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2.5x1.8 meter coco scrog, 3 strain bingo!!


Active member
Bcuzz bloom stimulator - same stuff as in their bloombastic without the clay or PK sources.... essentially molasses & kelp (sugar and amino acids, micro nutes n other goodies) as the main constituents from the research I have done. It doesn't make any gunk appear in the rez and is used from week 2 bloom to flush @ 0.5 - 1.5ml per L
Bcuzz bloom is awesome stuff and another dope line is Green Fuse.


Day 51/63 pics

Day 51/63 pics

hey guys, good to see ya dropping in, thanks for the info Shhh-.

Here are some pics of the plants taken yesterday, day 51/63.















They`re on ec0.9 now and will have that reduced to ec0.6 tmro for a couple of days before the final flush.

I`m also going to feed molasses at half the dosage I`ve been applying today, this will probably be their last dose of molasses, maybe one more in a couple of days but I wouldn`t think their requirements are very high now, what do you reckon guys?

Cheers, Toke ;)


Active member
Wow, bloody 'Show-Off', lol bro, you deserve this one for sure, Those Colas look sick sticky, i bet they do smell lovely too, Friuty lovelyness, are you getting hints of Fuel too, whats the overall aroma? I love GF & GF type strains. 'JackyWhite' is one i can think of that i really liked, quite a JHerer lick to it but GF influenced, lovely GF exhale(Thats what i was gettin) & great high, Nice stable strain, maybe a couple o pheno's, good yielder & hardy as fk, simple to grow too(according to my Grow Buddy), yeah a winner in my eye that one. Id love a crack at her soon maybe, One of my local Grow Buddys grew her out & i got a real close look & sampled her wares. Sorry for my ignorance man, but is Your GF from 'FemaleS's? Diesel lines have GF flavour traits too, the 'BBChiesel' had a GF side to it too, again from the Diesel. Fkin Luv GF type Buddage, Anyway Pic of the Month try there bro, some real 'nice shots' & im drooling, again. Looks like it may break your scales afterall lol, Nice work Tokey! Looks De-Lish Mmmmm

btw mate(in answer), as you know bro we see when they slow down at the end & yeah im with you on the lowering dose of carbs/sugars, same as everything else, nutes & water etc, like you said the plants requirements are diminishing as they come to their end. My compliments on a Job well-Done, looks like Conventional works very well for ya after all. maybe have a look at some of Heath Robo's Vert Tree Grows. The Next time i have the space, ill prolly have a crack at a Vert. I like the man's Stadium Vert Rig's too, Fkin Genius bro, fair play to the lad, he claims 2gpw+(approx) on a regular basis & it does look there in the pics to me, Not so sure about the 78oz Tree someone said he did in a waterfarm, but i wouldnt put it past him judging by what ive seen of his work. waffling again, Cheers Buddy, Enjoy, & i'll look forward to the Smoke report & weigh-in. G'Luck! ;)
Peace & Respect............;)


Heh heh, you did ask for some update pics mate to be fair, but yeah its good to be showing off some fine bud.

The scales wont get broken this run, the Arma`s just aint going to cut it weight wise, but I reckon the next run with 3 full trays of the GF`s is going to be notching my records up a bit. I`ll flower them smaller next run tho, and hopefully well multi-branched in structure. They got to be trees this grow whilst waiting for the Arma`s to be ready for flowering phase. They`d never be compact plants, but they could be less wild than they are this grow.

I`ve put another 400w HPS in today now the outdoor temps are falling to see how the temps run, but I think its just a bit too much as the temps shot up from around 79-82f up to the low 90`s. I`ll try it again tmro with some direct fan assistance, but I dont wanna risk over cooking my girls at this stage nor increase the risk of mold, though it did drop the RH too.

