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Treegrowing, Groundgrowing, Microgrowing. Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Autos.



So far so good mostly Mr. rocket! :wave:
Thx THC123!!!!!! I love your outdoor Scrog.

I ordered Greencure today. Have read great things about it so I will try that. Amistar also had great reviews, but I couldnt find that.

Took a little trip by to spot 8.

Have one female Ovala Ratsastaja plant there ,Initially four, but deer took out the others. This one is branchy and healthylooking. A little late with the flowering maybe, we will see.

Some odd creature(bird, Insect, Animal?) are snapping leaves and tops of the plant, and then leaving them on the ground without eating it.Vandalism!!!!!! It had happened in many places. Other than that everything seemed to be in order.


The creature has done a little supercropping for me.


This stuff was lying all around the plant. So weird.


Rasberry are dominating the area. Berries are maturing now, hence alot of birds. Thats why I suspect them for being the culprits.


It is so great to have many small spots I think, cause then there is always a site that I have not been to in a while.:)

Later guys.
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rocket high

Active member
wow weird birds that destruct plants for fun maybe the bird thought it might smell nice but when it tasted it it didnt like it so spat it out and took it out on your plants lol
The eagle's i have at my site keep all little birds away from my plants but they make some noise and attract attention pretty easily... oh and their shit's are huge and cover a big area on a canna leaf thats for sure ;)

Those raspberry's in the back ground of the pics look yummy ...


It is so great to have many small spots I think, cause then there is always a site that I have not been to in a while.

hehe, even with my 5 spots i seem to have enough to do keeping up with pics and topdressing.

what a bummer about those birds! what the hell are they doing that for? are they using the stem to make nests or some thing? very strange, pretty annoying too when you just find the branches on the ground, makes no sense. how about putting some small bells in your plants so they ring a bit in the wind or when birds land on them. every top they brake off is another cola less. gosh hope we don't have your weird birds in my area lol.

it's easy to see you are a pro at this, you made enough spots and plants to be sure that you still have enough after all the wild animals attacking your plants. seems to be the way to go when growing guerrilla style.

keep on keeping on my friend.

edited to add: you know when they are hanging down like that you can stand them up and use some tape and tooth picks to support the branch, if you do it soon enough after it gets broken you can get them to grow back together. not once they are separated, but those that are still partly attached maybe?


Bom Sucks about that plant i think it's an animal don't think birds would do that but who knows...How many tops was taken off and from up high or down low?


what a bummer about those birds! what the hell are they doing that for? are they using the stem to make nests or some thing? very strange, pretty annoying too when you just find the branches on the ground, makes no sense. how about putting some small bells in your plants so they ring a bit in the wind or when birds land on them. every top they brake off is another cola less. gosh hope we don't have your weird birds in my area lol.

He he. What a great idea with those bells lol. Even if its not birds, an animal would probably be scared too. Maybe I will try that crazy idea.:thank you: How did you come up with that anyways?????? Just seems so out there, but still it makes perfect sense......

it's easy to see you are a pro at this, you made enough spots and plants to be sure that you still have enough after all the wild animals attacking your plants. seems to be the way to go when growing guerrilla style.

I am far far far from a pro, but I have understood the value of not betting all your money on one horse. Yep thats a metaphor for ya toonight. You seem to have figured that out too though Gaius.

edited to add: you know when they are hanging down like that you can stand them up and use some tape and tooth picks to support the branch, if you do it soon enough after it gets broken you can get them to grow back together. not once they are separated, but those that are still partly attached maybe?

Yeah, but I dont bring
a trekking gps, my pocket knife with the saw, swiss army folding shovel, garden gloves, tick spray and rose clippers
tape or tootpicks with me. :muahaha:.

Yeah I have supercropped a little before, and it is amazing what they survive sometimes. That one on the pic was the only one hanging like that, and it was after a superthin stem piece, it was amazing to see how it still had power too bend towards the light.

Bom Sucks about that plant i think it's an animal don't think birds would do that but who knows...How many tops was taken off and from up high or down low?

I would estimate it to between 8-12 ish. The one on the pic was the highest one. Mostly in the middle. Maybe it is a hare. I dont think you have those animals in the states.


