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H3ad goes Coco

Lima Doubloon

New member
Dearest Grat3fulh3ad....
Oh "Voice of Reason".......

Got a question, I would like to recirc a table (4x8), with 100 US gal reservoir of GH micro and bloom. Is it feasible? or just a pie in the sky dream, I hear people mention it but they never seem to report back with success or failure results. Their was a woman in the coco forums a while ago (we won't mention her nick here) that was apparently having good results with no res change all through flower with several different nutes. I like the GH 3 nute system and would like to try it in a recirc/no change type setup for ease of running. Planning on using EC readings to keep tabs on concentration of salts and using that to figure add back amount. (yes I can also use a calculator)
questions are...
1. Will any of the nutes get caught up in the media so badly that my EC measurement will give a terribly false reading of my ratios?
2. And the same question for getting used up by plants and giving falsies in the readings? Like using up N at a different rate than P or K or vice versa

3. Along with Ph swings, are there any other drawbacks you know exist?

3. Do you know of anyone having success with this method?

Just is that handwatering at the frequency that coco thrives does not always work with my schedule. RTW works great (I am impressed with the simplicity of 6/9) but drippers are a pain in the ass.

I would like to flood the table 3 or 4 times a day, let it drain back and adjust the res every 2 or 3 days. Complete res change when micro comes out and more of the same.

I am gonna try it next run, just looking for the pitfalls so a I can be prepared for them.

Thanks for all your work and the info you supply us all with! Professional, informative and snappy with those bridge dwelling trolls... lol

Man...I would like some CJ to run, one of the ultimate smokes in my book.

Good Day... Lima


you can do a recirc but monitering the salt levels to add back is a bad idea.

what if the plant ate a lot of n but little k. then you go and top off but if you think about that then your ratios are off and you'll never know because ec/tds meters don't read what salt just how much total.

top off your res with water when needed but change it completely about once a week.

Lima Doubloon

New member
you can do a recirc but monitering the salt levels to add back is a bad idea.

what if the plant ate a lot of n but little k. then you go and top off but if you think about that then your ratios are off and you'll never know because ec/tds meters don't read what salt just how much total.

top off your res with water when needed but change it completely about once a week.

Thanks for the heads up on the weekly change... but does that not entirely count on res size...? 20 gal rez gets depleted 5 times as fast as a 100 gal res.... no?

And thanks for the info on the depletion by the plants and media... Hey... I thought I asked those in questions #1 & #2....
Thanks anyway man...

I put the res size in the thread for a reason... but I will add that 32 5" square pots are used and the fill on the table is ~70 US gal.

Thanks Lima


i dont use a res so couldnt tell ya but i would think that yes you would need to change a 20 more frequently than a 100. if your fill is 70 though you should use a bigger res than 20.

Lima Doubloon

New member
(o.m.g.) w.t.f.

(Ohio Marijuana Growers:)
"Winning The Fight!" ...against literacy and homeowners associations in the grader sinsenati area since 2010!!!


New member
Just gotta say.. this formula has been working great with my babies. One is a White Widow and the other is Alpha 13 (skunk 1 x big bud) and they both seem to be loving it. I've been using canna A+B and have had problems with nute burn and slow growth. I'm not saying the nutes are to blame, it's probably all user error, but this formula seems to be the right one for me. Just my two cents. Thanks H3ad!


New member
Quick question my man, does the 6/9 ratio go for the plant's whole life cycle? or is it adjusted for seedling/cutting, vegging, flowering, etc.?


New member
and how much water would you put into a half gallon pot or gallon pot to get the amount of runoff you're supposed to with every watering?


follow your heart
ICMag Donor

if you have used pbp before :" I have had great luck with botanicare" . doesn't the pbp add to much K, hence the whole change of your GH recipe, because it had to much K ? which pbp is more K then the 18/6 GH recipe?

so how do so many people use PBP, and other high K nutrients with complete success?? but you felt the need to change the K?

didn't lucas one say that he thought anything under 400 K should not be a problem?

i guess I'm just wanting more info how you thought the K was to high using 8/16, but loads of people use pbp and other high K ratios, with no N problem ( which prompted you to change ) ?


The Voice of Reason
botanicare coco , not nutes. I would not use pbp in coco.

no bacteria.

Between 1 cup and 2 cups.

6/9 ratio but I cut it with xtra water for seedlings, and feed flowering plants only the bloom for the last couple weeks before flush.


New member
Wow what a gold mine of coco info for sure ! read the full 85 pages and was so excited to find this thread so i had to join the forum. thanks h3ad for putting this thread together and staying involved. for some back grouund i was a soil guy for many years but came out of retirement after not growing for 10 years. Last run which was a first run in a long time ran a couple bubblers and now trying to decide between bubblers and coco. Hava a side by side going bubblers and coco . Thanks for the 6-9 recommendation h3ad and its obvios you have spent lots of time and experimenting to perfect the craft and appreciate you sharing with us bro. Started watering twice daily as you recommend and makes since to me its hydro boys not soil. I was watering til dry and then watering based on what was available online. This is the best thread i have found and commend you all for your input except a few lol ! Hope i can add something of value soon . One question i have is the option of drip to waste or feed to waste and how cycles are achieved ? I figured a killer way to drip to waste in 1 gallons for now that works great . Dont want to hijack just want to say thanks to the best 2 hours reading on the subject of coco. Loving the coco so far . Wish i had a casey jones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get it green boys and girls !


Head hey bro great thread really I have used the 6/9 with good results that part I get stuck on is why u don't use cal mag I always do @ 5 mili per gallon is this necessary????My water is RO with a ppm of 13 when I start .Also this is a two part post I guess now that I am trying my hand at og's and chems I am having trouble the 5mili cal mag and the 6/9 is not working that plant want's/need more should I try 9/6???Is there a trick to using this for the heavy feeders like the og's and chem lines???I have looked and found an old thread u did with a sour d was that done with the 6/9 with no cal mag?Or have u ever ran a og chem with this formula??I am really stuck here trying to find a formula that works for the og an chems has been really tough so I come to the pro in hopes of finding what a need help me out head or anyone that can drop some Knowledge on me with both questions.Iam sorry if this has been brought up already some where in the thread and Iam sure it has I just couldnt find it....Help plz..........


Wow what an awesome thread, im only on page 44 and can only read the rest later.

Just a quick question, did anyone ever post a 6/9 formulae altered for GH Europe nutes???
I saw early on in the thread head said he would work it out but im having trouble finding it in this huge thread. My Europe Micro is 5:0:1, not sure about the bloom...

Thank you Head i believe i will have much more success in my next cycle do to you :)



add them.

Using the calculator there.

4ml micro, 2ml hw micro, and 10 ml bloom / 3 litres water looks like a great starting point.

N 118

P 101

K 153

Ca 82

Mg 67

S 75

Hi H3ad

Ok i went ahead and read the entire thread.

From what i can tell you worked out a GHE formulae that used both micro softwater and hardwater but no formulae for people with just GHE softwater and GHE bloom.

Can it be done with only GHE softwater?

I can get soft and hard water micros it would just save me money in the short term if i could buy a 5 litre softwater micro and a 5 litre bloom.

Thanks for imparting your knowledge i appreciate it greatly.

After reading the whole thread I must say your patience in dealing with trolls is commendable.

Peace :D

p.s sorry about the multiple posts

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