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What Fonzee grows this summer?


Weed Cannasaur
Well, except for the trifoliate JTR that looks like a male for now all the other plants shown sex. The females went to 7L pots and the males to 0.5L pots.

JB 1 - Dead.
JB 2 - Male.
JB 3 - Female.
JB 4 - Female.
JB 5 - Male.
JB 6 - Female.
JB 7 - Male.
JB 8 - Male.
JB 9 - Male.
JB 10 - Female.

JTR 2 - Male
JTR 3 - Probably a male. Trifoliate.

3D 1 - Male.
3D 2 - Female.

That means my room still needs some filling.

I got it sprayed with garlic extract to help with my tobacco aphid issues I've been having.
I got my garlic FPE without a dilution sprayed thoroughly on the plants.
I'm keeping a strong fan running on them for an hour to help the process.

I'm itching to chop the SDG. It doesn't do much.
It doesn't fill out or anything.
The trichomes are a bit premature but the high was very couchlock anyway.

nice grow man
Thanks mate :)

screw dialing it in, you are doing fine just throwing them in there :)
Actually I'm pretty worried about the yield from the 12\12 run.
My aim is a constant 500g a run with 400w switched to 600w for flowering.
I don't see it happening this time.

It seems my soil mix is pretty nice, but there's a lot of things I need to change in this field as well.

But thanks for you support!


Weed Cannasaur
Gave the 12\12 plants a 10ml of BioBizz Top Max in 5L of water to help get some humic acids in there.

I'm also bubbling a tea with compost, EWC, guano (a tiny bit of high N and a tiny bit of high P), sugar (quite a bit this time), crushed oats and I'll add a few drops of seaplant FPE and top max in 12 hours or so.
This time I'm aiming to get a bit more fungi in my tea. I think my fungi population isn't developed enough.


Weed Cannasaur
This is the SDG before:

This is for proportion:

This is after:

In 3-7 days she will get the axe.

Trichomes look ready and the buds look ready.

I'm not impressed with the yield, but its not THAT bad.
I'd just rather free up some space and light for the next bud.
It smells somewhat like a grapefruit and she doesn't reek all that bad.
Took me around 45 minutes to manicure.

My estimation is 50 grams of bud and around 5 grams of trim.
The buds are firm and doesn't look like they'll shrink too badly.

This is the JTR:

Its by FAR the most sugar coated herb I've ever grown or seen in person.
The camera does NO justice to this piece of art. Its WAY more sugary than what it looks like!

I got a tiny sample from the JTR, lasted one nice puff and 2 small ones.
I'd guess it was around 0.015g.
The first puff had a lot of taste but I couldn't point at what taste it was.
It did get me high, but not too far.
Was very even - I was looking for something like that since my Blue Mystic. Nothing special but doesn't lack anything.
But crap that shit was potent!

Somehow, the samples I did were ULTRA POTENT compared to pretty much everything I grew.

Chao ~


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Weed Cannasaur
I got the JTR clone in a 6L pot and trimmed the crap out of it to make it bushy and to get clones.

I made some AACT and gave a small dose to the veg. chamber and I'll give the flowering chamber a nice dose.

It will be the last thing the 12\12 plants get except water.

Usually I make my tea bacteria dominated but this time it looks pretty evenly bacterial \ fungal.
There's quite some foam on top.
I put in:
6L of dechlorinated water
a BIG tablespoon of dark brown sugar (that still has the molasses in it)
~cup bagged manure compost
~20ml bagged bone-dry worm castings
~20ml home-made worm castings
~40ml crushed oats
1ml homemade sea plants extract
1ml BioBizz Top Max
~half a cut of partially decomposed leaves that were covered in fungi strands.
a TINY bit of high N and high P guano
some more stuff I can't remember right now.

Its been bubbling for 27-28 hours before the veg plants got it and around 30-32 hours before the flowering plants will get it.

I want some more plants in the 12\12 room. Its not as dense as I want it although the Cloud #9 is covering a nice portion of the screen.
I hope the clones I took a few weeks ago will finally root and I'll be able to pop 'em in to fill the gaps.

Well, I'll post pictures later if I'll catch something worthy.

Keep safe, Fonz.


Weed Cannasaur
I got some tiny roots on a JTR from my prototype cloner. Its awful so I rather pick the clones ASAP.

I'll add it to the veg room in a minute.
I've planted her in a 2L water bottle (around 1.7L of medium), punched 4 drainage holes around 3ml in diameter.
Got it filled with my flowering mix (the same mix I got to the vegging plants) on the bottom half and reused some veg mix that I've removed from the males on the upper half.
On top of that I've top dressed 30ml bone-dry store-bough worm humus, lightly mixed to the top inch.
Got it watered very well and sketched some artwork on the bottle and humidity dome (from the top of the bottle) to add mojo.

Added a picture of the veg room.


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Weed Cannasaur
OK, now for a normal update.

The Sweet Deep Grapefruit got chopped. It had more than enough amber trichomes and it wasn't getting any fatter.







Now the 12\12 looks like this:

Half a branch of the Cloud #9 that was nearly broken a while ago finally got topped off and dried to the point it won't heal.
Its pretty ready anyway and will provide proper samples~



Jilly Bean number 9, a male, is flowering REALLY quick. I'll be watching this fucker closely so he won't bang all the ladies for free.
The others are just starting to pop a barely recognizable flowers and he is going full power already.


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Weed Cannasaur
After chopping the SDG I was able to move the IK to take a picture and place her in a better position.



She looks yummy and filling up very nicely but she veg like shit.
Even my reveging clone is filled with mutant leaves like when the mother was a seedling.
Also, she veg very slowly.

I'll be keeping her for breeding however.


