sac beh
This shows ignorance on the level of nations and its people. So who are the intelligent?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, so maybe I'm not answering you..
There's a difference between unintentional ignorance and intentional ignorance. And both of these are different from knowing something but not being able to do something about it.
Let's say 75% of a country's population is duped into voting for a law whose real intentions and effects are much different than the stated ones. After the law is passed, it is revealed through research, interviews with politicians, and the publication of the full text of the law, that what the people voted for is in fact not what this law is going to do.
We can't say that 75% of the population then is unintelligent. Some of those people may have not cared what the law was really about and only voted along party/political lines, convincing themselves then that the law was genuine (intentional ignorance). Others may have done their best to understand the law before voting, but due to the difficulty of obtaining accurate information about it, may have voted for it under false assumptions. Many of these would change their view after obtaining more accurate information about the law.
But there would still be a group of people who would support the law, despite more accurate information, due to political loyalties or a personal incapacity to alter deeply held assumptions based on new information. This is really where intelligence comes into play... not necessarily that the correct decision is always made, but more the ability to alter ones prior beliefs based on increasingly accurate information. Without this ability, we remain in the realm of competing personal opinions and beliefs.