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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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The people that keep saying... This gives the counties and towns too much power to outright ban any thing in that county.

IMHO They do this for a few reasons. Most are "home rule" they don't have to follow all state laws. My county is breaking state laws right now by banning med grows in the unincorporated parts of it... And the mile high city is trying to ban grows in the incorporated part's of it right now... Laws change often...

It also takes the "heat" off the capital, and puts it's on the shoulders of those counties or city's, with the feds and the people who oppose the weed.

There will never be any perfect law...

They just came through and broke it off in us with 1284... We had no vote... We barely had a voice on it. Sick people standing in line all day to testify and then turned away in the end...

There will never be any perfect law...

And to the asshats please read the whole thread... You might learn something...

There are some people on here who would kill it in a 5X5 and right now have their ass hanging out, no cards. I respect that.

There are some really cool cats on here who I hope come out of all unscathed... They have real concerns about their livelihood and what's next for them, I respect that.

There are some ballers on here who will always be running a game every time they get out, I respect that.

There are some brothers and sister's on here that their countries have draconian drug laws because our forefathers :wave: I'm sorry. And I hope we can turn it around for all of us! Peace and puffs


Well-known member
"Your real worry is not Oakland, it should be the central valley outdoors, they will produce Cannabis that is much much cheaper, by the ton. Sorry....."
the mans right-if you really wanna roll with the big dogs, start looking at pomegranate farms for sale


Game Bred
"Your real worry is not Oakland, it should be the central valley outdoors, they will produce Cannabis that is much much cheaper, by the ton. Sorry....."
the mans right-if you really wanna roll with the big dogs, start looking at pomegranate farms for sale
and land is getting relatively cheap down there...

not a bad idea....

:thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you:


Pricy, like most pharmaceutical products that have to go through a 10 year development and approval process. But for non-smokers that get their med's paid for by insurance it is a godsend. I believe the more forms of delivery the better, and the more patients Cannabis can help the better.


Insurance.... how many poor folk have it? hopefully in time with the work thats been set it will come down.. but there will always be profit before anything else.


did you conduct a survey?
how large was your sample?
did you publish your results?
do you prefer nps,sps,pps,or eps methodologies?

I'm not in US... and I've consulted doctors thanks for the concern though. so if I were to get it on the NHS and as I have an income I'd be paying for it!.


^yea some of what you said is true but i dont like the whole tone of "non smokers are voting for this bill because it will make it illegal to buy and sell" screw that. but really im done with this thread. i asked simple questions and cant even get straight answers just a bunch of name calling.

heres a picture to part this shit storm with.


I appreciate your conceding on my points, and I can relate to your pic... most people following this thread feel that way. I assume that you meant the whole tone of "non-smokers wanting to use this prop to keep illegal pot sales off the street", but I don't understand why that surprises you. I don't think I called you any names, but maybe I should have said "head in the sand"... same point.

I will try to find time today to look for other questions you asked here and give you whatever answers I can get... were you the one needing 5 lbs at your house and able to own guns? I don't know what ways leo could try to twist things around or what new ordinances will come about in that regard, but if in the eyes of the state you are legal with your personal grow and legal with your guns you should be good to go. Legal is legal. As we all know there isn't any magical criminal impulse that comes over stoners to vilently use guns, but we also know that since leo doesn't protect illegal businesses, people try to protect themselves with guns and I am sure that is part of the problem with the crime situation in CA or anywhere else. Either way prop 19 doesn't address that (wisely I might add), so that will be an issue for another day.

Good luck. Please vote to end prohibition... NOW is the time to take a stand and do something for the movement.


anybody on parole or probation will goto jail....

as for the rest of people. who needs more than an ounce to carry in your day to day?

if want to grow and sell for profit, do so legally. shit i thought that was our dream?? to be able to do what we love without fear of prison? maybe thats just my dream and ive fooled myself into thinking its others dreams as well. i love cannabis. LOVE IT. ive been chanting the FREE THE WEED for years.

i guess other people just see it as an easy quick means to make money and not have to work or pay taxes for it....

its true what they say. money is the root of all evil. and the fact that people on this website would vote no to legalize mj only proves it....


It is "the love of money" that is the root of all evil. Get your info straight before jumping to conclusions.


ICMag Donor
and while that 5x5 grow and smoking at home sounds nice it specifically forbids "smoking cannabis in any space while minors are present." hope you don't have kids.


You mean I can't smoke pot under this bill with my 4 kids huddled around me sucking in the second hand smoke?

Now I've seen the light. Fuck all those people being legal if I can't smoke with my kids next to me.....


yeah reality IS here to stay.

so tell me... how many "dry" counties are there in CA??? do you even know of 1 ???

you can smoke in your house, just not blowing weed in your childrens face.

weed will never be seen like ginseng. NEVER. it will always be seen as a recreational drug. just like alcohol.

accept it. reality is here to stay.

