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Ancient Aliens & The Event


Well-known member
Here's a though.

If the Catholic church censored the pornography found in ALL the ancient cities dug up by archeologist's due to lack of "moral values" it might suggest. That all of the ancient UFO stories might be real too.

14 billion years the universe has been cooking. You would think we are not the only simi intelligent beings out there.

sac beh


Humans thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around it until the most recent 500 or less years.

You don't think its possible that in the expansiveness of the universe over the past 2 billion, that's 2,000,000,000 years... that life, intelligent life, sprung up somewhere else besides the planet Earth?

I bet you got all A+'s on your essays and you really think you've figured it out.

You're misrepresenting what he said. He's only saying that to believe that aliens have visited the earth you need evidence, not an active imagination. So far, there is none, and the supposed evidence in this show is explained as psychological, religious, and cultural phenomena of purely earthly origins in the respective fields that study these cultures.

You must have skipped over his comment here:
There are a plethora of papers explaining why aliens are a myth (not in general; just the ones purported to have visited earth recently or in the past) from every angle.

I don't think anybody is making the claim that aliens or other life forms don't exist anywhere in the universe. That is yet to be seen. The main claim I'm making her (and it seems like statusquo also) is that there is no evidence that aliens have visited the earth, and the attempts to manufacture evidence with phenomena that have other substantiated explanations doesn't count as evidence.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
One of the world's leading scientists makes the claim in a new television documentary series, beginning on the Discovery Channel next month.

Hawking says that in a universe with 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars, it is unlikely that earth is the only place where life has evolved.

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," he said

"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the American Indians."

El Toker

I remember Von Daniken and "Chariot of the Gods" from way back in early 70s as a little boy, because my Dad had read one of his books. I remember watching a couple of programs systematically debunking his books and showing him up him up as the fraud he was. I've never heard him mentioned again until reading this thread today.

I'm slowly resigning myself to the fact that if there's a batshit crazy conspiracy theory out there then eventually it's going to appear on stoner forums. Tin foil hat wearing whack jobs are as much a part of this scene as bongs and the munchies.

Ignore me, I've had a bad week.

sac beh

What motive have they to lie or invent such a story? They have been proven right so far...

If you want to talk sources the only people i have seen actually visit and document the Dogons were the producers of Ancient Aliens.

van Beek conducted field work among the Dogon also, and he concluded that the claims of Griaule (the originator of the Dogon-Sirius theory) could not be substantiated nor the specific claims of the Dogon impossible knowledge of Sirius be replicated among them. van Beek concludes, then, that Griaule himself along with other Western influences were more likely the source of this specific Sirius theory.


Active member
Haters Gonna Hate. Read my sig thats right hommies I believe. Believing that aliens did alot a shit makes way more sense than believing people did it. The pyramids for real they still cant build anything as square and perfect. A big research was conducted were they tried to move rocks as big as the ones used in the pyramids with man power alone. They couldnt move them. Log rollers just sunk into the sand they couldnt get the rock on a sled. These were big rocks Some of foundation stones are half the size of a trailer house solid rock. So we can go to the moon but we cant build a pyramid. I vote aliens.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Ancient aliens...man the history channel actually used to have useful and academic stuff on it. Now it has sold out and become a whore like everyone else. If you want paper upon paper for why alien stories are complete BS, look at some of sagan's papers and many others. There are a plethora of papers explaining why aliens are a myth (not in general; just the ones purported to have visited earth recently or in the past) from every angle.

Edit: in regards to swastikas, Germans are the only people to have used this symbol. Native Americans and other peoples used the same symbol but reversed. Also, if there were aliens during Hitler's time why would we not have proof? We had picture/video/record taking abilities then.

Karl Sagan ..

One of the best little movies on the subject was "Contact" with Jodi Foster , was written by Karl Sagan . The idea of there not being intelligent life on other worlds he answers in Contact where the gentle father tells his young daughter & budding astronomer :

" if there isn't anyone else out there , sure would be an aweful waste of space"

The same thing is repeated right at the end of Contact , after she journey's thru the wormhole to make contact . Fabulous movie , tenderly done ....dedicated to Karl who died just shortly after it was released . Some of the best series on Discovery & History channels before were done by Karl & his book :
" The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark "

is a great one .

