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Child throws up, cabbie blows up, but Mom won't pay up


Active member
Article from 9-25-2009

Chicago could become the first major city in the country with a puking ordinance if cab drivers get their way.

Chicago taxi drivers proposed a package of fee and fare hikes Thursday designed to offset their plunging income during the recession. Among the more controversial revenue-boosting ideas brought to the City Council is charging customers $50 for vomiting in cabs.

If enacted, Chicago would become one of America's least friendly cities for drunks and people who eat bad shellfish. Customers who barf in cabs in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington, D.C., Houston or San Francisco may face the driver's wrath, but they won't see any additional charges.

"No, we do not have a puking fee," Boston Police spokesman Joe Zanoli told the Huffington Post." To my knowledge it's free to puke in a cab."

Raymond Turner, president of Yellow Cab Houston, said Friday that of the nearly 3.7 million cab trips his company makes yearly only a fraction involve incidents of reverse peristalsis.

"It's a fairly rare event," Turner said. "From my perspective, putting a city ordinance that applies to all cab rides for something that happens only three or four times a month is not very prudent."

Turner added that while Houston has no law allowing for a fee, drivers often work out arrangements with customers who ralph while in transit. Some passengers agree to pay for a car wash, while others give larger tips.


similar story with me. I drove cab & got a drunk chick, she barfed all over the back seat, I drove her home & explained the cleaning fee to her folks was also $120, they balked @ the amount until I informed them that I'd get the local police down here to make a report on their drunk 16 yr old.

The $120 is to cover lost wages, my boss covers all cleanup costs I keep receipts for though. it takes no less than 3 hours to make sure a car is free from puke as back seats get removed, scrubbed n' hosed several times, it is disgusting.


the only way i see getting charged so much for a clean job is if it went under the front seat and covered like half the car.... another thing is alot of cabs ive been in have posted fees.. like if you want them to wait or if you have extra bags to load.... and if you have a accident in the car theirs usually a posted clean up fee for it.. but to DEMAND someone pay you money for something there willing to do is outrageous... and we dont know if this cab was independently owned or not... how do you know he wasnt going to pocket the 120 and drop the cab off and the shop and get another one..... there are alot of things left out.. but when it comes down to it the responsible thing that we teach our children to do is make amends for something you did, if you can clean it then clean it, if you can fix it then fix it... dont sit here and say the women should of paid him for something that is a regualr occurence, hell their were prolly 9 other cabs that got puked in that day... didnt make the news cause the cabbies didnt call the cops.....


Active member
Think about if it was your new car that someone puked all over, what would you want?

A professional cleaning is what I would want.

A 6 year old kid is capable of saying, mommy I feel sick, and having the cab pull over quick, or grab a shopping bag, or jacket even.
They aren't just sitting there smiling and chatting, and the vomit just suddenly starts shooting out.

Cough up the money mom

Cookie monster

Professional skills lol! It's scrubbing puke out of upholstery.

Remind me never to offer you a lift when your feeling pukey :)

It's puke, you cant just scrub it out :puke:....the stuff soaks into things, scrubbing will just mash it in deeper.
A wet n dry upholstery vac is the only thing that will do a good at removing puke imo.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I get at least a migraine a week, always puke. I'm a puke specialist :D Trust me, I know how to clean it ;)

Cookie monster

I get at least a migraine a week, always puke. I'm a puke specialist :D Trust me, I know how to clean it ;)

I live with 3 dogs who love to munch from the compost heap, I laugh at your puny once a week human puke.....:)
Sorry to hear about the migraines tho :comfort:


I hold El Roacho's
First asking her to pay the $120 to clean puke with nasty ass smelling odor and food mashed into the seat and all over everything isn't a cheap task to clean when your living in one of the most expensive places to live.

The mother or child isn't the problem as anyone who has kids or familia knows kids puke and it gets messy and stinks enough to make you puke so if this cabbie makes say $1,000 a day and it takes up 3 to 4 hours tops to clean & disinfect then at least a few hours to really get the smell out before letting other people back into a clean fresh smelling cab this cabbie isn't asking for a weeks salary but to just get his cab & days pay or lack of it back on track.

would we not want to pay for someone's car if our kid puked and we looked back and hit another car because we were distracted and told the other car owner oh sorry my poor kid puked so her's $50.00 it should take care of it fuck you losing work fuck paying what it would really cost to get the car fully repaired.

pay the vato and stop the bitching accidents do happend but we do have to be acountable, that's the price for having kids.


