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11 logical dimensions that seem to make sense.... well maybe

sac beh

Sac beh
Wisdom must be gathered not given. I have opened a door for you and it is up to you to choose whether or not to explore what is on the other side. This is the Tokers Den and I assure you nothing will be settled here, as it is part of the very nature of man to define things in the nature of his experience. I cannot see through your my eyes, nor you through mine. If this were not the case war would have ceased to exist long ago.

I prefer to agree to disagree.

I've read the scriptures/writings of all major world religions and beliefs, so its not that I'm closed to seeking wisdom in new realms. I don't think we're at such an impasse as you do. But I don't get how the Tarot book would help us discern the dimensions of existence as the OP as outlined. It just so happened that the String Theory book came across my news reader in that moment, so I posted it as a possible source of more accurate information on the topic and I've explained why.


I've read the scriptures/writings of all major world religions and beliefs, so its not that I'm closed to seeking wisdom in new realms. I don't think we're at such an impasse as you do. But I don't get how the Tarot book would help us discern the dimensions of existence as the OP as outlined. It just so happened that the String Theory book came across my news reader in that moment, so I posted it as a possible source of more accurate information on the topic and I've explained why.
The Tarot is not a parlor toy or a means for reading fortunes as commonly portrayed. It is a carefully crafted pictorial means for communicating complex ideas and concepts across a multilingual group of ancient people who met to discuss many of the things we are discussing now. The very nature of the cosmos or universe.

Read it if you have a mind to, you can always dismiss it as foolish later once read. But until you do you have no actual basis for talking about it either way. It fully explains the figure in post 6, the pattern on the tressleboard, called the tree of life in the Kabala.


the tarrot card that has always caught my eye is the
tree above ground with the roots bellow all equall from the middle.
i can take this to mean several different things by looking at it
and pondering.
the first thing that enterd my mind was,as above so bellow.
then as i think more it seems you can apply basic principles
to your life to seek enlightenment ie,the ground is the barrier between
two dimentions.
so you can wollow in self pitty and other negatives which would take
you down into the lower roots dimension or you can advance and progress
if that is what your heart and toughts seek,into a higher dimension.

are scientists not applying these princaples now?instead of trying to search
upwards out of your imediate reach,they can look into the micro and still get an idea
of how things work on the micro scale.
and then they just scale up to the macro.


Rocky, always nice to meet a fellow Scot as my family came from there in the late 1700's.

I was wondering which key that may be and from which deck. It is not in the B.O.T.A. deck that I have used to meditate with since the 60's and I was interested. I'm sure the symbolism would be congruous, but the B.O.T.A. is an esoteric deck generally not available to the public. Always looking to learn more.


You seem to want to concentrate on the extremest view on all points instead of focusing that which is in common with all. It is in the "all" that we know the truth, not by judging, but by experiencing.

Be joyful and live!


hello sac beh,these are just my thoughts.
a little picture paints a thousand words so i dont
doubt every culture has a tree symbol to teach the same
just view points.

i have already said i just skim the surface over this stuff the now.
im no expert on tarrot cards or anything.

i too respect the teachings of Socrates,Buddha and Jesus.
Jesus is my personal saviour.

if im not looking for anything im not going to find it.
none of the above tell you to seek truth?

hey there Hempyguy,you definatly know more than me on the subject and could tell me a few things.
i can just remember them laying around with my mum
and her friends,i would pick them up and have a look.
there were a few packs.
but that card has impresioned its self in my head from way back then.

nice to meet you mate.


sac beh

I truly believe you don't.

Again, be joyful and live.

Bro, you're the only one judging here. What is this supposed to mean, "I truly believe you don't." You're treating me like someone who lacks enlightenment or needs to seek wisdom. But this all started when I posted a link to a book on string theory, and I think people we're offended by it because, though difficult to understand at first, string theory isn't a mysticism or gnosis.

I regret having posted here. Stop telling me to be joyful and live. I am and do.


Bro, you're the only one judging here. What is this supposed to mean, "I truly believe you don't." You're treating me like someone who lacks enlightenment or needs to seek wisdom. But this all started when I posted a link to a book on string theory, and I think people we're offended by it because, though difficult to understand at first, string theory isn't a mysticism or gnosis.

I regret having posted here. Stop telling me to be joyful and live. I am and do.

If you want to read a great book on string theory, then I recommend "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Green. Very good read :bow:


Bro, you're the only one judging here. What is this supposed to mean, "I truly believe you don't." You're treating me like someone who lacks enlightenment or needs to seek wisdom. But this all started when I posted a link to a book on string theory, and I think people we're offended by it because, though difficult to understand at first, string theory isn't a mysticism or gnosis.
I meant that you appear to be a man of good heart and in genuine search of the truth.

I am confused that a man who has joy in his heart would do anything but laugh along with me, but I certainly don't know what's in your heart. After 50 years of traveling "the narrow path" I barely know my own.

BTW I am a retired engineer who's life work with a major German Imaging Engineering Corporation brought me in the unique position to turn empirical science into practical instruments, so I am no stranger to Physics, theoretical and practical. I have lived through Newtonian era, Einstein's era, quantum mechanics era. We know nothing "for certain." The only thing constant is change.