The trouble with making contact is the vast distances involved in the expanding Universer . Just to travel to the nearest stars would take yrs at the SOL . Even for the most advanced technologies concievable tday besides the convenient SciFi "warp drive" of star trek ...traveling around just our own galaxy would be like an ant making its way to the top of mount Everest from the heart of Anarctica
(with only one leg )
... and provided that ant could live 1000yrs

* Yes the Hindus were using the Swastika far back as a cosmic religious symbol & the name itself literally means in the sanskrit:
"Auspiciousness" usually associated with the Lord God Ganesha, son of Siva . The Hindus that did concieve "0" used in their cosmic mathematics had more of a grasp early on that the world was a place in which Billions of yrs had passed ..as measured in the cycles of Brahma/ages of the world being created & destroyed , arising out of Vishnu's navel . They were almost dead on at near the number of 4bil yrs . The "Old Testicle " cosmology is just a baby by comparison with this cosmic , resplendent view of the Hindu .

Madrus Rose

post 69
van Beek conducted field work among the Dogon also, and he concluded that the claims of Griaule (the originator of the Dogon-Sirius theory) could not be substantiated nor the specific claims of the Dogon impossible knowledge of Sirius be replicated among them. van Beek concludes, then, that Griaule himself along with other Western influences were more likely the source of this specific Sirius theory.

Karl Sagan also touched upon this , again concluding that this knowldge claimed by Griaule to more likely to have come from European sources rather than extraterran , since they had no knowledge of planets beyond Saturn which has rings .etc etc
(Great artwork though = the Dogon tribe)

When it comes to all this "Aliens visiting us" hypothesis , people would probably be better served just investigating our own earths journey thru the past 4bil yrs ...back thru what is called "Deep Time" on . From the earliest formation thru the Haldean Age when the earth was a hell of lava & meteor bombardment down thru the many many many ages . There are as many different kinds of bacteria as there have been life forms on this planet . Truely , if one likes the idea of "Aliens" , one doesn't have to look farther than our own doorstep. And what we've found preserved in rocks is only 1000th of the story .

* To bad Hollywood butchered Arthur C Clark's book "Childhoods End" when they made Independence Day ...i will take James Cameron's version of aliens in Avatar anyday , he's still king of the world !! lol

Of course Ridley Scott is always on the top 3 slot for Phillip K Dick's Bladerunner & his Aliens ;)
1. I have watched more than one episode including the most recent one.
2. I have now researched further (in response to someone's calling me out on my incorrect statement) and I admit that there is use among other cultures of both clockwise and counter-clockwise swastikas.
3. I have studied this subject extensively in a university setting. Bioastronomy (upper division) specifically and I've touched on the subject (in)directly in many other classes... I have essay upon essay debunking the plethora of alleged alien encounters (unfortunately not in digital format). These essays take the form of psychological explanations, sociological explanations, scientific explanations for how seemingly impossible things happened, and physiological explanations for why people could think they saw aliens; most people really do genuinely believe they saw aliens and aren't just lying for attention.
4. I agree that there are interesting points brought up but to claim aliens is just too far of a stretch. There is a plethora of evidence to suggest otherwise and there is not a single shred of legitimate (at least what I consider legitimate...) evidence of alien encounters throughout all of recorded history.
5. I'm sorry if some people got offended by my earlier post - it was not intended to be as such (3 people found my post 'unhelpful' lol).

See above. Also I would love to see your physical evidence...eyewitness testimony has already been 100% debunked by many scientists and not valid at all IMO

I could spend a lot of time posting info here, as I've studied the subject in depth for over 30 years, and have also had personal experiences. Frankly, I don't have a need to convince you that is strong enough to put the work in, lol. I don't even do that with my family. You're welcome to believe as you wish. I'm not offended by it, nor will it impact my pursuit of knowledge!

I will however say this. I am far happier, more joyful, than the non-believers (naysayers in general) that I know. I have always believed in magic, while studying the sciences. Even if I am full of shit, I don't care, because I'm full of wonder and captivated by this fascinating world of ours, not to mention universe! So, I'd rather be ignorantly joyful, than a miserable cynic.

