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2.5x1.8 meter coco scrog, 3 strain bingo!!


Lol @ u being amazed at how much I know :D I am often amazed @ how little I know about most of these products, lol... Swings and roundabouts ay?!

I would think that the TrichO can probably go into the nute solution but I wouldn't bother just in case, It won't hurt to give them that little amount on top of regular feed/water once they have had a few hours to consume some of the water. Applying alone guarantee's nothing else can fook them over.

Apart from that sounds like you have it all under control, how would you feel about maybe not giving the TrichO to one of em, see if you get a substantial difference in root mass, at least you'll know if the TrichO definitely helped for you or not? Just a thought... maybe I am just going comparison crazy :D BTW just out of interest the organic tea brewing guys let their mixes sit overnight or a couple days in some cases... As your only trying to help reactivate these fungi maybe the hour is fine, just more food for thought though


Lol @ u being amazed at how much I know :D I am often amazed @ how little I know about most of these products, lol... Swings and roundabouts ay?!

I would think that the TrichO can probably go into the nute solution but I wouldn't bother just in case, It won't hurt to give them that little amount on top of regular feed/water once they have had a few hours to consume some of the water. Applying alone guarantee's nothing else can fook them over.

Apart from that sounds like you have it all under control, how would you feel about maybe not giving the TrichO to one of em, see if you get a substantial difference in root mass, at least you'll know if the TrichO definitely helped for you or not? Just a thought... maybe I am just going comparison crazy :D BTW just out of interest the organic tea brewing guys let their mixes sit overnight or a couple days in some cases... As your only trying to help reactivate these fungi maybe the hour is fine, just more food for thought though

They`re not drinking much, still being small and filling into a pot, but I`m not sure they`re rooting up very quickly, I`ll see more when I take one or two out of their pots on monday to see if they`re ready to pot up to 7ltr containers. I`ve a feeling they`re going to need a few more days tho and it`ll be up to my mate.

Too late for any test, shoulda done tho. I gave them too much tricho too, and they all ran off! The pots are holding moisture at the bottom of the 7inch pots, you can see the physical wettness of the coco at the bottom, defo a bit waterlogged. I`ve now sat them on greenhouse wicking mat, to try and draw some of the excess moisture from the pots, and I`m not feeding again till tmro morning with nutes, then leave them till Sunday/Monday.

I gave the Trico a good few hours in the end and bubbled throughout, hopefully that`ll be enough to activate the colonisation.

Cheers Toke
Hey Toke, not seen you in a while, hope your all good. ready to go now (i think), apart from housemate having second thoughts :( but I think we have resolved it - I kicked her out (kidding). Only problem I have is those water pumps scare the Sh*t out of me, are they supposed to be that fast? I could fill a bath in a day with one, so I would have to use them both (one to empty). I would not be able to go out to a party for fear of one pumps fuse going, and flooding the neigbours. I can adjust the pumps to a trickle with tape, or I can seal my cab and have a comedy moment as water bowls me over when I check on the grow, or I could use the bath to grow in, although that defeats the object, the bad boy image that chicks love about about a weed grower, will be far outweighed by the fact that I stink like a pig farm. Seriously though give us a shout when you are around, I would really appreciate some input from you.

Fly. x


Hi guys, fooking amazing trip I`ve been on.

Got back just over a week ago, my mate had done a good job potting up and feeding, except things had got a bit dry towards the end and the plants weren`t liking it much. I gave them a good flush with RO water ant fed with ec1.0 and foliar fed with 0.5ml Canna A+B and a teaspoon of epsom salts.

They came back green and I switched them to flower last Saturday. No scrog this time around, though I`ll do some tying back to give them a good shape.

They`re in 7ltr pots and good root systems developed, and they`re under 2x 600w HPS, so tmro I`ll pot them up into their final 12ltr & 14ltr pots, and get the other 600w light switched on. If the weather stays so shit and cool I`ll try adding a further 400w light to the room.

I`ve just flushed them again (which I`m going to do on at least a weekly basis) tonight, other than that I have them on a twice daily feed schedule. I`m thinking of going with a 3x daily feed schedule to see if this helps keep things even.

I`ve got quite a lot on as I prepare in advance of another 3 days away partying! Hey Fly, you still planning on going too? gimme a shout, I`m back and about.

