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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


New member
Big thanks to Stonethecrow for tossing me a bone on this thread. I too have been scouring this site trying to learn as much as I can before getting my feet wet. I haven't had the time to read through the whole thread but I've searched it like hell, and I haven't found any substantial info on the original soil recipe and use of organic nutes or (teas). Anyone with luck or insight?
I recently took some cuttings of a big mama I've got, and directly put them into mini hempys. Which factors more in new root development? A) temperature B) humidity

I'd say both are equally important. If it's too cold, they won't root. If it's too dry, they will shrivel up. If it's too hot and humid, they may grow mold or fungus. I think in the case of mini hempy's though, you are going to want to make sure that perlite stays nice and wet.

Gotta be like Goldy Locks and be "Just Right".

Goodluck :)


in the thick of it
I believe you're dead on SG. I've got a couple of cuts in mini hempys in a propogator, a couple out in the open, and a couple in individual props (2 liter flipped and covering the plant). I'm interested to see which one does the best. I'm thinking that when the ones in the open root, they will end up being better overall growers and will not need any kind of hardening off stage as the others with assisted humidity could need the hardening off step.

Doob4u-what are you talking about buddy? I doubt you'd find much of any kind of organic soil recipie on this thread.


Active member
OK...read through this as much as I could...it's pretty long and full of tangents...but I want to make sure I've got it straight before I start my next grow...

I can either start my seeds in regular soil/soiless mix until fully rooted...2 weeks maybe...

I then take any container that will hold water...I was thinking cheap 3 gallon plastic trash cans from WalMart, they're like $2-3 a piece. I drill a hole or two 2" from the bottom to form a res. I'll put some stones on the bottom for some weight and then fill the rest with 4 parts perlite and 1 part vermiculite and drop in the seedlings.

I'll veg them for a month or so and flip them when they're about 20" high. I grow with a 400W vert CMH so 4ft plants are OK.

I then water with "full nutes" until flush...correct?

Water just once a day after transplant or several?

Then, when established, water every to every other day?



Active member
I then water with "full nutes" until flush...correct?


Water just once a day after transplant or several?

every few days till the roots reach the bottom of your container, you'll know when they do because there will be a marked improvement in their health. Once this happens only feed them when they need it, don't stick to time tables, feed them when your plants look thristy, for me about once a week.


in the thick of it
I cant feed one of my strains full strength at first...I need to build them up to full strength. But as for the question, it is my understanding that you feed with nutrients all the way to flush.


Active member
Thanks guys...I'm a "soil" guy. I tried DWC once with disastrous results! My temps were in the 100's and my roots began to rot. I threw them into soil and they did OK.

I'll just play it by ear with the watering...I'll keep an eye on them.

That's why I asked about the nutes...I'll go with 1/2 for a week and see how they look. I don't push mine too hard...all I want is nice, normal, healthy growth.

Carl Carlson

You all Hempy growers should check out Docbud's threads on 420mag.com

I won't post links to another forum publicly here, but PM me if you can't find them.

He's using Osmocote Plus in all perlite Hempy buckets with plain water and no expensive, pre-packaged, diluted, liquid fertilizers.

I have now two groups of coir/perlite H. buckets going with OC+ and some with Gypsum (for more Calcium) also mixed in. It's so easy to use this stuff and it works very well. However, only a shitty camera that can't be successfully used with the HiD lighting.

OC+ is a controlled release fertilizer and you will find it at hardware stores, garden centers and on the web. It'll cost you about 20 cents per plant to fertilize with it. A little less expensive than even GH, eh?

CRFs are used extensively by greenhouse operators, farms and more and more indoor and outdoor hobby gardeners.


Thanks guys...I'm a "soil" guy. I tried DWC once with disastrous results! My temps were in the 100's and my roots began to rot. I threw them into soil and they did OK.

I'll just play it by ear with the watering...I'll keep an eye on them.

That's why I asked about the nutes...I'll go with 1/2 for a week and see how they look. I don't push mine too hard...all I want is nice, normal, healthy growth.

I'm a soil guy as well, and am running a few hempys as a test. I transplanted into hempy from a soilless mix, and watered daily with plain ph'd RO for a week.

Next week I did 1/2 strength lucas daily, till roots hit rez, now every two days at full strength, and it's working like a charm.

loving hempy.



Active member
You all Hempy growers should check out Docbud's threads on 420mag.com

I would but 420mag is a site run by thugs who care more about making some of their members look good then sharing knowledge. The single worst grow site I've ever been too, it seriously sucked. Plus the admin there threatened my security in an e-mail that I still have, total asses.


in the thick of it
@Japan-Wow, that sucks.
@Carl-cool information. I'd love to see your results and see if the end product is worth it. Keep us updated.


Active member
The guy he is talking about, Docbud is a cool guy, I took place in the Hempy thread with him at that site and good info was being shared. Unfortunately the site has a few well known growers and if you debate any grow info that goes against their word the get their little friends to cause trouble for ya, which is really sad because you end up with a site that thinks if you put your aero cloner on a timer it will kill the clones and silly stuff like that.


Active member
lol, oh man, I just went over to 420mag to see what ever happened to that thread we had going only to discover it was gone. read this in a new thread.

"Well, i love hempy threads.......but what happened to our wildly successfull, 5 star thread? I can't find it." - Docbud

"I'd encourage anyone who wants to get information from the old thread off google cache to post it here - I can't discuss the specifics of what happened... suffice to say it's not the fault of anyone currently a member. We have to discourage discussion of former members." -OBXGardener

This is what happens at that site. I challenged a grower named Vit something or rather who was telling people silly stuff like aero-cloners on timers wouldn't work, you never ever should feed plants above 1.0 ec or so on. Not flaming mind you, just debating grow stuff and the next thing I knew I got banned, an admin threatened my security (no joke) and the closed a thread that had nothing to do with it simple because people liked it and I was in it.

Take my word, that site is total crap compared to here and even though some growers have some interesting info the experience is not worth it.


I hold El Roacho's
Hey Japan here is the one I first found and the Earl guy who started it on this board cannabisculture has said he is the same guy on here Dalaihempy.
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Active member
Hempy is the guy who introduced the style to the cannabis growing community for the most part and that's why it's known as Hempy Buckets, there is no confusion about that.


I hold El Roacho's
Japanfreakier - Hempy is the guy who introduced the style to the cannabis growing community for the most part and that's why it's known as Hempy Buckets, there is no confusion about that.

No Shit, I'm glad you had to point that out to me.

Maybe you can also give a history lesson on the subject.


I hold El Roacho's
I was explaining that dude Dalaihempy had said he was also Earl and he came up with the hempy name but to be honest i don't give a shit who came up with the name as I do know it was from a real person who thought of this way of growing and the rest is history but for you to tell me it was Invented by someone that I already knew.

Nothing more nothing less dig me! I didn't need to hear your bullshit.

I have no reason to have a piss party over something as stupid as who came up the a brilliant idea to grow so with that said it's case closed.

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