Cheers, Toke :)


Active member
I'm Happy for you Bruv, You got a pat on the back from me bro. Like i said real Nice Work this round. went to my Cab tonight & the lights had been on 2 hours & it was 71f, so i lowered the HPS, upto 74f. Only cause of ambient temps, was 78f untill yesterday when the arse fell out of the outside temps, & im pulling air from inside the house, exhaust into attic, Happy Dayzz, My Canopy is gonna go mad, i couldnt train the last 10% so i had to let em go, so by the end they should look similar to your Colas, 2.5' or i hope Not', More!! Ill have to do some skullduggery & bend them out later on if i have to, & pull down back through the screen, level out the best i can. Should be interesting & a little wild. Not what i wanted at all, i really bloody needed to lose that 10% in the Screen, now im gonna gain over 12" that i didnt want, bummer ah. Ah well such is life! As long as she successfull & yields for me i couldnt care less tbh! I have around 5' of height to play with if i need it & it looks like im gonna lol!
Happy Dayzz for you my friend.. Cheers...! ;)


I'm Happy for you Bruv, You got a pat on the back from me bro. Like i said real Nice Work this round. went to my Cab tonight & the lights had been on 2 hours & it was 71f, so i lowered the HPS, upto 74f. Only cause of ambient temps, was 78f untill yesterday when the arse fell out of the outside temps, & im pulling air from inside the house, exhaust into attic, Happy Dayzz, My Canopy is gonna go mad, i couldnt train the last 10% so i had to let em go, so by the end they should look similar to your Colas, 2.5' or i hope Not', More!! Ill have to do some skullduggery & bend them out later on if i have to, & pull down back through the screen, level out the best i can. Should be interesting & a little wild. Not what i wanted at all, i really bloody needed to lose that 10% in the Screen, now im gonna gain over 12" that i didnt want, bummer ah. Ah well such is life! As long as she successfull & yields for me i couldnt care less tbh! I have around 5' of height to play with if i need it & it looks like im gonna lol!
Happy Dayzz for you my friend.. Cheers...! ;)

Hey bro, if you`re not running a thread this time around, feel free to chuck a photo or two up here from time to time, it`d be nice to see yer progress dude.



With slight adjustment to my existing fans the hotspot of the room is down to 83-84f. I`m gonna get a couple more fans tho, then it`ll be a breeze. . . . doh!:)

Arma`s are in the final flush, the Grapefruit will be on the same from tmro. Just going to give them RO water @ph6 with Cannazym as I intend on re-using the coco again.

The Grapefruit are still swelling and pushing a bit more out, and the Armageddon are ripening up nicely, and hard to imagine where its all fitting, but it seems like the resin build up continues, certainly some of the most resinous bud I`ve seen and grown. :D

Cheers, Toke :)


Hey Scrogger, I forgot to respond to your questions about the aromas. I know what you mean by the fuel smell, but I hate to think of it in that way, lol. I`ve got the two strains going so there`s a heady mix of smells, the most distinctive is what I`d describe as a very pungent hashy smell, like afganny hash, with the skunky fruitiness coming through with it, also a distinct smell of canna butter, but then that`s probably cos my last batch of butter included trim from both strains. I`m not getting so much of the Grapefruit pinapple smells coming through as I was a week or two back, its got to sharp and dank, almost acrid, in the best possible way that is.

I think the Grapefruit are still doing a bit so rather than cut their ec from 0.9 to strtaight RO water ec0.0, I decided dilute it to ec0.4 for a day or two before cutting back to straight RO. I may give one last dose of a weak molasses solution, 1/4 strength of what I`ve been applying. I think this should be ok, then giving a 7 day flush prior to harvest. Any thoughts guys?

The Arma`s are starting to fade in colour as you`d expect towards the end and might be ready for the chop a couple of days earlier than planned, though I`ll probably let it go the extra bit. They have a bit of tip burn, I think I just kept the feed up a little high for these for a short spell, trying to keep them up with the feed requirements of the Grapefruit, they got flushed after, but still have the signs. I`ve just got to be careful with the temps and airflow, as well as being vigilant in keeping my eyes open for mold in the final week. With the extraction and air movement I shouldn`t have a problem, despite the extra 400w I`ve just fitted. It`s not as if they`re baseball bat sized dense colas.

