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Vanilla Kush (BF), XXX (MG)/LED 230W/LST/ScrOG/Flowering


Active member
Are those white tips on the colas all trich covered or something else? I've seen other people get the white tips with LEDs.


beautiful !!! you`ve inspired me snuff, and i think i`ll make a micro grow just like yours, maybe with a few adjustments .

love & peace :joint:


I'm smoking some barneys farm vanilla kush grown out by a friend of mine, no camera. shame.

great stuff though. enjoy!
Brother, your box and grow is an inspiration. It makes me want to say screw the naysayers and go full steam ahead with an LED box. If you're having issues with excessive light then there must be enough to do it right off of LED's under the right conditions.

Thanks for your hard work! :D
Great job, I was never impressed by LED's much until now.

Also b.f. vanilla kush is one of my fav smokes atm, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Day: 116, 12/12 bloom: 68


Bush after a three-day drought cut and will be hanged in a dark closet until the end of drying. Buds relatively small, but not so bad. There is a little lighter BIC in the photo. Vanilla Kush is alone in the grow box now and will receive all the light energy of the lamp. The upper leaves of Vanilla Kush white-yellow, it is may be potassium overdose and strong light at that little distance influenced of course.

Day: 116, 12/12 bloom: 68


Bush after a three-day drought cut and will be hanged in a dark closet until the end of drying. Buds relatively small, but not so bad. There is a little lighter BIC in the photo. Vanilla Kush is alone in the grow box now and will receive all the light energy of the lamp. The upper leaves of Vanilla Kush white-yellow, it is may be potassium overdose and strong light at that little distance influenced of course.

dang lookin good. Let us know how it compares to the non-LED stufff.


Well-known member
wow they both look great. that V kush plant looks really great. I am a big time sativa lover.
cant wate for the smoke report.

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