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
looks like you got mites my friend. i suggest some azamax and perhaps some pyrethrin also to alternate with. the borg suck im just getting over them. preventative measures work best


Weed Cannasaur
I know.
I got mites, tobacco fly aphids and some other stuff running around, like fungus gnats randomly.

My grow is 100% organic and I do not intend to use pesticides around advanced flowering plants.

I should get some lady beetles but so far the plants grow faster than the pests damage, so I consider it cool.

Thanks for popping by the for your input!


Smile Vs Cry
hey mate whatzzz up ?!?
nice update brotha, sdg look just delicious, sure gonna be a sweet tasty with nice high so can't wait for more update, i'm tuned !!


Weed Cannasaur
I'm afraid to try the SDG up.
Last time it was like taking a Betaren 400 with a shot of whiskey. And now its more mature so even MORE couchlock?!

I've mixed it up with some 18months cured Blue Mystic I have, around 1 part SDG to 4 parts BM. This shit was AWESOME!
Wasn't trippy enough for me, but sure felt good.

Well, testing is part of the job, ain't it? ;)

I can't wait to test the Jack The Ripper and Cloud #9. Those look like some winners by my book!


Weed Cannasaur
Another update

Another update

Switched the 400 with the 600W and now the veg is 600W and the flowering is 400W.

I got the cooltubes all cleaned up and shiny. It was pretty darn dirty.

A Cloud#9 clone rooted and got moved to a 1L DIY ghetto air-pot. (a water bottle with a lot of tiny holes.

The JTR is swelling nicely but it seems to have a few weeks left.
The IK is small, but still packing weight and have a VERY strong odor. The strongest for now.
The BM is still crap, should be ready with the IK.
The Cloud #9 looks like it has a week to go.

I randomly tie down some of the TGA veg plants, but finally decided to step into vertical growing. I've checked and my space permits.

Will be my first time trying a proper vert and shouldn't be long before the plants will be ready.

I would love any tips on vert growing if someone have any.

I've moved Jilly Bean #9 (the fast flowering male) to my PC grow case and tied it down.
Just need to remember to water it down every 2-3 days...
This dude is under 45W CFL, 2700Kelvin.

Well, thats it for today.

Keep safe, Fonz.


Weed Cannasaur
The small Cloud #9 bud dried out and after removing the buds from the stems while being stem-snap dry weighted at 2.42 grams.
Pretty airy but not bad at all!

The Sweet Deep Grapefruit is drying, taking her time.
She's whiter than my Great White Shark, and she was pretty awesomely white!
This C#9 is pretty white too!

I might drop the vertical grow idea, after looking closer I don't have enough depth to keep the plants far away from the light.
Also, they are pretty well ready for a great SCROG.
We'll see.

Nice buds in there ! Why did you switch the lights around ?
Thanks CFL!
My flowering plants are finishing up and don't need a light that strong.
The screen there is set at a good distance for a 400W while the 600W is pushing it heat-wise.
The vegging plants need it more right now.


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Weed Cannasaur
overall view:

right side:

bottom of the screen:

left side:

JTR nugshots:


Jilly Bean #9: - ain't this bastard beautiful?!


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Weed Cannasaur
Well, today I got some work done :)

I figured out I can use bigger pots so I've used all the previous mix I had and made some more.
The old batch filled the 25L pot around Jilly Bean #10 and half the 25pot of Jilly Bean #2.

The new batch didn't need perlite - it drained well as is.
It consists of:
1.3L soil from the last batch, without the perlite.
16.5L of the same base soil as last time - 90% peat and coco and 10% tuff.
6L nice manure compost
350mL bone dry worm castings
1L bone dry humus
~50ml high P bat guano
2.5 Homemade vermicompost, great quality.
6L active charcoal 4mm diameter (I believe it helped to aerate the mix)

Topped the JB2 pot with this mix.

Then I have drilled drainage holes in a 20L bucket, put 3L of perlite on the bottom for extra drainage and potted Jilly Bean #7 in it using the mix above.

I got the rest of the TGA plants that were still in the 7L pots on another 7L pot with some soil in it to get them to the same height and help them get out of the root binding.

All the big pots got a coco mulch without the small parts that usually come in a batch - only big fibers and crutons.

Then I got a screen cut and placed on top of the plant with a slight angle to fit the light curve.
I had to do some supercropping to fit the gals in and I got a 2Kg weight on top to keep the screen in place for the next week or so:

Then I told myself ; "hey, handsome, you screen is all filled up!"
So I told him "dude, your right! and you'r pretty awesome yourself!"

So today is day 1 of 12\12 for the TGA run!
HURRAY! :trampoline:

As for the 12\12 from seed run.
The Sweet Deep Grapefruit top dried out as it was getting some radiation from the 600W.
The rest is still drying.
I got 7.1g dry for now:

(its much whiter than the picture shows)

Also I found that the Cloud #9 is ready to go.
I did half assed manicure and I'll chop it in 3 days.


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Weed Cannasaur
Sure :)

If you need anything specific - fire away, I have some more.


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Weed Cannasaur
Oh, by the way - the JTR is ready to go, just need to find time to handle it.

I also got another JTR clone to root for me, which is in GREAT timing to fill up my screen~
I hope that soon the others will root as well and in 2 weeks I'll have a full screen again :)

I don't think I'll stay with the long pot for another run - it takes up too much space.
I want to use a 60L storage container but I don't have any catch tray for it and I can't let water drip on the "floor" as it will drip down to the lower cabin which is the electricity cabin...

I'll probably plant the new JTR in straight coco and use chem nutes on it, for comparison.
I got too many of them anyway.


Weed Cannasaur
Sweet Deep Grapefruit dry weight - 33.78 grams.

I'm not happy with my yield at all.

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