I`m managing 3x600w and 2x400w Hps lighting in the room now, whereas in the summer months I struggle with the 3x600`s. I figure the best thing to do is max it out during the winter months as an extra 800w will help boost yields considerably I hope. I haven`t quite got it to the ideal temps of between 78-82f, but with the addition of one or two more fans blowing directly at the lights it should sort this out quite easily.

I`ve always stuck to 3 lights up to now, tho it used to be a 1k and 2x 600`s, but the 1k ballasts never seem to last as long as the 4`s and 6`s, so I reverted to 3x 6`s. I was gifted some 400`s hence the additional lighting.

I cant wait to get 5 lights over 15 Grapefruit plants next go, that should be the dogs nuts. I`ll be running a 16th plant in a spare corner of the room in the AIr-pot experiment, which will take up one of the 400`s, though this will spread light to the main grow aswell. I`m looking fwd to the AIr-pot experiment, though I think I`ll have to get on with a recirculating nft set up for it, unless I can get a Blumat rig bought and installed in time. I still haven`t been able to find a UK supplier who carries the Blumat range. I`dlike to try it though.

The cuttings taken in flower are looking funky as expected.Weird 3 blande and single blade growth, but I expect as they start to really take off (its a leggy plant usually) it`ll son revert to the 5 and 7 blade leaves of a vegging plant. I hope to have the yet to be harvested plants chopped and out of the way in one week, once I start. So I`m aiming at getting my next lot under a mix of MH and HPS lighting in just over two weeks.

I`ve decided to let a mate have 4 of my 5 Hog plants, he`just starting up a grow tent. It`ll be good to get him off to an easy start as the plants are topped and already around 8 inches and should only need 10 days to 2 weeks to fill in the scrog screen. I`ve no idea of the traits of the Hog strain so it`ll be good to keep an eye on them. I do know they`re supposed to produce huge cola buds!

I`ll select a good one to keep here as a mother plant and wait to see if the strain and pheno is a keeper, I`ve heard good things about it. I`d have liked to have tried it myself, but am set on a room full of Grapefruit for the next show.

Scrog, as regards the strain line and seed source of the GF`s, I`m really not sure, tho I have been trying to find out for some time. All I know is I got hold of 2nd generation clones of Grapefruit, which I`ve taken cuts from a couple of times, so now 4th generation. A good mother plant will be selected from the strongest of the clones I`ve got now.

I`ve been thinking of doing some fro beans, bloody long time since I`ve done that, but now thinking of dedicating one of my 3 trays to fresh strain, there are so many I`d like to give a try and its time I got my act into gear on that one.

Cheers, Toke :)


Active member
Hey Matey,
First thought was the Cannazyme, if i remember rightly it may affect the flavour of the final product, id personally be dubious about flushing with it(well, i wouldnt do it), but i aint sure tbh, just something thats stuck in the back of my mind. see if i can find something to back that up or hopefully someone with experience of flushing with a zyme product will chip-in. I take it that is what you mean.
Reducing EC right down like you are is going to decrese the amount of time needed for the final flush, but that is in my opinion. Thats one of the benefits of DWC growing, usually & ime DWC grown plants take a much lower EC than other grow styles like NFT for instance, so a 5-7 day flush is/seems ample, certainly a 2 week flush is excessive & unnessary, but that does depend on what EC the grow was run on, the higher the EC the longer the flush, thats how i always look at it. Are you going to run one of the Flush products like Canna or VitaLink 'Flush', personally i didnt see an improvement in the final product using these flush products, but my mind was put to rest, i'm not convinced there worth the extra cash personally. Low EC(0.2-0.4) nute solution & then straight water for the final few days to a week has the same effect for me. So to me looks like your doing the exact same thing i do for flush, reduce & finish with water, yeah your looking good imo bro.
On your Temp issues, Have you considered going with A/C(aircooled), i know this sorts any heat issues out but like you said its only the summer months that they are required really, & i dont like the fact that the light is filtered by the cover screen on the hoods with AC lighting, still they do work very well & i use them myself. Ive been looking at the Magnum/XXL Sun Systems AC Hoods, Fking work of art those things, ok there expensive but they work wonderfully well, ive been watching Cheesys grows with his new ones & hes over the moon with them, sorted his temps right out, they're over £180 a throw but look to be worth the money from peoples results, feedback etc. Your ladies seem to be loving it & the trich coverage is testament to that.
You never got back to me on the new Green spec adjusted HPS lamps or the full Green strips that people are getting great results with, anything that speeds up Photosynth takes my interest for sure bro, whats your thoughts on those man?
Airpots look the bollocks mate, the whole concept seems a winner to me & id wager inproved results, especially with the larger ones, Good Luck with your experiments on those mate! The Blumats, Growell used to stock them, but i refuse to do any sort of business with the rip-off merchants, ever since they refused to give me a discount(Computer says No-like something outta Little Britain), really pissed me off, so now Gav at DrGreens(Telford indst est) gets my money, ring them people at DRGreens & if he aint got the Blumats in stock he'll put them on order for you man, & i very much doubt you'll find cheaper in the whole country,(Let me know if you do). They'd do a price match anyway im positive, Great value Hydro supplier & nice peeps too, they'll be getting my cash for the forseeable future anyway bro! check them out:


