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Edgey's gone back to basics


best i've done is just under 8 per plant when i had 2 under a 600w hps

she certainly likes being lst'd but you do have to tie the branches up later in flower..leave it 10 weeks if poss but 60-65 days is acceptable

if you need any more info m8 just holla


cheers bro. will defo tie this bitch up, to see what she can do. whats the smell and taste like? not had the pleasure of smoking any yet.


similar to the exo cheese , a bit more fruitier though imo .....heavy hitter if you let her go full term as well .
the one i'm using to make the psychocindy seeds is at it's 15th week in flower :)
getting cut this weekend


DAY 39

just a quick pic of the psychosis , i trimmed a few leaves off her and she seems to have responded well giving the lower buds more light and so far she hasn't stalled



looks like you'll get a nice yeild from that bitch. just got to hope my cut roots now. looks dank as fuck from the pics i've seen. your psychocindy sounds like a winner. do you know if anyone's tried to reverse the psycho mate? was thinking of reverseing it and hitting the cheese up with it. what you reckon mate?


i've tried reversing it 3 times with no success , thats why i started again using the c99 as reversed parent

i know of a few people to have tried to reverse it but it seems to have too much of the skunk phoeno in it the same as cheese ..... just one of those strains lol



i've tried reversing it 3 times with no success , thats why i started again using the c99 as reversed parent

i know of a few people to have tried to reverse it but it seems to have too much of the skunk phoeno in it the same as cheese ..... just one of those strains lol


thanks for the info bro. shame that these bitches won't turn. reckon there some serious dank waiting to be unlocked in them.


thanks for the info bro. shame that these bitches won't turn. reckon there some serious dank waiting to be unlocked in them.

yer its a shame mate but i keep trying with different mixes.i can get it to turn true male but the pollen sacs are empty :dunno::dunno:

Good work mate, they are looking super duper

thanks ramius , another 4-5 weeks and it should be one massive block of bud lol



day 45 and the psycho is coming on great

she's deinking 6.5L a day with around 1L runoff

ec= 1.5
ph= 5.9



usually about 65 days , apart from the 15 week seeded plant i've only ever made 70 days once lol



mainly a homemade fluoro set up , not t5's though

i got 4 twin 6' light fittings with a 56w tube in each made a frame and job done

veg time takes slightly longer than a hps but its worth it for the tighter nodes



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
That´s some fine work you have there edgey!
Things look spot on on your grow


Impressive set up you made there m8. How long did you veg to get her like that?

its usually just a case of veg until the next tent is free , this one was around 6 weeks i think .
doing it that way usually works well but i've got a whitefire going which could of being put in flower 2 weeks ago but i haven't got a tent free for another week yet

here's the wifi waiting to be flowered

Seems like it is working very well for you ;)

That wifi is looking good - I so need a bigger veg area lol

Is the wifi going under a screen when you put her in?


i'm not sure yet m8 , at the mo the smaller tent will be free before the medium one so i may just spread her as much as possible , start her under the 250 in the small tent then transfer her to the 400 when that tents free.....

i find it easier not to plan things because they just fuck up if i do lol


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