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E-Cigarettes: A How-To With Canna

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
OMG BadKitty....I have a Joye510 I used to quit smoking last year! We've been wondering how you would vape oil through it for a long time. This is an AWESOME thread! Thank you so much for the contribution:cathug: After my son is born, I'm looking into this!!!! :pet the cat:


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
this thread is pointless.

let me let you in on a little something -

you can't use ecigs to vaporize thc.

thc vaporizes around 350 degrees F.

the atomizers in ecigs don't come anywhere close to that temperature.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Yeah, we're all looking forward to it. Can we get a link to your e-cig store too?

This thread is garbage.

Attempting to vaporize thc with an e-cig is a waste of time and effort for several reasons. The simple fact that the atomizers don't get hot enough to vaporize THC should be the obvious one.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
BadKittySmiles said:
It’s basically very simple, just so long as you follow a good tincture recipe… be on the look
out, I’m posting mine shortly. If done right, 3 - 5ml tincture taken sublingually (under the
tongue) will knock your socks off, but when vaped via an electronic cigarette, I find it
takes only about half that to get me where I need to be.

You're saying you need 2ml or so of this mixed eliquid to get high, which sounds about right to me based on how much active ingredient the liquid can absorb.

Problem is - that's 40 drops. A cartridge typically holds 12-15 drops, and lasts hours if not all day, so like, how are you even getting high off this?

You get a few hits per drop at least, so you'd have to hit it 120+ times to get an acceptable amount into your system. If you were on some psycho mission to hit it as fast as humanly possible, you'd still be puffing hardcore for an hour straight just to catch the same buzz you caught in 20 seconds with 1 hit of real weed or hash.

I have made a maximum saturation e-liquid by mixing top quality decarb'd hash oil, solved in a small amount of alcohol, mixing with the PG liquid, and then heating off the remaining alcohol. As it cooled, some hash actually came out of saturation and stuck to the walls of the bottle, so I know it is as full of hash as its gonna get at room temperature.

This stuff has been chillin' for months now, and not once have I ever caught a buzz off it. It tastes disgusting, and fucks up any atomizer I've put it in by leaving behind the nasty taste. Perhaps a better mixing flavor would help, but strawberry & hash is straight disgusting in the ecig. This liquid is as potent as it will ever get, but does nothing to anybody out of the ecig, even my friends with low tolerance.

I personally believe this method is a waste of weed/hash, PG liquid and atomizers because you'll never get enough active ingredient into a reasonable amount of drops. The figures being tossed around in here make no sense in real-world usage, and even upping the concentration to maximum still doesn't cross the "worth it" line.

May as well just make the tincture and take it directly.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Thanks bongj, you summed up a lot of what I had to say perfectly.

Badkitty, there are ecig forums out there, go sell ur shit there. This is a cannabis forum and we won't be buying any of your snake oil here.
You need to make a -proper- glycerin tincture. By this, I mean you need to wait until it's EDIBLE and can be absorbed not only sublingually, but via your digestive tract.

Have you never heard of decarbing? This is along the same lines, after several months of heat processing the cannabinoids are more readily available for even oral consumption and DO NOT EVEN REQUIRE HEAT. So when you turn the SAME liquid to a vapor, and allow it to coat your lungs... guess what? It absorbs. Silly, silly boys.

So before you nay-say to someone who's been vaping tinctures for 10-15 years, do your research fellas... you obviously don't know much about tincture, or the human body :)

And I do apologize, 2ml vaped in a larger machine like the fogger or a volcano is what can rock your socks off, from an edible tincture that doesn't put you to sleep, usually made with buds rather than hash. In a big machine, it takes about a minute to vape 2ml. A good hash tincture (ie higher cannabinoid content than the standard 1gram bud per 1 oz glycerin) will require about 2 ml sublingually rather than the 5ml, to get you where you need to be, and .5ml vaped. Keep in mind I've been using bud tincture in larger more powerful vapes, and HASH tincture in e-cigs ;) Pay attention, fellas.... you sound foolish here :) Also, I've been smoking about 3-10 grams a day for nearly 20 years, so my tolerance is high. When I share these or make up batches for low tolerance friends, between 3 and 5 puffs gets them where they need to be. It's up to the end-user, and it depends on the quality of your tincture...

If you failed, that's your shortcoming, not mine ;)
Just so you folks know what my experiences are, here's the intro I shared in the welcoming area, I've been growing, breeding and processing the herb, and traveling to keep up with the trends, since before some of you kids were born:

I've been growing and traveling the globe for our hobby for quite a few years now, I've lived in several continents and countries exclusively for growing and processing herb, had over a dozen personal grow rooms in various locations, and co-op/contributed to several warehouses, kitchens and labs. I'm experienced in hydro, soil, aquaponics, aeroponics, micro grows, and massive grows. I used to moderate for a few popular canna forums about 5 years or so back, so I'm always looking for a friendly forum to call home, and it seems really comfy here (spoke too soon, on this one).

