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2010 Great Lakes Grow Season


ICMag Donor
damn slider!!! nice haul man. don't see any mold either. the weather sure did cooperate this year. i've can't remember an october being so nice. global warming is good sometimes i guess. i've been trying to make september finishing hybrids for our climate but october may be ok too.


Hey..:laughing:Made it back from the fields...Its getting really cold & wet...the next 4 days a good chance of rain....:dance013:Good thing i picked the last non-mobile plants today....:jump:SEE
Great grow, congratulations on pulling it! And the trout was just awsome! It's good to take a day off before you start trimming such a big harvest:)

Fat Tone

Hell of a year Man. You did this solo? Alot of hard work.But it was damn sure worth it.
Congrats on a sucessful year and sharing your grow.


:jump:Thanks Fat Tone.... I had 1 partner..A MUCH TRUSTED FRIEND....:laughing:They are hard to come by...I played the game in years past trying to have "Friends"help & it was always a BAD DEAL :moon:.... Now that i have "ROBIN" to my Batman...Shit came out GREAT....no B.S We still have over 20 plants left to harvest....ITS FEELS SO GOOD NOT TO BE RIPPED....:wave:It sucked in the past to have a "Grow buddie" I use this term loosely....tell you it got ripped & they hear from everyone that he has kickass smoke for sell....I guess you learn the art of reading people in your life...:ying:


East Coast Grower
Hell yea man! Beautiful and bountiful harvest. Is it just you two trimming as well??


Nice Job

Nice Job

I had alot of mold issues this year.

never could have waited past 10-15 with the weather pattern

again nice job



:)No mold this year I was so lucky ..I got it all out of the field before it got Crazy....I have a few "mobile Containers" still finishing....which is cool & trimming for days...... "All is Good" no complaints Here....Just taking it all in...being thankful to make it without any issues...Trying to improve on the Grow skills every season...Peace to all who made it to the end...And to the ones that didn't..I hope the next one is 1000 time better for you..... To all PEACE:jump:


Well Back from the whole :laughing:Holloween thing...Back to the Harvest thing....Crazy weather...warm then cold...up/down.. still letting some of the girls finish... Still on the grind...Peace


WOW :jump:Deer season has been wild ...lots of bucks running around....I put the harvest on hold for a few days but now back to choppin.....

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