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So people must think Im a total asshole or weirdo or something...


Now in technicolor
i'm almost proud to be a loner; i guess it's the whole american ideal of rugged individualism

Sometimes people who need people are just people who need people :joint:

There's nothing wrong with being a loner or introverted but only if you CHOOSE to be so. Some people just can't socialize and justify this by claiming they're better off being alone.

I have one friend who can't take any train/bus because if he's around people he literally has a panic attack and can't breathe. His social anxiety is that bad and while he claims he's happier alone, I believe he's sick and needs help, whether pharmaceutical or talk therapy.

as for the OP, you can meet like-minded people on meetup.com or other sites like that. There are groups for every hobby (not enough for weed, unfortunately..)


Active member
get to know some people who have the same hobby's as you, or like the same music, people that don't like to go to parties that would rather do other stuff (the type of person u are, correct me if im wrong)? I can't imagine u wouldn't rather be with someone doing the stuff you like rather than doing it alone, don't be afraid , get to know people, if they don't like you, fuck them, if you don't like them, fuck them, you'll find a group where u belong, it's no use trying to be with those other kind of people when they behave like that ;) fuck em & goodluck

that sounded kinda lame but you get my point... !

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
I was using my husbands computer and saw this thread. It caught my eye because I do much counseling for young teenagers in my neighborhood. This issue is very common in society, and there are principles of life that can help overcome this if you desire.

The Most Valuable Life Lesson You’ll Ever Learn

Here it is. Remember and use this one even if you forget everything else you’ve ever learned or been taught:

The Golden Rule—Treat others as you want to be treated, or
treat them as they want to be treated.

That’s a million-dollar primary principle.
There is no other better precedent around which to fashion your
life than this guiding primary principle. When you put yourself
aside and consider others first, people not only remember you—
they want to be around you.
Using this principle means you’re a great listener. Too many people are too interested in what they have to say to be quiet enough long enough to hear what you have to say.

Too many people are too concerned with their own needs and
wants, so they don’t take time to consider yours. We see these important issues affecting marriages and jobs every day.

When you separate yourself from the pack by putting other people first, being a great and active listener, and then respond with the primary idea of creating a win-win situation for everyone involved—you’re a winner. Take that to the bank, literally.

When you try to help people get what they want, the Law of Reciprocation says that they’ll want to help you get what you want. That’s not being selfish, it’s simply being wise. You just set into motion a spiritual law that no one can stop.

This is a primary principle of life that not only blesses all the
people around you; it also directly translates into great relationships and more deposit tickets at your bank.

So never forget: Always give first, and always be sure to employ the most important life principle—The Golden Rule—today and
every day. It’s a system that’s proven to work. Every time.

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