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Who here has let go of Anger?


Stoner Gardener

My anger is rid by "ALLOWING" myself to concentrate on better things.

IMHO, the cure to most things disagreeable = Lotsa fresh air+top notch nutrition+balancing rest & exercise +a sizeable length of time doing something that is an enjoyable departure from what one has mainly been doing prior to the unsettling feeling setting in (eg. stewing over the shyte that got me irked in the first place ;)).

Easier said than done sometimes, I'll admit... but WAYYYYYY worth it my Brothers & Sisters.... WAAAAAAAYYYYYY worth it... LOL!
Yeah I've seen that movie. It reinforced something that I learned a few years ago. People in our present age do not act like true humans. We are animals at heart. We spend most of our lives fighting that and who we truely are. When I'm out in the mountains or anywhere away from cars and lights and cities, I can truely become the person that I know I am and want to be.

This winter I'm going to be spending most of my life on a split snowboard, touring the Colorado Rockies with my dog, camping mountain faces, climbing, and descending. I hope I die doing it because I owe everything I have right now to mountaineering. It makes me work so fucking hard in my everyday life too.

Yes I believe we are out of our natural element. The human race was not meant to go this way. But it has by our own devices and now we're in too deep.
I fucken hate selfish drivers or people that wont wait their turn!!!!!!!!! we all need to get somewhere so be patient.. punks!

But I am getting much better at dealing with this , cause in the end what can u do :)

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I ain't admitting to anything
you know actually I resent the implication
ok it's clear I need some time to let go.
it keeps me feeling alive. But would be nice to let go of. Whatever, we'll see.


Can not burdening yourself with anger and stress in the first place be a real help. Someone I knew once made clear a point that if something angers you there is no one else to blame or involve but yourself. Although trying to apply this ideal can make things seem not so bad in the short/long term (in a questionable, disconnected way), consider sometimes anger leads to burning off energy and/or outsourcing that energy to surroundings but where does that energy come from? and can it get bottled up you don't let it exist in the first place?


lives on planet 4:20
here is a quote from a thread where I wrote about the components
of fear, anger, and desire, these might be helpful to someone !!!

It was an answer to a question can fear, anger, and desire be
controlled. But the interesting thing that you will see after reading
this...is that "YOU" are causing these emotions/activities.

I noticed all this during contemplations in my life, because in the
past I had serious problems with all three of these things, and
after many hours of contemplating here is what I came up with :tiphat:


this is the thread just in case anyone is interested in reading what's there
or writing something in it to add to what's there already.

...now with the information about fear, ANGER, and desire:

From my perspective, the answer is a 100% YES! This can be
accomplished by simply becoming aware of the absolute fact
that is called The Present Moment, or the Here and Now!

The topic of The Present Moment Awareness (NOW) is obviously nothing
new, but it is the obvious things that we tend to take for granted and
sometimes overlook some very interesting things.

Anyway, as far as the present moment, from my personal observations and
experiences, if one truly lives in the present moment, then he/she will not
and cannot experience fear, anger, or desires. Obviously there are many other
things that will not be experienced, but these three are enough to start this
thread, and they're something the majority of folks experience on a regular basis.

Okay, let's start with fear. Two of the primary components of fear is the
possibility of a future and the unwillingness to have a certain experience.

Think about anything you fear, and you will see that first of all, you are
fearing that a certain scenario will occur in the future, and second that
you are not willing to experience that scenario.

This basically means, if you are aware that there is only the Present Moment,
and hopefully most people are aware of this absolute fact, and you are
really willing to do what you fear...then the fear will vanish.

Now, with anger, it is the opposite, it is based on something that happened
in the past and something that brought you a lot of pain, and plus it
pointed to the fact that you are incapable in some way.

If you felt the pain completely, there would be no reason to feel the anger,
and if you were aware that it happened in the past, and that the past is
over, you also would have no need to be angry.

So anger is basically a regeneration of a sense of incapacity through a
destructive intent or feeling-reaction.

Take away the past, or completely feel the pain without denying it, and
anger vanishes completely.