On your ballasts, i believe its heat thats the damaging factor, or at least shortens their life span, i think a dedicated fan my help the case there & considerably lenghten lifespan. Replacement Ignightors/capacitors are a cheap altenative to buying new gear, once replaced its like you got a new ballast, did you see the thread on that? i'll dig a link out if you want?

Hog used to top one of my lists as a must try, so i was buzzin when you said you had it & were going thrash a grow of her out. Didnt she used to be known as 'HempStar'(I think), I know she's a Cup winner & supposed to be a large yielder, always took my fancy anyway. The GF pheno you have there is a winner for sure & id be the same if i were you, you got her dialled in now & id also be wanting a room full after seeing what youve done with her, Its a real winner. Femaleseeds.nl, if im not mistaken, looks amazing bro & seems to be getting better with generations & your familiarity with her, Defo a long term keeper, pure mustard mate!

Seeds, wells theres a load as always, Serious Bubblegum, SSSDH, Where dos it end, theres soo many i wanna try its a surprise i bother with Cuts at all, there aint enough time in our lives to get through all the ones i wanna try, yeah get on some seed bro, but like you id find it real hard to let go of that GF, dont think you will in a hurry & i dont blame you. Bugger me scroger writing a bloody book again. Anyway Buddy, youve done a real number on these GF;'s & i canna wait till the next one you do with her. Maybe some playing with lighting like green light, UV etc & we'll see even more improvements & more trichs & bulk if thats at all possible with this cut. Anyway ive really enjoyed following along on this one, its been a bang bro. I'll look forward to the report's & dry Bud porn. take it easy matey!
Peace & Respect......Scroger ;)...


Sugar shack mate! Those are definitely v frosty... would u attribute this to the molasses bro? You would be surprised by just how much that extra thc can help the buds to hod weight and size... Think of it as hash and you get the picture right....

I'm interested to hear how this lots does mate, as you say there not baseball sized buds but it seems that there is alot of buds everywhere! More than we can see in the pics, mid canopy etc... maybe I am wrong but just looks that way from the pics.

Whatever it's been a nice run for you without the b'stard hiccups that have held u back somewhat in the last couple... Onwards and upwards mate.

What's this about an airpot, they seem to be the rage along with blumats right now. I saw one a whiles back and thought 'gimmick' but seems quite a few good growers are using em with coco... what's the big attraction? (Pls save me some searching :D lol).

Hey scrogger, that Jacky White is lush mate. Very nice strain... one of the frostiest plants I've ever grown came out of a pack of Jacky white, n the Jack Herer pheno is very very nice.


