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Keif's Micro Medical Cabinet


Plants are looking über healthy mate. Cant wait to see some LST action around the pot, good idea mate! Dunno if you said already but how long u planning to veg for?



About 3 more weeks and the og should be around the whole pot. Its about a quarter of the way around now.

Thanks for the compliments!


So temps are peaking at 82 today, its really warm in the room for some reason (the room my cab sits in.)

I opened all the windows on my lunch break so I hope that helps.

In flowering, I expect to have much lower temps as the light will be at the very top of the cab, right next to the exhaust.

Updates for today, day 17, sorry for the bad quality on some pics, all my grow pics are taken on my cell:


OG LST - I have tied down 3 times so far and it is about 1/4 away around the pot. She has also just been topped last week and is sprouting two new shoots slowly.

MK Clones taken yesterday, this time I used Rapid Rooters and clonex as the first set I took didnt root in FFOF.


So I am pretty bummed today. I went to check my babies and I found fucking spider mites, or some kind of little black/red mites, all over everything. =( I am thinking my clones were infected when I got them.

I took the plants out and disinfected the whole cabinet with cleaner and then I mixed a few drops of dish soap into water and misted the whole cabinet as well as the plants and soil tops.

This is a pretty big bummer, do you think I should just toss the crop and start over??

I have 5 fem White Widow seeds on the way and I for sure dont want that investment to get destroyed by these little bastards either.

I have never dealt with spider mites before, so this is pretty new to me. Do those pest trap sticky strips catch them too?



Was there any damage, and where did you find them ?, reason being is not all mites are bad, but definitely look into what you have.

myself i know i have mites in my soil (little red ones), but they are the beneficial ones that feed on trips, fungus gnats, and spider mites, how they got there who knows (probably from the outside as i live in an agricultural zone), but i haven't had a problems with any of the other bugs in a good year


Was there any damage, and where did you find them ?, reason being is not all mites are bad, but definitely look into what you have.

myself i know i have mites in my soil (little red ones), but they are the beneficial ones that feed on trips, fungus gnats, and spider mites, how they got there who knows (probably from the outside as i live in an agricultural zone), but i haven't had a problems with any of the other bugs in a good year

There are also a couple gnats or something like that that have eaten a leaf.

I dont see any webs, just shit loads of mites everywhere, maybe they arent spider mites?

They were all over everything this morning. Small, black or redish grey.

Would spider mites have webs everywhere? I dont see webs, just tons of little dots running around my pots/soil/floor of the cabinet. Now that I think about it, not so much on the leaves but there are definitely a few, not nearly as much as the floor or walls of the pots and soil have.

Now I hope I didn't murder my plants with a low dose of soap/water...


Active member
Somebody likes Beeline! :D

Are the majority of the mites crawling in the soil or underneath the leaves?


Majority I would say the soil for sure, I didnt see too many mites on the leaves at all. Just on the soil/floor of my cab/pots.

The only things on the leaves were little gnat looking things that DID eat some leaf matter.

Nothing major and I think I squashed them all..

And yes, I have like 6 cases of Beeline LOL.


Active member
Dude, I'm sorry to say that you probably have root aphids. Many-a-grower this year has been hit with these fuckers; including myself. I've been trying to get rid of them for over a year now....if I were you, honestly, I'd try to control them with organic methods and otherwise just get your grow on....deal with them after you chop so you can at least get some bud. Otherwise, if you really want them gone, you literally have to ge rid of every micro-dot of soil in and around the cab and sterilize everything, and then pray that no eggs/nymphs 'overwinter' in your environment.

Did your clones come from PNC?


Fuck me.

A quick search showed both the young alphids as well as adults and I have these in the cab.

2 weeks into my first Cali grow and this shit goes down.

Do you think they came from my FFOF????

What are the adverse effects they have on my plants?

My clones came from CCR, what is PNC, pm me if you cant post it.



I am going to go ahead and chop them all down, wash everything off, takes clones and try and get them to re-root.. Does that sound like a good idea? They seem to be impossible to get rid of..


Active member
Trust me, I have been/was stressing SO much over these fuckers over the past year...you're not the only one.

Doubt they came in the FFOF, my bet would be that they came w/ the clones.

