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Root Rot 101- Myths Debunked


Active member
dear dizzle-

your plants growing faster than mine signifies nothing. i agree aeration, darkness, moderate temps would provide better results. even if those roots are just FEEDERS like you claim, my growth is still exceptional. bear in mind, not only have the roots been exposed to my date rape psychosis, but also the plants. ive trimmed and tweaked excessively. everything is perfect despite these facts.

lets review the facts-

my results speak for themselves.

but im trying to replicate root rot, and providing evidence that common denominators held in popular opinion here on these forums are just that; opinions.

my facts dont falter into singular opinion, because i can make factual claims based on solid and consistent evidence. the only thing that will cause root rot is temps exceeding 70f and 95f, and nurient alchemy with additives.

i appreciate your constructive criticism. even among the debate, even if somewhat opinionated and heated, i invite you to follow along and enjoy the results for yourself.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
To clarify...

To clarify...

MrDizzle knows roots.
And good growing practices.

However, I haven't seen anyone advising people to actually grow this way.

That's really not the point.
So, lets post a disclaimer here:

Kidz! Do not try this at home!
We doofuses put aside some of our alloted grow so we can afford to dick around with it and gain some actual first hand knowledge.

When I consistently had great dwc grows with water, temps pushing 90F. in the summer, and could not even buy, root rot.:)
I reasoned that high temps may speed, but do not necessarily cause, rot.
So, I used black bags to push my water temps even higher.
The tomatos didn't mind, but the cannabis was not amused.
Still, no rot.

Like my sig says, it's what you think you know, that just ain't so, that'll bite ya.
So I do lil eperiments to check what I formerly just accepted as fact.
Sounds like Ima... is doing something similar.
This, I support and applaud.

This is NOT grow advice, it's just information.:)

Aloha ya'll

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brother I dont think what I saw is exceptional growth, those are cuts, you would be shocked at your growth if you just put them in some soil. Your not reaping the benefit of DWC, your wicking water with tap roots. not to mention the fact your water level is less than an inch you have a high surface area to water ratio, anytime your shift the tray or a fan blows acrossed that water it is getting oxygen.

Im not trying to knock you down but DWC is touchy, and rot can turn your harvest into compost. I just dont think its fair to spread this info as FACT


dear dizzle-

your plants growing faster than mine signifies nothing.

You're a joke. You clearly know nothing about growing.

As I, and many others have stated - you are not "Proving Science". You are not "Debunking Myths". You are merely showing a few of the extreme cases that a plant can survive under.

If you want to actually prove anything - Grow out a minimum of 3 crops grown under the worst root conditions you can... Sorry, best in your eyes.

- Zero Aeration
- 100% nutes
- Water to the brim
- 90+ degree res temps
- Never change the water
- Veg for at least 3 weeks and flower
- Sunlight

Lets see how well your plants do under this. If you get zero plants with root rot - you have quite sufficiently proven it can be done. Good luck with that... I would bet at least one will.

However, compare that to a crop grown under prime conditions - same strain, same pheno even, same nutes, same medium just following "Proper" botany procedures and I promise you the latter crop will clearly produce well more quantity, and higher quality.

I hope for you're sake that your just trolling...


Active member
this thread has become distorted from the main topic, root rot and myths relating to causes.

Once again you haven't pointed out any myths, just shown your lack of knowledge as to why hot temps are more prone to root rot.

with r/o i have my peace of mind along with the results.

By your own admission you got root rot with R.O. water.

tap water could possibly lock nutes out causing defeciencies-POSSIBLY. thats about it- it is no facet of root rot.

Possibly? Well it could possibly help as well and save people money from having to buy R.O. water and Cal-mag to add back shit that's taken out.

92f water temps with no aeration or lid are NOT OPTIMAL conditions of growing DWC. but, what they ARE is prime examples of what will not contribute to ROOT ROT.

You are dead wrong

science trumps alchemy.

Science? You haven't put up any science yet, all you've done is mistake your good luck for something other than it is.

El Toker

here is my root rot debunking WMD. .....this is a perfect example how how cheap and easy it can be afor anyone to grow amazing budz.....



If there's a competition for the for the funniest ICMag quote I'd like to nominate this post. 9 scrawny looking cuttings in red cups and a baking tray does not a "root rot WMD of debunking" make. The poster thinking that this constitutes a DWC system speaks volumes.

For any new growers, that's the real risk with these forums.

One of the joys of smoking cannabis is that it can make a poorly thought through piece of unremarkable thinking appear like a blinding revelation of a universal truth that needs to be shared with the world. At any time on any growers forum there's always a few people evangelising about their own growing epiphanies. The fact is that there are university departments in every major city in the developed world with researchers constantly working to improve the efficiency of hydro and soil agriculture, with resources and expertise at their disposal that any of us could only dream of.

