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Post if you are taking a break!


I know this is the toker’s den, but most tokers take breaks from time to time.

With all the “bump this if you are high” and “wake n bake” out there, I thought it would be nice for tokers to come by here when they are taking a break and share why. Are you on parole? Got too high tolerance? Out of money and friends? Come on by and share with us!

Right now I am taking a break from getting high. I felt like my tolerance was way too high, and until I harvest, I simply can’t afford it at the moment. I pretty much spent my entire budget (incl. smoke and food) on getting my grow started. While it sucks right now, I am looking forward to have my own, free, smoke.

So people, why are you dry?:wave:


The Tri Guy
Ive been doing the same thing day after day for 10 years. So after the last harvest, I just didnt start a new grow. Finished smoking the last harvest and I am starting a fresh grow now. This means i cant smoke for the next 4 months. If i didnt do that, then id never take a break, this way i get no choice in the matter.


Ive been doing the same thing day after day for 10 years. So after the last harvest, I just didnt start a new grow. Finished smoking the last harvest and I am starting a fresh grow now. This means i cant smoke for the next 4 months. If i didnt do that, then id never take a break, this way i get no choice in the matter.

Probably a good thing to shake it up a bit. In 4 months you will be high as a kite by a single toke!

Will you not be smoking at all, or are you "just" taking a break from the daily smoke?

@KharmaGirl: If the threads are too much alike (and I understand if they are), just delete this one.


Good idea man. I find that unless you're ill and need cannabis, it's best to keep it to the weekends. When "high" becomes "normal," it gets kind of lame IMO. And, let's be honest, there are probably going to be some long-term psychological and intellectual consequences to being under the influence of drugs all day every day. Even fairly mild drugs like cannabis.


Active member
i was taking a break all morning till ab a hr ago, then i decided to get high cause ive been so pissed off all day about dumb shit


As an aside, I've found that growing, smelling, and ogling over cannabis can be just about as much fun as smoking it and being high. In fact, the lifestyle and the beauty of cannabis on the whole is sometimes more intoxicating and rewarding than the high. I find that when I grow, it's easy for me to stay away from using if I so desire. I'm already "satisfied," in a way.


Taking a break right now because my connects are apparently taking a proverbial shit in the woods, might be able to pick up tomorrow. And I'd grow, but my current situation doesn't really allow for that.


Good idea man. I find that unless you're ill and need cannabis, it's best to keep it to the weekends. When "high" becomes "normal," it gets kind of lame IMO. And, let's be honest, there are probably going to be some long-term psychological and intellectual consequences to being under the influence of drugs all day every day. Even fairly mild drugs like cannabis.

While I agree that cannabis related things can have a nice influence, I am not so convinced that there are longterm effects, well, negative effects on a psycological and intellectual plan. Unless you are talking about early/mid teens I don't see much scientific proof of such a thing, quite the opposite it seems... This however, is a topic for another discussion (I'd be happy to do it over PM). Let's get back to business:

Any more people on a break out there?

JohnnyATL: Unfortunatly that can be a sideeffect from starting a break. If you really want to take a break, try to do it when your enviroment is nice and stable. I have been through so much crap with my orders for my grow that I have wanted to smoke so bad today...

The world just seems a bit less mellow when you aren't high, it reminds me of why I liked weed from the very first time I tried it:)


New member
I stopped a while back after realizing that I can get a combination of prescription and non-prescriptions that are legal, inexpensive and non-habit forming. I was quite surprised when a few physician friends of mine recommended them. I will not discuss them here.

If you have contacts in the med community that are knowledgeable about these things, it may be worth your while to talk to them. I now realize that there are specific reasons that individuals self-medicate. Everyone is different, and may or may not realize the reason they gravitate to various substances. If you understand your needs, you're very unique - most people don't.

That said, cannabis strains provide a wide variety of theraputic and recreational value. If you are serious about understanding yourself and really want to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, I would recommend you do some honest research. Too much of one thing certainly does have it's drawbacks. Look around and learn.

GCF :tiphat:


On a break now .[job related] Used to think there was no withdrawals with cannabis ,last spring I posted that there wasn't, but for me, I now realize there is . Not too bad though. First week lots of dreams and less sleep. Second week without herb I get high strung and hot tempered.[maybe from a week of bad sleep?] Third week I'm normal. Tested this two times after using every night for months.


Been smoking all day every day for about 6 years, and 4 years socially before that.

In the past 6 years, I stopped once for 4 weeks. Sometimes I feel like I smoke too much. But isn't most life experiences better high?


As an aside, I've found that growing, smelling, and ogling over cannabis can be just about as much fun as smoking it and being high. In fact, the lifestyle and the beauty of cannabis on the whole is sometimes more intoxicating and rewarding than the high. I find that when I grow, it's easy for me to stay away from using if I so desire. I'm already "satisfied," in a way.

I feel the same way! I think cannabis is one of the most amazing and beautiful plants Ive ever seen, and seeing it go from seed to bud make feel like smoking less for whatever reason.


Old School Cottonmouth
I've been taking a break for a few weeks because I can't find any damn bud in my town.


The Tri Guy
I'm still on my break, not a single toke taken. daily cig counts are now through the roof, and I'm looking forward to ending my break.