They will at the very least hurt your yield; the worst case scenario is that they munch a main 'tap root' or just too many roots and your ladies die - either that or their bites leave the root system very open to disease transmission through exposed/injured root systems and the fact that the aphids themselves can transmit disease.

*I would strongly recommend AGAINST trying to re-root those clones; that was/has been my mistake. I have a nice genetic library and was too damn stubborn to get rid of EVERYTHING, guess what happened? Still got them as they simply migrate to the remaining soil/rooters/roots/moisture. You are only losing two strains....vs. 10-20, remember that it could be worse; and that it will be worse until they're completely gone*

I've spend hundreds...if not close to a grand...trying to get rid of these things. You should see my concoction at the moment.....1 Tbsp Botanigard 22WP, 25 ml Pyganic (5.0%), and 4 oz. of SNS 203 to a gallon, all mixed together....trifecta of death....still not sure if it worked or not, need to actually go check now.


Fuck it then, these bitches are getting tossed and I will clean the whole cab and wait to see if anymore popup before planting new ones.


Active member
Good luck man....here's an idea for testing, cheap and no real loss if they're still there:

Go to a nursery and buy Nasturtium seeds. Root aphids love these and you can get a pack of 10-15 seeds for like $1.50; if they're still there you can check to see - then go from there.
Shit, you can nuke the fuckers if you find em' in the Nasturtiums then...go buy some Bayer Complete* (Imidacloprid w/ B-Cyfluthrin) and have at 'em. Then just throw the nasturtiums out and try again; rinse and repeat until you have a clean cab. *I would not use the Bayer on the plants you have now, or any cannabis for that matter...look up the half-life for Imid in soil...ugh.

Then start growing again.



Just tossed all clones and plants. I bleached the pots and soaked in hot water. I also sprayed the cab floor with bleach and soaked it for a few minutes. Then I wiped down everything.

When I got back to see if this mornings extermination worked, they were all under the mk pot and roaming around the cab. Where do they generally lay eggs and how often do they hatch? My white widow fem seeds should be here this week but I don't want to plant them too early.

Thanks so much for your help.


well side note about the beeline

its very easy to make your own at a fraction of the cost, all you need is a ball of hemp twine, and some beeswax, or soy (even though they bash it, some soy wax is actually better for you than beeswax)

You just heat up the wax and dip the whole ball of twine in it a couple times, don't even need to have enough wax to submerge it, just enough to get to the core cause you can rotate it.

Typically works out to be about $4+ for 400+ feet which is 1/10th the price, heck you can even order pre dipped spools from hemptraders for $10 at 700feet, $5 each if you buy 10+

But yeah works just the same and you know what goes into it, i personally very rarely use the stuff just cause im a joint person, but if im doing hits from a bong i bring it out


I actually own a review website for cannabis products and I was sent cases for free.

They have lasted me quite a long time.

I like your method though and I will deff. give it a try when I run out!

Thanks so much.


That really sucks mate. Ah well just gotta have a "next grow" mentality. Just start afresh & keep things clean and you'll be up & running again in no time :)



Active member
Just tossed all clones and plants. I bleached the pots and soaked in hot water. I also sprayed the cab floor with bleach and soaked it for a few minutes. Then I wiped down everything.

When I got back to see if this mornings extermination worked, they were all under the mk pot and roaming around the cab. Where do they generally lay eggs and how often do they hatch? My white widow fem seeds should be here this week but I don't want to plant them too early.

Thanks so much for your help.

Here's where I give you more bad news:

These things reproduce asexually. It takes literally only ONE to survive and you'll have an entire population back in no time:

Life Cycle: In the northern United States, green peach aphids overwinter as eggs, but in the Southeast, no eggs are laid. Instead, female aphids give birth to young females during the growing season. The reproductive capacity of green peach aphids has been described as "fantastic." High reproductive rates- and resistance to pesticides make the green peach aphid a formidable pest in the greenhouse. Up to 30 generations per year may take place in this pest's southernmost range.

This is why I advised the nasturtium route; as you saw today - these things can withstand some shit and just keep on a truckin'...


So very true. The cab is on but empty except for the fans and light. If I see them ill pinch em off. I haven't seen any since the wipe out earlier. I figure they won't live where they can't eat right?

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