Now, last but not least, desire. Desire is also based on the possibility of
a future, similar to fear, but its primary component is an assessment of the
fact that something is missing in the present moment. Obviously there is
a feeling of separation between the object of desire and your "self" and
this is what causes the pain.

The interesting thing is that the feeling-sensation of imagined pleasure of
getting the desired object...masks the pain-suffering that you experience
as you feel the separation between what you desire and the present
moment reality.

Just like with fear and anger, if you take away one or all of the components,
the desire "itself," and the suffering that it causes would vanish.

Just in case someone doesn't know the distinction between desire and
intent/want, they are not the same thing. Whatever you intend/want is
what you actually do, while desire is what you imagine you want in the
future, and most of the time, you don't take any action toward

Well, that's enough for the beginning of this thread, and interesting to hear
what have your experiences been with these three emotions/activities.

And by the way, if you have ever observed them closely like I have, you
would have seen an interesting thing, and that is that these emotions/activities
are caused by us, and NOT by the circumstances around us.


A foot without a sock...
I fucken hate selfish drivers or people that wont wait their turn!!!!!!!!! we all need to get somewhere so be patient.. punks!

But I am getting much better at dealing with this , cause in the end what can u do :)

Throw the car in park and beat the snot out of a couple of them



Ben Tokin

old saying, "He who angers you, conquers you."

Anger is the lack of mental control of ones' self. Allowing emotions to take control of you is showing that you are not able to deal effectively with others and/or the environment you inhabit.

Anger is a negative energy force in most instances. It clouds our judgement and most of the time makes us look like fools who are lacking in self control and intelligence.

Anger can be an effective tool, however, in certain situations. Anger is contagious and can be used to force another person to expose their true intentions. When we intentionally confront someone in a way that angers them and get into a heated argument, we can get that person to involuntarily blurt out their honest thoughts and intentions. This is a technique used by law enforcement and certain intelligence operatives.

Anger can also be used to confront personal choices we make within ourselves. We can make anger work for us by using it to make the difficult choices and overcome our weaknesses. Anger at oneself can be very useful, but that's another long explanation.

When it comes to normal everyday situations, emotional control is always the most desirable trait. Uncontrolled anger is a big liability that will lose respect for you and turn people away from you. Self control and calm is a huge asset in love and business.

Calm, controlled and hesitant thought is an asset in our normal daily world.

Zen Master

I'm cool as a cucumber most of the time....

I actually get other people pissed off when I DONT get raged. They get raging mad at me for talking like ben stein all monotonous and serious while they scream and yell.

the only thing that consistently makes me lose it, is a stupid ass video game called Modern Warfare 2. Cheater type tactics or a little kid beating my ass and I can't help but start the shit talking battle (but thats half the game, if you play, you know). :smoke:


I feel this is an important topic, so i'll share my anger story:)
I was born a bastard child. Into a Irish Catholic family. Hidden from public scrutiny. Put into Catholic school and gymnastics at a early age of four.. Then having the luck of having a OCD Accountant, perfectionist mother. A mother who controls, and you dont want to disappoint. I am also a small human, 120lbs at age 18. I look Jewish, Grew up in the ghetto (Black/Asian).
I never knew my real grand father until i was 33 years old. Up until then, I lived with horrible anger. I broke stuff, and had fits hate and rage. So when my Grand father reunited with my mom and I, my anger came into a new light. Just by meeting him did what no pill or therapy could do. I seen in him what i seen in me. It was the exact same Hate and rage. The only thing was i had this hate and anger issue since i was a very young child. He being 89 years old and serving in WWII and having the weight of killing other humans and living a very poor farmer in Iowa. I felt so fucking petty, for having my anger issue. I would get raging angry over a video game flaw. He would get angry at age 89 and want to kill people, cut their heads off for no good reason.. At that very first meeting I "Wanted" to change my anger issues.. So i keep in touch with him. It has helped me in a great way to relieve my anger. So now, I still get angry but i have to focus that anger in a way that is more directed to the main cause of that anger i feel. then try to resolve it from there (mentally). It might require mental or physical exercise on my part, but it is worth it..
I also notice that I am less angry when im more active. If i sit around the house all day and read/watch the news. listen to hate music. argue with my family or friends. I notice when I am more active i dont have time to fuss and fight, and getting things done and having the sense of accomplishment feels better to me, than an argument... So now i get a lot more of my "to do list" done than i have ever before :) lol.. Being a angry person isnt all bad, and 'does' have its perks.. My brother is a lazy shit, and i would never want to be like that. thank you anger! :) hah.
We live in a society that makes it cool and okay to be a blood thirsty, rude, aggressive, competitive people. So I kinda put a little blame on humans anger attitude on society. Hell most the TV shows are "Judgement or "confrontational" based. So no wonder the current Zeitgeist of the countries people.
Just remember most if not all humans want peace and quiet. So I now use my anger to achieve peace.. its a great fuel source for finding peace:).
Peace, love, unity... 'cause we are all one..