Cheers, Toke ;-)


Hey guys, my plants all have some brown roots and the Grapefruit particularly have a lot of purple stems, despite looking a lot better.

I`m putting the brown roots down to the drying out they had, and the purple stems, I think I`m right here, but I`ll be keeping an eye on the roots throughout this grow seeing as I`m not going to be snared up in a screen.

Ec1.0 @ ph6.0, twice daily till run off at the mo. Planning on flushing every 4-5 days.





Purple stems on one of the 5 Grapefruit


Grapefruit, the middle row


Armageddon, there are 2 rows of these


Cheers for now, Toke:)


I think I`ll give them another dose of Trichoderma just to make sure there is healthy stuff going on in the rootzone.



Smile Vs Cry
your garden look so nice bro tokesome, i hope is nothing to worry about the brown root, very small part but better you watch this just to forestall some problem if they come man if they come no look bad, also the plant look fuck..shit healthy and green, keep up the great work mate!!!


Active member
Tokkkeee! Hey Buddy!
Hope ya had a blinding Holiday bro! Your buddy's done a good job potting up, they lookin good ah, Cant be bad buddy. Im thinking of going Vert if i get my Big Grow-Room back at some point. Hey Great to see ya back ;)


day 4 12/12

day 4 12/12

Hey Killer and Scroger, thanks for the big up!

If you compare the following photos with the ones in my last post, you`ll see I`ve been a busy boy.

I`ve tidied all the plants up lower down and got rid of a lot of the shitty small stuff, and I`ve wired the main stems of all the plants outwards to encourage a bush shape. I`ve gone at it as if there`s an imaginary scrog screen in place, though I`ll let them do their own thing now, I just wanted them to fill the space out under the lights. . . . we`ll see how it goes eh?



Grapefruit again


And the two rows of Armageddon



Cheers for now, Toke:)


Oh, and I`ve upped the ec to ec1.2. I`m thinking of raising this to ec1.4 before too long as I figure with regular RO water flushing it should handle this ok.

I potted up into 12/14 ltr pots and and gave them a good wetting in with ec1.0, I`ll now leave them for 24hrs before feeding again with ec1.2, then maybe leave for another 24hrs before re-establishing a twice daily regime, with a mind to a 3x daily feed schedule as soon as they`ve rooted well into the pots. This should give the roots a good start. I`ve also given half strength Rhizotonic to the fresh res and the standard dose of Cannazym, hopefully this will help any brown root issues. I`ll also try and get some more Trichoderma into the rootzone tmro or Friday.

Cheers, Toke ;-)


Ah, I just typed out a long update, but lost it somehow in the upload process. Too fooked to repeat it now, but things are going ok. I`ll get back in a couple of days and upload some pics.

I`m thinking flushing may be an important aspect of what I`m doing here.



Bollox bollox bollox bollox, I`ve just found out that I`ve left a 400w light on through one cycle of darkness and a couple of hours into the next dark cycle, this is 2 weeks into flower and, I`m sure, not what my plants bloody need.

Flushing seems to be helping my plants, I flushed twice yesterday with 100lts of ph`d RO water, and followed up with a little feed of ec1.2. Followed up again with ec1.2 today. I`ve decided to hold back on upping the feed strengths to ec1.4, though I may go with this after the next the next flush, mid to late week.

I`m going to take a few picks soon at lights off, I`ll post em up when I do, its getting to be quite a jungle in the middle particularly.

Cheers Toke ;-)


Active member
sorry to ear that bro, lets hope they dont get affected that much, normally the mostly indica strains hare a bit more resistant to light stress, at least thats the experience a had wen a timer was turning on during the dark period.


day15 12/12 pics

day15 12/12 pics

Thanks bro, Both my strains are short flowering Sativa dominant, but hopefully just the one night wont do much harm over the long term. It may slow things down a bit and confuse them, just hope they dont hermie.