Now that is what I call a real cannabis freedom fighter. It will always be seen as a recreational drug? Nice integrity and way to support the medical patients in Cali.


ICMag Donor
Nothing personal Cooter, but if most "med users" are like some I've seen on this site, then It's a damn joke that people have abused.

How many people, based on what we hear from this site do you think are scamming so they can smoke legally?

The sad part is it's going to hurt the people that truly need it for medicinal purposes when all the others get it shut down.

In case you forgot who's really made a joke of the Cali med program, let me enlighten you.

Californians have the best of both worlds and if they want to be legal they only need to drive down the street and pay 100 bucks. Legalization!!!


No, no it's not -- and every time you use the term incorrectly you diminish the plight of people who are living, or have lived, under a genuine fascist regime.


Regulation, taxation and other forms of control do not equate to fascism. There exists a stream of thought that wishes to frame any form of limit whatsoever as fascism, but that doesn't make it correct.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

Benito Mussolini

To some people, regulate, control and tax means legalization. Just keep on responding to your programming like Pavlov's dog, as long as some slogan or buzzword is attached to the prop.

"By their fruits you will know them", but some are more interested in the name than the fruit.


Freedom Fighter
Fugin A. And you know thats been a topic here of course... In my world, it seems like a big line to cross when you go from just between you and the doc to revealing it to the state. You do that and you ARE on a list. Thats whats kept me from doing it, plus Im a small time guy so I stay below the radar as a strict rule.

I hear that down south the card may be more desirable. Are there not some clubs in LA that want a state card? None seem to care about it in the Sac area.

peace :rasta:

Let me answer a couple of these questions for you bro--
No, you cannot go into any Dispensary without your Original Rec...they don't care about the State Card, as it has none of your personal info on it, only a picture, verification #, and expiration date--
That brings me to the misconception many here seem to have, that you are now in a data base...
Question: If I get a card will my name be filed in a database to be accessed by federal law enforcement agents bent on arresting patients for medical marijuana?
MPP Answer: This is understandably one of the most common concerns about the state ID cards. However, fears of federal seizure of the state's records are often over-exaggerated. The California Department of Public Health — the agency charged with maintaining the ID card program — doesn't keep any of the cardholders' personal information. The department only keeps those records required by law: a digital photograph of the cardholder, the expiration date of the ID card, the county where the card was issued, and a unique assigned to the card. These are also the only data that is printed on the cards themselves.
Most individual counties do retain additional records of cardholders, including the ID card application paperwork. These records are sealed to ensure the privacy of the cardholders and could only be obtained by subpoena. It's highly unlikely that federal law enforcement officials would expend limited resources investigating individuals simply because they are in possession of an ID card. On the other hand, encounters with state and local law enforcement where the card may come in handy are exceedingly more common.

Hope this helps clear some of that up--:tiphat:


Nothing personal Cooter, but if most "med users" are like some I've seen on this site, then It's a damn joke that people have abused.

How many people, based on what we hear from this site do you think are scamming so they can smoke legally?

The sad part is it's going to hurt the people that truly need it for medicinal purposes when all the others get it shut down.

In case you forgot who's really made a joke of the Cali med program, let me enlighten you.

The state knows no morals. Only legal. You are playing a morality and honesty game with an entity that only knows legal or not. How is following the law scamming? I am legal but someone like yourself implies I am a scammer. That is you making a joke out of 215, not me.

Money makes the world go round and there is no way an economy as big as California cannabis is being shut down.


Your beat Cooter. Deal with it. You're the one that's made a mockery of it more than once.

What are you talking about? I said follow the law and be legal. You are acting like the doctor didn't say I have 2 weeks to live so I am not worthy of using cannabis to help my condition. I didn't make the law that makes it legal for me to possess, cultivate, consume, and share cannabis with other legal patients. I just follow it, and am therefore the scammer. The mockery is supporting fascist policies and believing they will bring you freedom.


Nothing personal Cooter, but if most "med users" are like some I've seen on this site, then It's a damn joke that people have abused.

How many people, based on what we hear from this site do you think are scamming so they can smoke legally?

The sad part is it's going to hurt the people that truly need it for medicinal purposes when all the others get it shut down.

In case you forgot who's really made a joke of the Cali med program, let me enlighten you.

I understand your point. BUT can I suggest this view:

They dont play fair and neither do we. Some of us(the people behind the movement) learned the lesson of trying to play fair by watching the Vietnam conflict unfold.

They scammed prohibition legislation. Rec users scammed them.

Remember Reefer Madness? Rec users should use all available weapons at their disposal to combat the propaganda that has infiltrated our society for so long.

This the War on Drugs(us).

All is fair in love and war.

It is not unethical for rec users to front to get an mmj rec. It's just the way they have to be AT THIS POINT IN THE WAR.

Just something to think about...?
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