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Question on coffe-shops...


Active member
Hallo everyone...first time writing on english speaking section as i was at the greek one.
So...lets get to my question.I will first begin with a description about my question.Here in greece the most most most famous town to produce cannabis is kalamata...And its said to be the best of the best...I am from greece and i was born in kalamata but i never had the chance to try one.So...everyone in greece who smokes pot thinks that the weed wich is produced in kalamata is the best in the world or something...And everytime they try to point how good this stuff is they say -Are you serious??Kalamata weed is the best,they even sell it on Amsterdam coffe shops and its one of the most expensive...
So here comes my question to everyone who lives in holland and to those who have been there...Have you ever seen "kalamata weed" in any coffeshop??Or have you ever seen any greek weed at any coffe shop??
I am asking this question cause i want to seperate the truth from the lie behind this story (or myth...)...Thanks guys in advance.Peace!:tiphat:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Honestly, I'm rarely impressed with anything I find in Amsterdam coffeeshops...


I've been there a few times and never seen Kalamata herb on any menus, The only imported smoke I saw was hashish. But there are a lot of coffeeshops!


Hallo everyone...first time writing on english speaking section as i was at the greek one.
So...lets get to my question.I will first begin with a description about my question.Here in greece the most most most famous town to produce cannabis is kalamata...And its said to be the best of the best...I am from greece and i was born in kalamata but i never had the chance to try one.So...everyone in greece who smokes pot thinks that the weed wich is produced in kalamata is the best in the world or something...And everytime they try to point how good this stuff is they say -Are you serious??Kalamata weed is the best,they even sell it on Amsterdam coffe shops and its one of the most expensive...
So here comes my question to everyone who lives in holland and to those who have been there...Have you ever seen "kalamata weed" in any coffeshop??Or have you ever seen any greek weed at any coffe shop??
I am asking this question cause i want to seperate the truth from the lie behind this story (or myth...)...Thanks guys in advance.Peace!:tiphat:
no,never and never heard of it and to be honest it must be hype from your area,people sound very proud around your way to big up a strain that you havent had from your own manor,if you cant get it around your way ,how are you going to find it out side your country let aloane in dam


Active member
no,never and never heard of it and to be honest it must be hype from your area,people sound very proud around your way to big up a strain that you havent had from your own manor,if you cant get it around your way ,how are you going to find it out side your country let aloane in dam

So...let me explain...Greece as its known is boarded with albania.Greece has very very strict laws about cannabis.Cops everywere searching for users and for cannabis farms.For this reason the farmers as long with their farms start to get fewer and fewer...In the other hand albania has the same laws but police and farmers get along and almost split profits from the harvests.Huge amounts of weed are coming in greece in regular bases from albania and because of this albanian weed is cheaper and many people are searching for it making greek weed expensive and rare to find.Greece is flooded with albanian shyte making our really nice sativa strains facing extinction and this really nice herb remaining away from regular cannabis users.I have tried greek weed many many times but i just havent tried the sativa landrace strains from kalamata.Peace!


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ICMag Donor
I also have never seen any "kalamata weed" in Amsterdam or any other dutch cities. I know a couple of people that move "product" and often times the product is going from here to Greece. A few years ago a former friend had a small quantity of herb from Greece. It was pretty damn good! We called it Greece Gun. ;)
From the Mr. Nice Forums:

Kalamata is located in central/southern greece and its worldwide known for the production of the finest olives an olive oil , soil and climate allow for perfect maturation . Cannabis from that area is considered to be of the finest and selected local stuff is also exported , some even make it to Holland but its sold under diff names most of the time as all export and any drug trade/offense is highly illegal etc in greece and laws are harsh etc so everyone stays low.

Thats why not many people dont really know these great genetics , all locals do though even if they do not smoke.Anyway the kalamata strain is grown for the amazing trippy up high it has , its some of the most intense rushy psychedelic highs though the high is not the most long lasting , usually lasts like 1.5-2.5 hrs, feels longer though , time perception is distorted along with sound and vision.Its a real mood changin herb and always gives those uncontrollable laughing attacks ( which I have to say is something I find to bit true with the nevs girl I have atm). Personally I find that these plants hold the fine qualities of the best landrace sativas and they are acclimatized for hundrends of years and finish quite fast.

Also found this thread; http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=60136