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Strains that finish mid sept


Eh guys im lookin for a strain thats good high of course,yeild,smell and taste that will finish med sept here in Ont.Anyone ive tried has to be chopped down early before it can mature right.Thanks Eh:friends:


Active member
Any of the guerilla gold hybrids should work for you, as well as anything that esben puts out. If you are in southern ontario you might want to give some North Indian and Nepalese genetics a try as well.


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Sagarmatha Seeds Early Riser. I grew this strain last year upper upper midwest-ish. It was done the 10th of sept. The plant yeilded a little bit over a pound. The frostiest outdoor bud if ever grown. The plant needs to be supported to avoid tipping over or branches snapping off under her own weight. The high is a upplifting sativa, very happy spacey red eyed smoke. I smoked it all day every day until the other strains finnished. light almost minty fresh taste, very good stuff. Potency wise i'd give it a 7 1/2 out of 10 its almost as strong as mandala #1 wich i also grew last year.


In most cases clones mature a lot faster than seed, so pick a mother and take some clones. Find a canadian or dutch outdoor strain as these have faster flowerign times and are used to the climate. Texada Timewarp (late september)(BCBD) or Great white north strain.

Guest 150314

Sweet tooth sucks outside here unless you force flower them so they finnish in before the rain. Due to the large buds they are extremely prone to grey mould (can be a problem indoors as well) .. I like sweet tooth but would advise against growing it outside in Canada.

Try timewarp or something from kootenay moutain or great white north seeds.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sweet tooth sucks outside here unless you force flower them so they finnish in before the rain. Due to the large buds they are extremely prone to grey mould (can be a problem indoors as well) .. I like sweet tooth but would advise against growing it outside in Canada.

Try timewarp or something from kootenay moutain or great white north seeds.

Well Mr. know it all you seem to like to post right after my posts lately and dispute them but what you may have overlooked here is where I said #4 which rarely if ever molds and that is exactly what it was bred for to be very early and mold resistant, expert. It's a semi-autoflowering strain anyways and will start to flower very early outside. Mothers of it must be kept under a 24 hour light cycle in veg to prevent flowering. But I am sure you have been growing this for the last 9 years as well right. Peace! :tiphat:

Guest 150314

Nothing personal, just call them like I see them.

Are sweet tooth 4 seeds available to purchase anywhere? ... NO

Have you tried growing sweet tooth 4 or any sweet tooth up here? .. NO

You are from California not Canada so I don't see how you would have any knowledge on this subject other than what you read on the strain description about swt 4 being mould resistant. Growing it indoors for the last 9 years is irrelevant...

Sweet tooth is a nice strain but it's not the answer to everything, I have noticed you seem to get bothered anytime someone doesn't agree with you about sweet tooth or spice of life/steve.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You are completely wrong on every point you mentioned so I am going to have to correct you. I am not "from" California originally and have grown this strain outdoors in a cold rainy part of NJ years ago and had zero issues other than rippers taking a few. Also for the record if you are keeping one, I have grown Swt #4 in much more mold prone conditions than you can imagine in the past indoors and it does not mold. Seeds for it also will shortly be available on seedbay. I know of several people who continue to grow it outdoors in the North East United States and Canada with great results due to it's very early flowering. :pointlaug

I would be willing to bet my seed stash you have never grown this much less commonly available version which was from Steve's personal inbred & further worked line that he used for hashmaking and you likely only have some experience with the #3 like most people which is very prone to mold outside. Even that version if spread out more and topped into a bush with smaller buds can be grown outdoors without molding if you actually visit your plants and take proper care of them. ;)

In closing, the only thing I am bothered by really is people who have no clue what they are talking about such as yourself in this specific instance. Thanks again for your continued support. :joint:
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Guest 150314

How are my points wrong you never addressed them just beat around the bush.

Arguing on the internet is retarded, Bottom line is that sweet tooth #4 isn't available to purchase ANYWHERE right now .. I live in Canada not California and I know first hand not from friends that the sweet pink grapefruit clone and relatives like sweet tooth will not finish until the end of sept or first half of October despite being sensitive to autoflowering. Keep in mind I am around the 49th parallel and grow in a temperate rainforest, I am sure they would do better in a drier climate closer to the border like southern Ontario. Maybe someone else from Canada can chime in with there experience here?

BTW new jersey is what latitude? 40 .. 39? And average rainfall is between 40-50 inches
I am about 10 degrees above that and the annual rainfall was 260 inches pretty close to me.


Genetic Resource Management
PG, C-warp, Timewarp, Friesland, White Grizzly etc from Great White North, and Kootenay Mountain Seed co has a few I've seen people have great success with... of course mighty mite finishes early but it;s not really a market fave... I wouldn't grow it for personal if you are chronic.

