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Getting bullied= Commiting S*icide?


When there's such a total misunderstanding for why a problem exists it's no wonder that it does. Pretty much anytime someone starts off by saying "kids today" you just know it's bullshit. Kids are generally emotional and sensitive and they always have been. You could probably go so far as to say that about people in general. Of course people are going to be upset when they are dominated, physically or otherwise. The answer is in looking at why the "bullies" act in the way that they do. I believe it's because their environments are very similar to the way in which they act. They are probably treated in the same disgusting way and like with all abuse suffered there is a tendency to want to inflict it. That and the fact that it could very well be inherent to children or people as a whole.

Well that's a pretty idiotic way of looking at it. This couldn't have less to do with the intelligence of those who commit suicide. And people generally don't commit suicide on a whim. It's the biggest decision that a person can make with their life, you can be sure that they are tortured over it.

Before you bash on others for giving their opinions, how about you give your own explanation on the topic?

I think kids today are more emotional than ever, and this is coming from personal experience. Im fairly new in college, so im still pretty fresh off of the high school scene. Few of them seem to have good parental guidance, and most of them do whatever they want, lacking self control. This leads to indulgence. They seem to be either really happy, or really sad, with no grey area in between. When some shit happens they fall from their high horse, and they fall hard. Theyre just too sensitive and emotional imo.


Active member
Reminds me of that graffiti in ancient Rome bitching about the kids these days.

I think the only difference is that kids today have a social circle 10 times larger than they did a few decades ago.

Green lung

Active member
Same shit happened when I was in school in the 90's

Same shit happened when you where in school in the 80's or whatever.

Everybody listens to the retarded media trying to hype this bullying thing they have been pushing for at least a year.

Its like the "Bed Bug" hysteria thats has been sweeping the media this summer.........every fricken channel you turn to its story about Bed Bugs or "cyber bullying"

Cookie monster

Compared to kids from when? Last summer?

Perhaps he is comparing kids from today to kids from past generations?
If you cant figure that out by yourself you should probably not make failed sarcastic attempts at humor.


Old School Cottonmouth
Same shit happened when I was in school in the 90's

Same shit happened when you where in school in the 80's or whatever.

Everybody listens to the retarded media trying to hype this bullying thing they have been pushing for at least a year.

Its like the "Bed Bug" hysteria thats has been sweeping the media this summer.........every fricken channel you turn to its story about Bed Bugs or "cyber bullying"

No actually thats not true. Take an example of that teenage girl that was stepping out of the shower and her friends took a pic. They sent it to everyone at school via cell phone and said she was acting a whore and trying to lez out on the other girls. She was like 13 or 14 and that is a very sensitive age for girls. In the 90's girls might've spread the same rumors but they didn't send a naked pic of you to everyone in the school. There is quite a big difference there. Technology can make it worse to the utmost degree. The cops had to come to school and check everyones phone and tell them they'd be charged with child porn if they found out they had it. That stuff never happened in the 90s.

Rutgers is also a perfect example. In the nineties was it possible to have a private sex tape put up on your social networking site?

You could put porn up sure, but not in such a way that everyone you know would see it. There were also not social networking sites where literally hundreds of people can be in your business at any moment. You might put up a porn tape of pamela anderson, but you couldn't e mail it to her mom and everyone she knows. It happened to pamela anderson because she's famous, but now it could happen to anybody.

In the 70's 80's 90's or whenever it was not the same. You got bullied at school and you came home. The bullying does not stop now, and its in front of everyone. Not just a group of five people who called you a fag at the bus stop. Everyone who is on your facebook or whatever sees it and it doesn't end or go away.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That is a good point you make about the online shit. that is where parents come in. they need to make it stop through removing the child from the situation.

