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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Sour Diesel/ Headband

Sour Diesel/ Headband

I just got some Sour Diesel/Headband clones hotshotted to me from Honeydew, Humboldt. Tomorow Ill be setting up My tent. These plants make many large dense buds.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
lol oldest thing i got at the moment is about 3 months old lol til my cuts arrive which should be today :)
Hey so i'm looking at doing a lil hydroponics just to have the knowledge and what not thought i'd do half hydro and half organic dirt.
I was going to do a table and ebb n flo with coco n smart pots but i just don't got the money to set that kinda system up at the moment.
Beings it's becoming winter here i can run a hydro grow or two withoput a chiller during winter months. During summer or spring forget about it. A chiller is a must and on a DWC system a chiler just isnt possible unless it's RDWC and not interested in RDWC. If i want a flood n drain system i know which ones the best. Hands down a table and smart pots and coco. I wish i could afford to set this up but atm it's going to have to be DWC buckets. Super cheap system. I have been made aware of a new line of nutes that i will be running. Just as good as H n G there site even has a nute calculator like H n G they from what I understand they will send out free sample packs to gt a grow started so someone can try out there stuff but you need to end up buyin a couple bottles to finish it off and stuffs super cheap. For enough nutes to run probablly 6 or so buckets for an entire cycle is 160 dollars including shipping off of ebay. The name of the nutes I'm going to be using is Cutting Edge Solutions. I got a buddy thats just slaying it with these nutes and pretty much all he had to say was nute calculator and i'm there. These calculators take the idea of getting zen with your plants out of the picture like all the rest of these nute lines expect you to do your supposed to know the exact amopunt of whatever it needs right now like the things talking to ya. I'm crazy and all but not loonie :).
Can't wait to get my return email or phone call about these nutes or whatever then we'll get started building my system :)

At one point I was thinking of doing that, trying hydro just to understand hydro better and be able to try to help people with it. Money is tight though and I'm happy with how I've been doing things. So I gave up on the notion as there is no real need for me to be able to talk hydro. There's plenty of people out there already doing it, already talking about it.
At one point I was thinking of doing that, trying hydro just to understand hydro better and be able to try to help people with it. Money is tight though and I'm happy with how I've been doing things. So I gave up on the notion as there is no real need for me to be able to talk hydro. There's plenty of people out there already doing it, already talking about it.

Ya I'm going to do DWC because its so cheap to set up but from what i hear its very hard to maintain my brothers never gotten a plant past 3 weeks of flower that methiod but he slays it on the ebb n flo tables
i more less want the expierence and the challenge ya know not much of one but still better than a mundane hobby another reason i took on the title of genetic tester to spice things up :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ya I'm going to do DWC because its so cheap to set up but from what i hear its very hard to maintain my brothers never gotten a plant past 3 weeks of flower that methiod but he slays it on the ebb n flo tables
i more less want the expierence and the challenge ya know not much of one but still better than a mundane hobby another reason i took on the title of genetic tester to spice things up :)

Yeah sure, go for it if you can, the only thing really stopping me is the money to get started. If I felt like I had extra cash I could blow and a good stash as backup then I'd still pursue it. Maybe things will change in the future but for now I'll just stick with the dirt. :)

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ready to roll!

Ready to roll!

Ive picked most of the outdoor, just a couple big ones left.

Today I broke down the grow room, took everything out, sterilized the room, tent, walls, ceiling, 7 gallon pots, lights, fans, closet, and germination cab.


Everythings clean. Took the pans out and bleached scrubbed them.


Im running a 250 watt Halide to start, then to a Sodium 1000 watt, then to a Halide 1000 watt for the last 2 weeks.
Hello M8,

Hope your well, quick question as always ;)

I have always kept my seed in a draw, been thinking about putting them in the fridge?

What do you think?

If i do put them in the fridge can i just bag them put them in a jar?

Take in easy.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
While I do keep my pollin in the freezer, I keep my seeds in a safe. Its my understanding seeds kept (dry) in a fridge or freezer do last longer.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hello M8,

Hope your well, quick question as always ;)

I have always kept my seed in a draw, been thinking about putting them in the fridge?

What do you think?

If i do put them in the fridge can i just bag them put them in a jar?

Take in easy.

You can put them in the fridge if you want although it's not necessary unless you're talking long time storage of years. If you did put them in there you would probably want to use something non see thru rather then a jar and you want it to be able to seal fairly air tight. I would use those 35mm film canisters for something like that. Remember what you're protecting the seeds from is air, heat, moisture and light. The moisture part is the most critical and to fight that people sometimes put in grains of rice or one of those little silica gel packs.
Hello M8,

Hope your well, quick question as always ;)

I have always kept my seed in a draw, been thinking about putting them in the fridge?

What do you think?

If i do put them in the fridge can i just bag them put them in a jar?

Take in easy.

I store my beans in a tupperware conatiner and cover them with dry rice and keep them in the crisper in my fridge used to keep them in freezer but was told fridge was a better enviroment i've never had seeds go bad on me either way i've never stored them anywhere else I also toss in the silica packs i get out of my prilosec bottles as well but my tupperware is see through ion teh sides and maroon on top and i've had seeds in there for 2 years and just cracked 2 of them last week
See I told ya I was going to be sporadic :)!!!


Active member
Yeah sure, go for it if you can, the only thing really stopping me is the money to get started. If I felt like I had extra cash I could blow and a good stash as backup then I'd still pursue it. Maybe things will change in the future but for now I'll just stick with the dirt. :)

Come on hemp a dirt guy like you in dwc? Just try hempy and treat it like you would soil, hand water once a week or when they need it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Come on hemp a dirt guy like you in dwc? Just try hempy and treat it like you would soil, hand water once a week or when they need it.

No I didn't mean DWC specifically I was talking just any hydro system in general. Hempy is one of the types I was thinking I'd try if I ever did try it but I'm also thinking an ebb and flow table would be a good way to go to.
No I didn't mean DWC specifically I was talking just any hydro system in general. Hempy is one of the types I was thinking I'd try if I ever did try it but I'm also thinking an ebb and flow table would be a good way to go to.
After many hours of research i have changed my mnd i am going with e/f with H n G nute the DWC buckets fluctuate to much in the pH and alwasy a proble from what I understand as where you dont haev these issues with a much larger res but i'm slowly getting my stuff together got me a bluelabs trencheon for 76 bucks including shipping today off amazon pretty stocked over that thast more than 50% off what local hydro store wanted For shits and giggles I also bought cervantes grow bible just as a place to easily reference to concerning hydro gardening :)

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Cervantes Has been on here recently, and also over at MNS. He visited one of My buddies in Humboldt on here for pictures with his trees
his book was very disappointing i must say
some of his hash methods seem quite novel lmao the washing machine method to point one out looked like trash bags filled with weed and ice and water ???
but meh haven't read much of the hydro part not to sure if this is one of them grow from lots of picture books or not lol ya it is with whats the front page boast 1120 color pictures lol
this is gotta be the most ridiculous book i've ever seen it really is only worth about 99 cents not 19.99 lol meh o well just go back to buying beat era books can't go wrong there :)