Ask yourself, what are the chances that a random stoner, with a small space in his attic, no training and no peer review is going to add anything revolutionary to the body of knowledge? Most reasonable people would judge this a a very small chance indeed, probably in the same ballpark as winning the jackpot on a lottery. Then ask yourself what are the chances that you just happened to be on that very forum the day the indoor growing revolution started.


Active member
i suggest people read this thread in its ENTIRITY. some of the reoccuring themes have become as redundant AND STAGNENT AS MY RES ; )

i am not advising people to grow this way. what i am doing is providing irrefutable edvidence that common myths of root rot are just that- MYTHS.

we'll delve deeper into the rabbit hole later tonight. i will address every comment and show my willingness to work with every cynic to the utmost of my capabilities.


Here are some questions

what is irrefutable about what you have shown us?
why do you chose to grow shitty?
Why do you chose to believe your doing DWC?
Why do you feel 9 clones is a controlled studied with scientific merit?
What do you want people to say about your 8inch plants?
Where did you get you lobotomy?
How long have you been on this earth?
Have you ever googled pythium?


Doof - First get your roots in DEEP water. Then maybe you can start talking about "Debunking DWC".

Why why why why why... i just dont get why people INSIST on growing in the shittiest conditions! Why would you rather have crap plants that grow slow, crap buds, and setting yourself up for disaster!?

For anyone reading that is giving this guy a lick of credit - compare his growth and roots to most peoples.

I sure didnt catch this at first but i get a DAMN good kick out of it now that i caught it... look at his list of materials...

cost of materials-$32. $3 for turkey pan, $17 for bag of hydroten, $2 for cups and $10 for the dime bag to get some seeds.

The reason why this is working is shitty weed loves shitty conditions and... makes more shitty weed! Its funny how the world works.

Seriously tho. Take and do your side by side. Start today. Take 4 clones off your "Dime bag bud". 2 for Proper DWC, one with a heat mat, no aeration, ect. But again... remember that it has to be DEEP water culture. Shallow water allows for just enough areation at the surface to occur. Put a lid on and you might get diff reaction...

--You're as worthless of a debater and at showing proof then the jahovas whitnesses that woke my ass up today. I guess to them, my door is not real and i cant prove it, but god is.-- Side note but it applies. You make horrible arguments and I would love to stop saying "Your grow sucks" but if left alone more noobs such as yourself will take this misinformation and spread it as more fact...


I still can`t for the life of me understand where your thought process came from by callin a buncha cuts sittin in water as "DWC".....

By adding base nutes at low ppm concentrations you think this is a "grow system" ?.......This is life support at best and most definitely not a "grow" system" much less "DWC"........

You`re doin nothin more than comparably puttin cuts in glasses of water like on a kitchen wondow sill where the sun will give em enough light to root , and the water they`re sittin in won`t drown em cuz they`re producin roots with very little energy expended on foliage as your plants most assuredly are displaying tendencies of...Buncha roots with very little internode branching , stretching , leaf formation ,etc......

I had a float valve go bad and kept one of my coco clone trays submerged in at least 1" of weak nutrient solution for prolly 10 days........

The other 9 trays were already branching off and growing before their first transplant , as to where the submerged cuts were not growing foliage at all but rather had developed a fuckin 1/2 " thick rootmat down in the bottom of the tray......Trashed them bitches rather than tryin ta separate em.......

That`s all you`re doin is growin roots dewd.......Sure ........you might be gettin some foliage growth , but you`re just foolin yourself if you could ever in a million yrs call this any type of viable grow systm.......Your plants are on fukin life support Bro ......

What`s causing this brilliant deduction of yours Doof .......The fact that they`ll live in stagnant , algae ridden water and not die?...

Nuthin new under the sun I assure yas and nothing could be further from the truth than trying to call this "Deep Water Culture"........

Weezard and doofus are trying to show how resilient a pot plant is under extreme conditions , but I ran krusty buckets for 8 yrs and I assure you that my bottom bucket temps never saw above 68 degrees and pumped out 2 1/2 lb plants religiously , so don`t tell me that water temps below 70 cause root rot........You`ve lost your fuckin mind.........No offense.........

Never used anything but GH 3 part base nutes and you`re tellin me my plants would`ve thrived and pumped out 2+ lb plants in 90 degree water?......Scroll up .....cuz you have lost your fuckin mind......

This thread has nothing to do with debunking myths about DWC........ It needsta be renamed to keep from foolin newbsters into thinkin they can grow plants under these extreme conditions and plan on harveyin on any type of regular basis without complete and utter crop failure/plants fallin down turnin ta mulch.......period...........

Publish your findings , but don`t expect this to help anyone serious bout doin things the "Right Way"..........

Good luck...DHF.........