resentment is taking the poison and expecting somebody else to get sick.

i still get angry sometimes, but the fuse is shorter! ha!


Active member
I feel this is an important topic, so i'll share my anger story:)
I was born a bastard child. Into a Irish Catholic family. Hidden from pubic scrutiny. Put into Catholic school and gymnastics at a early age of four.. Then having the luck of having a OCD Accountant, perfectionist mother. A mother who controls, and you dont want to disappoint. I am also a small human, 120lbs at age 18. I look Jewish, Grew up in the ghetto (Black/Asian).
I never knew my real grand father until i was 33 years old. Up until then, I lived with horrible anger. I broke stuff, and had fits hate and rage. So when my Grand father reunited with my mom and I, my anger came into a new light. Just by meeting him did what no pill or therapy could do. I seen in him what i seen in me. It was the exact same Hate and rage. The only thing was i had this hate and anger issue since i was a very young child. He being 89 years old and serving in WWII and having the weight of killing other humans and living a very poor farmer in Iowa. I felt so fucking petty, for having my anger issue. I would get raging angry over a video game flaw. He would get angry at age 89 and want to kill people, cut their heads off for no good reason.. At that very first meeting I "Wanted" to change my anger issues.. So i keep in touch with him. It has helped me in a great way to relieve my anger. So now, I still get angry but i have to focus that anger in a way that is more directed to the main cause of that anger i feel. then try to resolve it from there (mentally). It might require mental or physical exercise on my part, but it is worth it..
I also notice that I am less angry when im more active. If i sit around the house all day and read/watch the news. listen to hate music. argue with my family or friends. I notice when I am more active i dont have time to fuss and fight, and getting things done and having the sense of accomplishment feels better to me, than an argument... So now i get a lot more of my "to do list" done than i have ever before :) lol.. Being a angry person isnt all bad, and 'does' have its perks.. My brother is a lazy shit, and i would never want to be like that. thank you anger! :) hah.
We live in a society that makes it cool and okay to be a blood thirsty, rude, aggressive, competitive people. So I kinda put a little blame on humans anger attitude on society. Hell most the TV shows are "Judgement or "confrontational" based. So no wonder the current Zeitgeist of the countries people.
Just remember most if not all humans want peace and quiet. So I now use my anger to achieve peace.. its a great fuel source for finding peace:).
Peace, love, unity... 'cause we are all one..


Thank you so much for sharing Cannabudz. It's a great post.


A foot without a sock...
Run tell dat

Run tell dat

“Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy."


Which is similar to,but not to be confused with, being capable of throwing down when necessary. ;)

Now fuck off :moon:


Anger is neuro-genetic or something, like stressed peoples that create the means to route all those electric/chemical imbalances in later generations, there are still those gateways in case. It's said that anger is mostly unneeded and can be prevented somewhat but I still get it with no logical reason (it's questionable when compared to past triggers that may have been more severe being diffused with less anger).


stone fool
Yes, anger is one of the demons who visits me often. I have learned not to feed him, but he is useful, he makes me stronger. Each day I must grow in spirit, enough to stride past him laughing, to do the deeds of my day. He has no strenghth, but what we give him.

However, a joint and a blow job are a fine remedy as well now and then.