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Help with stalled plants in small tent



Lights are off during the night. checked last night.

Great big plants (in soil) little bitty pots,,,,,,,

Bad combo. I'm thinking severly rootbound.

I have a Sour Bubble that just stops growing when rootbound - it stayed in a 1 gallon pot for 6 or 8 months in a sort of suspended growth spell - still green and healthy, but "stuck"

within days of being transplanted - I had a sudden spurt of growth.

I have an AK-47 that starts budding when rootbound.

Transplanting during flower can be trouble - it can shock the plant and induce hermis -

The biggest one has a 12 litre bucket(3 gallon) and the smallest has a 10 litre(2,5 gallon) bucket. Is that so litty bitty?

I have theese sizes on purpose, because I didnt want too big plants in the small tent.

Looks like your timing is off - probably vegged a little long for the size of pot and the size of the room.

If your watering daily,- definatly rootbound.

Then airflow and circulation -- looks like a prime candidate for a mold outbreak during late flower - be careful!

Yeah. You may be right. I have been considering the rootbound theory myself. The plants are old. They were started late april, and have been through a lot. Even a little bit outdoors. I had to veg for so long because my seedlings that were going outdoors needed 24-0 light regime.

Eventhough they dont have a fan blowing directly at them, the air circulation should be good I think. Plenty of fresh air from right outside the tent, that gets dragged through by the outlet fan.

I could try to repot, but I want to get the ph meter first and check that. If the Northgrowers are quick I should have it Monday or Tuesday.

Thx so much for input.:thank you:

BOM; you're welcome.

I say this with the utmost respect; do some research. If you dont know (according to yuor last post) if ''it's dark in the tent during nighttime for a long while.'' than you shouldnt even waste your time and money trying to grow. Keep pluggin away with advice from reputable sources, and you'll get there my friend! Remember that, to the plants, YOU are GOD. Only give em what they ask for.

He he. The tent is not at my house, thats why I havent checked them at night time.

I know it is a half ass attempt, but that is on purpose sort of. My main focus is outdoor plants pluss other things in life.....

I dont feel like I am wasting time or money, cause I want to learn how to indoorgrow, and I believe in learning by doing, more than learning by reading..... If you know what I mean. Offcourse both things comes in handy, but I learn so much more from doing an error myself instead of reading about someone elses error.

I still want to try to save the plants if it is possible, but I am getting more and more pessimistic as the days goes by.

I guess I will cut them down and use them for hash if all hope is out.

Then I can start a new half ass attempt microgrow lol.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
You can check root bound in 30 seconds,

Invert the plant, tap the pot, the plant should release; then look at the roots. If it's all roots and little soil - it's rootbound. When I did soil - I transplanted every couple weeks during veg stage. I learned early on, some plants do not like to be messed with during flowering, - if your plants are as badly rootbound as I think they are (stopped growing bad rootbound) they are going to need a transplant or you will be fighting problems for the rest of the cycle. - - If the plants break out in hermi outburst - it could be transplant related - just be forewarned. Hell they may be so greatful, they just keep being good girls.

size relations are difficult with photos, but in reality - it's the plant that knows when it's struggleing aginst something - our job is figgure it out. - On the bright side - it gets easier. And you got a great start. If this is your first grow - you definatly have most the basics down. Just time to fine tune and adjust.

And while I agree with help from experienced growers - I seriously doubt one of them will ever say shit like this:
you shouldnt even waste your time and money trying to grow.

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You can check root bound in 30 seconds,

Invert the plant, tap the pot, the plant should release; then look at the roots. If it's all roots and little soil - it's rootbound. When I did soil - I transplanted every couple weeks during veg stage. I learned early on, some plants do not like to be messed with during flowering, - if your plants are as badly rootbound as I think they are (stopped growing bad rootbound) they are going to need a transplant or you will be fighting problems for the rest of the cycle. - - If the plants break out in hermi outburst - it could be transplant related - just be forewarned. Hell they may be so greatful, they just keep being good girls.

size relations are difficult with photos, but in reality - it's the plant that knows when it's struggleing aginst something - our job is figgure it out. - On the bright side - it gets easier. And you got a great start. If this is your first grow - you definatly have most the basics down. Just time to fine tune and adjust.

And while I agree with help from experienced growers - I seriously doubt one of them will ever say shit like this:

Thx alot again my man from the rockies. I was there in the nineties. Great place, beautiful nature. Lovely light powder snow to ski in.

I am very excited about the rootbound theori. Going to bed now, but in the morning I will check that. Will bring the cam also.



Okeeeei. Its been a busy weekend, but I did get to confirm that my plants are doing worse everyday. My Ph meter should be here maaaabye tomorow but probably Tuesday I hope.
Checke the roots today, and they may be rootbound. I have no experience with this, but the soil/root chunk felt very packed. Especially on the ppp.

So maybe I should repot? Or are theese beoynd saving?

The PPP.






The Alaskan Ice






I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
uhhhh - yes -

loose the hydrotron rocks - get some pearlite.

pH looks close - and mostly consistant. - But check it anyway and keep it between about 5.8 and 6.2-ish.

