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BhT goes toe-to-toe with tea party fanatics

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You know you don't need to come to this thread if you disagree with what's being said....

Oh really. i dont NEED to come to this thread. Really?. So since i don't agree with your racial BS, I don't NEED to come to this thread? Its been enlightening. Birds of a feather flock together...see ya in November.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
There are assholes in all walks of life and political affiliations. Bht met a few, or went looking for them, anyway. My point is don't call the Tea Party out as being white racist interested in keeping Mexicans, blacks, and muslims down, because that is stupid BS. I'm white! I'm not a racist, and I agree for the most part what the Tea Party stands for. Thats not a vacant opinion. It's just not one you agree with.

Well, im only telling you what I saw and heard and that happened to be alot of hate and racism. I went to the rally with a huge American flag, a "Vote Yes on Prop 19" T-shirt and a handfull of informative fliers on legalization of marijuana. I stood at the entrance and handed fliers (or attempted to...) and the few instances that happened were begat 100% by the tea party members. I simply stood there with my flag, mj fliers and a smile.


Like I've said before, when the tea party presents some semblance of a valid and reasonable policy aside from the odd,non-issue issues, that they so reverently expouse, Ie the Bithers, the "free marketeers" the "don't tread on me's", I would consider them and their late to the party attitude about the government a real, tangible, actual political movement. Based on logic and reason. But using sound thinking, one can only surmise that the tea partiers are racist, BECAUSE, the fear of their government came only when a Black man became President, not when the white frat boy passed the Patriot act, or any of the other atrocities that were committed under THE LAST EIGHT YEARS OF OUR LAST PRESIDENT!!! Your fear and points come a little late and a lot short.
Oh and can someone please tell me what the F*&K the TEA party stands for? I'm a registered libertarian, and they sure as shit do not represent me.


Have you ever interacted with Border Brothers?? I have always found them to be self sufficient...and by their "Illegal" status alone...unable to apply for Welfare--
Maybe you can share some different experiences??

Well lets see. An illegal Mexican woman can give birth here, and get money for food, housing, etc. Thats a fact.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Well, no wonder you pissed them off, Herb!

No shit!!! By some of the responses I got you thought I would have been dressed up like Osama Bin Laden with a shirt that said "I will rape your children and raise your taxes!!!"


Government spending up by 21% in two years. And that figure doesn't include the bail out money. Unemployment higher than it ever was. Government now can make you enter into a contract against your will (Obamacare), Go Obama. Home foreclosures still rising in numbers. Oh yeah he's a real winner. We'll see.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Government spending up by 21% in two years. And that figure doesn't include the bail out money. Unemployment higher than it ever was. Government now can make you enter into a contract against your will (Obamacare), Go Obama. Home foreclosures still rising in numbers. Oh yeah he's a real winner. We'll see.

Foreclosures are up because banking is so unregulated, yet you want less regulation. You want more jobs, but are pissed off Obama bailed out the auto industry whom employ thousands. You are fine supporting the wars that have cost abscene amounts of money and thousands of young lifes lost while acheiving absolutely nothing, yet you are so opposed to healthcare for those who can't afford it. I really have a difficult time understanding the "logic"...


Bong Smoking News Hound
Foreclosures are up because banking is so unregulated, yet you want less regulation. You want more jobs, but are pissed off Obama bailed out the auto industry whom employ thousands. You are fine supporting the wars that have cost abscene amounts of money and thousands of young lifes lost while acheiving absolutely nothing, yet you are so opposed to healthcare for those who can't afford it. I really have a difficult time understanding the "logic"...


good night :wave:
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You are fine supporting the wars that have cost abscene amounts of money and thousands of young lifes lost while acheiving absolutely nothing, yet you are so opposed to healthcare for those who can't afford it.

