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-tjo with 6 super lemon haze in RDWC-


Active member
BB Chiesel, EC 0.6-0.8 Maximum, mid-bloom, she liked it weak, 0.5-0.6 most of the Grow & didnt want any more, yielded exellent!

Ive noticed most plants grown in DWC require a weaker nute regime & handle lower EC's, compared to NFT or E&F, this is me, it may be different for you.

they are coming along well, & the buds look good bro, nice ;)
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life gardener
BB Chiesel, EC 0.6-0.8 Maximum, mid-bloom, she liked it weak, 0.5-0.6 most of the Grow & didnt want any more, yielded exellent!

Ive noticed most plants grown in DWC require a weaker nute regime & handle lower EC's, compared to NFT or E&F, this is me, it may be different for you.

they are coming along well, & the buds look good bro, nice ;)

with 0,8 finished that plant?? i think i give it a try..
all this years i read that less=more. iwill drop it to 0,8
and see what happens..:confused:
and thanks for the nice comments bro:)


Holla tjo ,
You are packing some serious buds there
i hope that my girls will have pack some wheigt too ,
i haven't seen them for some days.
I respect you and your judgment and of
course i respect Scrogerman for his knowledge
and the support that it gives to the community
..................But come on guys are you going
to feed those big girls with only 0,8 EC..??


Active member
Holla tjo ,
You are packing some serious buds there
i hope that my girls will have pack some wheigt too ,
i haven't seen them for some days.
I respect you and your judgment and of
course i respect Scrogerman for his knowledge
and the support that it gives to the community
..................But come on guys are you going
to feed those big girls with only 0,8 EC..??

Yeah man,
the mans been having PH & EC issues at higher EC's & his PH is constantly dropping. i would certainly try her on 0.7-0.8 & watch what the PH does(& EC). He has use H2o2 for more than 5 days(constantly) so its safe to say its unlikely any anerobic bacteria or nasty pathogen is left alive in his system(if any were there at all). says to me EC is too Hot & needs reducing, i cant see what else it could be, unless an unusual chemical reaction of some sort, but thats unlikely(but it could be). After using the H2o2, this is how would play it. The plants are looking good & i think Tjo's managing it well! its hard to get to the bottom of things sometimes, lowering EC for a couple of days wouldnt do any harm & if the PH still dives you would at least know its defineately something else, possibly contamination of water/system, id start looking at everything if my grow was not behaving.


life gardener
i have a clone in a dwc single bucket with 1,6 ec for a 10 days
and is a perfect condition..the ph in the bucket is almost stable
and the plant seems to love it..also the light is one 105cfl cool white..

my sustem now has 1, ec and after 10ml ph up my ph is 5,9.
im tired,confused and i have no other solution in my problem.

also, i broke and the other tops that was higher then others..
this strain has the biggest stretch i ever had. i burn some buds
and the root mass is so big and i dont know if the space in my buckets is enough for all the flowering..i missed up with this grow.
thats what i thought..


Cheers Tjo, I wish I could chime in, but I do not grow with no medium. All I can say is, trust your instincts, you have been doing this for a while bro :)
I deal with dropping PH, usually after I change the res, but I think in my case it is more related to House & Garden Aqua Flakes and a weak ph up from GH that I was using. Switching to the AN PH up has solved that problem for me. Regardless of grow style though I think that water temps need to be below 70f, or you are just asking for problems.
What do you feed them Tjo, if you don't mind asking me? And how big is your res, how often do you do changes on it? I will read bag a bit, I'm sure you are stating it earlier in the thread ;)
These things are never as simple (almost never) as what's this number, what's that number and vola here is your answer. Everything is relative to your environment, lights, temps, humidity, growing style etc.
The obvious thing here to me is that your ec was too strong for the current condition of the plants. But it doesn't make sense if your ec is dropping like it does.
Which brings us back to the water temps being high, possibly causing bacteria to thrive in there. I'm just surprised that your root zone looks so healthy with that kind of a ph drop.
Excuse my rambling on tjo, I'm going to read back a bit now :)



OK, I read back some. I think you need to cross check your ph meter (try the drops, they are very cheap and accurate) At 5.5 I would get a drop down to 4.5 as well, especially after I change the res. Consider a higher starting ph, like 6.2.
I have 2ph meters, and I have discovered during my last grow that both were significantly off when comparing with the drops.
Like I said, it is a ll relative, but unless we are certain that our measuring tools are accurate we are just spinning our wheels.
Best of luck tjo!



