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siezure notice/notice of removal



so i got a notice in the mail today stating that customes siezed my seeds anyone else ever get one?
Im a little sketched out about it but not scared like they are probally hoping they accomplished.
It doesn't seem like anything else will happen, just a notice telling you that you won't be getting the seeds you were expecting in the mail.


Seems like this is getting more an more common. Perhaps stealth isn't some retailers strong suit. Drug dogs are probably nailing them.


Well-known member
maybe it is the season for seed seizures, as just pointed out, another recent seed seizure thread
risk is low unless in one of the 'bad states', probably not all that high in those either


Thanx for the link KARMAGIRL! Ive read many times of it happening to others & nothing else happens its just a little nerve racking the first time in (10 years)I feel pretty safe im in CA & im legal but what sketches me out is the county im in is strict & the law inforcement is pretty corrupt & seem to kinda inforce their own rules.....as of right now i only have a few plants about 8" that im using for a mini breeding project & as of the med law im safe but i somewhat fear a visit & harrassment but if that does happen i will slap them with a lawsuit i happen to know one of the best lawyers in southern CA.
I dont understand what the (F) these idiots think their accomplishing its really bizzar that i can walk into a store & buy opium poppy seeds for $5 for like 100,000 seeds legally & grow them legally but i cant own cannabis seeds its unreal & totally insane!!!!!


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear ya got pinched bro. There's a thread from a couple of days ago that talks about stepped up scrutiny in the Chicago mail hub.
I wonder if this is just Chicago, or the start of a trend.


Just a word from someone who been here for a while. It happens. Sometimes and somehow they get off their asses and do something. Don't worry too much about it as it will pass. As for the love letter you got. Don't worry about that either unless you where getting a very large shipment. Good luck.


thanx for the reinsurance everyone im not really worried anymore, i got an email from the vendor their going to try it again i gave them a warning about the port of chicago & some stealthy suggestions so hopefully it will work this time.
Sorry to hear ya got pinched bro. There's a thread from a couple of days ago that talks about stepped up scrutiny in the Chicago mail hub.
I wonder if this is just Chicago, or the start of a trend.

From what I've heard, Chicago is one of the most successful ports/hubs in seizing overseas contraband (i.e., seeds). And, given the upcoming change in season, it only makes sense for them to ramp up their seizure efforts, as indoor growers will be starting their grows once temperatures drop.

If I was unsure about getting seeds mailed, I would order a couple packs of Nirvana seeds. If they get seized, i'm only out 20-30 bucks per pack.

That's a lot easier to deal with than $100-200 per pack seeds.

*Absolute* worst case scenario, just grow from bagseed you get locally. It's free and readily available and you may find a gem or two.


what i dont get is accoring to the seizure letter, they will not pursure you if you try to import hash, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin... so they won't go after you if u try and ship a small amount? I thought they'd for sure come after some1 for trying to ship a few grams of the hard drugs.. mj is becoming more and more of a hard drug, someday some1 will overdose and die i swear 2 god


Well-known member
what i dont get is accoring to the seizure letter, they will not pursure you if you try to import hash, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin... so they won't go after you if u try and ship a small amount? I thought they'd for sure come after some1 for trying to ship a few grams of the hard drugs.. mj is becoming more and more of a hard drug, someday some1 will overdose and die i swear 2 god

i think that if it's a kilo of coke, a visit will happen
seeds just don't make the cut, for which we are grateful


Autos are for pussies!
so, I'm assuming all my seeds go through the Chicago port because I'm in the Midwest :(

I hope my White OG beta beans make it!! Now IM WORRIED!!!


A seizure letter is more common than you think; folks get all different stuff seized in incoming mail: prescriptions, Cuban products, exotic/endangered wildlife, cockfighting spurs, ivory, etc. They used to send a form letter with all these items listed and a checkmark for the item (in my case Cuban cigars). I know other fine cigar fiends who've gotten them for seized cigars. There are similar threads about these seizure letters on cigar forums, med boards, and others. I've heard to so-called pre-penalty letter is the scary one...


so, I'm assuming all my seeds go through the Chicago port because I'm in the Midwest :(

I hope my White OG beta beans make it!! Now IM WORRIED!!!

this last order came from a seed co in amsterdam ive never had a problem with an order from bay or boo. they resent them to me again & this time i got them i noticed that they didnt put a return address on the envolope this time im thinking that maybe anything that comes from amsterdam they get suspecious & open. it wouldnt have been a big loss it was only a $40 pack of seeds but luckily they gave it another try for free.:jump:
im also calm now & have no worries thanx to all for your info & reassurement!


Active member
chicago port is a hotbed for interceptions. send your mail to another state. maybe have them picked up or somthing but chicago port is on the ball, for the past few years i been seeing alot of this.

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