It eats green plants, and I have seen them in that forrest before. Just so weird that it didnt eat it though, but maybe it just dropped some.... I think i am going to try the bells.

Later my man.


wow weird birds that destruct plants for fun maybe the bird thought it might smell nice but when it tasted it it didnt like it so spat it out and took it out on your plants lol
The eagle's i have at my site keep all little birds away from my plants but they make some noise and attract attention pretty easily... oh and their shit's are huge and cover a big area on a canna leaf thats for sure

Those raspberry's in the back ground of the pics look yummy ...

Hey Rocket. Didnt see you before now. Yeah I eat a bunch of wild rasperrys every day now. They are everywhere around here. I want to get me a watch eagle too.....


i have 2 black cats that hunt and kill little birds from my balconies when they get a chance. so i have some strings with aluminum foil strips and small bells hanging from them, hanging on every balcony to scare the birds away so my cats can't get them. also read some where else some one suggesting bells for scaring deer away. the only thing is you have to chose smallish bells, not that the noise of the bells in the wind attracts attention.

rocket high

Active member
hi bom
i found this on you tube its pretty basic but i think you could upgrade it to suit your outdoor needs ,for one the alarm needs to go off after its activated as that might attract attention pretty easily so i was thinking that spring loading the string so it completes the circuit when pulled ,problem solved ..for deer anyway ,i think people would investigate what the hell made that noise and the game would be up ... im going to to this next year just for deer repelling purposes..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pRO5Kf55PI

Fat J

Hey bom, lookin nice, sad 2 see last years yield, but id say youre well on ur way 2 a much better one this year. I looked at the pics and ya, thats weird as hell... I looked closely at the bitten spots and I's be very surprised if it were a bird, birds mash things up when they break em, you will see stranded fibers, i didnt see any... also I wouldnt suspect a small creature like a mouse as the damage would be at the bottom... are you absolutely sure you dont have a caterpillar issue? they go for the nodes and leave bites like the ones i see there, i think they munch, get stoned, fall off, and crawl away. If you dont have any more of this, the supercropping may have helped ^.^ Wish I could train a bird to prune my plants, that would be bomb!

Can't wait to see how things turn out, good vibes all the way!



Nah I dont think so Grnmntfinn, to unstealthy. Your plants are looking great I must say.

i have 2 black cats that hunt and kill little birds from my balconies when they get a chance. so i have some strings with aluminum foil strips and small bells hanging from them, hanging on every balcony to scare the birds away so my cats can't get them. also read some where else some one suggesting bells for scaring deer away. the only thing is you have to chose smallish bells, not that the noise of the bells in the wind attracts attention.

Ah. Too bad for the cats man. But I guess you dont want them falling off the balcony, or have dead birds lying around the house lol.

I tried getting bells at the store, but the ones they had were too big, so they said I needed to go the hobbystore which is quite a drive......

It's going nice Bom!
Keep up the good work dude.


Thx Haxi, I love your blueberry plant man:)

hi bom
i found this on you tube its pretty basic but i think you could upgrade it to suit your outdoor needs ,for one the alarm needs to go off after its activated as that might attract attention pretty easily so i was thinking that spring loading the string so it completes the circuit when pulled ,problem solved ..for deer anyway ,i think people would investigate what the hell made that noise and the game would be up ... im going to to this next year just for deer repelling purposes..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pRO5Kf55PI

Ha ha ha. I cant wait for you to try it out next year, If anyone could, you are the one! I think I will just let them be and hope for the best.....

Hey bom, lookin nice, sad 2 see last years yield, but id say youre well on ur way 2 a much better one this year. I looked at the pics and ya, thats weird as hell... I looked closely at the bitten spots and I's be very surprised if it were a bird, birds mash things up when they break em, you will see stranded fibers, i didnt see any... also I wouldnt suspect a small creature like a mouse as the damage would be at the bottom... are you absolutely sure you dont have a caterpillar issue? they go for the nodes and leave bites like the ones i see there, i think they munch, get stoned, fall off, and crawl away. If you dont have any more of this, the supercropping may have helped ^.^ Wish I could train a bird to prune my plants, that would be bomb!

