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Seeds Seized, Got Customs Form, Freaking Out.

Title explains everything. I ordered seeds from somewhere other than seedbay/boutique, and I got the dreaded customs form. The form was from Chicago, a long way from my state. I know the general consensus is to ignore it and not do anything rash like tearing everything down, but I'm still freaking out. Should I just keep on with my little 250w grow? It says on the form "no further correspondence wil be issued to you"

Also has anyone in the US ever been busted due to ordering seeds? I vaguely remember a doctor who had seeds seized multiple times(or maybe just once) and him being a dick to cops helped in getting himself busted. And there's that recent Australia story.

I also think of the GH flora bloom nutes that were opened in the mail I guess due to being an undeclared/unknown liquid and wonder if that flags me as a grower. What if they were opened by the same place? They were in transit around the same time. Customs only deals with foreign countries right?

Sorry for all the anal questions but I'm really feeling like my name and avatar right now.


You are right on the general consensus...nothing more will come of this.

But you got to ask yourself how long you will be wearing that tinfoil hat. In other words it really comes down to how you feel. If you aree
honestly noided out then how valuable is a 250 watt grow to you.

No one can tell you what this stress is going to do to you...but you know yourself. I wouldn't sweat it but I ain't you and that don't make me tougher than you, just wired slightly differently from the factory.

Do what feels right to you. Stay safe brother.


Well-known member
i can only reassure you that this is the standard customs action
i have read the doctor story, he was in Indiana which is one of the worst places for seed ordering and growing in general
he also insisted on reordering seeds multiple times after having seeds seized
don't let too much fear build from the Australia bust, whole different set of rules there for seed inspections and actions
but if you feel you need to breakdown, it may be worth the peace of mind, but your grow sounds small



I know I'd trip out too. That sucks your seeds got seized. It's why I always choose discreet shipping methods with guarantees from a seed bank that isn't allowed to be mentioned around here.

Where did you order your seeds from?

I have heard of a grower getting busted as a result of a customs seizure, but I think they sent him the seeds knowing that he'd grow them.. Basically, if the local PD is notified then they will start surveillance of your residence and if they find evidence (like leaves in your trash) then they'll get the warrant. I think it'd be wrong to assume that no one cares. They only have so much money for this kind of police work though, so just don't draw suspicion.

Just not worth it, you know... Growing just one plant under federal law is a big no-no and they know, you're at least trying to grow, for a fact that you're buying seeds and having them shipped to your grow site. They have your name, your address, and your seeds. If they find it necessary to do some research, and if you've got a lot of 5 minute visitors and leaves in your trash they'll bust that door down I imagine.

I think you have a few weeks at least. If I was in this position and my plants were about 4 weeks from finishing I'd say fuck-it and just finish this grow and pack up shop. If my plants were still in veg, and I hadn't put that much time and energy into them then I'd tear it down. Also, if I was in Florida I'd tear it down right away, they don't fuck around out there. But, if you live in a med state then maybe there isn't as much need for worry.

Best of luck to you brother. Sorry for your concerns. I hope everything works out.


Active member
The End Is Near

There are a lot of different variables that you need to look at.
Was it 1 pack or 10? Can you really get everything out? Med state nonmed state?, ect.......
We all have different comfort zones that we can live in and different rules that we live by. For me it would be rule 4079, see below.

rule 4078--To much of a good thing is bad for you.
rule 4079--When in doubt, get the shit out.
rule 4080--Record company people are shady.


Active member
i imagine they won't open an investigation. but if it were me i'd break it down and grow somewhere else.
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The cat that loves cannabis
If something was going to happen, they would have done a controlled delivery of the seeds, and raided you then, not send the form.
From one wearer of the foil to another, you're fine.

Don't have any more seeds sent to the house you grow in the future though.