It gets easier.


Hey rocky.:wave:

uhhhh - yes -

Meaning that they are rootbound and that I should repot, or that they are beoynd saving?

loose the hydrotron rocks - get some pearlite.

We call theese leca rocks. Dont really know what pearlite is, but will look into it.

pH looks close - and mostly consistant. - But check it anyway and keep it between about 5.8 and 6.2-ish.

It gets easier.

Yeah.... Contemplating weather I should chop theese and start over..........

:thank you:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
they're far from beyond saving, whatever else they are :)

RMH has sound advice mate, you're in good hands ;)

I wouldnt try to remove the hydroton at this stage, you'll potentially cause more harm than good breaking up the mass, I think RMH means lose the hydroton from your regime altogether, and in particular when you a start the next run :)

oh....and perlite is the little white gravely stuff that looks like kitty litter but isn't ;)

best of luck


they're far from beyond saving, whatever else they are

RMH has sound advice mate, you're in good hands

Thanx for your optimism Jamieshoes. I guess I will try to repot them today then.

I wouldnt try to remove the hydroton at this stage, you'll potentially cause more harm than good breaking up the mass, I think RMH means lose the hydroton from your regime altogether, and in particular when you a start the next run

oh....and perlite is the little white gravely stuff that looks like kitty litter but isn't

best of luck

Yeah yeah. I thought they would be good for drainage.... Will check out perlite next time I think.

Will be exciting to repot them and see what happens.

Thx again man.


Okei, They have both been repotted with pots 3 times the size they were in. Will be exciting to see how they react to that. The ppp was very rootbound I think, No soil dropped even when I tried punching it and scratching the rootball.

I have to tie them down too, but didnt get time today.

Watered with normal water, will wait for the ph meter before I use more of the ph minus water I think.

Crappy pic I know.



That looks like Root Aphid damage, phantom Ca/Mg def, but your roots look nice. any fliers in the room? that's not root bound damage. it's something else, gonna go with severe pH issue on this unless you see any fliers in the room, then maybe root aphids.


There are some of those tiny flies in there, we call them banana flies. Can they do that much damage?

I am waiting for the ph meter, but It didnt arrive today. Thx for input.


that's how it looks to me also... flush the pots with pH adjusted water then feed as normal...

In soil never water with adjusted water unless you want to water everytime with pH ajusted water. The soil have a pH buffer and if you water with a different pH water you lose this buffer will have other problems.


are they real tiny?
does their thorax have stripes on them like a tiger or zebra?
if so then you may have root aphids and yes they can kill your crop, at the worst.
you usually lose about 1/4 - 3/4 of the crop due to root aphids and if you harvest 100% there is a loss in weight and potency.
Did this show up around day 25-35?
root aphids.
little fuckers are devil bugs.

Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
In soil never water with adjusted water unless you want to water everytime with pH ajusted water. The soil have a pH buffer and if you water with a different pH water you lose this buffer will have other problems.

nice advice, so exactly how are you suggesting he correct the pH in his medium?

and are you also telling us that all the soil growers who adjust pH in feeds etc are getting it wrong?


I have a friend that is a vegetal biologist! You can adjuest pH in soil but if you do...do it from the start to the end. If you do it from middle...go ahead till the end.

But adjust pH in soil is not necessary. The pH + and - are chemical and have influence on secondary metabolism like the taste and flavor.

In other word...adjust pH in soil is a waste of time. The buffer in soil can even regularize the pH from 4.8 to 9.2!

I'm pretty sure his problem is a nutrients problem...too much or not enough! Defiency in Azote can slow or even stop the plants from growing.

I still don't understand why you guys on cannagraphic are so obcese by the soil pH...


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
In soil never water with adjusted water unless you want to water everytime with pH ajusted water. The soil have a pH buffer and if you water with a different pH water you lose this buffer will have other problems.

Some peeps check water going in - AND coming out - but canabis dosen't do as well, with improper pH And until pH is golden - it is hard to diagnose much else - pH affects nute and mineral uptake etc

and Bom,,, son,,,,

stuff like bugs in the grow is important and relative info - and the more ACCURATE info you share,,, even if your not sure it is relevent.

Also, I see your in an attic,,,, attics are usually hot - what are your temps lights on? and lights off?

One picture worth a thousand questions!!!! lol


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I would say to that...water that coming OUT don't affect the plants since this water is OUT!

Do want you want (bad religion HAHA!) but pH in soil should be the last thing to check!

But checking the out tells you about the soil. Is it acidic or alkaline. It can make a difference -

YEOW 35C is 95F!!!

That's kinda warm-ish


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Yes but understand that pH in soil is NEVER an issue! Good soil control pH by itself!

I would say to that...water that coming OUT don't affect the plants since this water is OUT!

Do want you want (bad religion HAHA!) but pH in soil should be the last thing to check!

In my garden - I check EVERY FUCKING THING.
Knowlege is a healthy garden -

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