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Other than fish what is the cheapest protein source?


Active member
I am not a vegan,
But I would like to consume the most ecologically sane animal protein source.

I don't abstain from beef, but it is a treat.

In 2010 what is the most ecologically sane animal protein source?
salmon, cod, tuna, look for the WILD CAUGHT not FARM RAISED!!!!!alot of farm raised fish out there now and they dont feed them correctly they get fed pellets not live bait i wouldnt trust that shit!!!!FDA trustworthy?????????YEA RIGHT!!!! good luck BRO stay healthy!!!those pellets they feed faRMRAISED FISH ARE MADE FROM monsanto corn and who knows what else in the pellets GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i usually kill a deer or 2 a year for protein thats only suppliments my beef habit and the shitty thing is that the deer i kill have to walk through big business corn fields!!!!!please dont judge me because i am a hunter!!!!!!!!!!!


To Have More ... Desire Less
ok....not much cheaper than hunting the local...spoilz.....

squirrels, and rabbit make for a wonderful meal.......and R......free for the taking A the right time of the year...........
em.....Rabbit......smothering in Red wine sauce...............


Dont buy any salmon from Norway, its all fish farm salmon pumped full of hormones and its a threat to the wild populations of salmon. The fish farms pollute and spread disease and generally cause grievance to the traditional sustainable small boat fishery that has been going on along this coast for ages.


Active member
i usually kill a deer or 2 a year for protein thats only suppliments my beef habit and the shitty thing is that the deer i kill have to walk through big business corn fields!!!!!please dont judge me because i am a hunter!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't judge you for being a hunter.
I am actually looking for the imput from hunters. Thank you so much.
Thanks for all replies.


Active member
salmon, cod, tuna, look for the WILD CAUGHT not FARM RAISED!!!!!alot of farm raised fish out there now and they dont feed them correctly they get fed pellets not live bait i wouldnt trust that shit!!!!FDA trustworthy?????????YEA RIGHT!!!! good luck BRO stay healthy!!!those pellets they feed faRMRAISED FISH ARE MADE FROM monsanto corn and who knows what else in the pellets GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah the salmon are something to be-ware of as they are about to do some phunky engineering to them...bigger and faster. And the farm raised is beyond scary as in some of the ones i have seen things on they sedate the fish then give them a shot one by one and if im not mistaken they were sayin it was so the fish didnt get something like strep "Group A Streptococcus Pharyngitis" from humans. Also known as GAS ....thats some WTF! Easy does it;)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
casein or whey protein powder, its how i get my 320 grams of protein a day. canned tuna also has extreme amount of protein for its weight.

also, hemp seeds! highest amount of protein for its weight that you can get, period....


Active member
cheapest protein is also the healthiest- eggs and chicken. as far as healthiest fish protein, sardines.

your body can only digest between 9-12 grams of protein an hour, overloading on it is more detrimental than beneficial. excess protein is converted into simple sugars, which your body uses for storage, not energy.
hunting and gathering is a art that is dying!!!!we live in the world conveince and if peaple killed there dinner ther would be alot of vegans out there!!!!!my dad, his dad, me and other generations needs to keep this alive !!!!!!!just in case shit ever happens!!!!!that stuff called GAS that virus!!!fucked up my fishin by over regulation in the past 2 yeaRS LAWS HAVE CHANGED and its not to help the sports men!!!!!!SUCKS


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
your body can only digest between 9-12 grams of protein an hour, overloading on it is more detrimental than beneficial. excess protein is converted into simple sugars, which your body uses for storage, not energy.

ya, dont think your correct on this one. bodybuilders consume up to 5 grams of protein a day per pound of body weight. seriously doubt this would be effective if it all turned into simple sugar, exactly what bodybuilders don't want and cant have......

the use of amino's, bcaa's and eea's make your body absorb more protein then normal and at a faster rate, making sure that you assimilate absolutely everything.......


Cautiously Optimistic
ya, dont think your correct on this one. bodybuilders consume up to 5 grams of protein a day per pound of body weight. seriously doubt this would be effective if it all turned into simple sugar, exactly what bodybuilders don't want and cant have......

the use of amino's, bcaa's and eea's make your body absorb more protein then normal and at a faster rate, making sure that you assimilate absolutely everything.......

He's not. Active people (not just bodybuilders) utilize more than sedentary people. And there is no established amount of protein any person can assimilate. It is relative to many factors including genetics, lifestyle, et al.


To Have More ... Desire Less
great deal of protein in Grub worms, larvae, and maggots.....
and earthworms.........

Earthworm body fluids contained 9.4% protein and 78.79 free amino acids per litre and were rich in vitamins and minerals, in particular iron (Fe). the earthworm (Eisenia fetida) could be an excellent protein supplement for animal feed and human food

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder

With approximately 26% of their calories from protein, lentils and generally any pulses or legumes have the third-highest level of protein, by weight, of any plant-based food after soybeans and hemp

As they say. "Lentil soup is good for the youth" :)

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