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2010 outdoors,

Trichoderma is the shit! Definitely worth checking out

LINK Theres a recent discussion on stem rot specifically tonto, offers a few more solutions u may be interested in :)

Cookie monster

Not much help to ya now, but introducing trichoderma into your soil mix has also been shown to prevent and/or minimise the colonisation and spread of Botrytis..

Some of the organic Grey mould sprays are made from fungi like trichoderma.

Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Strain T-39 is a naturally occurring fungus that is used to protect crops from the harmful gray mold, Botrytis cinerea. The active ingredient is not expected to cause disease or adverse health effects to humans and is not likely to harm the environment. It can be applied outdoors and in greenhouses to most food crops except those below (see II. Use Sites).

Description of the Active Ingredient

Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Strain T-39 is a naturally occurring fungus found on some plants and in the soil worldwide. As a pesticide, it displaces the disease-causing gray mold from plants if it is applied early in the growing season.

Use Sites, Target Pests, and Application Methods

Use Sites: The fungus can be applied, using the application methods described below, to most food crops grown in greenhouses, shade houses, or in agricultural fields,. It is not clear whether this strain of the fungus has adverse effects on certain crops as other members of the Trichoderma fungal species do. Therefore, products containing this active ingredient must not be used on apples (fruit), barley, chickpea, corn, cotton, kiwi, lemon, mushrooms, oats, pechay (bok choy), rice, soybean, sugarcane, tobacco, tomatoes, and wheat, until the registrant provides more information.

Target Pests: Gray Mold or Botrytis cinerea, a fungus which causes diseases on plants.

Application Methods: Products containing this active ingredient are to be sprayed on crops using ground equipment only. It works best if all parts of the crop receive uniform spray coverage, and if spraying occurs early in the season.....

Compost tea from a well made compost heap should be a great source of both Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis, not sure if using compost tea on buds is a good idea tho?
Organic veggie growers use teas among other things to control Mould on things like toms and cucumbers.

A few pics from today,

Little cross in the conservatory is doing well despite the lack of sunshine

Time to clear the ground and dig in a few loads of compost before it gets covered up.


got pelted with hail today

when plants get hit with frost is it game over and harvest them as quick as possible or does it take a few to kill them?

Cookie monster

A little light frost shouldn't kill them but I'd be checking them every day type of thing.

Lowest temperature 0 to 4 degrees with light winds is the forecast for tonight.
If the temps hit 0 you might be in trouble :(
Nice new avatar cook, with your love of dogs i'm surprised ur handle isn't something more canine-esque lol

Ya frost dont kill em dead, but its definitely danger hour, keep an eye on em tonto m8, first sign of anything you'll know yourself if its worth pulling or not, just dont leave em too late ;), if weather is hitting a constant low for a longer period of time, and your plants are harvestable, itd be worth harvesting imo as the low temperatures in both ground and air are gonna just keep elongating out flowering, and its a case of do u want to take the chance of the danger vs the chance of them getting just a slight bit more ripe.....

Cookie monster

Nice new avatar cook, with your love of dogs i'm surprised ur handle isn't something more canine-esque lol

Jesus Grim they have taken over enough of my life without doggying up my interweb handle :)
I'll be growing a tail next..

How long is left on them Tonto?


How long is left on them Tonto?

most need 2 weeks min, others 4, i thought out how im going to insulate future containers though, put a layer of fabric around and then stuff it with straw or ferns.

Ya frost dont kill em dead, but its definitely danger hour, keep an eye on em tonto m8, first sign of anything you'll know yourself if its worth pulling or not, just dont leave em too late ;), if weather is hitting a constant low for a longer period of time, and your plants are harvestable, itd be worth harvesting imo as the low temperatures in both ground and air are gonna just keep elongating out flowering, and its a case of do u want to take the chance of the danger vs the chance of them getting just a slight bit more ripe.....

im really starting to like hash so making another lot wouldn't be too bad , was wondering though about making a green house or just sticking a tarp over a few of them , or with no fans would it just be mold heaven?
Get a few stakes a wrap em around in wool and stake em around your plant(s), that'll keep the whole plant insulated and you can continue your grow season no problem .... well actually there is 1 huge problem and thats rain. Once the rains gets the wool or fabric, thats just a constant source of water too close to plants for their own good .... maybe if u could cover the wool with something .... cling film but a hell of a lot stronger lol. Good thinking with the pots though

EDIT: Why does icmag every so often add an extra page onto a thread that just isnt there, like now its showing 24 pages but we're on on page 23 .....