We did Swt #4 in '02 and they were extremely prone to mold. I've never seen anything with grapefruit in it do well outside if it wasn't tarped or an exceptional rare late summer. Tarp 'em and get them done by mid-August and you are laughing, but straight outdoor it's a different story.

Anyone who grows outside in Canada knows that in 9 of 10 years the nights get cold in most of the country in August,and rains start late August early September especially back east... anything that isn't ready to come down be mid-Sept is going to be a problem. Southern Ontario is a little different due to the effect of the great lakes, but the population is so heavy that more people lose crops to rippers and cops there then anywhere else in the country- probably due to the dense population.

Swt #4 wasn't bred for mold resistance, the mother was resistant but it still had the same SwtBx2P1 father as pretty much everything else from that era and that was only selected for stature and resemblance to the grapefruit clone.... these are the words from people I know personally who worked at the Swiss production site. It's one thing to read a description, its completely another to have experience growing in the climate in question.


Guest 150314

The seaweed and original timewarp are the best options quality wise if you can find them. My seawarp this year looks like indoor and they are already in the bag.. also tested out a new clone of northern interior purple x grizzly that just came down today and looks wicked, no mould problems and decently frosty. Wish I could have found some timewarp clones this year though.

I think the PG is pretty crap but maybe I just saw some bad examples of it.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Chimera, the mother was resistant and very early according to Steve and it's far more mold resistant than the #3 IN MOST PLANTS is the bottom line. Maybe not ALL Sweet Tooth #4 plants but many of them are depending on how early they are which of course all relates back to each other. When I made incrosses from originals I chose the earliest flowering female, and a close to full auto male. The male offspring flower under 24 hours light if they do not have plentiful rootspace as you already know thanks to the SPG. For some reason the females seem more tolerant to the rootspace issues but not immune.

I guess if you have the opportunity to try this plant outdoors I think you would be glad you did and rewarded with some great frosty sweet smoke of the highest quality. Of all the Sweet Tooth lines it's the only one that can make it outdoors far up north. :canabis:


well, if were having a conversation about growing outside in the canaidian north, can you really have this conversation,without me weighing in? considering, ive been breeding early finishers up here for 10+ years,i think ill give my opinion...anything from udg is going to finish, and really, is your best bet, guerilla gold +hybrids, auto affy+hybrids, mighty mite+hybrids....if you want a clonable,early-mid sept finish of AAA buds i recommend friesland, but i have seen better plants coming out of hybrids of her finishing 1st week of sept, with 0% mold, and very high quality..mighty durban is also another goodie....now about sweet tooth, ive grown out hundereds of swtbx3 and i can tell you without a doubt, it is the mold queen of the north, do not try and tell me this strain is suitable for outdoor growing up north, it's very irresponsible to recommend this strain to northern growers because they will not get a harvest,and any one that has grown it will tell you the same thing...ive never grown swt4, but i have grown many sensitve swt3`s to know even with a semi auto gene it will mold up to mush..2006 i lost about 7 pounds to sweet tooth mush...i have grown alot of the popular northern outdsoor strains and swt3 or 4, is something i would never attempt again...please dont take this as a shit storm against you or tooth, its really not that big of a deal, swt3 or 4 will not work up here....and quite frankly, if you have a spg cut, i cant see why anyone would grow swt tooths i find it is nothing like SPG at all, and its not that potent kinda crappy imo`...just speaking frpom volumes of indoor and outdoor expeirience
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hi im not from canada, but i grow at 50N in Europe...besides that classic canadian gear like timewarp or gg which are great, you can try some danish or swiss outdoor strains...

here is nice strain available
https://www.seedboutique.com/store/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=79&products_id=2063 i think its from esbe, so it should be real deal...

from swiss genetics its erdbeer(it means strawberry or so...), very potent resistant early indica or purpurea ticinesis which i personally like very much, great early colourful tasty strain...:wave:



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Guys totally no worries, I merely posted "Swt #4" and greenmango decided he wanted to start a snippy little dialogue about it. It was a mere suggestion based on it working great in the rainy cool northeast usa in the past several times despite really crappy weather and the #4 is alot different than #3 for the record. I agree the #3 is a total mold magnet which is why Steve made the #4. I appreciate everyone's input and we are all friends here it's just a discussion about strains so I am not sure why certain people like "VagPuncher" feel it necessary to turn nasty and start hurling insults. But that is completely okay I have thick skin. Chimera I have not personally grown it in Canada but I would not hesitate to try it. I wish you ALL the best in your ventures growing in such shitty weather maybe it's time to move to a better climate so you can grow better outdoor strains. ;)