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Can We Truly Control Fear, Anger, and Desire?


lives on planet 4:20
From my perspective, the answer is a 100% YES! This can be
accomplished by simply becoming aware of the absolute fact
that is called The Present Moment, or the Here and Now!

The topic of The Present Moment Awareness (NOW) is obviously nothing
new, but it is the obvious things that we tend to take for granted and
sometimes overlook some very interesting things.

Anyway, as far as the present moment, from my personal observations and
experiences, if one truly lives in the present moment, then he/she will not
and cannot experience fear, anger, or desires. Obviously there are many other
things that will not be experienced, but these three are enough to start this
thread, and they're something the majority of folks experience on a regular basis.

Okay, let's start with fear. Two of the primary components of fear is the
possibility of a future and the unwillingness to have a certain experience.

Think about anything you fear, and you will see that first of all, you are
fearing that a certain scenario will occur in the future, and second that
you are not willing to experience that scenario.

This basically means, if you are aware that there is only the Present Moment,
and hopefully most people are aware of this absolute fact, and you are
really willing to do what you fear...then the fear will vanish.

Now, with anger, it is the opposite, it is based on something that happened
in the past and something that brought you a lot of pain, and plus it
pointed to the fact that you are incapable in some way.

If you felt the pain completely, there would be no reason to feel the anger,
and if you were aware that it happened in the past, and that the past is
over, you also would have no need to be angry.

So anger is basically a regeneration of a sense of incapacity through a
destructive intent or feeling-reaction.

Take away the past, or completely feel the pain without denying it, and
anger vanishes completely.

Now, last but not least, desire. Desire is also based on the possibility of
a future, similar to fear, but its primary component is an assessment of the
fact that something is missing in the present moment. Obviously there is
a feeling of separation between the object of desire and your "self" and
this is what causes the pain.

The interesting thing is that the feeling-sensation of imagined pleasure of
getting the desired object...masks the pain-suffering that you experience
as you feel the separation between what you desire and the present
moment reality.

Just like with fear and anger, if you take away one or all of the components,
the desire "itself," and the suffering that it causes would vanish.

Just in case someone doesn't know the distinction between desire and
intent/want, they are not the same thing. Whatever you intend/want is
what you actually do, while desire is what you imagine you want in the
future, and most of the time, you don't take any action toward

Well, that's enough for the beginning of this thread, and interesting to hear
what have your experiences been with these three emotions/activities.

And by the way, if you have ever observed them closely like I have, you
would have seen an interesting thing, and that is that these emotions/activities
are caused by us, and NOT by the circumstances around us.


Active member
And by the way, if you have ever observed them closely like I have, you
would have seen an interesting thing, and that is that these emotions/activities
are caused by us, and NOT by the circumstances around us.
Of course they are caused by us who else would be in control..... thats why they are called "our" emotions i would think, we make them move, we can either see a good side to something or a bad side. Say you get a flat tire, instead of getting pissed you could create a thought of "maybe you were gonna get into in accident further down the road and the flat tire stopped it" pun intendid, or something of the nature. If i get what your sayin then circumstances would be holding our emotions and giving them to us when they wanted.... maybe im not pickin up what yer puttiin down, i :dunno:


lives on planet 4:20
Of course they are caused by us who else would be in control..... thats why they are called "our" emotions i would think, we make them move, we can either see a good side to something or a bad side. Say you get a flat tire, instead of getting pissed you could create a thought of "maybe you were gonna get into in accident further down the road and the flat tire stopped it" pun intendid, or something of the nature. If i get what your sayin then circumstances would be holding our emotions and giving them to us when they wanted.... maybe im not pickin up what yer puttiin down, i :dunno:

...you will get what I'm saying if you read it one more time, but
more slowly...lol...I wish there was some other way to say what
I said...but then I would have to write the whole post over again.

...but the first part of what you wrote is closer than the last.

...In a nutshell, if you were aware of the absolute fact that only
the present moment exists,
and there is no such thing as a future,
or a past, you couldn't experience fear, anger, or desire.

...and the explanations why, are all written in the first post, you
just have to concentrate a little more, and read slower, because
it is not easy to grasp, since it goes against conventional thinking,
which is that "emotions are caused by circumstances" -- while in
reality they are 100% caused by us!


Registered Med User
I kept this in my mind and had a real blissful experience of enlightenment today.
Heres how I explained it today.....

Nothing truly exists outside of this second right now. Everything in the past is just what your brain putting together what was, and the future is uncertain, niether truly exist right NOW accept for now itself. Fear comes from the mind worried about negative consequences of what will or wont happen in the future, sadne...ss and anger come from your minds negative interpretation of the past.
To live now in the moment one would not be concerned with these negative thoughts or emotions as they are only misguided thoughts of the mind on what currently does not exist.
All that is real is NOW, enjoy this moment.

Thanks again southflorida for this simple life changing thought. Takes a lot of weight off your shoulders....
i can control all my emotions when im alone with weed, when im out in the world its impossible as sexual desires comes into it, and sometmes a bit of social anxiety

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
you control your mind nobody else so the answer is yes
although for the record if we are suppost to feel a certain emotion to protect us this is often the case, i am only talking about rare freak circumstances
Now I'll say that your greater environment is suspect ie 50 years ago the racism was rampant and today younger generations not so much...
Society has an effect on us but all can be like Buddha or Christ, Mohamed...