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
As someone who has done warm water DWC (actual DWC) I can say it out produces no plant at all but, produces far less than cold water DWC. If warm water is all you can do, it can be done without rot and beats a sharp stick to the eye but, if cold water is doable, do it. Your plants will thank you for it.
Out of curiosity. Have you flowered this way before? funniest post ever...

LMFAO @ disposable hydro.... its the new line from Bic.... look for it at ur local hydro store.


Active member
i am not advising people to grow this way. what i am doing is providing irrefutable edvidence that common myths of root rot are just that- MYTHS.

And how many grows do you think it would take to do that? In how many locations? With how many water sources?

You could grow 50 times and never get root rot and that doesn't prove that hot temps are safe, only that you didn't get root rot in your garden.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Squeeze me?!

Squeeze me?!

"Weezard and doofus are trying to show how resilient a pot plant is under extreme conditions "

Um, no.

I'm not grinding an axe here.
Not "tryin' to show" much of anything.

I'm a 2L kine guy.
Lazy, but lucky.
An' you can add C fo' cheap as well.

Did DWC, (yup, actual deep water), on the lanai under the sun.
The sunlight was free, coolin the water was not.
So, hot water.
My air pumps are plugged into a UPS because once your bucket gets stagnant, 'roun' here, the girls are hosed.

I understand and apply good growing practice for my meds, and recommend that others do the same, but am still fascinated by the "fringe grows".

Ima... is futzing around and having fun doing so.
Bless his heart for dat.

While I also appreciate your analysis, there's no need to be pissin' in his cheerios.

I look for guys like I.D., to learn about limits with less personal effort and pain.
He's havin' fun, I'm learning a little something.

It's all information brother.
No call for personal attacks.



Active member
I really wish people would use normal font
I understand their desire to stand out and look original and shit
but do they realize how fugly this site would be if everybody did that
Just makes them harder to read

May as well sign my handle, not like anybody would notice the avi


Imadoofus, put down your thesaurus (faucets do not "exude" water) and pick up a biology book. For christ sake at least read wiki a bit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_rot

Until you can demonstrate a decent yield harvest with this method, and have it replicated by other growers, it is COMPLETELY irresponsible to encourage these drastic changes to widely accepted horticultural practice.

Your obviously a somewhat intelligent guy but you are wrong in so many different ways. I seriously suggest you read responses carefully and do some reading on plant physiology and pathogens. Continue your experiments but keep your new found horticultural secrets to yourself until you have evidence to back it up. Otherwise, your bound to look like a doofus and possibly even have a part in fucking up a patient's garden.


Active member
dear dizzle.

these subjects were grown from SEEDS. hence '' DIME BAG FOR SEEDS''. astute perception on the water level!!! love a keen eye ; )

ran out of r/o water atthe time i took the pics, needed to make a jaunt for more, which i have. no worries on the criticism. i was surprised too when all i thought i knew about root rot turned out to be a farce. dwc is NOT TOUCHY- only as complicated as YOU MAKE IT.


once again, im not promoting this as a revolution in hydroponics. i am, however, giving proof that root rot is not as pertinent to high temps, low d/o, and light exposure as ONCE BELIEVED.(FOR I HAVE SEEN THE PROMISED LAND!)

the roots on my plants are quite acceptable considering the conditions of the EXPERIMENT.
not only will i show you 1 healthy plant, ill do you one better and show you 9 healthy, viable plants.

heres my answers to your inquiries-

my plants are deficient and root rot free- AND FLOURISHING ; )

my grow isnt ''shitty'', only the closely controlled conditions i have CHOSEN to SUBJECT them to.

plants growing in a hydro medium with nutrient solution up to the stalk is dwc. we will expand once ive isolated a female.

these plants are 8'' because of excessive topping, trimming, and defoliation. in my insatiable curiousity ive been running 2 experiments simultaneously- root rot and defoliation. which, if nothing else, only further coraberates how healthy my plants are to be subjected to such extremes and FLOURISH.

as for the rest of your disquisition...

middle school.

30 wonderful, awe filled years.

numerous times.

stay tuned ; )


Active member

i can take anything, but dont ever question my grammer. then, its personal. and i dont own a thesaurus, i make people buy directionaries. i just read obssesively. truth is addictive.

exude- ex·ude (g-zd, k-sd)
v. ex·ud·ed, ex·ud·ing, ex·udes
To ooze forth.
1. To discharge or emit (a liquid or gas, for example) gradually.
2. To exhibit in abundance: a face that exuded self-satisfaction.

and its not plant physiology- its plant pathology. but, welcome to this thread, give me a brief moment to answer other questions and imagettoyou ; )


Active member
japan, dont make a personal atack on someone who disagrees with you- nothing conveys immaturity more than vindictiveness.

im being atacked on all fronts and if nothing else, im encouraged to prove my point by soft words and science.