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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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yeah guys, youre right, i want people to be arrested for marijuana. I dont want it to be legal. I would like to continue to pay high prices for marijuana.

Who are you kidding?

Of course I want weed to be legal, of course I dont want people in jail. of course I dont want to pay high prices for herb. Such a strawman argument here. I stated the big reason why I switched from a Yes on 19 to a No on 19 is solely because I live in a county that will opt out of whatever you let them opt out of. How does that make weed legal? Oh wait, its still going to be illegal. You can assume what kind of person I am or whatever and say im making the wrong decision, but ive pretty much made up my mind. And I know im not alone on this. Attack me for the actual things ive stated, not just a bunch of nonsense.


In all fairness, you should be a little clearer with your point. Counties and cities can opt out of allowing the commercial sale of MJ, not prohibit the residents of those cites and counties from growing or consuming. That's a important piece you left out....Turns the huge flaw into a minor flaw IMHO.

Counties can opt out of commercial sales, and growing. There you go, its a huge flaw again! Think about that for a second. Why would I want to vote on something that erases what I voted for? If me and my buddies can still get locked up if we dont follow these guidelines, how is that legalization. If you guys play it like that, weed has been legal in Ca since 96!

Neo 420

Active member
Counties can opt out of commercial sales, and growing. There you go, its a huge flaw again! Think about that for a second. Why would I want to vote on something that erases what I voted for? If my me and my buddies can still get locked up if we dont follow these guidelines, how is that legalization. If you guys play it like that, weed has been legal in Ca since 96! derrrrr!

If your are trying to say that a county or city could opt out of growing and personal possession amounts (5x5 sgft growing area - 1 ounce personal travel limit) for the residents of that city/county then my friend you are being misled and have not read or have not been read a real interpretation of prop 19. I can send you a copy if you like? Maybe even direct you toward a better source of information?
Now if you are trying to say that benefits of prop 19 (5x5 sgft growing area - 1 ounce personal travel limit) are not enough benefits for and your buddies then I assume you want to be in the business aspect of this and feel like you would be "kinda pushed out" because your locality opted out of allowing MJ businesses. Then I say you move and or open business in the next locality that does allow it. If its your official business then treat like a official business.

Guest 88950

just b/c your county MIGHT opt out your going to vote no. selfish to say the least.

at least your only one vote.


Now if you are trying to say that benefits of prop 19 (5x5 sgft growing area - 1 ounce personal travel limit) are not enough benefits for and your buddies then I assume you want to be in the business aspect of this and feel like you would be "kinda pushed out" because your locality opted out of allowing MJ businesses. Then I say you move and or open business in the next locality that does allow it. If its your official business then treat like a official business.

Why should I have to move to another county in my own state when I am voting for legalization of marijuana in Ca? Weed has been legal in Ca since 96, am I right? If all these limitations dont matter to you guys, and you want it to be law that a 6x6 area is illegal, go right ahead. Id rather vote on something I believe in. Not some wishy washy guidelines to follow that counties can opt out of! (commercial sales and growing that is) Its like voting for gay marriage but counties can opt out if they want. whats the point? $200,000+ for a commercial grow permit in oakland? WTF?


If your are trying to say that a county or city could opt out of growing and personal possession amounts (5x5 sgft growing area - 1 ounce personal travel limit) for the residents of that city/county then my friend you are being misled and have not read or have not been read a real interpretation of prop 19. I can send you a copy if you like? Maybe even direct you toward a better source of information?
Now if you are trying to say that benefits of prop 19 (5x5 sgft growing area - 1 ounce personal travel limit) are not enough benefits for and your buddies then I assume you want to be in the business aspect of this and feel like you would be "kinda pushed out" because your locality opted out of allowing MJ businesses. Then I say you move and or open business in the next locality that does allow it. If its your official business then treat like a official business.

And I NEVER said that a county can opt out of the 1 ounce and 5x5 area. I only said they can opt out of commercial sales, and commercial grows. Plus in oakland its over 200,000k for a permit. That just lets you know the guys on top will stay there! If you cant see that, open your eyes. I have read prop 19, thanks.

Nuggsy Bogues

New member
Help me out here folks, i'm looking for the most informative posts in this thread that show why prop 19 will not affect 215 (or will if that's what you think). I cant read through all this drivel but am interested in this argument. what post numbers on this issue did you think were informative?


Freedom Fighter
Why should I have to move to another county in my own state when I am voting for legalization of marijuana in Ca? Weed has been legal in Ca since 96, am I right? If all these limitations dont matter to you guys, and you want it to be law that a 6x6 area is illegal, go right ahead. Id rather vote on something I believe in. Not some wishy washy guidelines to follow that counties can opt out of! (commercial sales and growing that is) Its like voting for gay marriage but counties can opt out if they want. whats the point? $200,000+ for a commercial grow permit in oakland? WTF?

Dude...please read a little more on this, as you have most of what you said wrong--
First off, the Oakland thing is licensing for a "Mega Grow"--
ABX6-9, if passed...puts Commercial License at $5000-- If you can't handle that, then you are not serious about Business--
Weed has been Legal for "Patients"...since '96-- The Burden of Proof is on the Patient, to prove he/she is...everybody else is illegal--
I could go on, but if your mind is made up, I won't waste my time--:tiphat:


Dude...please read a little more on this, as you have most of what you said wrong--
First off, the Oakland thing is licensing for a "Mega Grow"--
ABX6-9, if passed...puts Commercial License at $5000-- If you can't handle that, then you are not serious about Business--
Weed has been Legal for "Patients"...since '96-- The Burden of Proof is on the Patient, to prove he/she is...everybody else is illegal--
I could go on, but if your mind is made up, I won't waste my time--:tiphat:

thats just an amendment. tell me what I have wrong? did his permit cost $211,000? abx6-9 is an amendment. not set in stone. so how are you going to say that it will happen? i like to look on the bright side of things, but thats not always how things happen. they have to pass this amendment IF 19 passes, what if they dont pass the amendment?

