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Traveling the backwoods of Maine


emerald city

Always something interesting the further into the hills you go...Starting in the southern area;s of the state, the prices and varieties are typical for urban area's up and down east coast USA...Named brands going for 3-5 a Z......
The fun starts when you drive further into the hills or up the coast,up country...This season for instance the outdoor growing season was perfect.Seems like everyone and thier brother threw in a small crop .The weed is plentyfull,well priced an exceptionly good....Some was done so fine it could have been passed off as indoor[and some was]..
150-200 a Z is a fair average...
.....The last noteworthy thought...Tho most of the local breeds found in the hills didnt have designer names or least not names you see in hightime mag or IC.... they were as good as anything else in a side by side comparison.. differant area's had there own local strains.Small pockets of unique genetic material ,usualy kept in small circle for YEARS..Some of the stock was origanlly brought back by local service men returning from vietnam back in the late 60ies/70ies.....
To sum it up,If you happen to be in Maine this year for harvest fest, chances are you will run into some of the best "homegrown" seen in many moon's around these parts :ying: Off to another road test review :blowbubbles: From the deep woods of Maine...E.C/out


Active member
sounds cool, i'd like to hike the AT up there. Buddy of mine got some seeds from a dude up there whos been growing some mountain strain for awhile, usually sets up a nice sized grow...He grew them out in the midwest, finished pretty early, really stinky, acridy smell, super tasty stuff.

emerald city

great north woods kicks ass. i brought my own tho . i did manage to get some seeds there tho.
Didnt happen to come across any "Durban" crosses around in the Rangley lakes region?That stuff about grows wild up there now.
Good luck with the seeds :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
I love outdoor season in the backwoods, you try matching these guys' no-name with something name-brand and it doesn't even come close. There are a few strains grown in the woods around here that I'd trade my car for a cut of.


Well-known member
I know it looks kinda poopy, I think it was dried with heat or improperly packed, but this is my Holy Grail of weed thus far.

I always heard "There's no way it's better than (insert strain name here)" but there was not one person that I knew that would be ambitious to smoke more after a half-bowl. I'm waiting on a cut, but I won't be optimistic until it's under my lights.

One hit made me smiley for no reason, two hits had my temples sweating, more than three and it was off to the races.

Hooray for backwoods breeders! :thank you:



apparently i dont know any of the right people here, all i get it decent stuff for $$$ 300+ an o.

emerald city

Update Maine; Following the trend of not so great economic times,with a perfect growing season producing a bumper crop of pot :watchplant: The average prices on lbs. of local grown pot have dropped off 15-20%....The same guys who were getting 5k/lb last year are moving things out the door at 4.5- 4k/lb...swag is even cheaper...One observation i had.....There maybe a lot of choices and weight on the market this year, but the quality on average was fair/midgrade and basicly unimpressive.Lotsa weight with no flavor or improperly flushed/cured...Mixed into that is all the stuff being shipped in from other parts of the country[cali/org].....End result is the markets are flooded and prices are falling for the people of Maine....The good stuff[medicinal grade indoor] can still be found but youll have to sift your way threw lots of crap to get there...Unless of course your IN-diginous and know your grower personally..
:ying: Another Road Trip Review.:thank you:

Doobie Nyce

upsetting the setup
ICMag Donor
prices is my area are more like... 16-25 lb for outs and 32-4500 for heads!

Tons of that nasty Avid soaked cali-greenhouse being passed off as indoor driving the prices down!

emerald city

prices is my area are more like... 16-25 lb for outs and 32-4500 for heads!

Tons of that nasty Avid soaked cali-greenhouse being passed off as indoor driving the prices down!
Not to be to nosey but,How far up-country are you....16 on a lb sounds very fair...Twas a good year had by all by the looks.

Doobie Nyce

upsetting the setup
ICMag Donor
I am right in the middle!! Far from any major cultural center... I know as you head towards Portland or Boston prices are up to national standard... 5k/lb or more


Active member
maine is full of bitter olde gnarly hippies who grow whatever they can get their hands on-usually mids quality-like the picture posted on the first page-looks like fresh beaster imo-not that theres anything wrong with that-what i've seen up there are hybrids-something as dense as posted in the pic in Maine would not survive the moisture-now silver pearl-no problem

emerald city

maine is full of bitter olde gnarly hippies who grow whatever they can get their hands on-usually mids quality-like the picture posted on the first page-looks like fresh beaster imo-not that theres anything wrong with that-what i've seen up there are hybrids-something as dense as posted in the pic in Maine would not survive the moisture-now silver pearl-no problem
2 bucks sez you taint from round he-yah...I do like the knarly old hippy analogy tho.