The later pics are from the most recent crop.




This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1041x728.

This is from a competition that was run on another forum, the goal was to see how large a plant could be grown when limited to a mere 3oz of root space, and up to a gallon res. I chose aquaponics: This is after about 3 weeks from seed.


and these little fellas are who fed her:



Please keep in mind, when growing with aquaponics, the health of the fish and animals involved always comes FIRST. The healthy growth from the plants, goes hand in hand, with healthy, vibrant fish. Gaara, the betta, was chosen because he is a shy betta, and like some (but not all) bettas he dislikes being kept in anything larger than 2 gallons. The algae eater was chosen to safely control algae blooms, and has since outgrown the smaller tank. When this happens, I replace him with a baby algae eater. I've had some bettas enjoy 100 gallon community tanks, and some that never come out to play unless they have their own 'puddle' to exist in, with only one or two partners.

The lady fish in my breeder tanks reproduce up to 50% faster in a well maintained aquaponics environment, than they do in even the best kept traditionally-planted aquariums (I'm a hobby fish breeder as well). The more they breed and the happier they are, the better my plants yield as well.

So besides that it's just the right thing to do, making sure that your fish are healthy, happy and in tip-top shape, also serves a purpose towards the outcome of your grow. The tank/res was kept at 78(night) - 85(day) degrees, yet the plant stayed healthy. Koi and goldfish are better for aquaponics, as they produce more waste, and enjoy a cooler environment which is better for your root zone.

Just thought I'd get that out of the way.. I'm an animal person, they come before my other work, even when they're involved


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Bongj addressed the decarbing thing. Even still, there's no way to vaporize enough thc tincture to get high, even with just the lowest of tolerances.

And it starts to be a real loss with every atomizer you ruin. Atomizers are around 5 dollars a pop and I can imagine just attempting to get high from thc tincture, will have the atomizer rendered useless after an hour or so of vaping.

I just don't grasp how you can claim to get high from this.
If you are burning through atomizers, you've either; burned your tincture when you made it, or, you didn't strain your product well enough, meaning, you're putting debris through your wick and atomizer which can cause an unpalatable taste, and burn out your equipment.

My atomizers last anywhere from a month or so to six months under normal use, I don't use any liquids I don't make myself. That is (not counting DOAs of course) pretty much the average report, for properly cared for atomizers, when used with store bought liquids.

On a personal note, I have a digestive disorder that prevents me from absorbing anything from medication, to edibles, to even nutrition efficiently, due to an imbalance in my digestive tract and the resulting scar tissue that has formed over the years. So I've had to get a lot of experience making high potency tinctures, and it takes months of patience and very gentle heating, while contained, containment during processing is crucial (on another forum our members were having difficulty containing the vapor during processing, and they were losing great deals of potency this way), before you can hope end up with a devastatingly, narcotic tincture.

I digress, the amount of medication I need when consuming edibles is greater than most, so I've needed to perfect sublingual hash and herb tinctures in order to have any great effect on my system, otherwise when I can't vape and smoke, I can't properly medicate. You need something strong sublingually, before it will work in a low-temp e-cig personal vaporizer. I'm not going to suggest brands, look up an e-cig forum and find one that works for you.

But without a good, clean tincture, you're going to burn through atomizers, and you won't get nearly the effect you need.

Using a traditional table top vaporizer, that has the ability to reach higher temperatures than the common e-cig or e-cigar, is a good method of utilizing a failed tincture, when you notice both eating it, and e-cigging, are not giving you the effects you need.

Although I personally don't really recommend combusting with veg glycerin, you can also use a failed (or premature) tincture, to make canna hookah shisha, to add some extra kick to your bud. Veg glycerin is a common component in most store bought and home-made hookah shisha.

Sorry if I came off harsh, I just wasn't expecting such questionable and negative replies.. I'm sorry if anyone's having a less than Happy Thanksgiving if you're State-side, so cheer up! :)

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
LOL you think you're the only one who knows how to make a tincture? How arrogant.

Never said I was burning up atomizers and also mentioned decarbing - I'd read more closely before you go telling people they sound foolish.

The only useful info in your replies is that you admit to burn 2ml in a reasonable amount of time you need to use a freakin' fog machine. Nobody is puffing on one of those, and using it to box out a room is hardly going to give everyone a proper dose.

You already said you're using 2ml in the ecig anyways, so like, get your story straight.

Now you say you meant your 1ml hash-based tincture.