I never meant to cause you pain or regret, only light and joy.
I shall not tell you to be happy, as is your wish.
And you will live as long as your path is long.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Anyone read a document called"nexus 2012"....crazy milky way stories!!!!!!

sac beh

I knew this would come up, so just a few comments for the sake of truth.

The author of Nexus 2012 falls prey to the occult knowledge syndrome, taking real information and turning into an esoteric wisdom, the consequences of which reveal a world-historical conspiracy involving various disparate cultures, beliefs, historical events.

The researcher credited with popularizing the Maya knowledge of 2012 in fact denies that the information can be interpreted in this way. His research reveals something more mundane but still quite amazing--that the Maya developed a very advanced calendar system based on their naked eye observations of the galaxy and that they were among the first cultures to discover the process of precession of the equinoxes. This knowledge of precession is what allowed them to calculate both the 3114BC and 2012AD dates as significant astronomical-cosmological events.

The obsession with specific dates and times is also misleading. The 2012 date comes from the Maya's calculation of precession, which also allowed them to calculate various astronomical alignments, alignments which they recorded in their architecture. To obsess over a time in December, 2012 when a galactic core alignment occurs is misleading because in fact the alignment of the galactic center with the December solstice is an event that happens (is happening now in fact) over a 20 year period. Further, what scientists know to be the more exact center of the galaxy near Sagittarius A* will never exactly align with the sun. The Maya using naked eye calculations did correctly predict the alignment of the sun with the Dark Rift area of the milky way, which is the wide dark region along the galactic equator that can be seen in the night sky. Incidentally, this is what they called the sac beh, xibalba beh, and the world tree formed by the crossing of this galactic road with the ecliptic.

But the author of Nexus 2012 attempts, like most New Age 2012ers, to give responsibility for these discoveries to esoteric ancient societies which passed down the knowledge to the Maya, and to further connect these findings to other world occult events like crop circles, UFOs, "men in black", and various supernatural powers, visions, and mystical experiences, all of which we have no evidence of.

Its really a disservice to the Maya to take their incredible discoveries and advanced knowledge of astronomy and galactic cycles, evidenced in the archaeological research, and turn them into religions about such fantastical events and beings as would shock even them.

I like what bentom187 said, " tibetan budhisim is the science of mind"

Well, the Maya's 2012 science is just that, a science and a great contribution to human knowledge, but its been hijacked by new agers with the occult knowledge syndrome.


Well, the Maya's 2012 science is just that, a science and a great contribution to human knowledge, but its been hijacked by new agers with the occult knowledge syndrome.[/quote]

imagine if the Bible was still occult/hidden?
kept away from the common folks.
having something told to you by man/priest alone.
imagine the power one could hold.

did Jesus not tell us to trust no man in his teachings?

"knowledge is power" to who ever has it.

i follow some of all that new age stuff being pumped out
but dont accept it all,some things are intresting and
lead you into other areas,like the Bible done for me
activated my mind and spirit to go seek truth.
that and cannabis,which is another grey area for this.

is cannabis occult?
i know i can interpit/ find it in the Bible aswell.
high society groups are well known to use mind altering drugs
i think its a hard one,do you accept new knowledge
or stay with the old.

sac beh

Right on, rocky. There are definitely wisdoms that people try to obscure from the general public for personal motives, which doesn't necessarily make the knowledge itself bad. I'm more criticizing the mis-information about Maya science with the intent of creating occult religions based on bad research.

I used to have a thread on entheogens here, but it was removed :( I may try to revive it again some day and avoid the disallowed topics.


That's why it an interesting proposition.

There are many 2112 doomsday propositions which are supposedly driven by the "end" of the Mayan calendars. However most calendars merely flip to a new cycle and I see no reason that the Mayan's does not as well.

Propositions, although not true can be interesting and entertaining.

I had an aunt who waited up on the night of the first moon landing because she was sure the world was going to end when the "eagle" landed. I sure as heck was entertained by that as well.


by rock
imagine if the Bible was still occult/hidden?
kept away from the common folks.
having something told to you by man/priest alone.
imagine the power one could hold.
It was indeed used by many powers in Europe until the protestant revolution.
At that time only the clergy had access to the bible and were the only ones able to interpret it's meaning. Even today Even now neocons use the power of "christianity" to garner votes for candidates in "the bible belt.

Many subjects considered "occult" including the Tarot were hiddden not to keep it from people, but rather because someone who read or believed in certain practices were put to death as witches or satanic followers.


Right on, rocky. There are definitely wisdoms that people try to obscure from the general public for personal motives, which doesn't necessarily make the knowledge itself bad. I'm more criticizing the mis-information about Maya science with the intent of creating occult religions based on bad research.

I used to have a thread on entheogens here, but it was removed :( I may try to revive it again some day and avoid the disallowed topics.

yeah i know what you mean with the threads getting nuked.
i was trying to get a club up and running to discuss
things in the group when the religious and spiritual board
got wiped out.
it would have helped keep the boards from being tied up
so im just going to wait till im a seniour member and start a wee club myself.

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