Also, a belief in magic, synchronicity and all of the other wondrous things that are frequently poo-pooed, will bring them into your life, as physics clearly shows.. you choose. I'll take the Unicorn every time.

I highly recommend that everyone goes to the hubble website, burn some of your most cerebral herb, and spend some serious time gazing at the high-def pictures in their full size. Wonder...

I use my imagination to try and understand the universe, because it's the only thing I have comparable to it's vastness!


The trouble with making contact is the vast distances involved in the expanding Universer . Just to travel to the nearest stars would take yrs at the SOL . Even for the most advanced technologies concievable tday besides the convenient SciFi "warp drive" of star trek ...traveling around just our own galaxy would be like an ant making its way to the top of mount Everest from the heart of Anarctica
(with only one leg )
... and provided that ant could live 1000yrs

I think even if alien civilizations had a way to travel faster than light the chance of them finding us is still very small. The only thing that would alert them to our presence is our radio signals and those have only covered .14% the diameter of the galaxy. But I suppose anythings possible.

When you look at how far human civilization has come in the past few thousand years and then think about the millions and billions of years an alien race could have to evolve. If there's life out there then there's life more advanced than us. Right now there's too many variables to come to any conclusions.

I highly recommend that everyone goes to the hubble website, burn some of your most cerebral herb, and spend some serious time gazing at the high-def pictures in their full size. Wonder...

Now that I can agree with! :D That's desktop background material for me.


@truthorlie: I never said I don't believe in ET. In fact I have a high res-print (museum quality) of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Picture. It's is statistically (practically) impossible that there is no other form of life in the universe. Also, life evolved much earlier than 2 billion years ago. The earth is ~4.4 billion years old and the first life could have formed within the first 2-300 million years before the period of heavy bombardment and been sterilized by accreting stellar bodies. Even if not, oldest life is ~3.8 billion years old. And yes, I did get an A+ in the class. There is obviously life in extra-solar planets somewhere in the universe. Looks like YOU have ME all figured out smart guy...so tired of ignorant people misreading making false judgments based on their erroneous interpretations....

I could spend a lot of time posting info here, as I've studied the subject in depth for over 30 years, and have also had personal experiences. Frankly, I don't have a need to convince you that is strong enough to put the work in, lol. I don't even do that with my family. You're welcome to believe as you wish. I'm not offended by it, nor will it impact my pursuit of knowledge!

I will however say this. I am far happier, more joyful, than the non-believers (naysayers in general) that I know. I have always believed in magic, while studying the sciences. Even if I am full of shit, I don't care, because I'm full of wonder and captivated by this fascinating world of ours, not to mention universe! So, I'd rather be ignorantly joyful, than a miserable cynic.

I highly recommend that everyone goes to the hubble website, burn some of your most cerebral herb, and spend some serious time gazing at the high-def pictures in their full size. Wonder...

If you are addressing me, you know absolutely nothing about me and my happiness. Also, I don't choose to belief; I merely follow the path that reasoning provides me. I am not a cynic nor am I depressed. In fact I am fascinated by Nature's elegant combination of beauty, complexity and simultaneous simplistic nature (fractals - see Mandelbrot). I don't see why believing in magic, clearly false and illusory, is necessary to be moved by Nature. In fact I would say that this is sad...Nature is objectively beautiful and wonderful in of itself. I would rather be less joyful (not saying I am) than possess faith in something explicitly disproved by science and history.

I am NOT an atheist. I maintain an agnostic position as I think saying either way is equally ignorant. If I had to guess my personal beliefs would place Nature and it's underlying order as the divine entity. Also just because I don't believe in thoroughly debunked ancient alien visits doesn't mean I don't believe in ET. The probability that they would even remotely resemble us physically or have the same cognitive abilities as us, however, is questionable. For all we know the majority of ET could be living in gas giants as suspended coagulant entities...Or it could be simple bacteria in Jupiter's moon Europa...Also, the probability that they would communicate in a language (a conceptual language involving the ability of abstraction and ego consciousness) via radio waves is astronomically (pun intended) low. The nearest star system is 4.4 light-years away. In addition to facts like these, we have only had radio for about what 80 years? That means that only ET within 80 light-years would be able to detect our presence via radio signals sent by programs like SETI (COMPLETE waste of money/pathetic program). And again since people can't help but misinterpret/falsely extrapolate erroneous judgements about my thoughts and beliefs, I never said there is no ET; I have essentially analogous views to Sagan. He thinks there is definitely ET but all of the alien myths to date are hog-wash for a number of reasons.