I reckon the flushing I`m doing is important, complete change of thinking from page 5 of this thread. One reason I`m coming down big time in favour of regular flushes is that my mates growtent grows, 2 tents with 3 Arma`s in each, have had a huge yellowing and loss of lower leaves, albeit beneath the screen of the scrog, they have`nt been flushed. Mine on the other hand, although not scrogging, I still have a dense canopy and I`ve had no such yellowing or leaf loss. As yellowing and lower leaf drop is often because of low ph/high ec, I`m thinking the build up of salts is significant even with drain to waste (with plenty of run off) feeding with ec1.2. My mate`s started flushing now. Other than the lower leaf drop the plants look fine above and every bit as advanced as mine which are running the same flowering period.

Here are a few pics as promised





here the Armageddon are dwarfed by the Grapefruit, behind the GF`s is another row of Arma`s


an overview, showing lighting set up. The two centre lights are static, whereas the nearest and farthest lights are on movers and travel up and down the grow.


GF`s underneath


Armageddon, day15




Grapefruit day 15



Arma`s from above, you can see the change to GF`s towards the top of the pic. I`ve been removing quite a lot of fan leaves to allow the light to penetrate to lower tops.


The Grapefruit are at a max height of around 36 inches from the top of the pots, the Arma`s are maxin out so far at around 24 inches. The overall height of both would be a little higher as I`ve wired down the leading tops to keep a more even canopy.

The buckets are raised 3 inches on top of the trays around 7 inches above ground level so the plants are in affect, 4-5 feet high in the grow space.

On a sad note, my Grapefruit cuttings haven`t taken, so it looks like I may lose the strain having just got to know and really like it. I could try and take a few more, but I`m not sure how that`d pan out, being over two weeks into flower and showing buds everywhere. I cant fucking believe it, I usually get around 100% of cuttings to root, and have done with this strain, but the last two attempts have both failed miserably. I must set up a couple of bubble cloners, it seems to be the way fwd.

Cheers for now, Toke:)


Oh by the way, I`ve noticed a couple of fungas gnats fly out of the coco whilst watering, any idea of the best, and safest treatment to get rid of them. I`ll have the yellow sticky strips in tmro, but this will only catch some of them.

Thanks Toke ;-)


Hey Tokesome,

things are looking real good man, very healthy plants.

fungus gnats in small numbers will not harm your plants, it's their larva that can eat the new fine root tips. there is a few products that get rid of the larva, you need some thing that is BTi based, i use solbac, but mosquito dunks work too.

the other thing you can do is let the coco get dry, once the pots are light, before the plants droop, the larva will die off. the sticky traps are ok too, specially for getting the adult gnats.

another method is to block the plant tops with panda foil, if they can't leave the soil when they get big they die. but it's very difficult to block all the openings while still being able to water and let the run off out.


Alright Tokesome , like gaius said the plants are looking good man , got that healthy sheen to them .

I noticed what you were saying about your cutts not rooting ,you should easily be able to take some more at this stage , it's not ideal and they will take longer to root but you can take cuts even as late as the 5th week of bloom and still get them rooted. Takes a bit of patience tho cos they have revert to veg which seems to take for ever! but at least you get to keep your strain.

Fungus gnats have just started appearing in my room too the little buggers!, i also noticed some moth flies AKA drain flies which are even worse than gnats ,i rekon it's the organic additives i use they just love that stuff .

I've got some predator mites coming this week tho so their days are numbered hehe :D. I can recommend them and being 100% biological and natural you can be sure your not harming the enviroment or your plants .

good luck with the rest of the grow man.


Hey Gaius and Stuppa, Thanks for yer kind comments.

I`ll have a go with taking more cuts, thanks Stuppa. Think I`m going to make a bubble cloner over the next few days, see if I get more joy like that. I`ve never really had much in the way of failures using jiffy pots and a Stewart cloner, especially since the move to RO water. I cant really figure it out guys. ;-(

I bought a couple of quality airstones today, I haven`t been pumping O2 into the res` this grow. My old stones, the standard long ones, always manage to get snapped in two and leave nasty bits of grit for the pumps to suck up. The new ones are 3" diameter and fitted into a plastic base, which the air pipe connects to, they wont be so vulnerable to damage whilst mixing nutes and moving pumps about. I`m not really sure any added O2 will benefit here, as my res` have circulating pumps operating 24/7, and I refill with fresh nutrients at least every 3 days. Still, I figure it cant do any harm though so in they go.