Active member
Professional skills lol! It's scrubbing puke out of upholstery.Yes, I bet any mother could outclean your average Molly Maid..I don't clean for fun...when I do it I do it right and well.

See this is what he's talking about..

You BLOT that shit.. THATS ALPACA



Active member
Damn 120 sounded high, hopefully you dont get this guy ona sick night:
Hustleman Charles called me last night crying over the phone that some chick puked in his cab, and that's one of the worst shit can happen to a cab driver. If someone throws up in my cab that means I am pretty much out of commission for the next 24 hours having the vomit cleaned and getting the stink out of the cab. So that means a loss of a one night income plus the clean up cost and usually a guy named Sam is our in house puke clean up expert.

Sam is an old timer who has been hanging around Diamond Cab Company for ages hustling cab drivers offering his clean up services. You throw Sammy a twenty dollar bill he will clean up a nuclear waste out of your car in minutes and runs to the liquor store and come back happy. I told hustleman Charles to stop crying on my ass and see Sam in the morning and take his losses since he was stupid enough to let the puking chick go home free without taking any financial responsibility. That can not happen in Mr. Mad Cabbie's cab!

The last vomiting passenger experience I had was about five years ago when I picked up this chick in front of the Third Edition in Georgetown. Her friends threw her in my cab and asked me to take her to one of the apartments around the National Zoo and paid for the ride in advance. She was fucken wasted and her breath smelled like shit, I could tell that she had been puking so I thought she was done and settled but still let her knew that if she got sick again and mess up my cab it could cost her $300 (There is a sign posted in my cab) and of course like any drunk ass person would respond she said, "No problem! No problem! I am ok! Just take me home!". Not even a minute after she gave me her words of confidence she sprayed her stink all over the back seat and I was on fucken fire!

When I demanded she owed $300 or face the cops (of course the cops can't do shit beside writing a report) she was scared and sorry and promised to pay me the next day. I took every information from her drivers license, got her phone number and her business card and left her ass in front of her building and I cut short my shift and went to my girlfriend's apartment for the night.

The next day was a Sunday and she wasn't responding to the few messages I left both on her home and cell phones and I was getting irritated, and at this point it's not even about the money anymore but she FUCKED with the wrong cab driver. I called her few more times while Sam was cleaning up her stink but never heard from her. Sam did an excellent work so I threw him a fifty and I got back to work Sunday night and a few minutes in to my shift her boyfriend called me to tell me not to harass her anymore and he offered me $20 for the clean up cost and I told him to go fuck himself and hanged up the phone.

The next morning I called her at her office and she picked up and warned me not to call her anymore or she will contact the police and file a complaint that I was trying to rip her off and that's when I drove straight to her office building at 2400 M street NW with a mission. She worked for a major financial institution as a financial adviser and when she saw me in front of her small office her jaw dropped to the floor, she was nervous and I was calm and I said, "I am ready to call the cops for you now and is this how you want to handle this?"

To make this already long ass story short we went down to the lobby together and she withdrew $300 from an ATM machine and handed me the cash and told me what a big ass-hole I was and everything else. I didn't give a shit, I took the cash with a big smile on my face and she saved herself from a huge embarrassment in front her colleagues so it was a win win situation for both of us.

Please don't forget the homeless,

Mad Cabbie"
All kids in taxi's should be required to wear one..

All kids in taxi's should be required to wear one..



Active member
as a firemen you should be prepared to burn. as a lifeguard, you should be prepared to drown. and as a public transportation driver of ANY TYPE, you should be prepared for puke.. especially in nyc.
every job has its ups and downs. If you cant deal, get a better job.


My ex wife and I were on vacation, we ate a huge Mexican dinner and started drinking, we were doing shots with other guests and smoking it up out side... So all the women kept going back to our room to smoke and talk do women stuff... So we are all having fun and 1x1 the girls start getting smashed... Come to find out later they were doing shots in the room also when on a smoke break... So my ex throws up all over the wall and on the floor in our room later on that night... I said in the morning you gonna clean that up? She's like f*ck that we have maids... Ya maids my ass... $150 charge on my CC for that clean up...


Cannabrex Formulator
What would Judge Judy do????....apart from a lot of shouting :)

It's not unreasonable for the taxi driver to demand compensation for a pro clean job, it's doubtful the parents will have the equipment to do the job properly.

Maybe he should keep a few puke bags in the back of the cab, probably not the first time it's happened...

Fuck Judge Judy in her wrinkled brown arsehole with a huge wooden kawk.....then break it off and beat her in the fooking head with the splintery end...........Judge Judy is an evil fascist scag.

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