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250w hps, Lemon Skunk & Frends


Put it on the wall. Just took this photo from my Pc case, only for you ;)
Check temp when you put it like that. Have some where in there, just not in direkt sunlight


Also I suggest you read this: http://strainguide.org/wp-content/uploads/growfaq/1423.htm

I placed the meter on the wall, bout half way from shelf to tube like in your picture. shows 33C, not nice at all.. have to think about moving my cab near window.

Tomorrow, girls move to veg side. Can't keep them on those temps, that would just be cruel.


They all look like s**t

Big Bang looks strange under the leafs... never seen like this before.

Took a look of this The Complete guide to Sick Plants

and it looks like Magnesium or Zinc deficiency. Please now I need some guidance, should I be worried? Today I gave some water with small amount of Bio-Bloom (ph about 6-6.5) for Lemon Skunk and Hawaiian Snow. Can this crappy yellowing come from the previous/first watering they ever got? then it was just plain tap water ph ~8.5

Only positive thing is, I did some work at the cab and now temps are acceptable 27-29. Plants are now under 250 again, about 50cm under HID. (Photos soon.)


Green is Gold
Hey Komer...just wanted to say I'm digging your cab, I really like the filter fan setup you have going. As for your plants I still think the soil is to blame, those babies don't look like they like your soil, I would transplant to some fresh soil and water with distilled water for a week and see if they perk up. I bet you transplanting to different soil will make them perk up. Good luck to you!
I try to translate, what reads in my soil bag.

Type name: Packed soilmix
Edit: soil ph = 6.5

- Different kinds of peat
- Compost (bark & plant waste)
- Organic compost (peat, bark & manure)

Roughness level: Sand, fine sand, clay, "bioapatiitti"
medium rough,


- 2kg/m3 mg-containing limestone (fine quality)
Mg 5% and 1,0 kg/m3
- Gardening nutes NPK 4-4-2
nute consists necessary trace elements

This is 45liter bag

edit: made mix: 2 parts soil, 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite (too much of perlite/vermiculite?)

Maybe someone knows more about soilmixes. All I know is my basilica liked this soil mmm so good :)
Also thinking about moving to hempy buckets, if my soil is so baaaaaaaaaaaad

Ok and here is my setup made more simple (took the top self off, and shortened ducting. exahaust goes into the box on top of the cab, and releases hot air almost silently. Ballast is screwed on the wall, near filter and placed second computer fan to blow air from veg chamber to flower.

some more height for veg-chamber (those are 6.5liter / ~1.5gal pots, for measure.)


You may be having Ph problems ? it an easy fix as simple as a wee drop of vinegar or lemon juice , as for temps have your thermom at canopy level !

Hope that helps ? As for LS i think they are very nute sensitive aswell so be carefull when you start feeding them , thats the problem with running different strains , i have just found that out the hard way !!
Ok, I got really nervous, and didn't want to buy new soil, so I transplanted them to hempy buckets. Gave some bio-bloom (2ml/liter) and ph ~6.

Some pics from transplant:


Really tried to get all of the soil away, lets just hope they like hempy buckets.( those are 1 liter pots and mix ratio was 3perlite/1vermiculite)


You might have damaged the roots doing it that way ? you should have jus transplanted the full root ball ! Good luck man
Don't worry. I messed my first grow in 2002 almost entirely with shitty cheap soil. Then I switched to Biolan Musta multa and most problems were gone.
Hempy sure is much better choice, if you want to water your plants more frequently and follow PH levels, but are you using BioBizz BioBloom in your hempy?
I would advice to get at least GHE three part. I use BioBizz in soil, but would not consider it in hydro. I bet, that it does not contain all needed micronutes and you surely run into new problems.

PS. You might have to wait somewhile, until they hit new growth when transplanted from soil. At least I had. Over 4 weeks, because same time my plants switched back from 12/12.
You might have damaged the roots doing it that way ? you should have jus transplanted the full root ball ! Good luck man

Hell no i'm putting any soil in passive hydro. and, what root ball, these tiny girls didn't have more roots.

Herbal extasy said:
but are you using BioBizz BioBloom in your hempy?

Yes. At bio bizz website, is told that their nutes also goes for hydro. Bio grow (extra diluted version) and Bio bloom (normal, light mix schedule) http://www.biobizz.nl/faq


Hell no i'm putting any soil in passive hydro. and, what root ball, these tiny girls didn't have more roots.

Cool man i dont know what these hempy buckets are , but dont be surprised if they dont take hold or at the very least you may have slowed them down !

So everyone else thinks its fine to take roots out of soil and brush all the soil off ? but as you say if they jus have wee tap roots you may be ok


So everyone else thinks its fine to take roots out of soil and brush all the soil off ?

I tend to agree...but any other solution would have slowed them down, no?

in any case we'll see what happens...
that's why this site is so educationnal...;)

good luck komeropoika...I'm impatient to see your next update


It is actually quite easy to transplant a plant from soil/coco to soilles/hydroton etc. but what ever you do - do not just simply shake/brush or tamp the soil from the roots. Instead take a bucket full of water and wash your rootmass in it - soil/coco will slowly dillute from the root mass to the water. This way you can easily wash off soil and coco without damaging roots. Takes some time and patience but it is worth it!

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