Holla tjo ,
Buy those liquid ph test , please.
I think that you must give up chasing your ph , i stop chasing it a long
time ago and i accept that i must bring it down EVERY fu..ing day.
I admit that i am jelus of the rock solid ph that you have in your previous
grows but as long as your girls are happy fcku it.

Give us some pics and take some good bud photos cause i need them to compare
your Haze's grow rates vs those Shiva's that i have in my closet.

Keep it up


life gardener
Switching to the AN PH up has solved that problem for me. Regardless of grow style though I think that water temps need to be below 70f, or you are just asking for problems.
What do you feed them Tjo, if you don't mind asking me
Which brings us back to the water temps being high


hi my friend kindman:)

i keep in my mind that about the PH up and after some reading
i realise that the PH up from GH is weak. thanks for that man.
the nutrients are GH 3 parts 3-2-1 in veg and 1-2-3 in flower.
im not using any boosters or additives yet..
my water temp are optimal for a few days and before that days
wasnt much high..around 23-24c

Holla tjo ,
Buy those liquid ph test , please.
I think that you must give up chasing your ph , i stop chasing it a long
time ago and i accept that i must bring it down EVERY fu..ing day.
I admit that i am jelus of the rock solid ph that you have in your previous
grows but as long as your girls are happy fcku it.

Give us some pics and take some good bud photos cause i need them to compare
your Haze's grow rates vs those Shiva's that i have in my closet.

Keep it up

hi erwin
i all ready buy it..my ph meter is OK, my ph is stable for days almost. after all the h2o2 i think the ph problem is solved but
im not sure,im not sure at all.
can you tell me please the ph of your ro water? mine has 6,
and i know that i have 2 change the filters but i have no money
for filters.
photos i will shoot tomorrow. my batteries are off:)


You may not need to change any filter, first thing to go with my filter is the de-ionided resin. that is cheap to buy. Ask your seller for some and replace it yourself.:wave:


tjo i think that my R/O machine gives me ph @ 7 i will crosscheck cause maybe 6,4
and no matter what i do i think that it will be back to the starting ph ,
if i let it.
It is also a very cheap R/O machine that i will never bother to change filters
i will replace it.I buy it 100 euros and it gives me 0 to 4 ppm .


life gardener
i can handle it for a couple months but i have 2 change it.

i found some energy in some old batteries and i have few
photos for my terrible grow..

super lemon haze

29 days


some training :)






Active member
Holla tjo ,
Buy those liquid ph test , please.
I think that you must give up chasing your ph , i stop chasing it a long
time ago and i accept that i must bring it down EVERY fu..ing day.
I admit that i am jelus of the rock solid ph that you have in your previous
grows but as long as your girls are happy fcku it.

Give us some pics and take some good bud photos cause i need them to compare
your Haze's grow rates vs those Shiva's that i have in my closet.

Keep it up

Check out B.A.C Ph up & how to use it, they claim if you adjust your/their nute solution down to 5.2 while mixing up a new batch of course, it drops the 'bicarbonates' out of solution, then you re-adjust up to 6.0 with their PH up & the PH will 'Stay' stable(so mixing both their PH Up & PH Down at the same time). I remember reading this years agon & thinking 'oh yeah'-'full of shit' but now i think different. It sorta goes against what i was taught many moons ago, but after checking out this 'Dutch' company i believe what they say. Im not 100% that this would work with other nute lines but i do believe B.A.C when they give this sort of information. Both yourself & T'Jo should check this company out, they seem to have a professioal line at affordable prices. Their stuff is very highly concentrated & im considering swithching to their line. Cost effective regime imo. I bet their stuff rocks, the 'Dutch' usually have things like this nailed down to a fine art(they should pay me money for plugging them like this btw).
I believe you have to use their line PH Up & PH Down for it to work, or thats how it reads. I am investigating them at the moment, but knowing the Dutch like i do(i have lived in Holland) i bet you any amount of money this stuff works out. When you look at their Feed schedual you can see its based around Ganja, or so it seems to me. Check their website for details. I have a bottle of their PH up given to me by a UK supplier, i think he wanted me to check them out, so now i am, i may even try their Coco line next if it all makes sense to me.

