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found out my "resin" is PM!! AFTER HARVEST!!

i didnt look that close at it till they had been in bloom long enuf to look at trics. what i saw under the scope was "frost". looks like supermans castle. crystal. i didnt know what it was. people told me mildew looked different. and i DONT KNOW WTF I'M DOING. it just started out looking like it was keef. just the top leaves. looked just like pictures you guys post of really good weed. i only got suspicious when i noticed this crap on the fans, and then when i saw alittle in my veg room i knew something was fucked up. i never had this before and i am NOT good with plants, in case you didnt notice.

now i have a half a house i have to completely evacuate, all my soil has to be thrown out, i have to bLeach everything. or buy/and put up with a sulpher thing. i have over 60 plants that have to be dipped, $100 worth of Dutch Masters Zone and Penatrator i have to buy to save them, 150 plants in veg that i have to spray or dip so it's NOT GOING TO BE FUN.


It's sad to read about so many people fighting pm, when it is something so easily remedied by controlling the environment. There is a reason the PNW is known for having so much PM, and that is because of the climate. Fungal diseases have to have a hospitable environment to grow. I don't have pm inside, while outside it is everywhere. (Big knock on wood here). PM thrives outside when there are cool damp calm nights.
Following directions I have read on this and other forums, I have four fans in a room that is less than 10x10'. I'm going for having every leaf in the room moving gently at least once every few seconds. Night and day temps are less than 10 degrees apart and I have a dehumidifier that keeps it under 60%. There is a an allergen filter on the intake, which is only on once a day for an hour. (I have CO2, set at around 500 ppm). I have to be bringing in spores, even with trying to be careful.


about 16 years ago. I threw a qp in the freezer before it was totally dry. a day or 2 later it had a white glaze on it. it made the buds look exotic. well i sold it, smoked it and gave it away. this was already an elite cutting and the pot was unreal but this batch with the white glaze seemed even better. it smelled alright but it had an ammonia smelled added. so i tried to replicate the white glaze on my next grows but could never do it. it was not until a few years ago that i figured out it was some type of mold.


I don't know for sure if I've ever gotten anything with PM. But I suspect a few times I've smoked shit that had to have had it. You'd smoke, and all it would do is make you feel like you had the flu. You'd get a little high, but it would make you want to puke and get all feverish. Not cool at all.

Imagine if the person smoking your PM shit is smoking for the first time. Their bad experience could cause them never to try again, or even turn in to a bud hating prohibitionist. I'm lucky that that wasn't my first time smoking, but I had just started smoking when I got that nasty batch.
but my thoughts are this, how many people ragging on me are growing LEGALLY? if not you are in the eyes of most of the people in the country, (idiots granted) the equal of meth dealers. i AM still trying to get to the point where i grow as good as you guys but probably you all will get your wish and i will sell all my lights. there is only so much frustration anyone can handle.

i am at least telling anybody who is looking for weed that it HAS MILDEW ON IT. then it is their informed decision to buy or not.

wow, so were the same as meth dealers now ? Nice way to say thanks for all the advice. Alot of people here are growing legally & for sick people. Over and over they've told you how to prevent it from happening next time. you still dont seem to get the point. I dont care how frustrated you are, if you cant show patience, growing is not for you.Nobody should have to smoke pm.im done here


Lol advice....seems like most people just bashed him and told him how bad of a grower he was. Adversarial attitude is so common here and on the internet in general. A shame really =/


is he getting this during the grow or during the drying period? how are you drying your buds? is sounds like a drying thing.


wow, so were the same as meth dealers now ? Nice way to say thanks for all the advice. Alot of people here are growing legally & for sick people. Over and over they've told you how to prevent it from happening next time. you still dont seem to get the point. I dont care how frustrated you are, if you cant show patience, growing is not for you.Nobody should have to smoke pm.im done here

re-read his post, he said that the rest of the country views us as being akin to meth dealers


ICMag Donor
This was taken a few years ago , looked like trichs to me till too late , eyesight gets slowly worse with age and you dont realise.


Visit specsavers or use a UV light , the fake note detectors make PM shine and almost floresce , easy to spot at an early and treatable stage.



wow thanks for the pictures. never seen that before thank god. looks nasty. i thought pm was just some some of bud rot. looks like it advances from the tip back.

Classic Seeds

cut out the moldy areas and no body will get sick from your buds the rest you could make someone you do not like a great deal ha ha just kidding lung infections are not a fun event you are at a real character building moment either you care about your friends more than you do about money or you will ignore all the advice to toss the bad parts and get a lot of people never wanting to trust you ever agian from selling moldy shit .the choice is simple to me ,but you are the one who has to look at himself everyday in the mirror aloha cls


Id smoke it myself wouldnt sell it, smoked moldy weed b4 dont see what all the fuss is about! Considering i smoke most my weed with tobacco what further damage can the mold do, but I agree don't sell it, the deals these days are shit enough!


Active member


make bho and use some of the money to buy some glasses so you can see properly.
I had this happen to me I just sold mine and kept my mouth shut. Some people are dumb and don't look that closely. You might get some pissed off people or you wont. " I put the buds in a old bag that had some flour in it" excuse might work.

I've seen tons of herb with PM traces, even in dispensaries. I doubt anyone here has grown herb with a little pm and decided not to sell any. From what I know oil is your best bet, but I've bought, smoked and seen many people sell herb with some pm on it. Usually when the bud dries, it's kind of harder to se it unless you leave alot of leaf material on it.

The question is how you want to live your life..You have to have values, convictions and believe in them, or sell your values and soul for $$. You decide but karma does bite everyone in the ass..you should at least sell at a $5 discount on top of the usual price and explain that a little pm got on the lower leaves, but you smoke it fine...
at least you are being honest. Brown mold and fungus is way worse than pm in terms of toxic byproduct left on the material. Butane homey oil is relatively easy to make, cheap and guarantees clean product, rather than risk a respiratory problem or hurt others who may have a weakened immune system etc..Be a man, not a boy...:wave:


Active member
believe me i know how defeat can turn you from your goals, my outdoor turned to shite with all the mold. :comfort:

do whatever it is that makes it right in your eyes, you're the one who has to live with it, we just get to make light of it when you serve it up to us in that manner. apologies if the remark about unemployment hurt, i'm so coarse at times...i could use some benefits too!!!:ying:

you are correct, mold spores are everywhere; breath them in daily(continuously) with who knows what side effects.:dunno:

besides ca$h, why do you grow?
seems like someone who has surrendered the fact that they can't grow good ganja would discontinue the painful experience, perhaps you are still fighting to conquer the plant?:whiteflag:

do what you must...i know it's important.