I have recieved a lot of customs letters. When I say a lot I mean a lot. They were not for seeds, but they were for something that you are not suppose to "technicaly" import to the U.S. Once it is here it is legal however the importation is a gray area. Nothing ever came of them. I even called on a few. Don't do that obviously. I will say that I had a shipment shipped to me by a vendor in China that did not follow my directions. He proceeded to ship by private airline straight to my house. The airlines will sell space in the hull to make extra money. Well these boxes ended up where i lived, and the local customs guys have absolutly nothing to do because we are majorly inland. So they open them. I don't get a letter. I get a personal visit to my door. Customs guys with guns wanting to know what the fuck was up. Well before we answered the door we were smoking in the upstairs of our house. The house was stinky. I had my wife answer the door while I finished up. She opened the door, and they walk right the fuck in like they owned the place. I came downstairs, and they i.d. us and our names did not match the boxes. So we asked what it was about, and they said since it was not to us they could not talk any further and they left. We proceeded to shitting bricks. I know the seed banks say to use your name, but fuck them. Use a fake name, or just have it sent to "Resident". I can not even get a letter to me from another country anynmore because I am on an importation list. Customs goes through everything now. I also can't wire money to anyone. I haven't been able to do so for about 4 years. there is a list for that one too. You would be amazed how many "lists" there are. I would not worry at all if I were you. Especially since you only have 250 watts going. If you had a large grow in a non-med state then maybe, but I would just keep trucking along. I had just gotten a pound of herb the day the customs guys had decided to come see if I could go outside and play. :)


I think you have 24 hours before CIA covert and Navy Seal teams bust down your door, seize your equipment and then cart you off to Mexico.
Seriously, it's standard procedure. I wouldn't sweat it but you gotta do what feels right in your gut and go with it. If you don't listen to your gut, you'll stay paranoid and may wind up doing something stupid to draw attention to yourself.


Got a couple letters but they were for Cuban cigars. Nothing ever came of them - other than the old lady getting royally pissed off.

Red Fang

Active member
I have never recieved a letter but had a couple just not arrive, what could have happened there? Anyway, I say you have little to worry about. In those couple of instances mentioned or anything I've ever heard about, they do not go after you for seeds unless there were other mitigating circumstances. IE you are a town drunk who wrecks bars regularly or some other kind of well-known troublemaker, or if they have had other reason for you to arouse their attention, well then maybe I would worry. If you are under their radar in all other matters, it is highly unlikely anything will happen. Like others say, the stress isn't worth it if you just started, but if you are almost done I would finish. Good Luck!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Whats worse is when you don't get the letter but you know they got the seeds now that makes for some paranoid nights. Move your ass out here to California get your med rec. and then you don't have to worry about this bullshit anymore man it's just a slap on the wrist. Like someone else already said, if anything was going to happen it already would have you are past that point now unless you call and claim the seeds. They do not even know for a fact they are viable so as far as being illegal that is actually a gray area unless they did a controlled delivery, then proved the viability of the seeds in the lab but still the worst thing you would get charged with is possession of marijuana for what they weigh.

If it makes you feel better shut down for a little bit until you feel comfortable again but you are not going to get raided over them getting the beans. The letter is your punishment and they stole your seeds time to get on with life now. :canabis:


I have never recieved a letter but had a couple just not arrive, what could have happened there?

I believe you got ripped off sir.
Exactly the reason I choose to do business with a retailer that offers a guarantee on shipping for a few extra bucks. I so wish I could tell you who it is but I think the attitude in this thread would change if I did name that cannabis seeds bank that can get your seeds delivered without fear every time.
Lesson 101 in growing.... Have shit sent to a safe address. Well atleast one your not growin at. Just my bit of pennies. To me its the only logical way. At the least your addy is flagged when something is seized. I think you should only be worried if it was a lot of seeds. Growing already makes u noid, so to me sending something to the spot is just an added headache. Do yourself a favor and get somewhere else to send your gear. It gives you one less thing to worry about


ICMag Donor
Got 3 orders seized in one year, from a dutch vendor, about 3 or 4 years ago. Nothing happened (yet). You should be okay.
Don't freak


Lesson 101 in growing.... Have shit sent to a safe address. Well atleast one your not growin at. Just my bit of pennies. To me its the only logical way. At the least your addy is flagged when something is seized. I think you should only be worried if it was a lot of seeds. Growing already makes u noid, so to me sending something to the spot is just an added headache. Do yourself a favor and get somewhere else to send your gear. It gives you one less thing to worry about

i agree, never have grow products of any sort sent to your grow address. always use another address period no exceptions. just my 2 cents


I hold El Roacho's
It also would be a wise idea to always buy from a reputable source like SB that has a great track record of getting your goods delivered without raising any suspicions.

If you hear from your local usps main branch - post master generals office to come in then you may have some small problems but they might just ask you if your ordered any seeds but I'm sure you know not to ever admit anything.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
just to let you know, a LOT of scammers use a fake customs letter...

they send the fake customs letter out after they take your money...

the customs letter they send out to keep you quiet... it keeps you off the "seed companys" back as well as the "customs" back... whattya gonna do? go call up customs? lol... you gonna go compain to the company? lol...

they gotcha!

this customs letter scam goes way back..

moral of the story? order seedbay

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