Hope this helps you guys!

btw, they state it works the same for Soil, Cocos, & Hydro! I never need PH up, or very very rarely so i was lucky to come across this one really, i think this will fix you guys up, if its not EC & Bacterial issues it must be stability of your solutions/water, buffering capacity(lack of) etc.
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Active member
Your Buds are coming on nicelly & your doing a good job of chasing that PH, plants dont seem to mind at all, drops of more than 0.5 are not recommended in a 24 hour period & is belived to cause stress which is not nesassary.

Always check your meters accuracy against a full spectrum liquid PH test Kit at PH 6.0/(yellow) & your good to go(you will then know your meter is accurate) ;)


Active member
tjo i think that my R/O machine gives me ph @ 7 i will crosscheck cause maybe 6,4
and no matter what i do i think that it will be back to the starting ph ,
if i let it.
It is also a very cheap R/O machine that i will never bother to change filters
i will replace it.I buy it 100 euros and it gives me 0 to 4 ppm .

This is your problem, RO has no PH Buffering capacity, so your PH is gonna be all over the place. Using an RO filter removes the carbonates and gives no PH buffering. if you use 50% RO with 50% tap water you will increase your solutions ability to buffer the PH. RO has a neutral PH-7.0 (or go 75% RO & 25% tap)
What is your tap waters starting EC? (ppm's? etc)

read this: http://fins.actwin.com/mirror/begin-chem.html (use the word plant instead of fish)

& then this bro: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=23357

These are some of the reasons why im studying B.A.C claims with PH control atm! dropping PH to 5.2 with their '1 component PH down' supposedly sends the bicarbonates away(not sure what they mean here yet-Why?), its the carbonates that give buffering, namely Ca & Mg cations, so im not sure what they are using for PH down 1 component' but they are using Potassium hydroxide for PH up, as is standard! I do understand its some sort of Balancing of the solution(!!using their line!!). Like i said they claim this action when mixing their line gives a totally stable PH. I have no-reason to doubt them either, they are a professional business afterall.
If someone can set me straight here please chime in!
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Active member
Tjo and Erwin
Sucks about your ph problems.
I have to say, w/tap ionic nutes and sulphuric acid for ph down that my ph is like a rock. I actually stopped checking it almost a month ago, since I got a feel for my system. Pretty sure tap is more stable than ro once you tame it, also the type of ph adjuster makes a huge difference. I wouldn't consider another ph down besides sulphuric, I have gone through several gallons in the last couple months for only $8. That would have cost a fortune in hydro ph down. Also, I don't use any air pumps just a water pump. Seems to work better at keeping the nutes mixed, the res water looks drinkable and thats w/ no changeouts. Good luck!
Scrogerman just read your last post, I'm with you. I have heard that sulphuric acid does something constructive w/ carbonates, maybe thats your mystery ingredient?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
hi all...



Hi tjo

Are those green hoses in there for the garden or are they silicon ?

If you use PVC garden hose it will leach plasticisers [softening agents] from the PVC into your nutrient solution, you should use uPVC, unplasticised PVC, the "hard black hydro hose".. unless they are a safe silicon pipe...

all the best


life gardener
Welcome to the jungle...

welcome tricky1..

Your Buds are coming on nicelly & your doing a good job of chasing that PH, plants dont seem to mind at all, drops of more than 0.5 are not recommended in a 24 hour period & is belived to cause stress which is not nesassary.