Guest 88950

ok you win. youll be left out of the full benefits of prop19 if it passes but why vote no when a no vote says that the state of california doesnt want to benefit from CannaTourism or have a thriving hemp industry or that the states medical schools and research institutions are not allowed to do clinical studies of the medicinal benefits of Cannabis. right now try getting approval to do research on Cannabis, a Schedule I Controlled substance. with the passing of prop19 it should get easier to do unbiased research on Cannabis.

so prop19 doesnt go far enough to get your vote can you see that even though there are flaws that there are more benefits to prop19 passing than not?

if prop19 fails then what. where is your new legalization going to come from? the late Jack Herer?


Dude...please read a little more on this, as you have most of what you said wrong--
First off, the Oakland thing is licensing for a "Mega Grow"--
ABX6-9, if passed...puts Commercial License at $5000-- If you can't handle that, then you are not serious about Business--
Weed has been Legal for "Patients"...since '96-- The Burden of Proof is on the Patient, to prove he/she is...everybody else is illegal--
I could go on, but if your mind is made up, I won't waste my time--:tiphat:

if most of what I said was wrong please point it out. oakland is charging $211,000 for growers permits. that is not wrong. look it up. not just the mega-grow. anything else I have wrong, please point out...


Freedom Fighter
thats just an amendment. tell me what I have wrong? did his permit cost $211,000? abx6-9 is an amendment. not set in stone. so how are you going to say that it will happen? i like to look on the bright side of things, but thats not always how things happen. they have to pass this amendment IF 19 passes, what if they dont pass the amendment?

What do you have wrong?? Well right here, the Permit in Oakland, is for a very large, Mega Grow...that is for MEDICAL MARIJUANA-- It is proposed to supply the Dispensaries...and is NOT contingent on Prop 19 passing-- It has nothing to do with Prop 19--
ABX6-9 is being pushed through RIGHT NOW-- They are trying to get it voted in, before 19 passes...so it will be Law, upon 19 passing--:tiphat:


ok you win. youll be left out of the full benefits of prop19 if it passes but why vote no when a no vote says that the state of california doesnt want to benefit from CannaTourism or have a thriving hemp industry or that the states medical schools and research institutions are not allowed to do clinical studies of the medicinal benefits of Cannabis. right now try getting approval to do research on Cannabis, a Schedule I Controlled substance. with the passing of prop19 it should get easier to do unbiased research on Cannabis.

so prop19 doesnt go far enough to get your vote can you see that even though there are flaws that there are more benefits to prop19 passing than not?

if prop19 fails then what. where is your new legalization going to come from? the late Jack Herer?

OUCH! a shot a the late Jack Herer. Ive already said, either way, im into marijuana. Nothing will change that. Im into legalization, im into cheap prices for herb, im into people not going to jail anymmore. But this will only help very little. and will help people like richard lee more then it will help all us growers. thats all. im in it for people like you and me. not greedy, just cautious.


Why havent they done what they say theyre going to do with prop 19 to prop 215? hmmmmmm? cant they just go in and amend things and make it better for us? the proposition written is the proposition we will be stuck with. any changes will take YEARS.


Freedom Fighter
Why havent they done what they say theyre going to do with prop 19 to prop 215? hmmmmmm? cant they just go in and amend things and make it better for us? the propasition written is the propasition we will be stuck with. any changes will take YEARS.

They did...it is called SB420--
And that is also further proof of the FACT that an Amendment cannot restrict a Voter Initiative!!
Plant Limits were shot down, but the rest of SB420 stands--


They did...it is called SB420--
And that is also further proof of the FACT that an Amendment cannot restrict a Voter Initiative!!
Plant Limits were shot down, but the rest of SB420 stands--

California Senate Bill 420 (colloquially known as the Medical Marijuana Program Act<sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference">[1]</sup>) was a bill introduced by John Vasconcellos of the California State Senate, and subsequently passed by the California State Legislature and signed by Governor Gray Davis "pursuant to the powers reserved to the State of California and its people under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution."<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[2]</sup> It clarified the scope and application of California Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, and established the California medical marijuana program. The bill's title is notable because "420" is a common phrase used in cannabis culture.

Not an amendment. youre wrong.

they have been mucking around on this for what now 3-4 years and nothing has been re-written. thats great, in that time a lot can happen. plant limits are being discussed, along with all other prop 215 grey areas guidelines.


They did...it is called SB420--
And that is also further proof of the FACT that an Amendment cannot restrict a Voter Initiative!!
Plant Limits were shot down, but the rest of SB420 stands--

and how are they going to let out all our marijuana prisoners after 19 passes? just cut em loose...?


Freedom Fighter
and how are they going to let out all our marijuana prisoners after 19 passes? just cut em loose...?

I would love it if they made Cannabis like tomatoes...but that will not happen--
Anyone locked up for only Cannabis charges that would be in compliance of 19, could always petition the Courts for early release...but the Law was not written Retroactive--
But there are very few, if any, that are in State Prison for less than 5x5 cultivation--
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