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menstrual blood as fertilizer

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hey, so in cannaexists' humanure thread someone mentioned menstrual blood, and it reminded me that i had read about it being an excellent source of P in place of bone meal. the author of that article (i wish i could find the link) made the point that a lot of blood/bone soil amendments come from factory farms and could harbor all sorts of nasty pathogens, where as she (the author was female) knew exactly what she put in her body and thus could be confident that her junk only bled the highest quality menstruation.

so has anyone had personal experience with this? i'm looking for a good source of P (right now probably gonna use a dandelion extract) to round out my nutrients.

some questions i would have: what's the shelf life? how do i store it? how do i prepare it for application?

this is hardcore.

What is the shelf life? What! its blood soon as it hits the air begins to breakdown become quagulated. If you do happen the gather some put in a cup & store it in your fridge mix it up and use as a foliar spray or something. ewwww:laughing:


Active member
is it ok to mix some of my saliva w menstrual blood ?? figured id use my mouth to suck those juices straight from the hole and then spit some in my garden(and swallow a bunch too) !!


i urge you to check the donor's history thoroughly first Whodair,you know,some possess a fearsome intelligence and hatred of good bone structure.
Before you know it you've a group of ugly, 'assymetricals' in the grow space who will fly off the handle at the slightest mention of splitting the food bill...:2cents: lemme know how you get on with it homie!

Cool Moe

Active member
maybe if we use the menstrual method the cannabis females that we often refer to as "beautiful ladies" would undergo a genetic mutation in which they actually evolved into beautiful ladies. I mean really, I can't be the only one who's looked at their flowering cannabis girl and thought "man, if she only had a vagina."


Some of the finest outdoor herb I've had since the 80's was grown by a female friend of mine who added her 'moon blood' to her organic feeding regimen. Personally, I don't see it as any more 'disgusting' than using flying rodent shit, ground up dead fish, dried powdered cow blood, or any other of the numerous substances that our plants love in their soil. She coaxed a finer finished product from one of my mainstay plants than I had been able to achieve in 3 years of working with it. My patients still talk about that batch a year later. I gave them all full disclosure on the unusual 'additive' before offering it to them, and while a few initially gave pause, once they sampled it nobody had any reservations whatsoever.

We covet and nurture the female plant, and cannabis is teeming with higher energies. The finished product of a given grow is akin to an encapsulation of the energies of the tender of the plant and of the environment in which it was grown. My friend did what she did in an attempt to intentionally infuse her energies with those of the plant, and while I can't offer any conclusive empirical evidence that this actually took place, the plant she grew did have a noticeably higher level of 'kindness' to the high than the same plant from my garden. Just sayin'.

For the record, I've never used any of my own bodily fluids in the garden. Definitely not gonna try the reciprocal process to infuse my energy into my male plants. I don't work with any 'white' strains, anyway.


Active member
wow the second i saw this thread i just immediately started shaking my head in disgust, what in the fucking world is wrong with some of you (OP)? they may have used period blood in ancient times but those were ANCIENT TIMES..even if results were stellar i couldn't even imagine asking your wife/gf what ever.. "hey baby..." "yea??" "....could you take that tampon out so i can ring it out, and then let me put my beaker under your pussy so i can collect roughly 25 ml of your period blood for my marijuana plants fertilizer program, i read it will make the nugs all nice"


poppin' outta control
this was never a serious thread, but more of a retarded one.
whodair- thats fuckin hilarious! funniest thing i have read on IC


.....i've not read through the thread-not because of laziness-but because i'm quite fucking sensitive and once you have read something you can't un-read it , can you?
The problem as i see it is, here, the horror is in the title of the thread-so it is difficult, or impossible, to avoid reading it-and thus having the concept enter ones mind.
I used to click on all sorts of threads in the tokers den-but endless images of grotesquely fat women in bikinnis did my head in-in the end-
anyway this sort of stuff should be in the Womens forum, no? they love talking about they bits and pieces

still trying to keep my dinner down


Active member
This thread isnt half as bad as the defoliation thread.
Can we get some side by side scientific evidence here plz


I've done it, works great :)

My wife sqeezed out her tampons into a glass jar, kept it in the freezer, same measurements as blood meal, all you need is a cooperative wife or girlfriend.....unless you wanna ask your mom.

while I'm here, I want to make a comment about "vegan" growers looking to replace bone and blood meal.......don't waste your time, our modern lifestyle has it's roots in Victorian farming for the most part, that's where these ideas came from, perhaps you don't agree with current methods of livestock farming, or choose not to support those industries, don't wanna smoke that shit or whatever, feeding yourself meat and dairy is a world away from feeding it to your plants.

Rock phosphate is good for many things but not a good replacement for bone as it only releases about 3% phos during a 2 month cycle, it keeps on giving for 4 years or so once in the soil, so it's good to put some in, if you reuse your soil....a really good re-mineralizer.

Alfalfa is pretty good, has growth hormone regulators along with a good dose of nitrogen, but it's pretty weak as a replacement for blood....you need to put 2ice the amount of alfalfa as blood if you want to substitute completely......personally I think blood and alfalfa is a superior combination.

Guano is superior stuff, but still, you get a much better result when mixed with bone as opposed to just on it's own as a replacement.

Cottonseed, feathermeal, fish emulsion, fishbone meal.....there are lots of different organic ingredients to use, but from my experience, and I've done alot of different mixes to experiment over the years, bone and blood are superior, animal waste in my opinion is far better than any plant to recycle for ferts, I think that using animal waste such as bone and blood WITH these other ingredients is the best way to go, you get, by far, superior growth and health during all stages of growing when combining ferts, for example: try mixing blood meal and alfalfa meal together for your nitrogen.

try mixing guano and bone for your phos.

I've tried lots of different combinations and the ones that win with flying colors are the mixes with animal by products.

The plants that grew in vegan mixes were lame frail and weak, i'm sure alot of people out there have had great success with vegan gardening, but have they tried the animal waste products to have comparison?

Anyway the point is, menstral blood is gross and it stinks, not to mention awkward to collect, but it's far superior to anything sold in stores.
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