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My Wife, I Hate Her.


Active member
Hope things are good for you these days buddy, its been a while since you posted last man.....

Peace and good karma....


Active member
so why did you get married . ? you dont have to marry most women to get laid.file for bancrupcy then dump the bitch. you do know theres alot more out there


New member
Jebus...wot a nightmare.

I am gonna give my wonderful, loving wife an extra big hug and kiss tonite, and thank her profusely for not being a psycho nutjob.......

Still laughing at that you must be the only happy married man on here.

KUSH not been through it myself but my bro went through a messy one a few years ago with 2 boys aged 2 & 4. One time after they split he was dropping them off & she called the cops but when they arrived he explained & they quickly left alone as they see this type of shit from women all the time.

Just make sure if you smoke or grow you keep it well hidden.

Put yourself in your sons shoes how would you feel in the situation now? Hows he gonna feel in a few years if your still at each others throats?

The most important thing is to make sure he comes through it understanding that he's loved & that no matter what happens in life you'll be there for him.

Its a tough one & I dont know how I would be able to decide either but my nephews now view it as "cool" that they have TWO homes with 2 sets of toys etc...I know it doesnt always turn out that way but you gotta make a decision & either sort her out once & for all ( I dont mean cutting her head off or similar just put her straight ) & if thats not possible you'll have to bite the bullet & fight for all your worth to be as involved as much as possible with your son.

Just an idea but you could try swinging the tables and say " Im clean now & if you carry on like this ill file for divorce & custody on the grounds your unstable" maybe she has got used to the idea you'll always take the shit not give it.

I dunno if any of this will help ya but I dam sure hope you & your son get thru this to happier times together and remember the old saying time is a great healer, he's clever he will soon know the score.

Good luck to u bro keep ya chin up


Trying to have a good day
Kush bro, I go to sleep & wake up with a hatred for that bitch that words just fail to capture, so much so that I'd gladly kill her; not to do you any favors bro, just so that I might sleep better at night is all.......


Reminds me of that movie called "Throw Mama from the Train".:sasmokin:
wifes a dumb bitch

wifes a dumb bitch

I just went to get my 300lplus alpha diesel seeds that i f2, just to find out the wife threw them away. she didnt know what they were :dunno: is that grounds for a divorce?and she wonders why we dont get along
Wow...just read the whole thing. Props for being strong enough to go through with it, and good luck. If you get a chance, throw out an update!

Coming from a broken home, all I can say is make sure your son knows you love him. Divorces blow, but just knowing that you still have that relationship, no matter what else is going on, is incredibly important to a kid growing up.

Peace brother, and good luck


Re: My Wife, I Hate Her.

I I'm good...no one lost their heads.....
take your kid and leave, its not illegal. I know you said you dont want to take your son from his mom but is that crazy bitch really fit to be a parent? a good one anyway?

This is the type of bitch that will snitch you out, then cry when they put you in the cop car, you need to move on man, I see nothing but problems from that one

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