Can't wait to see how things turn out, good vibes all the way!

Hey Fat J:wave: Really nice to see you here!

I dont really think its birds either, it was just my best theory cause there were so many there....

I will go up there next week or something to check again.

Thx for the good vibes, going str8 back at ya ofcourse:)

Have them start flowering?

Uh ?????? Which do you mean addicted2grow:wave:. That one on the last pic is a bit late I think. Just started.

We are having some really warm days with not so much wind theese last days, which is great!:jump: Not for the treeplants maybe, cause I havent watered them. Think I will be able to go do it later today though. It is starting to become a real pain in the ass to go up there all the time, and I regret not listening to all of you who advised me to use some drip water system or polymer chrystals:wallbash:

I harvested a Pehkuruder at spot 9 the night before last. It was dark when I was there, so I thought it had mold, but it turned out it didnt.:dance013: It has been in a place with no morning sun and it has been in the shadow of three Finx plants. Also the soilmix has been a bit off there, so it didnt yield very much. Looked very nice with lots of trichs though.

It is the one in the back there.




Later all of yall.:gday:


Went up to the tree and watered today. Soil was dry as always, and some of the plants were hanging a bit. Soaked them real good with 30 litres of water that I carried up there in one go. Heavy as hell. pffffffff.

The plants up there have only been fed once. I dont plant on feeding them more either.

Blue Ryder looked insanly good. Covered in trichs. Short Stuff looked good too. The Danish pot x Blue Ryder had started to flower, but looking kinda lanky. Prk and Finx bucket Was okay, but obviously underwatered. Harvested a Prk that was not coping too well.

The Finx or Prk in the Short stuff bucket is starting to look real good.

Finx and Prk Bucket



Finx and Short Stuff. Look how heavily the wind has affected its growth.


Danish Pot x Blue Ryder


Blue Ryder


Both of them.



Yes boss yes boss..sexo sexo! :D:D

Looking good in ya tree!!

I taste horseshit in my mouth..Must be this carlsberg...:D:D


Yes boss yes boss..sexo sexo! :D:D

Looking good in ya tree!!

I taste horseshit in my mouth..Must be this carlsberg...:D:D


Seem like you are having a great time nukkisman:wave::D:D:skiiing:

I also went to Spot 10 today. This place has the same bad soilmix as spot 9. All plants go yellow. I had to harvest a Finx cause it looked so sick. The buds looked fine, but the fanleaves seemed very sick.

Too bad that the plants dont thrive here, because this was a seedplace. Hope the seeds on the other plants will mature.

The Oldfarmer Nepal had finally decided to be a female.

I harvested the sick plant in the front there.



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Active member
yeah man, good stuff!

looks like the plant in front might have suffered from drought maybe? has it been dry up there?

whats that medium sized nice looking plant in that those last pics? looks hella good!


and another one bites the dust, lol.

wonder what's wrong with the soil? maybe not enough N? or did it get very dry? hope you still get some viable seeds bro.


yeah man, good stuff!

looks like the plant in front might have suffered from drought maybe? has it been dry up there?

whats that medium sized nice looking plant in that those last pics? looks hella good!
It is not drought, Soil felt fine.

That nice looking plant is a product of the land with the thousand lakes. Finx it is called:). I have pollinated lower branches of it with a strong Blue Ryder. The one in front of that one, that I didnt harvest, is also made in Finland and is a (Stuporsonic x Lowryder) x Lowryder. Also pollinated with Blue Ryder.

and another one bites the dust, lol.

wonder what's wrong with the soil? maybe not enough N? or did it get very dry? hope you still get some viable seeds bro.
Yeah. It was pretty general concensus that it was lack of N when I posted pics of them in the infirmary too. It may be so, but I will put my money on overferting actually.

Used some purchased normal soil, lots of cowshit, chickenshit, and some supernourishing soil that you are supposed to mix with normal soil. I experimented a little bit, so I used much more than recommended on the packet.

Since the symptoms are the same at both spots I think that is the reason.

I have another seedspot, but I sure hope the seeds will mature anyway. Will try to keep a close look on the spot. Going up there next week again I guess.
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