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i weigh 260 lbs and should weigh

had to drive my son to grocery store and while he was shoppin i got in 40 minutes of walkin around town..when i got home i went to the park and did the remaining 40...been psyched today about gettin rid of 2 pounds of lardage..lol


Nice job bro.

Throw some short high intensity weight sessions in(if possible) and those pounds will melt right off.


Active member
hey fred, we are in the same boat.
2 years ago this oct. i returned to being an assistant kitchen manager at a corporate restaurant. i wet from 195 to 220 in about two months, and continued to gain another 35 pounds in the last 18 months.
i figured between the french fries, steak tips, deep fried cheese, chicken, and 5+sodas a day, i was taking in over 3000 calories just during my shift. i tried many times to limit what i ate at work, but never lasted long. so i gained 60lbs in less than 2 yrs. luckily, my girlfriend, who is pretty much at her target wieght, hasnt left.
well, I quit the job about 10 days ago. havnt drank a soda since, have not eaten anything fried. Imagine how happy my body is? im taking in at least, on average, 2100 less calories a day.
now, to rejoin the gym. the girlfriend has been wanting a wii fit balance board. im thinkin about his/hers bikes too. one thing fred, a 60 pound goal is sometimes daunting. three 20 pound goals is less intimidating. so my goal is to go from my sept 1st wieght of 255, to
235. currently, ive lost about 3-5 pounds, but thats probably some water wieght.
good luck. sctibed bro, lets shed those pounds together
hey fred, we are in the same boat.
2 years ago this oct. i returned to being an assistant kitchen manager at a corporate restaurant. i wet from 195 to 220 in about two months, and continued to gain another 35 pounds in the last 18 months.
i figured between the french fries, steak tips, deep fried cheese, chicken, and 5+sodas a day, i was taking in over 3000 calories just during my shift. i tried many times to limit what i ate at work, but never lasted long. so i gained 60lbs in less than 2 yrs. luckily, my girlfriend, who is pretty much at her target wieght, hasnt left.
well, I quit the job about 10 days ago. havnt drank a soda since, have not eaten anything fried. Imagine how happy my body is? im taking in at least, on average, 2100 less calories a day.
now, to rejoin the gym. the girlfriend has been wanting a wii fit balance board. im thinkin about his/hers bikes too. one thing fred, a 60 pound goal is sometimes daunting. three 20 pound goals is less intimidating. so my goal is to go from my sept 1st wieght of 255, to
235. currently, ive lost about 3-5 pounds, but thats probably some water wieght.
good luck. sctibed bro, lets shed those pounds together
redbudduckfoot,i promised myself i was gonna change my lifestyle on do the best i can do every day..that might mean sittin in this recliner or it might mean climbin a mountain..doesnt matter..if i do the best i can i'll get to where i need to be sooner or later...good to have you aboard..
started to walk sat and realized i was tired..came back home and took the whole weekend off..watched a lot of football and didnt do shit..this just might be a good routine..take every sat and sun off....after restin up i can see that i was very very wore down....feel like a million today and after i have decaf and wate i'm gonna go get me about 80 more minutes worth of hikin..it's 84 but not a bad 84..humidity is only 31.....LETS GO GET SOME ROAD!!!
felt stronger and faster after 2 days off..got in my 90 minutes but i'm thinkin about cuttin it down to 60.now that i'm movin a little faster...not fast,but faster..lol...maybe..or walkin every other day..maybe..or i'll continue with status quo....i want to do enough but not so much it tires me out and i dont feel like goin out...i know one thing i'm glad i got started and the 1st week is behind me..


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
how about 2-3 days on and one off,gets you those two rest days per week...

the good habits are the easiest to break... keep on going bro!!


ICMag Donor
yeah fred, you need to take a day off or 2 a week, otherwise you will get too over whelmed and not want to do it anymore. Have to pace yourself, dont want to over do it, cant lose it all at once, has to be gradual and it will stay off!
Keep up the good work even tho some ppl are smart asses!!


Good luck redbud, sounds like you are on the right track!
after 30 minutes i was tired but continued on and got 80 minutes...a huge difference in my energy level from yesterday...like night and day..but,the only way i know to build stamina is to keep on keepin on.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
small steps LOL you wont be running marathons anytime soon! expect your first 6 weeks to be hard,after that your body will have had time to adapt and get stronger,we are rooting for you!
small steps LOL you wont be running marathons anytime soon! expect your first 6 weeks to be hard,after that your body will have had time to adapt and get stronger,we are rooting for you!
thanks a lot unclefishsticks...was just too tired this morni to go hikin...will go out tmor and see wht hAppens.maybe 2 days on and one off or every other day...


ICMag Donor
Hey fred, keep up the exercising! Dont give up...its hard to keep up with but ohhh soooo worth it!

Gee grapeman, your a real peach.


I am a teenager. That makes the size of my cock even more disturbing.

this posts seems to remind me of fishermen s tall tales about the massive fish they pulled out of the water, the 10 pound pike ends up being a half pound eel. just like your average teenagers imaginary 12 inches turn out to be 3 inches in reality. LOL...