school had to be way harsher in the past, as far as getting beaten up kinda bullied. there was less background checks on staff, and no one cared about fighting half as much. Kids were aloud to defend themselves when they had had enough. Eventually the bully would get hit with a bat or something. now a days a kid would go to big boy prison for that. I hate to say it, but messing with the natural order of kids with ZERO tolerance type rules on fighting even when it comes to defense is what is fucking with them. It is ironic, but violence is the answer kinda. It makes the bullies job easy. If they are talking to some kid they know from school online, and that kids is talking mad shit, then the shit talker should have to back his shit up; but he knows he wont have too because simple school yard fighting gets you expelled and a criminal record now, so no one will do shit.

then there was also way more racism and shit. Kids are different these days.
You didnt see any black kids kill them selves cause some piece of shit kid dropped the N Bomb on him? no, he beat the fuck out of him. problem solved.

It is just another example of government fucking up shit, for "the greater good." It is also an example of how arrogant humans are. They make oppressive rules and expect us not to react like angry animals. HUMANS ARE JUST ANIMALS!

A growing teenager pumping with hormones can not physically contain themselves period. When they are forced to bottle up there emotions and not allowed to physically express their selves' it will lead to the greater violence of suicide or murder or both.

Also the other weird thing you hear about these days sometimes is, Auto Erotic Asphyxiation. what the fuck ay?
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Green lung

Active member
Back in my day no they didn't take naked pics online..............They posted the pics on the bulltin board at school so everyone could see...not a huge difference.

I graduated high school ten years ago and now I go to college with a bunch of 18 year olds.............the same shit

lol dammmm kids these daysssss................bahhhh get off my lawn


Active member
Perhaps he is comparing kids from today to kids from past generations?
If you cant figure that out by yourself you should probably not make failed sarcastic attempts at humor.

What I can't figure out is how a kid in his 20's is going to make that claim. And it wasn't humor, just pointing out the silliness of kids talking about kids from before they were born.

rocket high

Active member
its not just teens that get bullied ...it's rife in the work place as well ..we should look at suicide as a whole ...its a real problem through every walk of life imo.


Old School Cottonmouth
Back in my day no they didn't take naked pics online..............They posted the pics on the bulltin board at school so everyone could see...not a huge difference.

I graduated high school ten years ago and now I go to college with a bunch of 18 year olds.............the same shit

lol dammmm kids these daysssss................bahhhh get off my lawn

honestly if you don't see the difference between putting pic on a bulletin board where it's taken down by one person and a picture being sent out to private devices by the hundreds of people then you aren't worth arguing with.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
its not just teens that get bullied ...it's rife in the work place as well ..we should look at suicide as a whole ...its a real problem through every walk of life imo.

an adult who let them selves get bullied has unsolved childhood issues still.

also some adults pay to get bullied. its called S&M lol


Trying to have a good day
"also some adults pay to get bullied. its called S&M lol "

Anybody that wants to pay to get beaten...PM me.


What I can't figure out is how a kid in his 20's is going to make that claim. And it wasn't humor, just pointing out the silliness of kids talking about kids from before they were born.

What are you talking about? When did i speak about kids from before i was born?


lives on planet 4:20
Death is something that happens, it is all around us, and it is the
only thing that makes life valuable. If we knew we all would live
forever, then life would have no value.

The paradox is -->> this is exactly how the majority of the Western
World lives, in death-denial.

But, if you observe how nature works without the BS filters in your mind,
you will notice that death is a perfectly "natural" thing, and it is not
any better or worse than anything else...it just "is."

If you are aware every moment of your life that you will die, in other
words, you practice Death-Awareness, and make this a habit, then
you will not care about the 99.9% of the BS that happens around you,
because you will be focused on what is important!

Check out this video, it explains about Death-Awareness:


...you only start to "truly live" when you are aware that Death is
your only friend, and will always deliver what it promises you!

...Death is the only GUARANTEE we have in life!

And this is not some BS to scare anyone, it is simply what is.


Active member
Death is something that happens, it is all around us, and it is the
only thing that makes life valuable. If we knew we all would live
forever, then life would have no value.

More nonsense. If that was true than animal's lives would have no value because they don't understand death.

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