Active member
@truthorlie: I never said I don't believe in ET. In fact I have a high res-print (museum quality) of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Picture. It's is statistically (practically) impossible that there is no other form of life in the universe. Also, life evolved much earlier than 2 billion years ago. The earth is ~4.4 billion years old and the first life could have formed within the first 2-300 million years before the period of heavy bombardment and been sterilized by accreting stellar bodies. Even if not, oldest life is ~3.8 billion years old. And yes, I did get an A+ in the class. There is obviously life in extra-solar planets somewhere in the universe. Looks like YOU have ME all figured out smart guy...so tired of ignorant people misreading making false judgments based on their erroneous interpretations....

Hey, I was right about the A+, wasn't I?

And I didn't say "life" in the past 2,000,000,000 years. I said "intelligent" life.

And in regards to how "far away" other places are...

...what if you learned to "think" a certain way, you could travel with your "thoughts"...

sure would make time/space travel a lot easier.

And would explain why people guard secret knowledge...

rick shaw

Do you feel L.Ron Hubbard is correct in the belief of an immortal soul that has existed on other planets?

Madrus Rose

post 69
I think even if alien civilizations had a way to travel faster than light the chance of them finding us is still very small. The only thing that would alert them to our presence is our radio signals and those have only covered .14% the diameter of the galaxy. But I suppose anythings possible.

When you look at how far human civilization has come in the past few thousand years and then think about the millions and billions of years an alien race could have to evolve. If there's life out there then there's life more advanced than us. Right now there's too many variables to come to any conclusions.

There's certainly enough time enough for millions... well countless & untold ...& countless again intelligent civilizations that could have gone thru their early stages , developed complex social orders & highly evolved technologies that involved fathoming mysteries that surrounded them penetrating the secret veils of Nature just as we have done . And all these 10's of 1000 reflections of ourselves , with all the Deep Time on their planets' geological formation & myriad evolutionary processes of life developing leading to a similar sentient being as ourselves ....& all these civilizations just within the graceful spiral of our one Galaxy , the Milky Way .
(Which roughly estimated has 100bil stars, 1/10th% of has life =10mil planets)

And as they mastered & penetrated Nature in their own time & space , fathoming its mysteries with their own "scientists" building their telescopes looking out & up from their location wondering similarly about "us" just as we wonder about them . Given that the Milky Way is 100K light yrs across literally these guys could have been looking from out their telescopes back in their "real time" & sending out their probes & signals when the dominate life form on this planet were the trilobites :)


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Wormholes explain in a logical way how we may travel such almost un-imaginable distances.

Also having studied the crop-circle phenomenan UFO's capable of anti-grav may also be capable of time travel. The crop circles are a date stamp for the visitors. This is a logical explanation of why sites such as around Stonehenge have had circles for centuries.

They are here. The question for me now is who are they?

I also like the idea of astral projection.

It resonates with my immortal soul :smoke:


That show fuckin' rocks! It is based on a lot of "what ifs".....life IS a lot of what ifs. Interesting show any way you look at it. I love anything that opens up a new line of thought.


what if
there were quintillions of stars? there are!! probability predicts that there would be someone with your name living in your city in your state with your wife having your children - somewhere else in the universe.

and what if
billions of civilizations began their tech revolution thousands (millions?) of years ago? probability predicts they did!! with our two hundred year old tech we can detect earthlike planets twenty light years away. how far out could a "mature" technology - say even just 1000 years old - reach out into space?

and what if
we logically predicted the natural course of events in light of these facts?

some of it isn't hard to figure out.


Well-known member
high all!

well, i find it strange that our scientists can't even count, see, "analyse" ALL galaxies and much less all stars in the universe BUT deny the possibility of extra terrestrial life... i mean come on, it's like arjan sellin you feminized seeds and tells you, it's 100% females (ya dig it?).


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