Always check your meters accuracy against a full spectrum liquid PH test Kit at PH 6.0/(yellow) & your good to go(you will then know your meter is accurate)

thanks bro!:)
i stop chasing my ph 3 days now..when you told me about the bacteria i add h2o2 only in the res..i deside to add in my sustem high amount of h2o2 30 ml 30% and the problem is SOLVED.
and if come back again, i know the solution now.
and that because of you man.:comfort:

Tjo and Erwin
Sucks about your ph problems.
I have to say, w/tap ionic nutes and sulphuric acid for ph down that my ph is like a rock. I actually stopped checking it almost a month ago, since I got a feel for my system. Pretty sure tap is more stable than ro once you tame it, also the type of ph adjuster makes a huge difference. I wouldn't consider another ph down besides sulphuric, I have gone through several gallons in the last couple months for only $8. That would have cost a fortune in hydro ph down. Also, I don't use any air pumps just a water pump. Seems to work better at keeping the nutes mixed, the res water looks drinkable and thats w/ no changeouts. Good luck!
Scrogerman just read your last post, I'm with you. I have heard that sulphuric acid does something constructive w/ carbonates, maybe thats your mystery ingredient?

no problem..3 days i have stable ph:dance013:
i dont know nothing about others nutes expept the gh 3 parts.
how much ec has your tap water?? mine has 0,3.
i made some thoughts about adding some tap water but i never did it.
also i would like 2 say that i have a single dwc bucket only with water pump-without air stone- and the plants are great!
tell me,in a sustem like mine with 6 buckets, you think 6 water pumps are problem for high temps??

Hi tjo

Are those green hoses in there for the garden or are they silicon ?

If you use PVC garden hose it will leach plasticisers [softening agents] from the PVC into your nutrient solution, you should use uPVC, unplasticised PVC, the "hard black hydro hose".. unless they are a safe silicon pipe...

all the best

hi ChaosCatalunya
those green hoses are to keep the black hydro hoses straight.
the hoses are inside of them.:)
thanks for the care man.

today i will change the water..after a week.
after i saw my ph stable i would like to do this change..
right now my ph is 6, and my ec is 1,2.
im thinkink raise it a little bit and every couple days i will raise more until i saw burns..i all ready have some burns in my leaves
but i believe that is for ph lockout and not overfert..

and because my lights 600+400 are not enough for trees like slh...i dident wait ALL that stretch.the ssh i had -haze pheno-has less stretch..any ways, i replace one of my lamps with 1000w lamp and the penetration will be better..
and if the temps are not aloud this,then my project goes for 600x2 for the next month..i hope the 1000 works properply.

cheers fellas:tiphat:


Active member
Tjo and Erwin
Sucks about your ph problems.
I have to say, w/tap ionic nutes and sulphuric acid for ph down that my ph is like a rock. I actually stopped checking it almost a month ago, since I got a feel for my system. Pretty sure tap is more stable than ro once you tame it, also the type of ph adjuster makes a huge difference. I wouldn't consider another ph down besides sulphuric, I have gone through several gallons in the last couple months for only $8. That would have cost a fortune in hydro ph down. Also, I don't use any air pumps just a water pump. Seems to work better at keeping the nutes mixed, the res water looks drinkable and thats w/ no changeouts. Good luck!
Scrogerman just read your last post, I'm with you. I have heard that sulphuric acid does something constructive w/ carbonates, maybe thats your mystery ingredient?

I bet it is too, it aint Citric thats for sure. Im gonna e-mail B.A.C, i like the Dutch, they know their shite when it comes to growing & you can just see their charts are ganja based, imo! k+ to ya bro!¬)

btw, ive used Ionic in veg in almost every grow ive ever done, just their NPK profile lacks, & that would depend on water etc. Lov Ionic man! Some of my best grows were with their whole line(growth tec rock man) ;) Ionic luvs H2o2 tooo & Silicon, what a line!

Chaos has a great point but i only see the proper hard pipe & Si soft line! Always on the ball is Chaos! Respect!!!

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