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250w hps, Lemon Skunk & Frends

No terve!

I've been building my cab for some time now, and it's time to fill it with few plants.

I'm not sure if I put only lemon skunk to flower or all of them.. time will tell.

Ok, I ordered GreenHouseSeeds Sativa/Indica Mix C packet, which contains
1x Feminized :
Lemon Skunk (sprouted 6.11)
Hawaiian Snow (sprouted 16.11)
Big Bang (sprouted 18.11)

White Rhino (didn't sprout)
Super Silver Haze (didn't sprout)

Bio Grow
Bio Bloom
Liquid Silicon-----does someone have any advices about this?
Final Solution

250hps at flower-room and 4x18w fluoros + 85w CFL at veg. Opinions about the veg lights? My goal is to keep there 2-4 bonsai moms so I have continuous
source for clones.

And soil is "planting soil" don't know how to translate that, but it has little bit nutes for a seedling/clone, nothing more
Perlite & Vermiculate

Some sad news is that Super Silver Haze did not sprout (is that the right word I don't know, please correct my miss spellings) and seems like Big Bang isn't sprouting either...

But now, Lemon Skunk is only one "alive". 8 days old
First 4 days she was under kitchen fluoro light, and now under hps.
Gave her water only once. I think she should be bigger at this point... Well, theres not perlite/vermiculate in that soil, didn't have those at that time.
Can I transfer her at this point? Or should I wait that she developes some more roots?

80cm/31.4in wide------- 201cm/79.1in high------58cm/22.8in deep
Really silent cab!!! :dance013: Cab is not sealed properly yeat, but i'm working on it! Some light leaks on the door but not much.
Temperature is about 28C/83F at lights on, but humidity is pretty low, 20-40%, any advices to raise it?

I will update this once or twice a week.
I wish you share your wisdom/opinions with me so this would be educational for me and everyone else.


first very neat install...good job:)
a grower well prepared is an happy grower
three month later...;)

I think she should be bigger at this point...
7 days ago I put one under 400hps...it's just a lil bit bigger than yours...so I'd say its ok

but humidity is pretty low, 20-40%, any advices to raise it?
the best solution is a Mist maker....not that expensive and very efficient comparatively to all the mcGyver tricks you will find...

for the rest of your questions ...I have some opinions but it would be better to let speak the experts first ;)

Super Silver Haze did not sprout (is that the right word I don't know, please correct my miss spellings)
I understood exactly what you meant...cfr signature;)
first very neat install...good job:)

Thank you for the kind words! :)

Lemon Skunk got some water today, she looks fine.
My tap waters ph is about 7.5 I think thats too high, and I want to know is there some easy methods to lower it without those ph- liquids?

Anyone have to say about those veg lights?Osram L 18W/840 Active Daywhite. At this point I only have 2, and wanted to ask so I don't buy these more if they are crap. Are these good for keeping moms and clones, maybe 2week veg?


Hawaiian Snow is up! :jump:

so she has her first day and lemon skunk is now at day 11. Watered LS today and put some perlite to cover the soil.


I can't wait to see how your lemon skunk does. I tried a CH9 Citral skunk grow and the plant was pathetic. the buds barely formed, they were like fingers all jammed together with a shitload of leaves in between and it didn't smell or taste like skunk anything, smelled funny and tasted like shit....I hope you have better luck. 1024 and 3rd Dimension are my 2 favorites at the moment...
I can't wait to see how your lemon skunk does. I tried a CH9 Citral skunk grow and the plant was pathetic. the buds barely formed, they were like fingers all jammed together with a shitload of leaves in between and it didn't smell or taste like skunk anything, smelled funny and tasted like shit....I hope you have better luck. 1024 and 3rd Dimension are my 2 favorites at the moment...

Few times I have got my hands on Citral Skunk, and I liked it a lot. Really nice smell and taste. Shame yours ended up like shit.. :comfort:
What kind of setup did you have? lights etc..

I can't wait either to see how it does, but I really hope that White Rhino and Big Bang would sprout, those are the ones I've been waiting.
Hyvältä näyttää komerossa ja tervetuloa ICMagiin! :tiphat:

Shame that your remaining seeds didn't pop, but I think LS and HS are best of bunch from that collection. I think you somewhat lucky instead bad luck. :)
Kiitos Herbal extasy, kiva et löytyy meikäläisiäkin :wave: Tuntuu aika hyvältä tää icmag hamppuforumiin verrattuna.

Theres still hope with White Rhino and Big Bang but i'm not too optimistic..
I kept them all in water for about 24 hours, and after that I placed them between moist toiletpapers. GHS advices to do so, and I've allways done it like that with succes.

After 4-5 days between papers I put BB to soil (never cracked). White Rhino cracked about in 2 days and gave little tail so I placed her also to soil. Now I'm running around the house screaming "COME ON!" :D

Maybe I'm just impacient..

I'm happy thought about LS and HS, really curious about those, never had a chance to taste.


I'm sure your white rhino will show its horns real soon...:plant grow:;)
I'm at 3 to 4 week to harvest one myself...the growth was impressive so I sincerely hope for you it will sprout soon...and for me to compare ;)

Lemon Skunk is yellowing... I remember reading that if young plant is under hps/strong light, it will start to yellow? Or is it normal that these first leaves start to yellow? I would not ask, but those tiny leaves that are coming next are also showing yellow at their tips..



Tervetuloa kaappiho*kröhm*!

Mukavaa saada lisää suomalaisia päiväkirjoja! Ei muutakun subscribe thread ja popkornit esiin!

About Liquid Silicon: I've been using it for now. It thickens stems and is said to help prevent diseases and...yadayada. If you do not have pH- liquid go and buy some or maybe you could try some vinegar(?) because Liquid Silicon is going to raise your pH dramatically. It is wise to blend it to your water before nutrients and let it sit for a while.

Here is instructions on applying LS.

As for the lighting. You can easily rule out over lighting if you place it under that loisteputki for a while and see what happens.

Happy growing my dear hjakkapelitta!

Edit: Cover the walls of your little growbox with black and white plastic so you can mist some water to the walls. Quite effective way to manually rise rh. Other way is to stuff a kitchen rag to a plastic bottle full of water (not the whole rag obviously! hehe ) and stick that under your hps or in front of your blower. Not so efficient but it helps.
Ok Lemon Skunk is yellowing even more, can't think of anything else but ph. My tap water is about 7,5 and thats way too much..

I tested the Bio grow, it lowers ph pretty good, but i'm not so sure that I should give it to LS. So tiny plant that it does not really need it..
Have to get ph- bottle at monday..


Green is Gold
Hey komeropoika maybe it's your soil that is too hot? I have used some "seedling" starting mix before and it made my seedlings burn real bad so I retransplanted to regular soil and they turned around good. Maybe try changing them to some regular potting soil and then go with lower pH water? Just a thought...
I don't think it's the soil, cause she would been yeallow from beginning?
please someone correct if I'm talking crap.

I'll try to buy that ph- tomorrow. :bashhead:



Hi there, love the setup. reserving my spot here, really looking forward to your grow, i too am a 250 user.. Sending you good vibes!!

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