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F##king stupid animal rights assholes


ICMag Donor
We have carnivorous teeth !! end of :D

Animal rights activists are a pain in the ass.. if they spent as much time on Human Rights issues instead,, then they'd find that most animals are doing alright.

Cruelty to animals is a different matter,, that makes me mad,, and those people need a good biting (or a round)!! If i ever see anyone mistreating a dog, then i become an animal rights activist! there and then!

Peace n love dLeaf :joint:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
what now you're going to cry about the whales?:laughing: My kids like whale, I'm not a fan. Tell you what,next time you're in Japan I'll buy you a dolphin burger and we can be friends

please refer to my earlier post.

letting loads of mink free to ravage the local ecosystem is an act of unbelievable stupidity.

Factory farming and painfully killing animals for profit is an act of huge greed and cruelty.

wearing that fur for for comfort and vanity when you have plenty of alternatives means that you are also culpable and endorse such cruelty.

making callous jokes and remarks about said cruelty in the belief that it re-enforces your macho credibility amongst your peers is just pathetic. i pity you.




Active member
The one about I pity the Foo? Man I just can't take a person who says that seriously. I don't believe that you even mean it, it's just a kind of insult that rolls of the tongue in place of thought. That's why it was so funny when Mr. T said it, I pity the Foo!


ICMag Donor
Yeah the "let's let the mink free" lobby should be locked up! frigging idiots! They've done wildlife in the UK no favours... f-d up the ecology!!

They've made the American mink the target of gamekeepers needlessly in the process.


Active member
Cancer will catch up with the hormoned meat eaters soon enough, they will be on here in the medical thread wondering what they got, like all the rest of the folks that got cancers from hormoned meat and not knowing where it came from, big lumps and shit, intstead of one they get tumors, i mean 2 more tumors, i mean two more lumps. :D


Active member
That's one of the reasons I don't eat imported meat from America. Meat produced there for domestic consumption doesn't use hormones but they are allowed to use it on cattle raised for export.

I'd say that on a whole the meat here in Japan is raised in a fashion that would have all the bleeding hearts satisfied. The simple fact of the matter is that I eat beef that is probably some of the best cared for on the planet, but only because it tastes better, not because of any moral issues.


Active member
I eat beef that is probably some of the best cared for on the planet.

Key word "probably"
I hope your the one caring for it, Its kinda like buying bud from a buddy and he tells you his buddy said it was pesticide free and 100% organic. Believe what you will,:tiphat:
only you knows what you really get


what now you're going to cry about the whales?:laughing: My kids like whale, I'm not a fan. Tell you what,next time you're in Japan I'll buy you a dolphin burger and we can be friends

If you are Japanese, I understand why you don't pity the whales.

In that part of the world, they don't care about the affect they're having on the populations of these animals. They know about it, they just don't give a shit and that says a lot about who they are and their general attitude to life. You just happen to be a part of it, but are not to blame. You've only been influenced by the mentality of others. That doesn't make it right, though.

You can't help where you came from, only where you're going.

You've now made your kids part of the problem by encouraging them to eat these foods, when you could just have easily encouraged them to eat something else.

Well done! :tiphat:


Active member
Whales have the same arms as us, I believe hands also but not sure. Trying to find some info on it. We come from them, when something goes extinct so does part of a human. If whales went extinct and all humans died while the earth replenished itself how would we get back? We dont know if this was a one time deal on life, is this the only chance were gonna get? Who knows but why chance it? If we dont have all the necessitys to get back then it really is over for humans, and imo whales are a part of how we got here. Some interesting things about whales


Active member
Whales have the same arms as us, I believe hands also but not sure. Trying to find some info on it. We come from them, when something goes extinct so does part of a human. If whales went extinct and all humans died while the earth replenished itself how would we get back? We dont know if this was a one time deal on life, is this the only chance were gonna get? Who knows but why chance it? If we dont have all the necessitys to get back then it really is over for humans, and imo whales are a part of how we got here. Some interesting things about whales

They have the same bones, fingers and digits, all mammals do. I'm with you man, no animal should be hunted to extinction.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
You should see how the Japanese raise their cattle, it's nuts. They even message their animals. Here's a link if you're interested http://www.luciesfarm.com/artman/publish/article_39.shtml

they message there beef and then give them a 6 pack of beer and kill them.... They do not message them because they love them and care for them they do it becuase that is what make KOBY BEEF... they give them alcohol before they kill them so they are extremely relaxed and the beef is more tender....

but i guess that means they take care of them.... -=\


Whales have the same arms as us, I believe hands also but not sure. Trying to find some info on it. We come from them, when something goes extinct so does part of a human. If whales went extinct and all humans died while the earth replenished itself how would we get back? We dont know if this was a one time deal on life, is this the only chance were gonna get? Who knows but why chance it? If we dont have all the necessitys to get back then it really is over for humans, and imo whales are a part of how we got here. Some interesting things about whales

The amazing thing about this fact is;

Assuming we all started in the ocean anyway..... whales at some point must have come out of the sea to live on land (developing limbs etc)....but thought "fuck this shit, I'm going back in the sea!!!"

Or something like that.


they message there beef and then give them a 6 pack of beer and kill them.... They do not message them because they love them and care for them they do it becuase that is what make KOBY BEEF... they give them alcohol before they kill them so they are extremely relaxed and the beef is more tender....

but i guess that means they take care of them.... -=\

Sounds like a great idea, to me! I'd rather be slaughtered after a 6-pack, than no 6-pack at all.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Word....but we're talking about beef. We slaughter and eat beef, not mink. Yes we're meat eaters, but we don't have to treat animals poorly until their death.