I`m going to mix both res` up today and going to aim at ec1.3-1.4 and see how they respond. I`m pretty sure the Grapefruit can stand it, not so sure about the Arma`s though. I also think the Grapefruit may benefit from a 3rd daily feed, but I think that`ll be too wet for the Armas. The difficulty is that all the 15 plants are being fed from the same loops, I have 2 loops, one from each of the two nutrient res` and feeding 2 feed lines per pot. I could make a 3rd loop that just feeds the 5 Grapefruit plants to a 3rd pump, but that`ll be getting a bit too messy around the bottom of the pots for my liking. I`m hoping to find a compromise that suits both strains.

I cant expect too much from the Arma`s, they yielded very poorly, but it was very hot during the last 3 weeks of flowering, and being cooler now they should fair at least a little better. I`ve kept the large Arma mum, just incase they do well now its cooler and not being scrogged, (having said that, I have tied the main stems back to bush them out, its a little like scrog shaped bushes). As I say though I cant expect too much from them. The GF`s however did produce over 5oz per plant, so I will fit another feed loop for them if necessary.

Right, I`d better get on and mix the nutrients for the next 3-4 days.

Cheers, Toke


Here`s one of the encased airstones. They`re a good idea from the point of view that the long exposed stones are so easy to break. They allow lots of bubbles to come up thru the res, though I`d prefer them to be a bit finer.


Here it is in situ in one of the res`.


I`ve been having a further thining out session on the lower sections of the plants, I`ll finish this off tmro. Any low stuff that aint going to make the light is coming off. I`m also removing more fan leaves than I usually do, I dont want to conjest things too much, and I dont really want many leaves foldes and tucked away. I`m not going too mad with this, just leaves that I can see that are in the way of light seeking buds.

I`ve stepped the feed upto ec1.3, ph6.0, I`ll see how they like that. I`ve decided to give the Grapefruit and extra feed per day by hand. I`ll be keeping a very close eye on things and ready to flush if I think they dont like it, tis only a small rise though.

Cheers, Toke:)


I was hearing the voices in my head!

I was hearing the voices in my head!

I was hearing the voices in my head, "Why the fuck haven`t they turned off?"

Its ok tho, well sort of, I`m not losing it, its just that I happened to be loitering around my grow room at lights off, when only 2 of the 4 lights went out, even though they`re all running from the same timer. As I investigated further I found that one of the two contact breakers employed to switch the ballasts on was faulty. What with me leaving a light on for a night and a bit through human error, all I dont need is the equipment doing the same trick. Fooking lucky to have been there at lights out. I`ll take a look at it tmro, as luck would have it I have a spare or two so can easily replace it tmro.

Other than that all looks fine, I cant really tell if my leaving a light on for a night has confused them or slowed them down any. The Grapefruit are looking more and more like a jungle, I`ve decided not to tie them back any further though. You may remember but these plants got hacked back as they were a good bit further advanced than the Arma`s. This has made them strong multibranched plants. I tied the main 4 stems back on each plant to give them some spread and then left them.

I`ve completed, for this stage of the game, removing all the crap from low down the plants. Having said that, the Arma`s are only around 2 feet tall so anything from half way up the plant will get some light. If they do much of a second stretch I may remove some more, just see how it goes. The Gf`s are a different matter, its trait is to send out many long stems which will hopefully cluster up with bud, its a more spindly, less shrub like plant than the Arma`s, therefore more light penetrates the plants deeper canopy, I`m not sure how much more pruning out of lower chaff will be necessary.

I`m going to have to run some lines of wire through the grow to tie branches off to as they develop bud, more so the G`f`s but I`m hoping that the Arma`s will need some support too:biggrin:

I`m going to see how they like the ec up to 1.4-1.5 next res fill ups, they seem to be taking the last rise in their stride. If they like that, I`m going to flush and then feed at ec1.6 for 2-3 weeks until thinking about adding PK13/14. If they dont like it I`ll drop it back to ec1.2-1.3 after flushing.




Grapefruit from above


The side


Grapefruit along side the lower Arma`s


As you can see from this pic of across the top of the Arma canopy, I`m allowing some apical dominance, rather than go for too even a canopy.


Still thinking about adding a bloom stimulator, cant afford the Canna one, any recommendations guys?

Cheers, Toke:)

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