If by being a tax payer, I am supporting the wars, then I suppose you do too? I never once in this thread, said I agree with the recent wars or not...show me one post where I did. I never said I was opposed to people having health care, only that the Bill was passed illegally. And it's unconstitutional. That is a fact! I see it from a different point of view than you since I am married to a medical biller, and I see what's coming down the road. Oh but it'll be free! For those that sit on their ass. And for those that choose to work, if they are lucky to have a job when the shit finally hits the fan from all the overspending of funny money. Well, they'll get to pick up the tab. Eventually everyone will be relying on the Fed to give em everything they need to be comfy, no incentive to work, when you get the same cheese no matter what. Why bother. Libs seem to think government is the answer to all their problems. The founding fathers knew differently.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

I actually have alot of friends who were in the war who've also told me many of the same things. We are sending thousands to their death, destroying families and causing serious mental anguish for all involved.

What kind of monsters can support this level of death and destruction and all the while be so opposed to helping those who can't afford healthcare?


What kind of monsters can support this level of death and destruction and all the while be so opposed to helping those who can't afford healthcare?

The part in red just about sums it up...

If you mean support, like with tax dollars? Then you.

Baba Ku

Active member
The first clue that shows a person lacks actual facts and knowledge about the fiscal situation here in the US as well as abroad....they state that the right backs deregulation, which is according to them the single reason we have the financial troubles we do today.
I don't even want to debate these folks, because they really have no fucking idea what they are talking about and are only using a party line talking point.

Such hatred from the left these days. Desperation does strange things to people.

Thing here is, BHT did NOT see what he claims to have seen. That is apparent to me. And I don't care how hard he argues that he is telling it straight. He isn't and that is for sure. He is embellishing most if not all of this bullshit. Why did he not get some sort of proof of this? No cell phone? No media around? You are spreading a lie, mr.

See, the left wing driven media has been on a witch hunt since day one of the TEA party. There isn't one TEA party rally that isn't being completely and totally scrutinized and recorded for posterity by the media and it's cohorts. They are after proof of this racism and bad behavior that gets reported. And when and if they do get something, there will be no hesitation and it will be posted up on every evening news and front page going.
For BHT to claim he saw all this, yet nothing from anyone else...and I don't give two shits where this was being held...well, in the interest of not calling him a liar, I will simply state that he is telling us a load of bullshit for whatever reason.
I know the reason, but it matters not..it is all fabricated bullshit from a trouble maker with no real understanding of the issues, including the legalization of pot.

I don't really want to be represented by such people. And it is probably why we have gotten no further than we have...the wrong fucking people mounting the charge for us.


Game Bred
Hate is a severe understatement as to what the majority of the tea party members felt towards marijuana legalization...

i guess thats where you are..

here in MI the democraps are fighting to strip medical down to impossible and its the libertarians/uber right (like myself) working to further what we have. the damn "tea party" are just democrap light... welfare rats (just welfare for corporations) if you believe the tea party are "conservatives" your LOST to the brain washing already this tea party crap is just part of the shell game. dont watch the hand they tell you to watch.

of course BHT you were convinced they were your enemy before you left the house.


Game Bred
Well, im only telling you what I saw and heard and that happened to be alot of hate and racism. I went to the rally with a huge American flag, a "Vote Yes on Prop 19" T-shirt and a handfull of informative fliers on legalization of marijuana. I stood at the entrance and handed fliers (or attempted to...) and the few instances that happened were begat 100% by the tea party members. I simply stood there with my flag, mj fliers and a smile.

not a single "nigger" or "spick" or "towel head" on tape or nothing?!?!?!?
not a lot of forethought not to bring your phone BHT.

you may have needed to call 911 when all them tea party hill folk decided to rape you to the tune of dueling banjos


Active member
The Tea Party movement is a racist/nationalist/conservative group of Americans hiding behind a political mask. Its lead rock stars talk to god, are anti masturbation and march in 1930's German Outfits.. This is not a joke people..... On Television you see semi rational people. When you are at the events, you see the droves of the worst America has to offer. Nobody denies that and the Tea Party is proud of this when off camera..


Game Bred
The Tea Party movement is a racist/nationalist/conservative group of Americans hiding behind a political mask. Its lead rock stars talk to god, are anti masturbation and march in 1930's German Outfits.. This is not a joke people..... On Television you see semi rational people. When you are at the events, you see the droves of the worst America has to offer. Nobody denies that and the Tea Party is proud of this when off camera..

define "conservative" please?
because racist/nationalist aint it ;)
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