Active member
Hey Shhh,
Yeah those Airpots are gonna take off i think mate. They air prune the root tips causing an explosive of new roots, they in turn do the same thing, grow into the holes allocated in the dimples on the Pot & as soon as they hit air they effectively die back causing new roots to form. I imagine this Air-Pruning causes one heck of a root ball, which enables the plant to eat & drink much more than it normally would. Makes sense it'll have a major effect on upper growth & ultimately yield! Thats how i look at those things, good imo bro. In Hydro i imagine Zymes do a similar job if used properly.
JackyWhite is a cracking little strain, as are the majority of the breeders strains, easy to grow, hardy as fk, Homogenous(however ya spell it), & is a lovely puff, its got alot going for it that one. A buddy of mine grew her out like i said, & i was really impressed. I agree a winner for sure. 8-10 weeker too. Cheers! ;)
(sorry my stoney head is mad for repeating itself lol)


Cheers bro, yeah drop me a link to repairing ballasts if you will mate, I must have half a dozen fucked ones lying around, and a good 1k bulb too. I`d love to put a 1k in there, again nif the cost is low, they do make a big difference.

Yeah a grow of GF`s defo the plan, but I`ll keep a hog on as a mother and my mate will grow the other 4 out, so we`ll see if they live up to it. Any idea on how easy/difficult a strain it is to grow, my mate`s a beginner.

Mate, I`ve heard nothing about the green spectrim or UV in relation to growing, always thought the green wasn`t required. My ears did pick up on what you were saying and meant to look into it, but was pondering my off-gassing situ and little mites in my coco at the time, (still am) and it slipped my mind completely. If you`re saying there`s a definite advantage I`ll look into it for sure bro.

I`m going to try and get some bud shots between now and the end and maybe enter one or two for pic of the month, once I find out how to go about it. I reckon if I get creative with the lighting, these buds will glisten beautifully. I`m going to take some pics of the whole plants at harvest to show the difference between the GF`s and Arma`s, plant for plant like.

Yeah, seeds, I`m gonna have to have a chat with ya about the whole thing. I`d be looking for top quality of course, but with a leaning to those with most stability and not much variance of pheno`s, particularly with different timings coming through. Dunno how possible that is. That`s why as a rule I like to go with clones from known ladies, albeit the lazy way, and you dont always get the quality you`d hope for or expect from yourself.

Yeay Shhh, how goes it. Yeah the added advantage I`m hoping to get from the airpots is more nutrients flow through due to the faster drainage/more air to coco, but the way it stops roots doing the circular root binding thing is the big advantage, it makes the roots grow as it would in open ground, straight(ish) out.

The molasses must surely be helping with the trich build up, the grow tents with Armas in are good but not as frosty as these, maybe the RO water mix I use is another significant factor, I dont know. I`m in awe of my plants at the mo tho for sure, its going to be some knockout smoke.

Yes mate the GF`s buddage goes deep into the sprawling canopy, decent nugs 2.5 feet down, not so with the Arma`s, lower bud being pretty tiny. I know I kep going on about it, but the Arma will be good smoke but poor yield, one plant seems to have done reasonably, maybe, but the other`s are only going to be 1 to 1.5 oz per plant, whereas I`m hoping to pull 4-5 per GF, Next grow, all GF`s should be a highpoint after a long slog to get to where I was a couple of years back. . . . phew!

I still have work to do re the off gassing, but I`m managing it fairly well, or at least the GF`s are. I`d like to eradicate that problem once and for all though.

Cheer fer now, Toke ;)


Active member
I bloody looked everywhere for the link for the replacement cap(capacitor)thread but i aint sure, it must have been called something else, bugger, i know that it was just a case of replacing the Cap & that was it, looked simple to do too. if i find something i let you know bro! Any Updates on the GF's etc, Pics!?
Btw, mine are flying to Fk, my buddys nugs in Coco (wk5) look amazing, i gave him the cuts of both pheno's so its looking v-good, They gone nuts, trichs everywhere. Ive asked if i can take some pics & he agreed so ill get back to you with some pics,
later fella! ;)


Hey toke, been a lil over a week those things must have swollen up nicely on there final leg... any pics bro :)


day 60/63

day 60/63

Hey guys, yeah here are some more pics.