That is still 20 drops or 2 cartridges worth of puffing to get high. Any ecig user knows that is a ridiculous amount to hit at once and makes no sense.
I have made a maximum saturation e-liquid by mixing top quality decarb'd hash oil, solved in a small amount of alcohol, mixing with the PG liquid, and then heating off the remaining alcohol. As it cooled, some hash actually came out of saturation and stuck to the walls of the bottle, so I know it is as full of hash as its gonna get at room temperature.

This stuff has been chillin' for months now, and not once have I ever caught a buzz off it. It tastes disgusting, and fucks up any atomizer I've put it in by leaving behind the nasty taste. Perhaps a better mixing flavor would help, but strawberry & hash is straight disgusting in the ecig. This liquid is as potent as it will ever get, but does nothing to anybody out of the ecig, even my friends with low tolerance.

You "learn to read, 'homeboy'"... if you're going to go around neg-repping people because they grow better herb, or make better edibles or tincture, then you're a very sorry case *shakes head* Who neg reps over a disagreement like this, anyway?

Hash tincture and herb tincture are two very different things, you obviously don't understand that. With herb, you're getting a lot more plant waxes and chlorophyll which takes up holding space in your glycerin, meaning a less efficient hit. So you use it in a table top vape. The fog machine was for fun, spoiled sports need not apply.
So I'm sorry if you couldn't comprehend 5 minutes worth of my typing, if I need to edit some information later on that I didn't get across clearly enough for certain people who have a difficult time understanding things, I will. But I assumed I already made it simple enough.

I haven't even shared any of the tincture recipes yet themselves and you're already judging the effectiveness. That's a bit premature.

And you said yours tasted horrible so you absolutely 100% did something wrong, because mine, like any decent tincture (never said I'm the only one who can make it, so grow up fellow), tastes smooth and creamy after a few months processing with zero additional flavor added. And glycerin can hold and liquefy a lot more glandular material than you think, so if yours didn't set up properly, again.. something went wrong.

So don't go around neg rep-ing and whining at people, just because they succeeded where you failed. That doesn't look very 'cool' in anyone's books. Just try again, and eventually you'll get it. Practice makes perfect ;)
Actually... what are you even talking about, comparing your failed recipe to a properly made glycerin tincture is like comparing apples to... I don't know, radishes or a squash, to keep it polite.

Why are you getting all 'arrogant' when you're not even talking about the same thing?

That's probably why I only glossed over your post and just took in the negative, it's not discussing anything having to do with a proper glycerin tincture.

Maybe you should, I dunno, try it first :)

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
You call people names, then cry about getting neg rep for it?


Doesn't matter how many walls of text you leave full of BS - you can't change the fact that the amount of tincture needed to get high just won't be usable in an ecig in a reasonable amount of time.

But do tell us more about how much better you are than the rest of us at making tinctures and growing bud - that shit is gold!
Learn...to......read. And quit being jealous that other people succeed where you fail.

.5 ml is about 15 drops, my carts hold about 20. If it takes most people 3-5 puffs, that's a lot less than the .5 hash tincture I said that I personally need to get the effect -I want-. I said .5 ml hash tincture for e-cigs, 2ml for a fogger or table top when you're using herb tincture.

You came in here with your panties in a twist, first, because you tried this and failed miserably, using a completely different recipe.

And you still won't give it up. You and your buddy came in and started tag-teaming off each other, and you honestly expect people to just take it and fall in line, because you have, oooh, more rep and you'll slap people with some negative when they stick up for themsevles? Sad. Very, very sad.

Maybe you should read back and take a check on your own attitude and the guy who you were helping out with his, you shouldn't go around talking to people that way and encouraging others to do so, just because you tried something entirely different one time and it didn't work for you.

I apologized for being hard on you, tried to tone it down, and I apologized that I didn't make things clear enough for you to understand. Yet here you are, keeping it going... chill out already.

Do you have any idea how it sounds when you come in here with a completely different recipe, and use that as evidence why this 'doesn't work'? *shakes head*
Anyway, I would like to apologize for my hasty reaction, as well as thank all of you for your positive responses, and PM's etc. and all your support considering the above, and if you'd like to see some evidence of this working, there are other forums with less stubborn members, who are actually willing to give something a shot, before they sh*t all over it :)

We've been doing this for a long while elsewhere... it's absolutely nothing new, so I'm not sure why some people got so twisted up about it :)

So thanks again for being positive to those who were!


so I'm always looking for a friendly forum to call home, and it seems really comfy here (spoke too soon, on this one).

Yeah, you might be in the wrong spot, ICMag for all the good it does, is populated by many churlish stoners who enjoy nothing more than getting in arguments. I hope you stick around because it sounds like you probably have some positive viewpoints to contribute.

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