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Honey QWISO Forum (lets show them why qwiso is the best)


sadly im not a grower so i have to pay big bucks for buds. hard to get trim here cuz everyone wants to keep it to make their own oil/hash. my wash is usually between 15 and 30 seconds depending on the quantity and quality that i want.


new batch

new batch

made this stuff today. 5g nice and amber. was feeling lazy and didnt take many pictures. i need to find someone who knows how to use my camera better than me to help me get better oil pics :p lol
anyway enjoy

and check out this spider i saw when i was stoned in my backyard last night.

Other than getting some new fancy glass, whats the best way to smoke this stuff? I've just been rubbing it on rolling papers, but there has to be a better way.


May your race always be in your favor
I dip a small amount in ground pot and then hit it on th bong, its not so sticky when you stick pot to it. I'm smoking it now. Made some with 14 g's of Purple Urkle, 15 seconds in 2/3 cup 91%. Kind of a dark amber but it hits like a truck.


Other than getting some new fancy glass, whats the best way to smoke this stuff? I've just been rubbing it on rolling papers, but there has to be a better way.

HOT KNIVES!!! take a butter knife and heat it either with a propane or butane torch, then inhale the vapor. i have a glass "hooter" (device suck the smoke through so you dont burn your face), you can make a plastic one by cutting off the bottom of a pop bottle. just watch you dont touch the knife to the plastic. take a pin and collect your oil then run it across the hot blade and presto your gonna get stoned!
also you can drip some onto a bowl of weed to make it more potent.
if you really like smoking it in joints you can take the oil mix it with a very small amount of ISO and infuse a joint with it by soaking the whole joint in the tincture and letting it dry.


Overkill is under-rated.
qwiso is only good if u for some reason can't make bubble.... its definetely not the best.

Nope, quite the opposite. With bubble, if a particle is the right size, it ends up in your end product. That can be dirt, dust, pollen, fibers, hair, plant waxes, vegetation, pieces of bugs or what have you. The reason bubble sticks together in a nice clump isn't because its pure, but because its contaminated with things that aren't THC.

Oil is made by using a solvent to wash out just the soluble parts (resin glands) abd then filtering out everything else. The crap i catch in my filters is nasty, and doesn't get you high. So QWISO is easier, purer, and cleaner than bubble, hands down. It's also the ONLY hash you can repair if you get it dirty (just dissolve in alcohol again, filter and re-dry) and easiset to make, especially in large batches. I use about 2-3 gallons of alcohol per batch, and make several ounces at a time in about 20 minutes.
Beat that! :)



Overkill is under-rated.
xHmm can't edit posts under "Go advanced", here's a pic of some grape stomper oil i made yesterday, 1 of 3 of these!



well qwiso isnt that pure because you still have the all the other things that arnt resin glands being takin in with it thats why your qwiso has that black color to it


Lets say I had some crappy bubble would I be able to wash it to make it good? As in their is a lot of particulates that are not glands.


Overkill is under-rated.
well qwiso isnt that pure because you still have the all the other things that arnt resin glands being takin in with it thats why your qwiso has that black color to it

It only looks dark because it's an inch thick, it's actually light amber when thin. The filters catch any contaminants that wash out of the material, so the only thing that passes through the filters is alcohol-soluble, and therefore primarily THC. Or do you think there are other ingredients that are alcohol-soluble in the mix?

I'll post a pic in a minute of the filters so you can see the crap they catch.


Overkill is under-rated.
Lets say I had some crappy bubble would I be able to wash it to make it good? As in their is a lot of particulates that are not glands.

Exactly,put it in a small jar, cover with enough alcohol to submerge the material, shake it for a couple minutes, then strain into pyrex through a coffee filter or a few paper towels. Evaporate the alcohol ( i use the oven at 200*F to speed it up) and when it stops bubbling its done.


Overkill is under-rated.
Here we go, this is some filtered alcohol from a big scissor wash job,, grape stomper alcohol:

and whats caught in the filter:

Nothing black about it...
I don't think he was talking about filtering your alcohol... He is speaking of the polarity of the solvent... Alcohol is both a polar and non-polar solvent, meaning it extracts both non-polar THC and polar plant waxes and such, which are what make ISO darker, which is the reason the ISO has to be quick washed... Leave it too long and you will be left with actual black tarry oil.


Overkill is under-rated.
I find that freezing the alcohol helps keep it much lighter, freezing the (unground) trim helps lock up those plant waxes better, and using denatured instead of iso alcohol (no water content) help reduce the chlorophyll pickup quite a bit.

I think I've made about a pound and a half of this stuff so far this year.


Overkill is under-rated.
It is useful to freeze the solution before filtration.
How do you evaporate this amount?

Gotta spread it out amongst several large baking dishes for max surface area, then stick em all in the oven at 200*F. I only do this because leaving them to air dry takes forever and results in a lot of contaminants finding their way into the mix. I have two big exhaust hoods and lots of windows in my kitchen though, I wouldn't advise doing this indoors unless you have lots of ventilation. I also wouldn't do it with a gas oven, the flames would probably ignite the vapors.


Lets say I had some crappy bubble would I be able to wash it to make it good? As in their is a lot of particulates that are not glands.

Exactly,put it in a small jar, cover with enough alcohol to submerge the material, shake it for a couple minutes, then strain into pyrex through a coffee filter or a few paper towels. Evaporate the alcohol ( i use the oven at 200*F to speed it up) and when it stops bubbling its done.

i would say shake it for 15-30 seconds MAX. a good fast wash always produces the best oil and a suprisingly large yield. use 1 or 2 #4 coffee filters. if you want to ring it out i suggest using cheese cloth. definetly use a pyrex dish of some sort. double boiling on the oven is a really good method for preventing fires aswell as burning material on accident. use a razor blade to collect it all.

also theres that forum on hash rosin on here, thats a good read if you want to make your bubble better.