First the Grapefruit



One of my fav pics of this lot




My absolute fav pic of this lot

The Armageddon






Sorry, I didn`t grab any overall crop shots, just lots of bud pics!

I`m busy with plans to paint out the cloning cupboard in a bid to get on top of the off gassing problem. Its still going on, look at these following pics of the Hog clones, they`re really struggling here and their conditions are as perfect as I can make them in all other ways, ec0.8 of Canna A+B + Rhizotonic and Superthrive and a wee tad of molasses, but not enough to rise the ec any. All under a 200w envirolight. I know when they leave here they`ll be fine in a tent, I believe its definitely off gassing that`s responsible for the problems here. Notice the very purple stems and the clawed up leaves.





The Grapefruit seem somewhat unaffected by it tho as they`ve shown to be in the main room too. The cuts I took 3 weeks into flower are starting to grow out their odd single and triple bladed leaves, as expected from cuts taken in well into flower. Here are 5 I took from the cloning cupboard to take some snaps. You can see they`ve come on a lot and once they hit the main lights they`ll really take off I`m sure.






That`s my lot for now;)

Cheers Toke :)


Active member
Looks Lush man! Its ready then bro, what ratio of coloured trichs have you got atm & when's ETA' for the chop. Intense, Happy Harvest! ;)
That OffGass issue is nuts, speechless at the damage caused, Bugger ah! you'll beat it bro! imo,there must be alot of offending plastic somewhere in your cab or that Hog just cant handle any gass at all, we need a name-n-shame thread for that one.

When ive smoked Arma in the past(couple o times), it reminded me of a sweet-orange type strain, definately had that orange strain lick to it. Is your pheno like that man? looks wicked btw,
always reminds me of Sweet Cigars with a touch of liquor or Whiskey, as orange types do! Cali-Orange is prolly my fave orange(V-Sweet). Its been a fair while. Used to Luv B52 too.
Another going on my list the Cali-O, but Dynamite & Blue Dynamite are nearer the top along with Bluecheese, Bubblegum(or X's of) & SSSDH & some other bangers too. i got about 20+ on my to-grow list now, id like to do a bit of breeding too, i can see a Dynamite x Bubblegum cross doing well, I do like 'Next Gen's' strains i must say, Dynamite is a GF strain too man, GrapeGod is another i like the look of(Check this shit out,-'Fk me'), also a GF strain lol. Anyway Great pics Bro! ;)


Looks Lush man! Its ready then bro, what ratio of coloured trichs have you got atm & when's ETA' for the chop. Intense, Happy Harvest! ;)
That OffGass issue is nuts, speechless at the damage caused, Bugger ah! you'll beat it bro! imo,there must be alot of offending plastic somewhere in your cab or that Hog just cant handle any gass at all, we need a name-n-shame thread for that one.

Not so sure of what %`age coloured trichs, they`re mostly clear going cloudy mate, I`ll have a closer inspection under the loop today at some point. I think you can see from the pics that its pretty near, and I plan to chop over the weekend, maybe a little start on Friday.

Buddy I`ve been through every bit of plastic in the cloning cupboard, the only thing left in there made of plastic are, the plant pots, the flex going to the 200w bulb and food freezer bags that the plants now sit on. I`ve changed the flex and the plastic that the plants sit on. I can only think that its the paint, cheap landlords Magnolia throughout, including this cupboard. Oddly enough my asthma has been worse at this house too so I`m beginning to wonder if it might be affecting me in an adverse way.

I cant find any real culprits in my main flowering room either, all of my equipment came with me from a successful growspace, the only things I`ve added, such as rez`s, builders buckets have been introduced to try and overcome problems, except for the Panda sheeting, a section of that was new, but I find it hard to believe that this will be causing problems (ie. non in the cupboard). The rez`s are marked PP (polypropelene) so are ok, but though the builders buckets are are of a similar plastic, there are no markings on them, so they`ll get changed next grow. I dont think it is the buckets tho, as I introduced them to the grow after 2 problem grows. I may rip down all the Panda sheeting and go with brilliant white paint, though I cant see the panda sheeting and would re introduce to the room once problems are fully solved so that I can eliminate it as a source of the problem.

