you think anyone on this planet--besides geeks--really gives a shit (or would even notice) that the interesting science show they're watching isn't 100% factually accurate?

90% wouldn't know the difference!

What matters, from a practical standpoint, is that people are interested and entertained by the show. That's the purpose: entertainment. The payoff for geeks is that, due to shows like this which keep the general public "in the loop" on what science is up to, public interest and funding remains available for actual scientists to do actual science.

I don't give a flying fuck if Joe the Plumber, who isn't going to remember 98% of the details in a week anyhow, is told some scientific theories that stretch credibility a little bit. Who cares? What difference does it make, other than to annoy pedantic geeks who already know the facts/have already read the book/seen the movie 6 times? Relax. Let your imagination soar. Let Joe's imagination soar. He may not have a clue about calculus or astrophysics, but he has a place within society. He fixes pipes so that others can run laboraties. He deserves to enjoy the fruits of scientists' labors, and to participate in the adventure of scientific discovery as far as his interests and abilities take him. It doesn't necessarily have to be to the "pro" level.

how about 10% accurate? Or 50% accurate? What IS accurate enough? What ISN'T accurate enough? I'm simply pointing out that it's NOT accurate...it's GUESSES! About 99.9% of the whole show is a GUESS.

I'd disagree...I'd say it's closer to 99% who don't know the difference. THAT is really my problem. We're BOMBARDED every minute of every day with bullshit put out by people who want you to BUY something from them. With this show they SOLD it to the network...and they're trying to SELL science to you...THEIR version of it.

It's not advertized as "entertainment"...it's advertized as a SCIENCE show...and MOST people assume that a science show...isn't full of bullshit. Or am I confused?

If these "lies" are OK...what OTHER lies are OK? Seriously...you seem OK with "lies as long as they're entertaining"...are there other lies that are OK?

My imagination is always soaring...the trouble is...once I "know" something isn't possible...WHY keep imagining it?

Again...my problem is mostly with the DELIVERY of the information...not the information itself. Well...sometimes it's the information. It depends on the subject. Anthropology is the WORST offender! My God! Talk about political correctness!

Yup...government, corporations...even "science", they all tell you what they want you to hear.

I've already said...MANY times...it's good entertainment though NOT factual.


Active member
Have none of you heard of the scientific method?

If you have a better way to understand the universe, I'd love to hear it.

Religion teaches in absolutes, you have to get away from that mentality. We don't have all the answers, how could we possibly? The universe is huge, complex, and we only evolved to survive on a single speck of dust.

Science demands that we consider the crazy, but never cling to anything as an absolute. Besides math, 1+2 still equals potato!

SCIENCE teaches in absolutes! Don't be fooled! If science WAS absolute it would be OK...but it's not...so science NEEDS to be taught that it's the "latest best guess".

Actually...we have VERY few actual "answers"...as I mentioned...what IS gravity? What IS light? These are BASIC parts of the universe...and we don't know SHIT about them...except how to USE them.

Math is MAN MADE...math CAN be used to say ANYTHING. It doesn't mean it's REALITY. you COULD develop a mathematics system that says 1+1 doesn't equal 2. There are a whole lot of different mathematics systems, most people are familiar with just the biggies. Ever heard of the different geometry systems? you were taught "Euclidean geometry"...how about...non-Euclidean geometry? What DO you do if there are no parallel lines?

My whole point I guess is...we THINK we know a hell of a lot more than we actually do. We THINK we've got the answers...when in reality...we don't. We have "close enough" approximations. Yet we arrogantly presume that we "know it all".

That's all...not worth making a big issue over...really. They're my thoughts...nothing more nor less...take it with a grain of salt.

This is for the crowd...not you liam...

"You" accuse ME of getting all upset...yet I'm not the one making the attacks...not junking your reputation. I've got to stay out of here...you fucking losers junk people for a disagreement of a fucking TV SHOW?!? No wonder the country...the WORLD...is so fucked up! Nobody is ALLOWED to disagree with the "party line". you all hate Wikileaks too I bet...

Crawl back into your comfortable cave, turn on the propaganda/mindless entertainment machine...and enjoy your meaningless insignificant lives of ignorance. Just don't forget to do the ONLY thing you're needed for...don't forget to make your monthly payments for all the shit you've bought.


Active member
:look at this:Can we spell antagonistic?


:look at this:



Hey...they've pushed me into a corner...acting just like a lynch mob...only THEY don't see it that way. You expect me to curl up and beg for mercy? No...I'm taking out as many of you as I can!

All this "hate" because I don't like the "we know it all" tone of a show? Actually...ALL the "science" shows are full of shit. The Dinosaurs, The Earth, all those series take HUGE artistic liberties.

If you want to be ignorant...go ahead, join the crowd...I do NOT...so go ahead ostracize me. Do you REALLY think I care what you type about me? Seriously...do you think you've dented my ego? My ego is HUGE! Did a neutrino just strike at me??? That is how much effect your dig had.

I'm ONLY trying to get the "masses"...YOU...to realize that these shows are NOT "the truth". They're whatever the sponsor SAYS is the truth. Does it MATTER in the real world? No. But it's a disturbing trend and the reason I brought it up in the first place...we're LIED to every minute of every day and it's wrong...and we accept it as business as usual (actually MOST don't know they're lies!). Yet you ARGUE and disparage me because you think it's cool. EVERYTHING has become fiction in this world. So...when are we going to admit it then?

I like honesty...sue me.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
It's called ignoring....pretty simply, really. Having the last word is over rated :wave:

BTW...people generally don't like being preached to ;)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I dig these kind of shows. I'm about to buy a Mead 8in Telescope to do my own universe searching. Can't wait.

Got my eyes on this bad boy.


These guys spend years with equations longer then most peoples home loan paperwork. There theories are alot better then most peoples facts..........