EDIT: Why does icmag every so often add an extra page onto a thread that just isnt there, like now its showing 24 pages but we're on on page 23 .....

just happens :tiphat:

doubt wool would work well or last long, , an inside layer of tinfoil might be worth a try :thinking:
I dont mean wool like sheeps wool, hmmm explained that pretty poorly, its wool, but its a very strong form of it, also not very nice to touch. Sort of like insulation in fact, appologies brain is currently taking a vacation, so cant think of the term i want. It definitely works though, i've seen people extend plants out over a full winter using this method outside of ireland, so it should most definitely work to extend our growing period ;)
Hmmm not heard of garden fleece before, did a quick search there and a load of things came up.

Defintely not the wool(ish sort of) material if thats what ya meant by garden fleece, what i mean is much much thicker.

Also found some results for a covering u can put over plants, if u meant to cover the fibre or material in, but it looked porous, so i wouldnt think thats it either ....

Lotta of other results came up aswell though so u could mean something altogether different :( lol. I'll have a think on it n repost back what it is im talking bout :)

If you were offering another explanation or solution for something else though, please feel free to expand :D

EDIT: This is more like the stuff i'm talking about, still cant remember the term i know for it though, have a few of these at home myself, thats why they always pop into mind LINK


DSC00825.jpg DSC00826.jpg
some slightly moldy colas i harvested and trimmed today

Cookie monster

most need 2 weeks min, others 4, i thought out how im going to insulate future containers though, put a layer of fabric around and then stuff it with straw or ferns.

im really starting to like hash so making another lot wouldn't be too bad , was wondering though about making a green house or just sticking a tarp over a few of them , or with no fans would it just be mold heaven?

Dont forget to insulate the bottoms of your containers bro, cold ground will suck the heat out of your pots.

If the green house was fully enclosed and not vented you'll have problems especially if it's plastic.
Might be easier to just throw a plastic sloped roof over them and wrap breathable fabric/fleece around them at night?

Grim that looks like sheeps wool insulation, it's good stuff but useless if it gets soaking wet.

I think the pages thing is when posts are deleted, 24 pages with a few posts deleted = 23 pages of posts but it looks like 24 when you read amount of pages.


jumping back abit;)

I'm not too worried as its the familys land and people shouldnt really be in there

theres loads of reasons for people to trespass and growing in the open wont go well, plant a cover crop around them perhaps


3rd-Eye Jedi
wow love the green thumb emerald isle style

gorgeous girls cookie really, some special land you grow on there

peace :)

Cookie monster

jumping back abit;)

theres loads of reasons for people to trespass and growing in the open wont go well, plant a cover crop around them perhaps

Jerusalem artichokes would make a good covering plant, the ones in my other veggie garden are 7-8 foot tall and will still be green for a while yet + you can eat them or feed them to animals.

Another night of 0 or lower temps tonight :)


Active member
Another night of 0 or lower temps tonight

Much the same here as well , got down to 2*C last night after some heavy rain , once it stopped raining i went out late by torchlight & shook the water off my plants . Plenty of cold sun today & a frost on the car at 10pm . I`m pushing it i know as i may end up with a lot more bubble material but i`m trying to get fully mature triches on the AK/WW x Durban , a real big Biddy . Some of Zeds later AKautoHaze 3 between 7-8ft 2 of these are up against the home , seeded & the seeds ain`t ready yet , i reckon 7 to 10day more . & funnily enough 1 of the 3 Dutch Dragon is still doing really well & has hell of a lot of heavy bud on her despite being an indoor plant outdoor . My grow plot is a little more frostproof than the big garden as it`s surrounded by vegetation/bushes/trees on all sides & it`s a sun trap most of the day . Trouble is eventually it gets so cold in there with the temps dropping constantly that it becomes a frost pocket . I`m checking very carefully twice a day & as soon as i see the plants starting to turn they`ll be cut . Fingers x`d .

Stay green .