I think its got to be something to do with the property itself, the most likely thing I think it can be is the cheap, most likely high VOC`s, paint that`s been used, and possibly some Caulking. There is a partitioning wall separating the room from the hallway, but I believe its made of plaster board and done many, many years ago. The whole room is going to get a good coat of paint after harvest, including the partitioning wall and the Double glazed window frame, but today I`m going to get the low VOC sealing primer and coat the cloning cupboard.

I`ve now ruled out nutrients, water, air exchange, temps, RH, feeding regimes, and me as a crap gardener. I have a shit load of experience and grown very fine weed from rooms with conditions far far below the standard that I now have, but I`ve lost the genetics of 3 out of 4 strains, the Grapefruit being the only one that seems relatively unaffected by the problems I`ve been having, and I`m sure the Hog would go the same way if nothing is done about it or without moving them somewhere else.

I`m going to keep one on here and see if I can detect a clear improvement after painting, the other 4 I`m going to get moved asap.

It bothers me that I thought on a couple of occasions in the past that I`d solved the problems, switching water supplies and upgrading air exchange, feeding drain to waste, but non have cured it, though there has been some improvement, I think mainly down to having a huge air exchange going on, far more than should be necessary for a room of this size, well over 4 times more air exchange than I`ve had in other similar spaces. I cant see anything else here that it can be. If this doesn`t work I may have to look for another property, which would be a royal pain in the arse!

Looking at threads of others with off gassing, they`ve been through almost identical steps before realizing that it was off gassing. I had the experience of more obvious off-gassing in the 2nd tent that a mate bought and the symptoms were the same as my very early issues here, this was, as I said, improved (or further masked!) after upgrading water and most importantly here, I feel, the air exchange. Its enough to drive you proper nuts for sure, but hopefully this will resolve my issues here. I haven`t got any obvious issue such as the NGW.com hose or a tent here, but paints and caulking are known to cause these problems.

Cheers, Toke:)


Hey Scrogger, the trich`s are all light in colour, clear going a little milky.

A couple of the GF`s are starting to turn almost blackish purple in the leaf, looking very nice.



Active member
Hey Bro,(edit)
Yeah 'Senescence', Looks pretty smart when they start to colour-up with tints of Purps, Reds, Yellow's etc at the End of their life cycle, this is an indication of 'The Start of the End' as i put it!. defo a V-good idea to keep an eye on the trich's at this stage, & i'm always on the look out for mold in fatter buds, just in case, i find the more trichs that turn to amber the less the terpines seem to be, eventually losing most of its intended flavour if your not carefull, i like upto 20% amber but its hard to keep that good terpine profile & sweet flavour, its finding a balance for me, without losing too much flavour. Im a bit worried this time as i have no de-huey, & i do like to use one in the last 4 week of 12/12, luckley this strain is a high mold-resistant strain, another reason that swayed me to run her, lest see how she copes with a good Scroggin, V-Well im hoping. Judging by my buddies Coco grow of it at wk 5 bloom im gonna be real happy, i must get some pics done, Im on around day 14ish 12/12, nice full canopy sitting at 6-7" & decently even, give or take an inch. Im just starting to remove & clear the underside of the screen, Happy so-far ;)
Ive decided that im OK smothering my cab in Diamond Mylar, its everywhere but the floor, The gaffa tape i use is kosha', its only screen itself that i aint sure about really, but i have zero issues so think im fine, but i agreed with you on not overlooking this issue, there are alot of cheaper made plastics coming in, & it can only be right to check it all out before commiting it to your cab. Its not easy to diagnose off-gassing symptoms as they mimick other nute deficiencys &/or other enviromental problems, why put yourself in that position, its just a case of doing your homework. Its handy youve spotted it early on, could of gone on for years bro. G'Luck!!;)


Active member
Tokesome, can you keep us updated on the flowering clones? I love watching new growth from buds its awesome :tiphat: