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Who breeds for potency? Don't care about the rest...


Active member
OK...I'm a heavy smoker...pretty much all day, every day...I'm retired, I can do it now guilt free.

Anyway...I need a RELIABLY strong strain. I don't care if it's lemon or cat piss...I want EVERY plant to rock my world. Odor isn't a problem either...strong or none, I don't care.

So...all you seasoned growers...point me towards a "bred for potency, every one's a bell ringer" strain. That's AVAILABLE right now for me to purchase. I don't care if it's an Indica or a Sativa or a mix...as long as it reliably messes me up.

Or, am I shit out of luck? A bowl an hour every day for the last several years had brought my tolerance up too high...

Anyway...I'd still like opinions for a reliably potent strain. I'd like to stay away from things you've heard about and stick to things you've grown. Like 10 for 10 blew your mind. Does she exist? Is she available?

Thanks...I know "what's the best strain" has been asked a million times...I haven't seen it asked/answered in respect to reliably potent. I always hear you have to dig for keepers...what strain/breeder has the most...most potent...keepers?

Mr.Nice or Bog u will find potentcy at either breeder

SSH from nice
Sour Bubble or Lifesaver From bog
or C99 from GN collection

where sotf with a SWT rant


Most all breed for potency. Most big names will kick your ass especially concentratrs. I'd get a indica dominant and hash it up. Kush or afghani. HTH


To Have More ... Desire Less

take alook @ Dutch Grown Seeds.......
U don't get breeder of the YEAR...for nothing..........:ying:


plus a whole NEW selection will drop in the next wk or 2........

this LADY....has serious genetic'z w/ access to VERY old Skool.....IMPOSSABLE to get......genetic'Z.......

U will NOT regret..........

Big D

OK...I'm a heavy smoker...pretty much all day, every day...I'm retired, I can do it now guilt free.

Anyway...I need a RELIABLY strong strain. I don't care if it's lemon or cat piss...I want EVERY plant to rock my world. Odor isn't a problem either...strong or none, I don't care.

So...all you seasoned growers...point me towards a "bred for potency, every one's a bell ringer" strain. That's AVAILABLE right now for me to purchase. I don't care if it's an Indica or a Sativa or a mix...as long as it reliably messes me up.

Or, am I shit out of luck? A bowl an hour every day for the last several years had brought my tolerance up too high...

Anyway...I'd still like opinions for a reliably potent strain. I'd like to stay away from things you've heard about and stick to things you've grown. Like 10 for 10 blew your mind. Does she exist? Is she available?

Thanks...I know "what's the best strain" has been asked a million times...I haven't seen it asked/answered in respect to reliably potent. I always hear you have to dig for keepers...what strain/breeder has the most...most potent...keepers?


you need multiple potent strains.... keep switching up!

I second the Dutchgrown rec!

Magic Man

Try greenhouse seeds "chuckle" :laughing: sry that was a little joke.



The Cure. Extremely potent chemotypes
and fruity phenotypes. VIGOROUS as hell.
Hazey phenotypes hidden in there as well.
Had 4 keepers out of only 10 seeds sewn.


There is good advice in the replies above. Dutchgrown, Mr. Nice, and BOG are all great choices for your requirements. Im running all of these breeders plus a few more.
You need to get some clones so you do waste much time.The classics AK ssh
Some bags got low dumped crappy looking shake on the bottom scary ride
White widow x ssh x AK all from clone filled 3 vegas
1 strain aT a time for me


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
You need to keep a good stash with some good,strong&diferent strains.
Otherwise you will always build up tolerance and go back to the one bowl per hour...wich is not a bad thing at all ;)
My fav strains are Nirvanas WhiteWidow, BlackDomina&Cheese unkown seedhouse, Dinafems PowerKush and any long flowering sativa who´s been properly grown,flushed,dried&cured :)
I´m sure you will find what you´re looking for.
A balanced weed diet is the best solution!


Tom Hill's Haze will get you proper fucked. I know you said you didn't care but this one will yield low and will take 16 weeks but I am going to keep one growing in the corner from now on...it is that good.


Well-known member
yeah, get something with no ceiling, It doesn't have to be a one-hit wonder, they will get you nowhere after that initial rush, get something that will keep building up, by the end of the day you'll still get that lift

Baba Ku

Active member
I agree with the changing it up to keep from building tolerance.

But, do you make your own hash? If not, you really need to learn to make it the right way and you can be fried pie allatime. Find a nice melty strain and grow it just for your hash balls.
I suggest Mental Floss as a sure bet for the hash bowl. Don't be shy, use buds and all!


Well-known member
yeah, get something with no ceiling, It doesn't have to be a one-hit wonder, they will get you nowhere after that initial rush, get something that will keep building up, by the end of the day you'll still get that lift

I agree with burningfire. The pure no-ceiling sativas are the way to go if you want to be truely high non-stop, day after day, year after year... of the same strain! This isn't possible with any indica or 50/50 hybrid with their damn tolerance buildup. Sooner than later you end up smoking tons with just a hint of the initial effect.
Good Haze or thai - they are strong enough for everybody. If flowering time and yield are a concern - Durban is a good compromise, still strong and trippy with little tolerance developing.


Active member
You smoke like me......

You need variety more than you need potency.Right now i smoke on LA Con and ae77 cali-o.The LA is pretty strong but after 3 months of every(all)day smokin i was burnt out on it.Anyone that knows about ae77 knows it isn't very potent but taste so yum yum!I can twist one of those cali-o's and be ripped for real and get me back on track.

Pick yo self 2 or 3 strains your interested in and keep variety in your jars and you should be good to go.

In my eyes this will get you where you want better than lookin for that 1 kick ass strain......you could be lookin for the rest of your days for that 1 top of the top strains.

It's kinda like bein single in a way.The odds of findin that one girl that rocks your world EXACTLY the way ya want is a journey in itself or ya could just stay single and stick with variety........always worked for me.....when i was single.

Good luck huntin IBJ



Active member
Thank you all for your replies...

You've all summed it up nicely...find a few different kick ass sativas, maybe an indica and make hash.

I've gone the variety route...and it's not working. Because I've got some that won't get me high at all...well, not high enough.

It seems that a "salad bowl", as we called a mix of different peoples bags back in the 70's, seems to be the best for me right now. It seems that any one strain (that I have now) by itself won't get me very high at all. I need a blend. So, now I'm smoking a blend (blended in a grinder) and it's keeping me going.

I don't have the space for a big grow and I'm sure that limits me too. I can only grow 6-8 plants at any one time which means I only get one or two plants of each strain. I also can't clone because I can't keep a mother going...not because "I" can't...because of the grow situation.

So, I'll just have to keep going like I have been, trying to pick the best strains for the best chance of potency. I haven't tried some of those suggested, I'll be sure to look into them all and I'll pick a few to try.

Thank you all...and I'm still accepting suggestions.